What do you think Trump still needs to accomplish?

Come on Lefties....you’re better than this. All we’ve really got from you so far is “he’s not well spoken enough and he lies”....that’s equivalent to “Orange Man Bad”.

Well he did get Putin to throw the election, causing Hillary to lose. And I heard that he grabbed some pussies. And he had two scoops of ice cream that time. That was horrible.


Don’t forget about those shoes that Melania once wore. What a BITCH!

...and that jacket she wore that had "I don't care" written on the back. :laugh:
"BrokeLoser, post: 21913244, member: 59273"]
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?

He needs to 'lead', as in leader, not place blame when he looses

He needs to respect the cabinet members around him, they are not yes men from his former ceo existence.

He needs speaking lessons , spend some time with a speaking coach , listen back , etc , and loose the twitter account until he can spell as well


So you have a mold that you believe he must fit.

One any leader should aspire to

you’ve obviously created this mold based on past presidencies

Nope, i said leaders

So you’re the establishment, status quo type?
you consider a bluecollar redneck 'status quo'? with who ? the pabst blue ribbon brewery?

Say he makes said changes just for you...how does that change his policies which are really the things that will have or have had an affect on your life?

Easy, it makes me (et all) look forward to the inevitable road to perdition we're on

But i digress, allow me to make a more apt comparission for you Broke one

Trump is a Reganista , and while i did'nt always agree with RR's politics, the man could stand his ground, speak well, adjust on the fly,(remember his reply to the Doc's when he was shot ???) and came across with a level of credibility & sincerity that could sell ice to eskimo's

You see, politics has always been more the 'cover' than content , which you may /may not agree with, yet i could easily point out 2/3rds of this BB who thrive on it

I post the way it works for me on whatever device I am using. Sorry you can’t train your eyes to follow text within a box.
Now, we got that out of the way...
Here is what was found at ports of entry, in the sw sector vs field operations (between borders)


Since they are catching them at points of entry daily, we shouldn’t have a drug problem, should we, according to your statement...
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

Yes, that would entail catching those drugs at places they actually enter our country, points of entry.

Then again, something has to be done about specifically white poor neighborhoods that are swallowing these things down like there is no tomorrow.

Learn to post for starters. Secondly, no.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

He would benefit from taking the Billy Madison route and do all the school grades over again. Therapy would also be good so he could stop being such a whiny little bitch and start acting his age.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

What does Trump need to do?

How about stop spending so fucking much? The man is spending more each year than any President in history.

Why are we back to trillion dollar deficits in a booming economy?

I know why, but I bet you don't.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare


1. Build the fucking Wall.

2. Reduce the Trade Deficit.

3. Challenge Political Correctness with every breath he draws.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

He would benefit from taking the Billy Madison route and do all the school grades over again. Therapy would also be good so he could stop being such a whiny little bitch and start acting his age.

So, basically “Orange Billionaire Stupid” and “Orange Man Bad”?
Got it.
What does he have left to accomplish?

See Hillary and all of the seditious conspiratorial traitors involved in the coup attempt against him go to prison.. ..
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

What does Trump need to do?

How about stop spending so fucking much? The man is spending more each year than any President in history.

Why are we back to trillion dollar deficits in a booming economy?

I know why, but I bet you don't.

I’m sure you’re sure you “know why”....just ask you.
Shit, I’m pretty sure you Golfing Gator could run this whole fucking nation...just the two of you....just ask you two,
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

What does Trump need to do?

How about stop spending so fucking much? The man is spending more each year than any President in history.

Why are we back to trillion dollar deficits in a booming economy?

I know why, but I bet you don't.

At least we're getting out money's worth, instead of "gender study programs" in colleges, hare-brained "green energy" programs, and shipping billions of dollars off to enemies like Iran.

BTW: It warms the cockles of my heart to see one of you Trump-haters finally admit that our economy is "booming."

Be sure to thank President Trump for that.
Three things, okay.

1. That he can realize/acknowledge reality.
2. At least make one attempt to tell a truth.
3. Work on less pucker, unless wants his mouth to resemble a butthole.

1. Turn over his tax returns
2. Return the money he has stolen from military and disaster relief funds for his vanity wall.
3. Fucking resign, and take his crooked rotten kids with him.

His tax returns equate to his style of governance which equates to a better quality of life for you?
Return the money? Stole from the military? HUH...weren’t you Lefties just bitching about how much is/was spent on military? Are you just reaching..you trying to be angry?
Isn’t he simply acting on behalf of those who sent him to D.C....do you always hate it when Presidents fulfill promises made to their constituents?

His tax returns equate to his style of governance which equates to a better quality of life for you?
How the fuck can you say that when you haven't seen his returns?
And better catch up, Sparky: Why millions of people are getting hit with a surprise tax bill this year

Return the money? Stole from the military? HUH...weren’t you Lefties just bitching about how much is/was spent on military? Are you just reaching..you trying to be angry?
Doesn't matter how much liberals bitched about military spending, doesn't justify his taking the money after it's allocated by Congress, you stupid fucking idiot.

Isn’t he simply acting on behalf of those who sent him to D.C....do you always hate it when Presidents fulfill promises made to their constituents?
What promises kept? Mexico isn't paying for the wall.
Taxpayers are owing money for 2018, not getting a break.
He's coming back from NK with his ass handed to him.
Obamacare been repealed? Nope, he just fucked it up.

All you want to know about this motherfucker is what he says at his rallies. Short, simple sentences morons like you can understand.

And you turn a blind eye every time he compliments dictators like Kim and Putin. I hope you're one of the first to be rounded up.
The healthcare plan he promised
The wall Mexico was going to pay for
The coal jobs he promised
Hillary is still not in jail
The tax returns he promised
The nuclear deal with Iran to make up for the one he withdrew from
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

Make Mexico pay for the wall..
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

Make Mexico pay for the wall..

That’s it huh...he must be kicking ass for you?
The healthcare plan he promised
The wall Mexico was going to pay for
The coal jobs he promised
Hillary is still not in jail
The tax returns he promised
The nuclear deal with Iran to make up for the one he withdrew from

He REALLY fucked with the coal miners. And he KNEW he was, too.

Coal mines closing at a faster rate under Pres. Trump than Obama

Jan 7, 2019 - As a candidate, Donald Trump promised to revive the coal industry. However, across America, more and more coal-fired smokestacks are ...
Coal Power Plants Are Closing, Despite Trump's Efforts | Fortune
fortune.com › Energy › Coal

Jan 7, 2019
The EIA reports more than 30 closed between 2013 and 2016, while just ... Trump capitalized on the hopes ...
Coal Power Plant Shutdowns Ramp-Up Under Trump Administration ...
fortune.com › Briefing › Coal

Jan 14, 2019 - Coal Power Plant Shutdowns Surge Under Trump ... More coal-fired power plants closed during Trump's first two years in office than during ...
You visited this page on 1/13/19.
More coal plants shut down in Trump's first two years than in Obama's ...

Jan 3, 2019 - Under Trump, coal's rate of collapse to be 'more than twice' what analysts ... In terms of coal mining jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 1/15/19
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

Well, if you'd like Trump to get behind the New Green Deal the new estimate is $93 Trillion. Would you like to write a check for your portion or just dock your pay?

Right and smoking doesn't cause cancer.
Not smoking doesn't mean you will not get cancer.

You like to stir the pot, don't you? :1peleas::21:
Finish out His term and go away.

I'd be OK with that. I think we as a country could survive though it's going to take decades to fix our reputation around the world. Just want him gone.

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