What Do You Think Will Happen To Our Country If Trump Goes To Prison?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
And what would we talk about anymore on USMB? Because it seems like there won't be anything to talk about anymore as all hope would seem lost our country would fall to war and America would never be saved. I've talked about how I would feel like I would have to surrender to the democrats on here and admit defeat and leave here because what else can I say if there would be no more hope in getting our country restored? I don't even know everything that would happen under a communist democratic nation (as it would be a whole lot worse then) but I don't even want to know either.
And what would we talk about anymore on USMB? Because it seems like there won't be anything to talk about anymore as all hope would seem lost our country would fall to war and America would never be saved. I've talked about how I would feel like I would have to surrender to the democrats on here and admit defeat and leave here because what else can I say if there would be no more hope in getting our country restored? I don't even know everything that would happen under a communist democratic nation (as it would be a whole lot worse then) but I don't even want to know either.
The Democraps will have to find a replacement for Biden.....but they'll still lose to Trump.

If they try to send Trump to prison somebody is gonna get kilt. :iagree:
And what would we talk about anymore on USMB? Because it seems like there won't be anything to talk about anymore as all hope would seem lost our country would fall to war and America would never be saved. I've talked about how I would feel like I would have to surrender to the democrats on here and admit defeat and leave here because what else can I say if there would be no more hope in getting our country restored? I don't even know everything that would happen under a communist democratic nation (as it would be a whole lot worse then) but I don't even want to know either.
In that case there will be a massive celebration at least on the board. Bon voyage.

As for everything else, life goes on.
I don't think that's very likely. More likely is the President Trump will fly down with his family to Buenos Aires and get political asylum from the friendly Argentine government.
There will be one good thing that happens if Trump goes to jail. The Democrats will purge the Democrats of the people like the ones posting on USMB. It happens in all countries where dictators takeover.

Hitler killed his supporters. Stalin killed his supporters. Castro, Mao, Pol Pot. Everywhere the socialist dictators have taken over, the socialist intellects and supporters are purged.

Goodbye democrats.
This is why Mad Maxine has been flapping her mouth lately.

They want to murder Trump in his cell, and he may not go willingly.

If something happens to Trump, Max Waters won't last long (I suspect). Neither will Pelosi, Warren, Sanders, and whole lot of others.

Not advocating. Just sayin'
And what would we talk about anymore on USMB? Because it seems like there won't be anything to talk about anymore as all hope would seem lost our country would fall to war and America would never be saved. I've talked about how I would feel like I would have to surrender to the democrats on here and admit defeat and leave here because what else can I say if there would be no more hope in getting our country restored? I don't even know everything that would happen under a communist democratic nation (as it would be a whole lot worse then) but I don't even want to know either.
You MAGAs have been having wet dreams about a war for a long time. There will be nothing that could be considered a war. The proud boys and MAGA cult members who are stupid enough to arm themselves will be slapped down by our military before they can figure out what happened to them.
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And what would we talk about anymore on USMB? Because it seems like there won't be anything to talk about anymore as all hope would seem lost our country would fall to war and America would never be saved. I've talked about how I would feel like I would have to surrender to the democrats on here and admit defeat and leave here because what else can I say if there would be no more hope in getting our country restored? I don't even know everything that would happen under a communist democratic nation (as it would be a whole lot worse then) but I don't even want to know either.
If your movement is so weak and bereft of ideas that you need a Game Show Rodeo clown to save it, then maybe your movement doesn't have any merit.
What's going to happen to our country if Trump goes to jail?

Nothing.... MAGAtts aren't going to do jack-$hit... stupid people don't plan well... nor do they execute well...

Gullible People like that will squeal like little piggies for a while and then they'll quietly go back to living their lives...

Finally freed from their thralldom... some of them may even be redeemable as law-respecting citizens once again...

It'll be another generation or two before another P.T. Barnum clone finds another collection of suckers like that... :cool:
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And what would we talk about anymore on USMB? Because it seems like there won't be anything to talk about anymore as all hope would seem lost our country would fall to war and America would never be saved. I've talked about how I would feel like I would have to surrender to the democrats on here and admit defeat and leave here because what else can I say if there would be no more hope in getting our country restored? I don't even know everything that would happen under a communist democratic nation (as it would be a whole lot worse then) but I don't even want to know either.
Communism will continue to make inroads but faster than ever.
"But in the end, the centerpiece of communism is jailing your political opponents. " Wayne Allyn Root

  • Steve Bannon is Headed to Prison. I’ve Warned for 3+ Years This is a Communist Takeover of America. All Roads Lead to Obama.​

    June 6, 2024

By Wayne Allyn Root
I don’t mean to say I told you so. But for over 3 years I’ve been screaming from the highest mountains that what we are seeing and experiencing is a communist takeover of the USA.
Last week it was President Trump being falsely persecuted and convicted. Today it’s Steve Bannon being sent to prison. Who’s next to be persecuted by this administration?

The answer is anyone who can help the Democrats stay in power.
I’ve argued and warned since the day of Biden’s election that this would be Obama’s third term. Biden is a brain-dead zombie puppet with diapers, who belongs in a nursing home. All along, Obama has been the real President, giving the orders, and coordinating this communist takeover of the USA.
The rigged 2020 election? This had Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

[read more] Steve Bannon is Headed to Prison. I’ve Warned for 3+ Years This is a Communist Takeover of America. All Roads Lead to Obama. - Wayne Allyn Root

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