What do you think when you hear 'Tea Party'?

What do you think when you hear 'Tea Party'?

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Here's my impression of your average TEA PARTYIST

A patriotic American who busted their asses to make it in America, but one who has the conceit that anyone who is not on board with them is a communist.

They don't really understand why the problems exist (or who to blame) but they are fairly onboard about WHAT the problems are doing to them.

I could practically say the exact same thing about the OCCUPY WALL STREET crowd, incidently.

I think that's accurate.
Yeah, Calling people names like Tea baggers and JUSTIFYING it by showing a picture of a 70 something year old man with tea bags on his hat as if HE KNEW what Tea bagging was..

I had never heard of it until the Tea Party and I damn sure would of STOPPED calling people that after I found out what it was..

but did they on the left?

like I said, small hateful people

Talk about trying to write history, Stephanie. :lol:

And she NEVER calls people names ......

really? you go find where I've called ANYONE a ball licker (tea bagger) or Cxxt ..
Many here have been called that by you lovely people..but you go ahead and say I've done it if it makes you feel better
I think of average, every day Americans who are sick and tired of government intrusion in their lives. People who realize professional politicians have taken over the seats of government at all levels. People who realize they can no longer sit at home but must step up to actively support candidates who express their beliefs.

They are neither conservative or liberal but consider themselves citizens of the greatest political system ever devised who want to do everything they can to keep it from being destroyedl

It's heartening to see that some Righties admitted that the TP are political, despite the fact that they are arguing they are educational.

That being said, it's irrelevant to the scandal.

There are equally political progressive "non-profits" that breezed through the process and there were none that joined the ranks of the more than 500 organizations to be affected by the disparate treatment.

The IRS has already stipulated that conservative groups were specifically targeted for scrutiny and harassment. That's enough to make this scandalous.
It's disheartening to see the hate for American people from you on the left just because they belong in a Tea party..

Nobody treated the ows the way you people disrespect the Tea party...And that you still dump on the Tea party is even more Amazing even though they have been out of the spotlight for awhile...Now they are back in it because OF THIS ADMINSTATION..it's time to dump on them AGAIN by his cult members

but like I said, their own Representatives and even Obama singled them out to show his hate for them, so why wouldn't they.
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Let's see who here is honest and who isn't. This is a public poll.

Education? Really?

Only an idiot would identify the TPM with education.

Yes they do Educate
What is wrong with them wanting to Educate people on the Constitution and what the schools are implementing with Common Core Education. Talk about indoctrination of our children, Common Core is really bad.
Go to hell. You have no point to make. Flimsy, lame attempt at rationalizing the illegal actions taken by the IRS.

Yes, the OWS organizations were deserving of their tax-exempt status despite the violence, sexual assault, rioting, ect, ect. God bless 'em.

No, he's making an excellent point. The Tea Party is about politics and nothing else.
You reactionary Tea Party folks really don't want to act something stupid on Fridays when the president is praying at the mosque. He has drones at his command.
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Let's see who here is honest and who isn't. This is a public poll.

Why would the Tea Party have its own forum on a message board (USMB) that is geared toward politics if it is an organization that is about education? It's completely obvious that the Tea Party is a political organization.
The Tea Party.

I think of low born white trash. Trailer park types, overweight. Wear their Christianity on their sleeve, but don't live very social conservative lives. Lots of divorce, non-biblical 2nd marriages and 3rd marriages, kids who have sex early and often. Lots of racism and ethnic anxieties. Discomfort around blacks. Okay with socialism like Medicare D because the GOP was created it, and furious at liberals for not supporting the Iraq War enough, and blame its flop & failure on them. Seething about the fact that Osama bin Laden was killed under the Presidency of Obama and not a Republican. Used to be much more open about their Birtherism, but not so open anymore, but they still believe Obama was born in Kenya and not in the US.

They feel that they are looked down on by liberals, and about that, they could not be more right.

You should go to a Tea Party rally with an open mind, look around at the people there, and see if the picture that the media has painted for you is accurate.
You mean pictures like this?

I have been to three different Tea Party rallies and was very impressed with the people I saw. It is obvious you have not been to one. You will find that everyone is welcome if you behave and don't disrespect others. Look for yourself and don't pay attention to what I or anyone says about them.
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I am quite sure many TPM members are super people, but so many are irrelevant like Ernie S. and others are racists like Lonestar and buckeye.
You should go to a Tea Party rally with an open mind, look around at the people there, and see if the picture that the media has painted for you is accurate.
You mean pictures like this?

I have been to three different Tea Party rallies and was very impressed with the people I saw. It is obvious you have not been to one. You will find that everyone is welcome if you behave and don't disrespect others. Look for yourself and don't pay attention to what I or anyone says about them.

And yet they are complete idiots if they think the President is not a Christian.That doesn't recommend them much. Good people? They say they are about education, yet it's clear their desire is to misinform.
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Let's see who here is honest and who isn't. This is a public poll.

Education? Really?

Only an idiot would identify the TPM with education.

Yes they do Educate
What is wrong with them wanting to Educate people on the Constitution and what the schools are implementing with Common Core Education. Talk about indoctrination of our children, Common Core is really bad.

When they are still out there "educating" people that Obamacare is the end of America even after the Supreme Court has ruled it Constitutional, that's politics.

Let's see who here is honest and who isn't. This is a public poll.

Why would the Tea Party have its own forum on a message board (USMB) that is geared toward politics if it is an organization that is about education? It's completely obvious that the Tea Party is a political organization.
Good point! :lol:

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