What do you think this says about the mindset of the left?

Funny you should mention the internet. There's a bigger problem than the Liberal fear over Republican propaganda on the internet (which admittedly preys on people who rely wholly on TV, radio and blogs for education)

Internet providers have invested billions in Washington for the privilege of dividing the country into fixed no-compete zones where they don't have to compete to retain customers - meaning: they don't have to incur the heavy costs of innovating or offering competitive pricing. Large corporations not only merge to avoid competition, but they also make pacts to stay out of each other's region, and they lobby Washington to create impossible entrance barriers for new competitors. [Your news sources tend to under-report the way big business uses Washington to distort markets in their favor]

The US ranks 31st in terms of internet speed. Here is the problem: most Americans only have 1 option for high speed internet - they're stuck; they can't vote with their feet and discipline suppliers with rational market signals.

Allow me to say it one more time: because internet providers have divided the country into regional monopolies, they don't have to do things like upgrade from copper wire (slow and inefficient) to fiber optics (fast and efficient) in order to retain customers.

(Even Adam Smith was worried about the formation of a state protected rentier class who gave kick-backs to their political servants for the right to fleece customers)

You understand the difference between competitive capitalism and monopoly capitalism, right? Competitive capitalism is when corporations drive over the bones of the living and the dead to innovate and offer competitive pricing. Competitive capitalism is a blessing. Monopoly capitalism is when corporations use the power of government to build a fence around a product or utility and simply charge rent as opposed to re-investing or innovating to retain market share (-an absence of competition allows them to perpetually raise prices and diminish services. This is what happened in health care too, which is another thing that eroded middle class purchasing power and, by so doing, intensified the current slump. Main Street businesses are dying because too many of their consumers are being fleeced by state protected monopolies). I'm begging you to research telecom monopolies rather than dismissing my claims with pithy aggression. I'm sure you would rather see a healthy market in telecom as opposed to an over-consolidated anti-competitive rat's nest. Do you want our largest political donors to benefit from a 3rd world internet infrastructure where they don't have to upgrade or innovate? Tragically, the special interests which own Washington also invest heavily in our trusted "news" sources, which keep us dangerously uninformed about this problem.

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Less than a minute left....time to start potting up the theme.....

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why would anyone be surprised to learn that dems are against free speech?

It's been clear for years now.
I dispute the premise that liberals have "minds".

In order to continue arguing along that premise is too assume these people THINK.

It has been made abundantly clear that these people lack even the most basic critical thinking skills, and demonstrate zero independence of ideas.

Too reinforce my assertion I will point out that there are no "moderate liberals".

There are "moderate conservatives" who are apparently "more tolerant" of gay "rights", gun control, "anti" discrimination laws (that favor everyone except white males and minority conservatives) massive regulations and believe in pseudo scientific "climate data" as if it were dogma.

Where are the "moderate liberals" who support civil liberties like the 2nd Amendment, private property, or the right to life for the unborn?

As conservatives we're bombarded by mindless chatter about how WE'RE the intolerant ones, while the bed wetters relentlessly chip away at all forms of conservative speech, and insist they're the protectors of free speech. Where are the conservatives who are trying to shut down PMSLSD, CBS, NBS, ABS, or even PBS which is nothing more than publicly funded leftist agitprop? Where is the concerted effort to silence the left? Yet bed wetters demand boycotts for anything advertised on an AM radio show they're programmed to hate. They openly threaten violence against public figures, destroy private property at almost every "demonstration", and have politicians attacking private citizens on the floor of the capital.

We're told we should be worshiping at the altar of losers like Dole, Mccain, Christie, Romney, Snow and other so called "conservatives" who've made a living selling out.

I for one am declaring that my tolerance has reached it's end. I want these people defeated. I want them miserable. I want them to lose every court case, every legislative fight, and every public scuffle. I want them so miserable they fulfill their promises to expatriate their parasitic asses like they did when we kicked their asses in 2004.

We're not dealing with human beings that deserve "equal treatment", because they've proved time after time they will not treat us with even the slightest bit of compassion. They regard the rest of us as a labor resource, not individuals worthy of life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness. All of our endeavors should be oriented to the state to enrich and empower them.

Furthermore as history has shown, when leftist authoritarians gain control of a country genocide, purges, forced famines and nightmarish Orwellian hell holes develop. I'm sick to death of waiting for obozo or some future bed wetting sociopath to declare himself "chancellor", with cheers from the likes of Chris Mathews and the like, only to bring death and destruction to millions or billions of people.

The insanity of liberalism HAS TO STOP NOW. I refuse to humanize robotic parasites or give them any credit for a "mindset". Fuck these degenerate parasites. They would have all died generations ago if not for redundant safety laws.

Is this the kind of shit you dream up when you are laying in that warm puddle of piss that you bed wetters sleep in every night.

And really what the fuck is up with the blue print?

They've over-played their hand, they've jumped the shark.

It was fabulously successful for a long time, but its effectiveness is waning.



A perfect example of pigeon holing...
I myself do not fear information, quite the opposite, I yearn for all the information I can attain for knowledge upon the subject at hand. No one can make a rational decision without it.

And MOST Liberals can't make a rational argument even WITH it!

Maybe that's why so many of them don't bother with information at all.

The info about Obama was readily available.

God knows there were more than enough Conservative posters trying to educate them in 2008 AND 2012.

And America's biggest AM Radio Talk Show host made all the Liberal media when he predicted Obama would be a failure even before he was sworn in in 2008!

So, libs are just persistent in their desire to remain ignorant.

Obama has their number.

And it bugs the crap out of him that he can't work his spell on Conservatives.

And why can't he?

Because we want information and we use information and we base most of our decisions on information instead of emotions.

And that is what's behind Clinton's comments.

Educate who about what? Obama's birth certificate? College being centers for indoctrination? The world being only 6,000 years old?

Well considering colleges have hired radical left-wing terrorists such as Bill Ayers, I'd say you look rather foolish on this one... :lol:

By the way, why don't you tell us about that whole "global warming" thing again - it would be entertaining to hear after coming off of one of the coldest winters of my lifetime :eusa_whistle:
Republicans have conspiracies. Not ideas. REAL ideas threaten them.

Then why do Dumbocrats fear Republicans and send memo's about their concerns of conservatives having the capabilities to share ideas "unregulated"? :eusa_whistle:
Libs look at FoxNews like Frankenstein looks at fire

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Funny you should mention the internet. There's a bigger problem than the Liberal fear over Republican propaganda on the internet (which admittedly preys on people who rely wholly on TV, radio and blogs for education)

Internet providers have invested billions in Washington for the privilege of dividing the country into fixed no-compete zones where they don't have to compete to retain customers - meaning: they don't have to incur the heavy costs of innovating or offering competitive pricing. Large corporations not only merge to avoid competition, but they also make pacts to stay out of each other's region, and they lobby Washington to create impossible entrance barriers for new competitors. [Your news sources tend to under-report the way big business uses Washington to distort markets in their favor]

The US ranks 31st in terms of internet speed. Here is the problem: most Americans only have 1 option for high speed internet - they're stuck; they can't vote with their feet and discipline suppliers with rational market signals.

Allow me to say it one more time: because internet providers have divided the country into regional monopolies, they don't have to do things like upgrade from copper wire (slow and inefficient) to fiber optics (fast and efficient) in order to retain customers.

(Even Adam Smith was worried about the formation of a state protected rentier class who gave kick-backs to their political servants for the right to fleece customers)

You understand the difference between competitive capitalism and monopoly capitalism, right? Competitive capitalism is when corporations drive over the bones of the living and the dead to innovate and offer competitive pricing. Competitive capitalism is a blessing. Monopoly capitalism is when corporations use the power of government to build a fence around a product or utility and simply charge rent as opposed to re-investing or innovating to retain market share (-an absence of competition allows them to perpetually raise prices and diminish services. This is what happened in health care too, which is another thing that eroded middle class purchasing power and, by so doing, intensified the current slump. Main Street businesses are dying because too many of their consumers are being fleeced by state protected monopolies). I'm begging you to research telecom monopolies rather than dismissing my claims with pithy aggression. I'm sure you would rather see a healthy market in telecom as opposed to an over-consolidated anti-competitive rat's nest. Do you want our largest political donors to benefit from a 3rd world internet infrastructure where they don't have to upgrade or innovate? Tragically, the special interests which own Washington also invest heavily in our trusted "news" sources, which keep us dangerously uninformed about this problem.

Know why its taking longer for the USA to switch to fiber than Japan or South Korea?

Take a guess
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It's remarkable how liberals are completely incapable of addressing a topic in any thread on USMB. Not one liberal has even attempted to explain why the Clinton's would send a memo because they were concerned that the internet facilitated the exchange of information. It echo's Obama's desire for an internet kill switch.

It just proves that the Dumbocrats are communists. They fear not having control over other people and they hate freedom. Dumbocrats are just scared children - the thought of a wold in which everyone is not forced to row in the same direction puts them in a panic. And, as illustrated by this article and Obama's lust for an internet kill switch, so does the exchange of information (as it always does with communists).
It's remarkable how liberals are completely incapable of addressing a topic in any thread on USMB. Not one liberal has even attempted to explain why the Clinton's would send a memo because they were concerned that the internet facilitated the exchange of information. It echo's Obama's desire for an internet kill switch.

It just proves that the Dumbocrats are communists. They fear not having control over other people and they hate freedom. Dumbocrats are just scared children - the thought of a wold in which everyone is not forced to row in the same direction puts them in a panic. And, as illustrated by this article and Obama's lust for an internet kill switch, so does the exchange of information (as it always does with communists).

Yep. They claim outrage about being broad stroked but refuse to actually address the op only reinforcing the generality
lol, Patriot bumping a thread of his from 2014. What a fucking narcissist. "oNly MY thREadz mATTer!!!!"

The guy is a cave man...He believes everyone should go back to riding horsies and living in their own crap...
P@triot my ass. More like savage!
The guy is a cave man...He believes everyone should go back to riding horsies and living in their own crap...
P@triot my ass. More like savage!
It's "savage" to point out how progressives are desperate to control the flow of information, fear the open exchange of ideas, and engage in daily acts of despicable hypocrisy? :uhh:

Spoken like a true nitwit progressive Matthew. Like someone scared of losing his posh government job, fearful of having to work a real job in the private sector and actually produce results.

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