What do you think Trump still needs to accomplish?

Relocate traitor Dem's to prison camps in Antarctica.
Naw, the new Solar Space Program! :113:

Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

I've never advocated for the legalization for recreational use of opioids. Maybe take that up with Rand Paul or whatever pseudo guardian of freedom you morons look up to.

Yes, climate change ranks high for most of the world.

Mexico paying for the wall was a campaign promise of Trump, last I checked conservatives prided themselves on lowering and not skyrocketing the deficit and therefore the debt.
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?

He needs to 'lead', as in leader, not place blame when he looses

He needs to respect the cabinet members around him, they are not yes men from his former ceo existence.

He needs speaking lessons , spend some time with a speaking coach , listen back , etc , and loose the twitter account until he can spell as well

Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

How so? How does curtailing illegals cut off drugs that Big Pharma makes here in the US?

I'd do Mexican Brown or Black Tar before I did that babby, synthetic, and purposely more addictive garbage.

I don't want none of it.
Golfing Gator.....get in here, you have Trump ranked down there with Tim Couch...you must have a laundry list...no?

1. End the stupid trade war that is slowing down the economy.

2. Get rid of ObamaCare like he said he would.

3. Cut each Executive department by at least 10% like he said he would.

You honestly believe the “trade war” is stupid don’t you?
You seem like a ‘broad scope’ thinker...yet you really can’t see the big picture in this can you?
Are you always the type to support the tail wagging the dog?
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

How so? How does curtailing illegals cut off drugs that Big Pharma makes here in the US?

I'd do Mexican Brown before I did that babby and purposely more addictive garbage.

My bad, I wrapped opioid crisis into generalized drug crisis.
Three things, okay.

1. That he can realize/acknowledge reality.
2. At least make one attempt to tell a truth.
3. Work on less pucker, unless wants his mouth to resemble a butthole.

1. Turn over his tax returns
2. Return the money he has stolen from military and disaster relief funds for his vanity wall.
3. Fucking resign, and take his crooked rotten kids with him.
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

Yes, that would entail catching those drugs at places they actually enter our country, points of entry.

Then again, something has to be done about specifically white poor neighborhoods that are swallowing these things down like there is no tomorrow.
See, this is what’s always so bizarre...LefTies seem to hate our guy more than Hitler hated Jews but all they can ever come up when cornered and asked what they hate about his governance or what they would like to see him do is....”duh, duh, duh Orange Man Bad”.

Bad Orange man is a goddamn 90s democrat and republican in name only. hardly any different in style or substance to their beloved Slick Willy except for the fact that he didn't get the memo that we're all supposed to kiss black and brown ass and praise allah.
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

Yes, that would entail catching those drugs at places they actually enter our country, points of entry.

Then again, something has to be done about specifically white poor neighborhoods that are swallowing these things down like there is no tomorrow.

Since we don't know how many people cross the border illegally and don't know how many drugs come in illegally, how can you know where they come in?
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?

He needs to 'lead', as in leader, not place blame when he looses

He needs to respect the cabinet members around him, they are not yes men from his former ceo existence.

He needs speaking lessons , spend some time with a speaking coach , listen back , etc , and loose the twitter account until he can spell as well


So you have a mold that you believe he must fit...you’ve obviously created this mold based on past presidencies...So you’re the establishment, status quo type?
Say he makes said changes just for you...how does that change his policies which are really the things that will have or have had an affect on your life?
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

Yes, that would entail catching those drugs at places they actually enter our country, points of entry.

Then again, something has to be done about specifically white poor neighborhoods that are swallowing these things down like there is no tomorrow.

Since we don't know how many people cross the border illegally and don't know how many drugs come in illegally, how can you know where they come in?

I know, it's a mystery. Could be zero. Sounds like an emergency though, amiright?
I asked friends to help me with this question. They suggested he could

1. eat shit.
2 die

but that's only 2 things.

I personally think he should

1. Quit lying so much
2. Take his job seriously
3. Realize that bullying is not the best tactic for every time..
Be specific, what are the top three things you believe Trump needs to accomplish?
We hear lots of people bitch and complain about the shit that doesn’t matter...I’m certain those same people can list three things which do matter that they would like to see Trump get done.

Here’s an example of what your list could look like:
Keep the border open
Make good Americans give illegals more free shit
Make my neighbor pay for my healthcare

Finish the border wall
Paid leave for parents
Fix healthcare

That's it.
Since they are catching them at points of entry daily, we shouldn’t have a drug problem, should we, according to your statement...
Opioid crisis.
Climate change
Mexico paying for his passion project.

What opioid crisis?
I thought you wanted the freedom to do whatever drugs you want to do?
Climate change ranks that high for you huh?
How does your life become better if Mexico pays for our wall?

Have to add, in order to curtail the opioid crisis we'd have to cut off illegals entering the U.S.
Sounds like a win win.

Yes, that would entail catching those drugs at places they actually enter our country, points of entry.

Then again, something has to be done about specifically white poor neighborhoods that are swallowing these things down like there is no tomorrow.
You honestly believe the “trade war” is stupid don’t you?
You seem like a ‘broad scope’ thinker...yet you really can’t see the big picture in this can you?
Are you always the type to support the tail wagging the dog?

Yes, I do believe it, because it is true.

First off, it is stupid to fight a war on multiple fronts (just ask Hitler how it worked out for him). Trump though went to war with the whole fucking world at the same time. Stupid does not even cover it.

Second, under the current system the following things have happened or are still happening...

1. We have record low sustained unemployment.

2. We literally have more open jobs than people to fill them.

3. We just set a record for the most months straight of job growth, a record that spans two administrations.

4. We are 117 months into the 2nd longest periods of economic expansion in this history of this country, only 3 months away from the record. Again, a record that spans two administrations.

5. Until the start of the trade war, we had record setting financial markets

Which of these is bad? Which of the things would you like to see changed or end.

The most ironic part is that if Trump had not started this stupid trade war we would have easily broken the 3% annual GDP growth for the first time since 2005. He shot himself in the dick because he truly thought that trade wars were easy to win.
All the respected journalists assured me that death camps for minorities, gays and non christians was inevitable as the US slid into a fascist dictatorship.

Well, I've been waiting and waiting but so far literally bupkis.

Clock is ticking, Mr Trump.
God that sounds AWESOME! Lol.
Three things, okay.

1. That he can realize/acknowledge reality.
2. At least make one attempt to tell a truth.
3. Work on less pucker, unless wants his mouth to resemble a butthole.

1. Turn over his tax returns
2. Return the money he has stolen from military and disaster relief funds for his vanity wall.
3. Fucking resign, and take his crooked rotten kids with him.

His tax returns equate to his style of governance which equates to a better quality of life for you?
Return the money? Stole from the military? HUH...weren’t you Lefties just bitching about how much is/was spent on military? Are you just reaching..you trying to be angry?
Isn’t he simply acting on behalf of those who sent him to D.C....do you always hate it when Presidents fulfill promises made to their constituents?

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