"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

Nikki Hally is many things, but not stupid enough to not know the Civil War was about slavery.

Slavery required a civil war to end because too many rich people were invested in slavery and poor white people were invested in the inequities that came along with it. The last thing your poor white person was to compete with a black person as an equal. They still don't want that TODAY, for Christ Sakes.
The history simply does not support your 'woke' version of the facts.
I disagree. She's a presidential candidate and this is an important issue.

She failed, clearly.
December29, 1890 elements of United States 7th. Cavalary massacred 150 to 300 Lakota at Wounded Knee. IF far right conservatives had their way, this piece of ugly U.S. history will never be taught. History books are being rewritten, glossing over the horrors of Slavery.

As a canidate for the Republican Nomination for president, Haley failed. She was Governor of South Carolina, the first state to secede and where the first shots of the Civil War fired. Rather admit than that Slavery was one of the primary causes of that, she gave a rant on "Freedom". She totally ignored the hypocrisy of that statement, Slaves had no freedom or rights.

She deliberately avoided the question and the next day she tried to cover her ass and failed. Then she tried deflect blame on her failure for a forthright answer by claming the question was from "Democrat" plant. Of course she cannot prove the person who posed the was plant. She refuses to accept responsibility for her failure.

As Governor of South Carolina (first to secede and where the Civil War Started) Haley fought against taking the Confederate Flag, an ugly reminder of the failed attempt sunder our country. That flag is symbol of Slavery. She fought to let it fly.

She either to cowed by MAGA or she is a racist. I'm going with racist.
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At time in which far right conservatives are rewriting history books to gloss slavery, the outright genocide of Native Americans (today is anniversary of

December29, 1890 elements of United States 7th. Cavalary massacred 150 to 300 Lakota at Wounded Knee. IF far right conservatives had their way, this piece of ugly U.S. history will never be taught. History books are being rewritten, glossing over the horrors of Slavery.

As a canidate for the Republican Nomination for president, Haley failed. She was Governor of South Carolina, the first state to secede and where the first shots of the Civil War fired. Rather than that Slavery was one of the primary causes of that, she a rant on "Freedom". She totally ignored the hypocrisy of that statement, Slaves had no freedom or rights.

She deliberately avoided the question and the next day she tried to cover her ass and failed. Then she tried deflect blame on her failure for a forthright answer by claming the question was from "Democrat" plant. Of course she cannot prove the person who posed the was plant. She refuses to accept responsibility for her failure.
As Governor of South Carolina (first to secede and where the Civil War Started) Haley fought against taking the Confederate Flag, an ugly reminder of the failed attempt sunder our country. That flag is symbol of Slavery. She fought to let it fly.

She either to cowed by MAGA or she is a racist. I'm going racist.
At time in which far right conservatives are rewriting history books to gloss slavery, the outright genocide of Native Americans (today is anniversary of

December29, 1890 elements of United States 7th. Cavalary massacred 150 to 300 Lakota at Wounded Knee. IF far right conservatives had their way, this piece of ugly U.S. history will never be taught. History books are being rewritten, glossing over the horrors of Slavery.

As a canidate for the Republican Nomination for president, Haley failed. She was Governor of South Carolina, the first state to secede and where the first shots of the Civil War fired. Rather than that Slavery was one of the primary causes of that, she a rant on "Freedom". She totally ignored the hypocrisy of that statement, Slaves had no freedom or rights.

She deliberately avoided the question and the next day she tried to cover her ass and failed. Then she tried deflect blame on her failure for a forthright answer by claming the question was from "Democrat" plant. Of course she cannot prove the person who posed the was plant. She refuses to accept responsibility for her failure.
As Governor of South Carolina (first to secede and where the Civil War Started) Haley fought against taking the Confederate Flag, an ugly reminder of the failed attempt sunder our country. That flag is symbol of Slavery. She fought to let it fly.

She either to cowed by MAGA or she is a racist. I'm going racist.
Genocide was acceptable behavior throughout the world up to the 20th Century

All races and cultures were capable of it
Yes. Your make believe is obvious. :itsok:
Are you telling us you would rather be an African-African on safari with bwana than a black person living a life of luxury on welfare (relatively speaking) in America?

I highly doubt that

If you dont appreciate your US citizenship you are certainly lost in lib la la land
Are you telling us you would rather be an African-African on safari with bwana than a black person living a life of luxury on welfare (relatively speaking) in America?

I highly doubt that

If you dont appreciate your US citizenship you are certainly lost in lib la la land
What you're telling me and everyone else is that you think your imagination is a substitute for rational thought.
What you're telling me and everyone else is that you think your imagination is a substitute for rational thought.
Its a historical certainty that without slavery America would have very few blacks living here today
The only people in the history of the world to start a war to prove they’re better than the slaves and lose.

Confederate forced under command of General P.G.T. Beauregard began to bombard Ft. Sumter, in Charleston Harbor on April 12, 1861 That is NOT rewriting history, that is history.

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Its a historical certainty that without slavery America would have very few blacks living here today
That's not how math or probability works you dumb Bingo. Certainty, implies some sort of calculation. What real variables as opposed to fantasy ones are you using to make this calculation?

Also, I appreciate all these opportunities you provide yourself to demonstrate further that you don't know reality from fantasy. 😄
The Civil War was 100% about reuniting the country and ending Slavery.
That's not how math or probability works you dumb Bingo. Certainty, implies some sort of calculation. What real variables as opposed to fantasy ones are you using to make this calculation?

Also, I appreciate all these opportunities you provide yourself to demonstrate further that you don't know reality from fantasy. 😄
I dont know what your lib slide rule tells you other than 4+4=3

But common sense tells me that without slavery blacks would not have been welcome in America for the first 500 or so years

Can we just get a big “Yowza Mister Benny” from you to go along with your childish “bingo?”
I dont know what your lib slide rule tells you other than 4+4=3

But common sense tells me that without slavery blacks would not have been welcome in America for the first 500 or so years
I'm sure your common (among your kind) sense does.... :lmao:
Yes, the right to own people. Normal people understand that was the issue, not States' rights. We didn't fight a war simply over different laws in different states.
And Nikki knows it. Heck, she changed her name cause racism isn't really an issue in the GOP

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