"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

Some of the statistics tied to human trafficking are very alarming. Every 30 seconds, another person becomes a victim of human trafficking and the average age of a trafficking victim is 12 years old. One of the most sobering statistics is 300,000 underage girls are sold for sex in America per year and 15 times per day, a trafficked minor is sold for sex.
What is the basis for that contention other than you not liking black people apparently.
Of all the races of the world in 1600 to 1965 black africans would have been the least welcome in the United States for immigration

Thats just a historical fact

So without slavery its doubtful if any of the black posters on this forum would be here today
what was "wrong" about the answer? Anyone who imagines that slavery was the only reason for the Civil War is wrong
Be careful here

You have caught the attention of the Know-All class, namely Mac1958 and his understudy Golfing Gator

If they decide you are not being kind to lib’s number one pet minority aka black people you will regret it

Just apologize and tell them you have reconsidered and now you see it their way

Then they might let you off with just a warning
No, it wasnt. Our history is more complicated than a fifth grade social studies book.

Actually, it was incredibly simple. A bunch of rich white people wanted to keep owning slaves, and a bunch of poor white people didn't want newly freed slaves fucking their sisters because that was their job!

The American South. Stupid then, Stupid Now.
Of all the races of the world in 1600 to 1965 black africans would have been the least welcome in the United States for immigration

Thats just a historical fact

So without slavery its doubtful if any of the black posters on this forum would be here today

But someone kidnapped them and brought them here... so here we are.
But he (Lincoln) didnt think the fed gov had the authority to abolish it. He also supported the corwin amendment.
IDK why you people try to make him out to be some sort of hero.

Because he saved the Union and ended slavery. That's why he's a hero.

True, he didn't start out that way. He desperately wanted to avoid the war that the Inbreds forced on him. Much like FDR, he tried to make a better world after the war.
YOU are excusing Slavery. Slavery was one of central reason for the Civil War and YOU and other Cons want to gloss over it.

Slavery was also a state right, along with several things. This is the chicken and the egg argument.
Full disclosure. I am proud to be a born a bred Southerner. Here is a synopsis of what I was taught from elementary school all the way through college regarding the reason for the Civil War. There are some semantics in play here on both sides.

The first state to secede was SC, so will quote from their Declaration of Secession. They refer to “slaveholding“ states to delineate them from others, however, the primary reason they cite for their secession, first and foremost was states rights. Many like to selectively quote sections regarding slavery from these declarations but conveniently omit the verbiage that lays the foundation for those statements.

Thus were established the two great principles asserted by the Colonies, namely: the right of a State to govern itself; and the right of a people to abolish a Government when it becomes destructive of the ends for which it was instituted. And concurrent with the establishment of these principles, was the fact, that each Colony became and was recognized by the mother Country a FREE, SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT STATE.

The primary right they were defending, in addition to taxation, was slavery, but the reason they seceded was that fact they they didn’t feel they have the ability to govern itself and that the federal government had overstepped its authority. They seceeded due to what they felt was a breach of contract regarding states rights. One of those rights was most certainly the institution of slavery.

Yup, you are so proud you won't tell us which inbred state you live in.

The Civil War was about slavery and only slavery. A lot of the bullshit about taxation was rationalizations the South made up after they lost the war because they no doubt felt really stupid.

There was no excuse for the South to secede, and no reason to be proud of any of that today.
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Actually, it was incredibly simple. A bunch of rich white people wanted to keep owning slaves, and a bunch of poor white people didn't want newly freed slaves fucking their sisters because that was their job!

The American South. Stupid then, Stupid Now.
Good lord :lol:
Because he saved the Union and ended slavery. That's why he's a hero.

True, he didn't start out that way. He desperately wanted to avoid the war that the Inbreds forced on him. Much like FDR, he tried to make a better world after the war.
He didnt end slavery.
Gawddamn, you people and your revisionist BS

Slavery was the state right they chose to be the cornerstone of their new Constitution. It doesn’t negate the fact that the reason for the war was to protect the sovereignty of each state, which Stephen’s lays out quite well before ever even mentioning slavery.

Again, selective quoting without context often leads to a misrepresentation of intent. We have seen this throughout the Trump presidency by the MSM, so it is nothing new. It works on those who aren’t willing or capable of doing their own due diligence.

Or Trump could not say stupid shit that people could point out.

The notion that "We were fighting for state's rights" was kind of silly, given that the Confederacy did all the other things, including taxation, that they were whining about the Union doing.
He didnt end slavery.
Gawddamn, you people and your revisionist BS

Sure he did. He introduced the 13th Amendment that ended slavery.

Our Greatest President.

And the very reason they were able to form that new government was because they broke away from the Union, which was enforcing many laws, not just re. slavery, on the Confederate states. Slavery was not the only state right that the Confederate states had an problem with.

Except the new government enforced the very same laws that they were supposedly complaining about, including instituting a draft, suspending habeas corpus, and taxation.

The revisionist history was on the Southern Side. The South lived in mortal terror that once freed, black people would exact revenge for slavery. This is what the Civil War was about. The realization that someone as openly anti-slavery as Lincoln could get elected at all.

It probably won't hurt her with Independent voters, either, as she's still probably the best alternative to Trump. I would say she just blew the black vote, though. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I thought she was a better politician than that. True, it was a setup by a Democrat, but that is no excuse for candidate stupidity, falling victim so easily, with an answer that did not even mention it. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Poor Nikki, showing she really doesn't think fast on her feet, after all.
Blacks weren't voting for any Republican.

The real problem is the GOP has become a cult of personality. That's why she'll end up losing to Trump, because your average Republican just can't admit they made a mistake in 2016.
Lincoln : "I dont care about blacks. I support a constitutional amendment to make slavery legal forever. But I do care about the economy, so I am going to block the confederates ports, so they will be forced to come back to the union"
-Ports blocked, civil war starts-
People with a fifth grade education - "but muh slavery caused the civil war"

Except Lincoln didn't start the civil war, the South did.

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