"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

The hundred of thousands of brave patriotic Confederate soldiers didn't fight to protect a few rich landowners for having slaves. They fought to defend their homeland against the invading Union assholes.

No, they fought because they couldn't stand the thought of black men being equal. Pretty soon, they'd want to fuck their sisters. And Cleetus and Billy Bob said, "Heck, no, fucking our sisters is our job!!!"
If it was about slavery, Lincoln would have freed all the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation. He didn't. He freed only the slaves in the states that seceded in order to punish them. He did not free the slaves in the northern slave states.

While many in the north and south hated slavery and spoke against it--it would have ended in the USA without a civil war just as it did in Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe purely due to social pressure addressing a great injustice--the real cause was the determination of the southern states to free themselves from economic oppression by the north. Yes pressure to abolish slavery was part of that but only a part.

Nikki can be forgiven for addressing the whole history and not just the part that the 'woke' PC crowd wants to be the entire issue.

Nikki Hally is many things, but not stupid enough to not know the Civil War was about slavery.

Slavery required a civil war to end because too many rich people were invested in slavery and poor white people were invested in the inequities that came along with it. The last thing your poor white person was to compete with a black person as an equal. They still don't want that TODAY, for Christ Sakes.
A lot of the bullshit about taxation was rationalizations the South made up after they lost the war because they no doubt felt really stupid.

Patently false. High import taxes were supported by Lincoln and the North because the South relied heavily in imports. The South was paying 80% of all tariffs In 1860. You don’t know what you are talking about, as usual.

No, slavery was a massive violation of human rights. Sorry I have to point this out to you, Cleetus.

Yes, it was. I didn’t say that it wasn’t. I have merely stated that secession from the Union revolved around states rights. The South certainly saw slavery, among other things, as a state right. Wrong or right, they felt that the federal government didn’t have the right to govern their state.

The notion that "We were fighting for state's rights" was kind of silly, given that the Confederacy did all the other things, including taxation, that they were whining about the Union doing.

They would have been paying the outrageous import taxes levied by the North had they won? Who knew?

The real problem is the GOP has become a cult of personality. That's why she'll end up losing to Trump, because your average Republican just can't admit they made a mistake in 2016.

And your clan can’t admit you made a mistake voting for a senile, traitor. The destruction all started with Obama who is now pulling his underlying’s strings to ruin America. People like you have blinders on and won’t see it until it is far too late to recover. They are betting on your continued allegiance and ignorance.
Patently false. High import taxes were supported by Lincoln and the North because the South relied heavily in imports. The South was paying 80% of all tariffs In 1860. You don’t know what you are talking about, as usual.
Ah, you see, this is some of this revisionist inbred history I was talking about.

As noted http://deadconfederates.com/2013/02/24/walter-e-williams-polishes-the-turd-on-tariffs/">here, about 63% of Federal revenue was collected as tariffs on shipments that went through just the Port of New York alone. And those tariffs were collected from the merchants who imported them.

One other point to make on tariffs -- the Southern states said little to nothing about tariffs when they seceded. The arguments presented, http://www.civilwarcauses.org/plat.htm">particularly in the Declarations, are primarily about slavery.

That suggests that tariffs weren't why the South seceded.

Yes, it was. I didn’t say that it wasn’t. I have merely stated that secession from the Union revolved around states rights. The South certainly saw slavery, among other things, as a state right. Wrong or right, they felt that the federal government didn’t have the right to govern their state.

1) It was ONLY about slavery.
2) That you were willing to destroy the union so a few rich white people could keep owning slaves is something you ought to be ashamed of.

You remind of the old Joke. A white racist finds a bottle and a Genie comes out. He announces he gets three wishes, but a black man will get twice what he gets.

He wished for a million dollars, but the black man got 2 million.
He wished for a 10 room mansion, and the black guy got a 20 room mansion.
Then he wished to lose one testicle!

They would have been paying the outrageous import taxes levied by the North had they won? Who knew?

See above. That simply wasn't true. Most of the import taxes were paid by merchants in the North, as 63% of import goods came in through the port of New York.

And your clan can’t admit you made a mistake voting for a senile, traitor. The destruction all started with Obama who is now pulling his underlying’s strings to ruin America. People like you have blinders on and won’t see it until it is far too late to recover. They are betting on your continued allegiance and ignorance.
I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. I probably wouldn't have voted for him in 2012, but the GOP nominated the Mormon, and I hate Mormons with a passion.

But when Obama became President, unemployment was at 10% and when he left it was 4.7%. Sounds to me like he did a good job.

On the other hand, when Trump left office, unemployment was at 6.9%. He was the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss. Sounds like he fucked it all up.

Today, unemployment is down to 3.7%, despite the Fed tightening the money supply to get inflation down to 3%.

You Trump supporters like to pretend that 2020 didn't happen.
No, they fought because they couldn't stand the thought of black men being equal. Pretty soon, they'd want to fuck their sisters. And Cleetus and Billy Bob said, "Heck, no, fucking our sisters is our job!!!"

You are so damn stupid and gullible. Don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about hardly anything and you believe the lying shit written by the winners of a war.

Since you are a moron that thinks the Civil War was fought over slavery you are also the type of idiot that would believe that the war in Iraq was fought because of weapons of mass destruction or that the war in Vietnam was fought because the Commies attacked the Maddox. You dumb fucker.
Since you are a moron that thinks the Civil War was fought over slavery you are also the type of idiot that would believe that the war in Iraq was fought because of weapons of mass destruction or that the war in Vietnam was fought because the Commies attacked the Maddox. You dumb fucker.
Um, those were the actual declared reasons.

You are so damn stupid and gullible. Don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about hardly anything and you believe the lying shit written by the winners of a war.
The problem with the Civil War was that the history wasn't written by the winners.

Immediately after the war, you had the emergence of the "Lost Cause" mythology, that tried to repaint what the South did as less awful than it was. And the North largely let them get away with it because it was tired of the conflict.

The Civil War was a case of winning the war and losing the peace.
YOur failed and useless life is not failed and useless because of black people.

It's useless because you've bent over and let yourself get screwed in the ass by richer white people, and you gleefully did it.
When black people burn and loot entire shopping districts that hurts white Americans in a variety of ways
You are so damn stupid and gullible. Don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about hardly anything and you believe the lying shit written by the winners of a war.

Since you are a moron that thinks the Civil War was fought over slavery you are also the type of idiot that would believe that the war in Iraq was fought because of weapons of mass destruction or that the war in Vietnam was fought because the Commies attacked the Maddox. You dumb fucker.
What kind of nonsense do they teach down there in the south?
My point is so indisputable that you dont even try
I have. Multiple times. I'll do so again now.

Slavery isn't beneficial to people, freedom is.

If Africans weren't brought here as slaves you have no earthly idea what kind of conditions would exist today for anyone.

Whatever you imagine it would be like, be that better or worse for you, Africans, Africa or the north American continent is literal make believe.

Having an argument who's foundation is make believe is what makes you a fail white.

If you're going to be racist, just be a proud one. Pretending as if slavery was good for black people is pussy shit. When we conquer you we won't have to be ashamed of the conquest. That's what happens when you can effectively paint your opponents as deplorable mutants from a mutant culture.
All you can do is post a silly face
What else am I too but laugh when even your champions are too pussy to be proud of your culture?
What kind of nonsense do they teach down there in the south?

What does real history teach?

It teaches us that Democracy fails when the majority finds out that they can use the government to legally steal.

Wars are fought over resources - not people. The South was pissed that the majority of taxes collected by the US government were going to fund industry, railroads and infrastructure in the North.

The North had more representatives in Congress and with that power they could rape and plunder at will.

The question of slavery was never really about the goddamn Negroes. Nobody gave a shit about them. It was about political power. There was expansion to the West at that time. If a state was to be admitted as slave then it would be Democrat controlled. If it was to be non slave slave then it would be Republican controlled. It was a fight for power in the Federal government. They don't mention that in the Jr High history text written by the winners, do they?

The sad thing is that the good guys lost and the bad guys won and look at the friggin mess we have now. A bloated debt ridden oppressive Federal government that has turned the country into a Banana Republic complete with stolen elections, endless wars and persecution of political opponents.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty. Now that ship has sailed.
I have. Multiple times. I'll do so again now.

Slavery isn't beneficial to people, freedom is.

If Africans weren't brought here as slaves you have no earthly idea what kind of conditions would exist today for anyone.

Whatever you imagine it would be like, be that better or worse for you, Africans, Africa or the north American continent is literal make believe.

Having an argument who's foundation is make believe is what makes you a fail white.

If you're going to be racist, just be a proud one. Pretending as if slavery was good for black people is pussy shit. When we conquer you we won't have to be ashamed of the conquest. That's what happens when you can effectively paint your opponents as deplorable mutants from a mutant culture.

What else am I too but laugh when even your champions are too pussy to be proud of your culture?
Your counter argument is mindless

America would be a far happier nation without the racial strife we have now

Without slavery we have few if and black people with all the benefits that provides
What does real history teach?

It teaches us that Democracy fails when the majority finds out that they can use the government to legally steal.

Wars are fought over resources - not people. The South was pissed that the majority of taxes collected by the US government were going to fund industry, railroads and infrastructure in the North.

The North had more representatives in Congress and with that power they could rape and plunder at will.

The question of slavery was never really about the goddamn Negroes. Nobody gave a shit about them. It was about political power. There was expansion to the West at that time. If a state was to be admitted as slave then it would be Democrat controlled. If it was to be non slave slave then it would be Republican controlled. It was a fight for power in the Federal government. They don't mention that in the Jr High history text written by the winners, do they?

The sad thing is that the good guys lost and the bad guys won and look at the friggin mess we have now. A bloated debt ridden oppressive Federal government that has turned the country into a Banana Republic complete with stolen elections, endless wars and persecution of political opponents.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty. Now that ship has sailed.

It's just hilarious that you guys have to pretend your favorite Slave State was the last hope for liberty. Just amazing. :lmao:

None of you are proud subjugators? Not on my level yet I guess. :dunno:
Obviously you're speaking for your emotionally fragile self.
I am pointing out that race riots are bad for the country

No black people means no black race riots

It really shocks you to realize that the white slave owners did you a giant favor

Be honest and tell them thank you
I am pointing out that race riots are bad for the country

No black people means no black race riots

It really shocks you to realize that the white slave owners did you a giant favor

Be honest and tell them thank you
You frail whites really can't let go of your fantasies, can you? 😄

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