What do you think Trump still needs to accomplish?

Go bald gracefully.

Stop capitalizing random words on Twitter.

Stop saying "bigly". It's not a word.
All the respected journalists assured me that death camps for minorities, gays and non christians was inevitable as the US slid into a fascist dictatorship.

Well, I've been waiting and waiting but so far literally bupkis.

Clock is ticking, Mr Trump.
God that sounds AWESOME! Lol.
View attachment 248201
Just two. 1. Should have finished England off BEFORE attacking Russia but granted documents show Russia was planning an attack just 3 weeks after Hitler attacked Russia. 2. Should have finished the 6 million problem.
You honestly believe the “trade war” is stupid don’t you?
You seem like a ‘broad scope’ thinker...yet you really can’t see the big picture in this can you?
Are you always the type to support the tail wagging the dog?

Yes, I do believe it, because it is true.

First off, it is stupid to fight a war on multiple fronts (just ask Hitler how it worked out for him). Trump though went to war with the whole fucking world at the same time. Stupid does not even cover it.

Second, under the current system the following things have happened or are still happening...

1. We have record low sustained unemployment.

2. We literally have more open jobs than people to fill them.

3. We just set a record for the most months straight of job growth, a record that spans two administrations.

4. We are 117 months into the 2nd longest periods of economic expansion in this history of this country, only 3 months away from the record. Again, a record that spans two administrations.

5. Until the start of the trade war, we had record setting financial markets

Which of these is bad? Which of the things would you like to see changed or end.

The most ironic part is that if Trump had not started this stupid trade war we would have easily broken the 3% annual GDP growth for the first time since 2005. He shot himself in the dick because he truly thought that trade wars were easy to win.

Listen to yourself bud....you have tunnel vision, everything you said is all about today. This nation does not run by the day, the week, the month, the year...etc etc.
Would you really want our leaders to be so myopic?
This is rudimentary shit...you should always better your position when you’re kicking ass...nobody, no company and no nation ever leverages themselves into a better position during tough times....think about it logically.
Since they are catching them at points of entry daily, we shouldn’t have a drug problem, should we, according to your statement...
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

Yes, that would entail catching those drugs at places they actually enter our country, points of entry.

Then again, something has to be done about specifically white poor neighborhoods that are swallowing these things down like there is no tomorrow.

Learn to post for starters. Secondly, no.
Listen to yourself bud....you have tunnel vision, everything you said is all about today. This nation does not run by the day, the week, the month, the year...etc etc.
Would you really want our leaders to be so myopic?

The things I listed are not about today, they have been going on for years and years. They are all good things, but you want them to end...why is that?

This is rudimentary shit...you should always better your position when you’re kicking ass...nobody, no company and no nation ever leverages themselves into a better position during tough times....think about it logically.

we are not kicking anyone ass, pull your head out of Trump's for just a few minutes.

What have we gained from Trump's trade war?

What is the end game, what is a "win" out of the trade war? Give some specifics of what a win will look like.

All you do is parrot talking points, you never have a fact or a figure to support a damn thing you say. I do not care about emotions or talking points...I am a numbers person...show me the numbers.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare


Lock her up.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare


Lock her up.

I hope you are not holding your breath
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare


I like a lot of what he has accomplished,he is the first president i can remember spanning five previous administrations who did anything they said they would do.HOWEVER it all means nothing to me if he does not get rid of the CIA,FBI,FED and all these other evil three letter alphabet organizations.all that other stuff means ZEOR to me if he does not get that accomplised in the next two years when hsi first term is up. if he doesnt do that,as far as i am concerned war monger Hitlery might just as well have been elected.

i would like to be positive but so far he has shown no interest whatsoever in getting rid of those two evil organizations,that he is not a RINO like rand paul who WOULD have got rid of them.
Listen to yourself bud....you have tunnel vision, everything you said is all about today. This nation does not run by the day, the week, the month, the year...etc etc.
Would you really want our leaders to be so myopic?

The things I listed are not about today, they have been going on for years and years. They are all good things, but you want them to end...why is that?

This is rudimentary shit...you should always better your position when you’re kicking ass...nobody, no company and no nation ever leverages themselves into a better position during tough times....think about it logically.

we are not kicking anyone ass, pull your head out of Trump's for just a few minutes.

What have we gained from Trump's trade war?

What is the end game, what is a "win" out of the trade war? Give some specifics of what a win will look like.

All you do is parrot talking points, you never have a fact or a figure to support a damn thing you say. I do not care about emotions or talking points...I am a numbers person...show me the numbers.

You’ve seen the numbers a thousand times before, you don’t need to see them again...you’re simply trying to stay self manipulated. Think trade deficits and tariff imbalances....www.google.com
This shit takes time bud...I know it’s difficult for you but you have to believe that folks much smarter than you are advising your President on this issue...Trust that you aren’t privy to enough information to form a logical opinion on the matter.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare


Piss off the left unmercifully and continue undoing everything they've worked so hard for.

Solidly conservative Supreme Court.

Veto every anti-gun bill that manages to make it through the Senate.

Flip the House red in 2020.

Wage an arms race against Russia and cause them to collapse like Reagan did.

Win four more years.

Purge the government from Obama-era holdouts, seditionists, saboteurs, and Tories.

Oversee the investigation, indictment, trial, and subsequent imprisonment of Hillary. Eric Holder, Obama, and the rest of those shitheads.

4% GDP, stock market reaching 27,000, unemployment reaching 2%.

Go big or go home, I always sez.
Come on Lefties....you’re better than this. All we’ve really got from you so far is “he’s not well spoken enough and he lies”....that’s equivalent to “Orange Man Bad”.
Three things, okay.

1. That he can realize/acknowledge reality.
2. At least make one attempt to tell a truth.
3. Work on less pucker, unless wants his mouth to resemble a butthole.

1. Turn over his tax returns
2. Return the money he has stolen from military and disaster relief funds for his vanity wall.
3. Fucking resign, and take his crooked rotten kids with him.
I would add as No. 4: enter a guilty plea.
"Trump Solemnly Lays Wreath At Site Where He Would Have Died During Vietnam War If He Weren’t Rich" - The Onion
Diamond and Silk are probably gonna be President/VP one day

they'll finish what trump started
Come on Lefties....you’re better than this. All we’ve really got from you so far is “he’s not well spoken enough and he lies”....that’s equivalent to “Orange Man Bad”.

Well he did get Putin to throw the election, causing Hillary to lose. And I heard that he grabbed some pussies. And he had two scoops of ice cream that time. That was horrible.

"Trump Solemnly Lays Wreath At Site Where He Would Have Died During Vietnam War If He Weren’t Rich" - The Onion

Be thankful. Had he been a casualty of the Vietnam War, we would be entering our third year with Hillary Clinton being President.
Come on Lefties....you’re better than this. All we’ve really got from you so far is “he’s not well spoken enough and he lies”....that’s equivalent to “Orange Man Bad”.

Well he did get Putin to throw the election, causing Hillary to lose. And I heard that he grabbed some pussies. And he had two scoops of ice cream that time. That was horrible.


Don’t forget about those shoes that Melania once wore. What a BITCH!
"Trump Solemnly Lays Wreath At Site Where He Would Have Died During Vietnam War If He Weren’t Rich" - The Onion

We should all be thanking God he didn’t draft huh?
Think of all the cash the dude has pumped into the US economy....400 companies and 24,000 employed that we might not have.
Thank God for bone spurs huh?
The new Progressive Solar Space Program.

You’ve seen the numbers a thousand times before, you don’t need to see them again...you’re simply trying to stay self manipulated. Think trade deficits and tariff imbalances....

Oh yes, I have seen the oh so scary trade deficits numbers...and I have as yet to have a single one of you sheep explain why having a trade deficit is so bad. And why if it is so bad it gets larger during a good economy and smaller during a bad economy

This shit takes time bud...I know it’s difficult for you but you have to believe that folks much smarter than you are advising your President on this issue...Trust that you aren’t privy to enough information to form a logical opinion on the matter.

Why do I have to believe that? I was told the same thing about Obama, he had all these really smart people advising him...how well did that turn out?

Shit, i was told the same thing about Bush II...and that dumb fuck listened to those really smart people and invaded the wrong fucking country.

Fuck that. You are free to keep your blind faith in the government, keep believing they have your best interest at heart and all their decisions will work out if we just wait long enough...

I am moved past blind trust in my government, seems you have not.

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