"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

Who are you claiming is trying to change what? I seek to change current culture by recognizing history as it was rather than how frail whites wish it was.
Wish? There's no wishing. There is only history. It is not subject to preference or justification or social adjustment....ergo it is unchangeable. The choices we make now are far more important. Trying to moralize actions 200 years removed from the present is an exercise in lunacy and perhaps latent genocidal intentions.
Wish? There's no wishing. There is only history. It is not subject to preference or justification or social adjustment....ergo it is unchangeable. The choices we make now are far more important. Trying to moralize actions 200 years removed from the present is an exercise in lunacy and perhaps latent genocidal intentions.
That sounds like you trying to find a justification for accusing me of wanting genocide in the most cowardly way possible.
We have hindsight to show the stupidity of that claim. Where are the accounts of generations of white babies of white indentured servants being born into servitude themselves?
History is replete with those of all skin colors my dear short sighted loquator.
Plantation owners didn't need slaves. They had an abundance of workers they could fairly pay.
There are far more "slaves" today than in 1860.

Unfortunately a significant amount are children in the most hideous and vulgar way
Yeah, they're working in Iowa meatpacking plants while the gop governor seeks to lower child labor laws.
Then present one of them. It's your claim.
There are hundreds of thousands of pages of history texts available to you. This is a discussion board not a research board. Start with the history of the Roman empire if you like.
You'll find many examples of generational slavery throughout the 600 year history. Africans were smaller in number at that time. In fact many of them rose through the ranks of Roman society to become slave owners themselves of all colored skin.
There are hundreds of thousands of pages of history texts available to you. This is a discussion board not a research board. Start with the history of the Roman empire if you like.
We're discussing America guy, are you referencing Rome? Really?
You'll find many examples of generational slavery throughout the 600 year history. Africans were smaller in number at that time. In fact many of them rose through the ranks of Roman society to become slave owners themselves of all colored skin.
What does any of this have to do with anything?
It says a lot about you that you have to fantasize people's opinions. It shows a certain fragility to reality. :dunno:
You either benefit from slavery or you dont

Slavery was bad for whites but very lucky for black people alive today
"OF COURSE the Civil War was about salvery" - Nikki Haley "clearifying" her comments about civil war.

You either benefit from slavery or you dont
That's an even dumber argument. People benefit from freedom, not slavery you ignorant fail white.
Slavery was bad for whites but very lucky for black people alive today
This is one of the dumbest arguments I've seen here in a long long time. I thought you were a proud racist? So much for that claim.
That's an even dumber argument. People benefit from freedom, not slavery you ignorant fail white.

This is one of the dumbest arguments I've seen here in a long long time. I thought you were a proud racist? So much for that claim.
You benefit from slavery

Without it you would be herding goats in africa

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