"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

Again, that clearly is a motive. You are shifting the conversation and trying to make me look like I am denying the motive behind slave labor. That is not the case. I am looking for what was MORE of the motive for declaring war. Was it economic? (ie hanging on to slave labor for economic gain) or was it cultural hatred of Blacks to to keep them enslaved? I am not denying that both existed. I am simply seeking to discern what was weighed heavier in going to war over it.

In other words you do not have shit and you are admitting it.
But why is it important to the 2024 Presodential race?
Same reason why every Republican, to a man, jumps to point out how it was Democrats that were enacting racism in America, conveniently ignoring the fact that it was the conservatives of the time that maintained this evil, because it points the finger back at themselves.
Same reason why every Republican, to a man, jumps to point out how it was Democrats that were enacting racism in America, conveniently ignoring the fact that it was the conservatives of the time that maintained this evil, because it points the finger back at themselves.
That doesn’t answer the question does it? Why does Haley’s or anyone’s response to this question matter with regards the Presidency in 2024? Why is anyone even asking? Did they ask her what the cause of WW1 was? It’s probably more relevant given the current state of the world.
She took a bath in shit and cannot get the smell of it off of her. She was within striking distance of P01135809 and she has blown it.
So you have Trump who is an unabashed racist piece of shit, Haley who is too afraid to tell the truth about slavery and InSantis who thinks slavery was a jobs program.

If these were normal times, Chris Christie would be surging but he actually doesn’t portray the other side as Satan incarnate so he’s unelectable.
Once again quality of candidates. She didn't bother to do the reading. If she did she would know that the war started over trade imbalances. Slavery was seen by the north as something they could not compete with. They weren't at all concerned for the actual slaves.

The north looks at the South then the same way it does now; a fly on the windshield.
So you have Trump who is an unabashed racist piece of shit, Haley who is too afraid to tell the truth about slavery and InSantis who thinks slavery was a jobs program.

If these were normal times, Chris Christie would be surging but he actually doesn’t portray the other side as Satan incarnate so he’s unelectable.
It’s crazy that no one apparently knew Trump was a racist prior to 2016.

He was on TV for a decade and no one knew.
But they would have been no different than Italians or Irish or insert immigrant group here. That’s not what Mac is saying

And the Irish and Italians were not discriminated against and hated?
All groups are. The Red Hats get along with no one. They hate all.
There are countless issues like this in our politics but this one in particular is the most obvious.

The reason the GOP doesn’t win popular votes any more and the reason conservatives are seen as cruel morons who are better to be lampooned than taken seriously (when they are not in office) is because of the stances on issues like this.

Nobody forces you guys to contort yourself into a position to where you ignore that the war was about slavery. Just as nobody forces you to go to bat for George Zimmerman or whatever his name was, Derrick Chauvain, force 12 year old rape victim to carry a pregnancy to term....you guys do this on your own. And save the counter arguments. By any modern standard...you’re on the wrong side of every one of these topics.

But you take your positions...then you come on Twitter and places like this and complain about the media you get for taking such bizarre positions that fly in the face of not only history but morality itself.

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