What do you think when you hear 'Tea Party'?

What do you think when you hear 'Tea Party'?

  • Total voters
Still beating that same old dead horse huh?
I will never let up on these losers that hurt America.
How has the tea party hurt America
(1) Any racism, such as lonestar's or buckeye's, hurts America. (2) the TP cost the GOP the presidency through their hatred and rage that scared the rest of America. (3) And gave more seats to the Democratic majority. (4) That lost seats in the GOP majority in the House. (5) Screaming about Benghazi, but failing to mention the attacks and deaths at American missions in Karachi, Tashkent, Damascus, Belgrade, Istanbul, and Sana'a.
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Lost opportunity.
As long as we have "one man, one vote", we still have an opportunity.

America needs a viable 3rd party badly. Problem is, much of the things that TP'ers originally rallied around are things that do, in fact, suck about this country.
Much of the things the "bagger nation" rallied around, did not exist in the real world! They protested:
  • the raising of taxes, that were actually lowered.
  • Obama was a socialist (or a marxist), without even knowing what socialism (or marxism) is.
  • a government take-over of the healthcare system, which is a $2 trillion/yr industry.
If Obama was a socialist and the government took over the healthcare system, there would be no $2 trillion/yr industry, because it would all be government subsidized. The fact that I was personally charged $36,000 for a "one night stay" in the hospital, is proof that it isn't.

Unfortunately the overall inability to understand the collusion between both parties when it comes to selling out to corporate interests for the sake of re-election $$'s makes real change too complex.
It does make changes "complex", not "too" complex. We can change the system, if we become a well-informed republic. But that ain't gonna happen when most of American's get their information from that "box" in the corner.

TP'ers don't understand that they're supporting the same people who screwed them.
Well, there is an obvious limit to their grey matter.

Just like Liberals refuse to see how their own leaders have sold them out as well.
Some liberals do, many liberals don't.

I withdrew my support for Obama over 3 years ago, when it became obvious he was going to continue the neocon foreign policy agenda.

All of us fail to see that this f'ing circus in Washington is obscuring the fact that as a whole, Congress and the POTUS are failing us economically and are destroying our future.
Not all of us. You don't. I don't. There are many of us who don't. But the MSM is not going to report that on page 1.

Now that we have plenty of scandals for the MSM to feed us, responsible choices for correcting our financial problems need not be addressed.
I certainly hope that is sarcasm?
Lost opportunity.
As long as we have "one man, one vote", we still have an opportunity.

America needs a viable 3rd party badly. Problem is, much of the things that TP'ers originally rallied around are things that do, in fact, suck about this country.
Much of the things the "bagger nation" rallied around, did not exist in the real world! They protested:
  • the raising of taxes, that were actually lowered.
  • Obama was a socialist (or a marxist), without even knowing what socialism (or marxism) is.
  • a government take-over of the healthcare system, which is a $2 trillion/yr industry.
If Obama was a socialist and the government took over the healthcare system, there would be no $2 trillion/yr industry, because it would all be government subsidized. The fact that I was personally charged $36,000 for a "one night stay" in the hospital, is proof that it isn't.

It does make changes "complex", not "too" complex. We can change the system, if we become a well-informed republic. But that ain't gonna happen when most of American's get their information from that "box" in the corner.

Well, there is an obvious limit to their grey matter.

Some liberals do, many liberals don't.

I withdrew my support for Obama over 3 years ago, when it became obvious he was going to continue the neocon foreign policy agenda.

All of us fail to see that this f'ing circus in Washington is obscuring the fact that as a whole, Congress and the POTUS are failing us economically and are destroying our future.
Not all of us. You don't. I don't. There are many of us who don't. But the MSM is not going to report that on page 1.

Now that we have plenty of scandals for the MSM to feed us, responsible choices for correcting our financial problems need not be addressed.
I certainly hope that is sarcasm?

Your hate for the Tea Party is duly noted..as for the rest of your condensending post, they supposedly called him a socialist without knowing what it is and what some people (not just Tea Party) said about the socialist-commie health care called ObamaCare (when people are FORCED to buy it or PAY A FINE by the Government) that Obama shoved on the people..... blaaa blaaa blaaa
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Your hate for the Tea Party is duly noted..
It's not really hate. It's more like contempt and disdain towards dumbass American's who think they should participate in the politics of this country without educating themselves on the real issues of the day. As a result, we waste a lot of time and taxpayer dollars on bullshit issues.

Christ, they marched on Washington just 6 months into Obama's first term! Who the fuck does that? What the hell can a President (any President) do in his first 6 months that would warrant a march on Washington? He's still doing his "meet 'n greet", not pushing any noteworthy legislation that would cause such an uproar, yet they marched! There are only 2 other marches (that size) to rally in Washington:
  1. MLK civil rights march
  2. Iraq anti-war march
Those were real protests regarding real issues. That shows just how stupid the "bagger nation" is. They're an astro-turf movement funded by the Koch Brothers, organized by Freedom Works and promoted by Fox.

as for the rest of your condensending post, they supposedly called him a socialist without knowing what it is and what some people (not just Tea Party) said about the socialist-commie health care called ObamaCare (when people are FORCED to buy it or PAY A FINE by the Government) that Obama shoved on the people..... blaaa blaaa blaaa
That proves he's not a socialist! Not only did the government not take over the healthcare industry, the healthcare lobby made him take out the "public option" and put in the insurance mandate. Instead of Obama being the despotic socialist baggers claimed he was, he whinds up being a corporate bitch, doing what he's told like a good little whore!
The current definition of 'social welfare' to qualify organizations for tax-exempt status permits a purportedly educational organization such as the TP to run an overt political agenda within it.
I think of fine china and little girls in white gloves.


I am quite sure many TPM members are super people, but so many are irrelevant like Ernie S. and others are racists like Lonestar and buckeye.

I am quite sure that many [Deomcrats, Republicans, Christians, Hindus, blacks, Chinese, ____________] are super people, but many are irrelevant and others are racists.

Wow! I see how that works. Just pick some demographic you don't care for and apply the talking points labels of the day.
I am quite sure many TPM members are super people, but so many are irrelevant like Ernie S. and others are racists like Lonestar and buckeye.

I am quite sure that many [Deomcrats, Republicans, Christians, Hindus, blacks, Chinese, ____________] are super people, but many are irrelevant and others are racists.

Wow! I see how that works. Just pick some demographic you don't care for and apply the talking points labels of the day.

good ole Jakie the fakie Republican..:uhoh3:
I am quite sure many TPM members are super people, but so many are irrelevant like Ernie S. and others are racists like Lonestar and buckeye.

I am quite sure that many [Deomcrats, Republicans, Christians, Hindus, blacks, Chinese, ____________] are super people, but many are irrelevant and others are racists.

Wow! I see how that works. Just pick some demographic you don't care for and apply the talking points labels of the day.

Thanks. That's what folks do on the board, Gallant Warrior, to all groups. But . . . that does not make some of the observations incorrect. We are fortunate here that most of the crazies in the TP are a very small group that follow Glenn Beck and most of the nuts to the far left are nothing more than recycled McGovernites.

If folks would use terms, definitions, and historical narratives honestly and accurately, the Board would be a much better forum. However, that would mean the extremists would have little to say and a few (maybe more than a few) would take their mean-spiritedness elsewhere.
The current definition of 'social welfare' to qualify organizations for tax-exempt status permits a purportedly educational organization such as the TP to run an overt political agenda within it.

Do you think an organization like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?
The current definition of 'social welfare' to qualify organizations for tax-exempt status permits a purportedly educational organization such as the TP to run an overt political agenda within it.

Do you think an organization like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?

No, ACORN does not deserve such status. I think the qualification of tax-exempt organization is fraudulent, a way to push propaganda and channel money. Both parties do it, I think.

I say take away all tax-exempt statuses, including religious: level the playing field.
I am quite sure many TPM members are super people, but so many are irrelevant like Ernie S. and others are racists like Lonestar and buckeye.

I am quite sure that many [Deomcrats, Republicans, Christians, Hindus, blacks, Chinese, ____________] are super people, but many are irrelevant and others are racists.

Wow! I see how that works. Just pick some demographic you don't care for and apply the talking points labels of the day.

Thanks. That's what folks do on the board, Gallant Warrior, to all groups. But . . . that does not make some of the observations incorrect. We are fortunate here that most of the crazies in the TP are a very small group that follow Glenn Beck and most of the nuts to the far left are nothing more than recycled McGovernites.

If folks would use terms, definitions, and historical narratives honestly and accurately, the Board would be a much better forum. However, that would mean the extremists would have little to say and a few (maybe more than a few) would take their mean-spiritedness elsewhere.

Somebody else, loinboy, I think, mentioned that he considers TP folks to be poorly educated about political issues. That condemnation, too, can be applied across the entire spectrum of voters (and non-voters). He also observed that too many people nowadays get their information from the boob tube, and he's right. So, I wonder, if you substitute 'Tea Party' in the title of the OP with...let's say, Muslim, how would the people responding to that correlate to their responses here, now?
The current definition of 'social welfare' to qualify organizations for tax-exempt status permits a purportedly educational organization such as the TP to run an overt political agenda within it.

Do you think an organization like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?

No, ACORN does not deserve such status. I think the qualification of tax-exempt organization is fraudulent, a way to push propaganda and channel money. Both parties do it, I think.

I say take away all tax-exempt statuses, including religious: level the playing field.

I don't see a problem with eliminating tax exempt status. All the Fed has to do is eliminate the tax exemptions for charitable contributions. Then we wouldn't have to read so-called news about the Clinton's contributing their used undies to charity.
I am quite sure that many [Deomcrats, Republicans, Christians, Hindus, blacks, Chinese, ____________] are super people, but many are irrelevant and others are racists.

Wow! I see how that works. Just pick some demographic you don't care for and apply the talking points labels of the day.

Thanks. That's what folks do on the board, Gallant Warrior, to all groups. But . . . that does not make some of the observations incorrect. We are fortunate here that most of the crazies in the TP are a very small group that follow Glenn Beck and most of the nuts to the far left are nothing more than recycled McGovernites.

If folks would use terms, definitions, and historical narratives honestly and accurately, the Board would be a much better forum. However, that would mean the extremists would have little to say and a few (maybe more than a few) would take their mean-spiritedness elsewhere.

Somebody else, loinboy, I think, mentioned that he considers TP folks to be poorly educated about political issues. That condemnation, too, can be applied across the entire spectrum of voters (and non-voters). He also observed that too many people nowadays get their information from the boob tube, and he's right. So, I wonder, if you substitute 'Tea Party' in the title of the OP with...let's say, Muslim, how would the people responding to that correlate to their responses here, now?

Muslim, Christian, Jew? I think a lot of fury would ensue.
Do you think an organization like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?

No, ACORN does not deserve such status. I think the qualification of tax-exempt organization is fraudulent, a way to push propaganda and channel money. Both parties do it, I think.

I say take away all tax-exempt statuses, including religious: level the playing field.

I don't see a problem with eliminating tax exempt status. All the Fed has to do is eliminate the tax exemptions for charitable contributions. Then we wouldn't have to read so-called news about the Clinton's contributing their used undies to charity.

:lol: I would think the rich supporters of the Bushes and the Clintons can easily contribute to their libraries and programs without charitable deduction.

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