"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

You're looking for a motive for why people would rob the product of labor from others and why they would resist an end to that practice? Really?
Again, that clearly is a motive. You are shifting the conversation and trying to make me look like I am denying the motive behind slave labor. That is not the case. I am looking for what was MORE of the motive for declaring war. Was it economic? (ie hanging on to slave labor for economic gain) or was it cultural hatred of Blacks to to keep them enslaved? I am not denying that both existed. I am simply seeking to discern what was weighed heavier in going to war over it.
That is stupid. People benefit from freedom. If you actually thought there were more benefits to slavery than freedom then you would opt in to it.

We already went over this. This is mere fantasy little boy.
Without slavery black people like you wouldnt be here
Note that none of the blatantly racist rightwingers will be corrected or addressed by the allegedly non-racist ones.

However, they'll be quick to address anything they don't like by Black posters.
Note that none of the blatantly racist rightwingers will be corrected or addressed by the allegedly non-racist ones.

However, they'll be quick to address anything they don't like by Black posters.
Every election the left plays the Race Card. Blah blah blah. Im tired of reruns. Get new material.
The economy of the Antebellum South was Slaved based. Huge Plantations growing rice, cotton, tobacco. The White Pantation Owners whole means of maintaining their economy needed Slaves. To be Pro-Abolition was unheard of. A whole industry was created to maintain a steady supply Slave Labor. Selling Men, Women and Children at auction.

Owners of Slaves would rent those Slaves (at a price) to other persons who needed help on their farms, female Slaves were forced to work as prostitutes in brothels. It was uncommon the babies of black prostitutes to be killed the moment they were born, if the father was White.

White Plantation owners would put their mixed race children up for sale, the concept of allowing Slaves to have a family was non-exisitent. Jumping The Broom did NOT prevent family separations. Slaves were seen as chattle.

To say Slavery was NOT a driving force that caused the Civil War is lie.
The economy of the Antebellum South was Slaved based. Huge Plantations growing rice, cotton, tobacco. The White Pantation Owners whole means of maintaining their economy needed Slaves. To be Pro-Abolition was unheard of. A whole industry was created to maintain a steady supply Slave Labor. Selling Men, Women and Children at auction.

Owners of Slaves would rent those Slaves (at a price) to other persons who needed help on their farms, female Slaves were forced to work as prostitutes in brothels. It was uncommon the babies of black prostitutes to be killed the moment they were born, if the father was White.

White Plantation owners would put their mixed race children up for sale, the concept of allowing Slaves to have a family was non-exisitent. Jumping The Broom did NOT prevent family separations. Slaves were seen as chattle.

To say Slavery was NOT a driving force that caused the Civil War is lie.
But why is it important to the 2024 Presodential race?
That’s not true. There are plenty of African immigrants the the US.
There are relatively few african immigrants or illegal aliens in the US compared to the number who were born here

So instead of the 12% black in the US today it would not even be 1%

And certainly not enough to cause much trouble
There are relatively few african immigrants or illegal aliens in the US compared to the number who were born here

So instead of the 12% black in the US today it would not even be 1%

And certainly not enough to cause much trouble
1. You dont know that.
2. Would you have emigrated to the US as a black person any time prior to the 80s or 90s?
3. If slavery never existed here, there’s no Jim Crowe, no segregation, no any of the bullshit that went down after the civil war. How many more African immigrants would have come to the US given that fact? We don’t know. I’m guessing more than did.
1. You dont know that.
2. Would you have emigrated to the US as a black person any time prior to the 80s or 90s?
3. If slavery never existed here, there’s no Jim Crowe, no segregation, no any of the bullshit that went down after the civil war. How many more African immigrants would have come to the US given that fact? We don’t know. I’m guessing more than did.
Do you think africans would have been allowed to immigrate prior to 1980?

I dont think so

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