"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

That doesn’t answer the question does it? Why does Haley’s or anyone’s response to this question matter with regards the Presidency in 2024? Why is anyone even asking? Did they ask her what the cause of WW1 was? It’s probably more relevant given the current state of the world.
Oh I dunno, maybe because racism and bigotry is still a prevalent problem in this country.
Oh I dunno, maybe because racism and bigotry is still a prevalent problem in this country.
you are contending that Haley's response marks her as a racist and bigot? In some american quarters she is considered a PERSON OF COLOR----whaevah da fuck that means
Oh I dunno, maybe because racism and bigotry is still a prevalent problem in this country.
So ask that question. Haley and any politician who’s asked that question should just tell the questioner they aren’t their HS history teacher. If they don’t know read a book on the subject and they arent there to discuss a 150 year old war. It’s a stupid question that does nothing to address any current issues.
Some idiot liberal hits Haley

Post any and ALL proof that you have that the person who the question was an "A Idiot LIberal".

As Haley was Governor of the first state to secede and the first shots were fired in the Civil War, the question was right on the mark.

The economy of South Carolina, Pre-Civil War was Slave based, as most the South was before the Civil War. Haley fought against lowering the Star and Bars in South Carolina.

Her refusal to the question directly the first shows she is cowed by the fascist MAGA. Blaming the question on a "Democrat" without proof shows she knows she fucked up. She is refusing to accept blame. She should just answered the question straight up and she could not. Haley is a coward.
Post any and ALL proof that you have that the person who the question was an "A Idiot LIberal".

As Haley was Governor of the first state to secede and the first shots were fired in the Civil War, the question was right on the mark.

The economy of South Carolina, Pre-Civil War was Slave based, as most the South was before the Civil War. Haley fought against lowering the Star and Bars in South Carolina.

Her refusal to the question directly the first shows she is cowed by the fascist MAGA. Blaming the question on a "Democrat" without proof shows she knows she fucked up. She is refusing to accept blame. She should just answered the question straight up and she could not. Haley is a coward.
SO? your facts do not preclude an opinion that the question was meant to be a TRAP
So ask that question. Haley and any politician who’s asked that question should just tell the questioner they aren’t their HS history teacher. If they don’t know read a book on the subject and they arent there to discuss a 150 year old war. It’s a stupid question that does nothing to address any current issues.
I disagree. She's a presidential candidate and this is an important issue.

She failed, clearly.
Back to the main question, slavery was considered moral until it wasn't.
Slavery was never considered moral just legal. They knew that it was wrong but used the fact that our laws sanctioned the myriad of ways that people of African descent could be abused and exploited to justify the continuing human rights abuses of the enslaved Black people.

The most telling aspect of this was demonstrated when the mere thought or suggestion that the same acts that were perpetrated against Blacks were committed against whites, especially white women resulted in massive attacks and destruction of entire Black communities. Rosewood and the Tulsa race riots readily come to mind.
But the inferiority of the Black man was the cornerstone on which the new government of the Confederacy was built. I mean, they even made speeches about it...
Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition. [Applause.] This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago. Those at the North, who still cling to these errors, with a zeal above knowledge, we justly denominate fanatics.
The alleged inferiority...
Slavery was never considered moral just legal. They knew that it was wrong but used the fact that our laws sanctioned the myriad of ways that people of African descent could be abused and exploited to justify the continuing human rights abuses of the enslaved Black people.

The most telling aspect of this was demonstrated when the mere thought or suggestion that the same acts that were perpetrated against Blacks were committed against whites, especially white women resulted in massive attacks and destruction of entire Black communities. Rosewood and the Tulsa race riots readily come to mind.
Where are you getting that? People have been enslaving other people for thousands of years. I don't think there was much moral handwringing going on about it back then by people involved in it.
"Sex slaves across the border"?

Okay Q, got it.

Do you Q guys have a secret handshake? Or a magic decoder ring? I'm trying to keep up.
More labels from the fraud Many csses of it not to mention rape from their mules. But I lying Con Artist like you never looks.

So when is your Tribe gonna start your Race Riots this time.

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