What do you think when you hear 'Tea Party'?

What do you think when you hear 'Tea Party'?

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No, ACORN does not deserve such status. I think the qualification of tax-exempt organization is fraudulent, a way to push propaganda and channel money. Both parties do it, I think.

I say take away all tax-exempt statuses, including religious: level the playing field.

I don't see a problem with eliminating tax exempt status. All the Fed has to do is eliminate the tax exemptions for charitable contributions. Then we wouldn't have to read so-called news about the Clinton's contributing their used undies to charity.

:lol: I would think the rich supporters of the Bushes and the Clintons can easily contribute to their libraries and programs without charitable deduction.

Hard to say whether they would, or not. Lot's the non-rich, like myself, manage to find ways to contribute to our communities.
One always finds a way to contribute through time or effort or money or all three if one is committed.
I wonder what would happen to charitable contributions if they were eliminated as a tax break? Lots of big companies and wealthy people do contribute a lot of money to a wide range of programs. The wealthy established lots of charitable foundations long before the tax exemptions existed.
Did I say it still existed?
You spoke of them in the present tense!

I'm not a mind reader!

Actually, this is what I wrote:
Do you think an organization like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?
I used ACORN as an example of a type of organization, there is no specific indication of present or past tense. You read it one way. I'm really not in the mood to make this some big issue about semantics.
I will ask you the question. Do you think organizations like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?
Did I say it still existed?
You spoke of them in the present tense!

I'm not a mind reader!

Actually, this is what I wrote:
Do you think an organization like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?
I used ACORN as an example of a type of organization, there is no specific indication of present or past tense. You read it one way. I'm really not in the mood to make this some big issue about semantics.
I will ask you the question. Do you think organizations like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?

'Should be' is present tense.

'Should have been' is past tense.

You're a Limey, so I don't expect you to talk no good English. :)
I used ACORN as an example of a type of organization, there is no specific indication of present or past tense. You read it one way. I'm really not in the mood to make this some big issue about semantics.
I will ask you the question. Do you think organizations like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?
Okay, when you put it that way, my answer is "no", organizations like ACORN (was), should not receive "tax exempt status", because that is for organizations who don't take part in the political process. Organizations who do, should lose that status.
I used ACORN as an example of a type of organization, there is no specific indication of present or past tense. You read it one way. I'm really not in the mood to make this some big issue about semantics.
I will ask you the question. Do you think organizations like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?
Okay, when you put it that way, my answer is "no", organizations like ACORN (was), should not receive "tax exempt status", because that is for organizations who don't take part in the political process. Organizations who do, should lose that status.

Thanks for the answer. I see we agree on this point.
You spoke of them in the present tense!

I'm not a mind reader!

Actually, this is what I wrote:
Do you think an organization like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?
I used ACORN as an example of a type of organization, there is no specific indication of present or past tense. You read it one way. I'm really not in the mood to make this some big issue about semantics.
I will ask you the question. Do you think organizations like ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?

'Should be' is present tense.

'Should have been' is past tense.

You're a Limey, so I don't expect you to talk no good English. :)

But gallantwarrior didn't say "Do you think ACORN should be granted tax exempt status?" gallantwarrior referred to organizations "like" ACORN, not ACORN specifically. ACORN is just an example of a type of organization.

So, should that "type" of organization be granted tax free status?
I wonder what would happen to charitable contributions if they were eliminated as a tax break? Lots of big companies and wealthy people do contribute a lot of money to a wide range of programs. The wealthy established lots of charitable foundations long before the tax exemptions existed.

Churches nationwide would become insolvent for one thing.

I suspect that most charity money is ALREADY beyond taxation as it is coming from already well funded Charitable Foundations.
When I think of teabaggers I think of people who have trouble spelling, and who think they do not need the government for anything, even though most live off of Social Security and Medicare.


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When I think of teabaggers I think of people who have trouble spelling, and who think they do not need the government for anything, even though most live off of Social Security and Medicare.

oh right, they live lavish lives off Social security, that is why a lot of Seniors still have to WORK after they RETIRE.. AND by the way they PAID INTO SS ALL THEIR WORKING LIVES yet you spit them for drawing it.....you are the perfect example of a no class hateful liberal and have no room to talk about others
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When I hear of Tea Party I think of victims of a corrupt and abusive IRS. They are certainly waking up after the government stepped on them and tried to wipe them out of existence. If the liberals were pissed off at them in the past, they're about to get REALLY pissed off at them now. Nothing strengthens an organization than being proven right. The Tea Party warned against the tyranny of a big government. The IRS has proven every point the Tea Party made was correct. Let's sit back, have some popcorn, and watch the Obamanites go nuts!
When I hear of Tea Party I think of victims of a corrupt and abusive IRS. They are certainly waking up after the government stepped on them and tried to wipe them out of existence. If the liberals were pissed off at them in the past, they're about to get REALLY pissed off at them now. Nothing strengthens an organization than being proven right. The Tea Party warned against the tyranny of a big government. The IRS has proven every point the Tea Party made was correct. Let's sit back, have some popcorn, and watch the Obamanites go nuts!

You see a lot of people dismiss the abuse by the Irs because they are the Tea Party..How they can take the side of Government abuse over their fellow Americans is sad

I like and agree with your post..
When I hear of Tea Party I think of victims of a corrupt and abusive IRS. They are certainly waking up after the government stepped on them and tried to wipe them out of existence. If the liberals were pissed off at them in the past, they're about to get REALLY pissed off at them now. Nothing strengthens an organization than being proven right. The Tea Party warned against the tyranny of a big government. The IRS has proven every point the Tea Party made was correct. Let's sit back, have some popcorn, and watch the Obamanites go nuts!

You see a lot of people dismiss the abuse by the Irs because they are the Tea Party..How they can take the side of Government abuse over their fellow Americans is sad

I like and agree with your post..

Thank you. I shall await for your rep. :)
When I think of teabaggers I think of people who have trouble spelling, and who think they do not need the government for anything, even though most live off of Social Security and Medicare.

oh right, they live lavish lives off Social security, that is why a lot of Seniors still have to WORK after they RETIRE.. AND by the way they PAID INTO SS ALL THEIR WORKING LIVES yet you spit them for drawing it.....you are the perfect example of a no class hateful liberal and have no room to talk about others

Social Security and Medicare are two of the most expensive programs in the federal budget. They are not paid for with gold coins stored in the basement of the Treasury Building. They are paid for with current taxes. It is not possible to cut taxes and balance the budget without making deep cuts in both programs.
When I think of teabaggers I think of people who have trouble spelling, and who think they do not need the government for anything, even though most live off of Social Security and Medicare.

oh right, they live lavish lives off Social security, that is why a lot of Seniors still have to WORK after they RETIRE.. AND by the way they PAID INTO SS ALL THEIR WORKING LIVES yet you spit them for drawing it.....you are the perfect example of a no class hateful liberal and have no room to talk about others

Social Security and Medicare are two of the most expensive programs in the federal budget. They are not paid for with gold coins stored in the basement of the Treasury Building. They are paid for with current taxes. It is not possible to cut taxes and balance the budget without making deep cuts in both programs.

That's a lie!
oh right, they live lavish lives off Social security, that is why a lot of Seniors still have to WORK after they RETIRE.. AND by the way they PAID INTO SS ALL THEIR WORKING LIVES yet you spit them for drawing it.....you are the perfect example of a no class hateful liberal and have no room to talk about others

Social Security and Medicare are two of the most expensive programs in the federal budget. They are not paid for with gold coins stored in the basement of the Treasury Building. They are paid for with current taxes. It is not possible to cut taxes and balance the budget without making deep cuts in both programs.

That's a lie!

How is it a lie? Document your factual assertions from credible sources.
When I think of teabaggers I think of a mob of hysterical old cranks. It is not possible to cut taxes, maintain current Social Security and Medicare payments, and balance the budget. They are too stupid to realize that. :cuckoo:

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