"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

Are you claiming that people would pay for slaves and their upkeep just because they enjoyed having slaves so much?

Where in my post did say that. But you are quite correct in a way. Yes, White Southerners bought Slaves and used that Slave Labor for their profit. Were they happy about, they must have been because they fought a war to continue the practice.
No, what the Founders believed is that the slave owners created farms and plantations with a more stable and productive income than the Blacks would have had in their natural tribes, so then the slaves were benefitting from slavery too.
That fact the Founders likely were wrong about this assumption, does not make them evil.
^^^ there is no evidence that the "FOUNDERS" 'believed' that which rigby decided they "believed"
Not a single soldier fought in the Civil War because of their feelings on slavery.

You have made what is called a declarative statement, which means that you have evidence to backup that declaritive statement.

Post your proof.

South Carolina’s ordinance of secession – the 1860 proclamation by the state government outlining its reasons for seceding from the Union – mentions slavery in its opening sentence and points to the “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” as a reason for the state removing itself from the Union.

Coincidentally, the state of Nikki Haley
Morality is subject to the ambient culture that it's nurtured in.
So you think it's was moral for Chinese culture to kill every baby after the first born? And you think it's moral for some Muslim cultures to throw gay people off buildings, simply because those practices are acceptable in those cultures?
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
LOL Because slavery in the 1860s is THE most important issue to voters in 2024. Damn, you guys are getting desperate.
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The poor thing had to come clean.

Hours after declining to do so, Nikki Haley said on Thursday morning that she believed slavery was, indeed, the cause of the Civil War. She suggested that the person who had asked her the question the night before was a “Democratic plant.”

“Well, two things on this track. I mean, of course, the Civil War was about slavery. We know that, that’s the easy part of it,” the former South Carolina governor told The Pulse of NH — News Talk Radio Network.

You beat me to it with this story. Niki now shifting blame away from herself. She is refusing to the blame for her own fuckup. She should own up to her words, admit what she did was wrong and then insure that in the future it NOT happen again.
Morality is subject to the ambient culture that it's nurtured in.
So you think it's was moral for Chinese culture to kill every baby after the first born? And you think it's moral for some Muslim cultures to throw gay people off buildings, simply because those practices are acceptable in those cultures? That's how your morality works?
Who is excusing slavery? As far as I can tell, we are talking about the reasons for the Civil War. Slavery was one of several states rights that the Confederacy was fighting for.

YOU are excusing Slavery. Slavery was one of central reason for the Civil War and YOU and other Cons want to gloss over it.
It has been said by some that the Civil War was about the different economies of the North and the South. When we acknowledge that the economy of the South depended upon slavery, the obfuscation becomes evident. The fact that the states illegally attempting to leave the Perpetual Union stated expressly the issue of slavery as the cause only makes the attempted diversion totally transparent.
Dont you wish America never had black slavery?
Not really. I don't really think in hopes and wishes. Wishing America never had slavery would be fantasy and I leave that for you fail whites to waste your time engaging in. Your hopeful fantasies are my entertainment.
Where in my post did say that. But you are quite correct in a way. Yes, White Southerners bought Slaves and used that Slave Labor for their profit. Were they happy about, they must have been because they fought a war to continue the practice.

The vast majority of the southerners fought because the north was trying to embargo the cheap British goods and force the south to buy from northern monopolies that were charging over 3 times as much.
The north wanted to charge $15 for a paper of sewing needles.
The value of the dollar has gone way down.
The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.25% per year between 1860 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,715.57%. This means that today's prices are 38.16 times as high as average prices since 1860, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 2.621% of what it could buy back then.
The current price of a paper of sewing needles is about $4.
So that means that $15 then for needles would be like charging $572 for a paper of needles now.
That would be an increase of over 100 times greater.
The north clearly was trying to economically extort the south.
The vast majority of the southerners fought because the north was trying to embargo the cheap British goods and force the south to buy from northern monopolies that were charging over 3 times as much.
The north wanted to charge $15 for a paper of sewing needles.
The value of the dollar has gone way down.
The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.25% per year between 1860 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,715.57%. This means that today's prices are 38.16 times as high as average prices since 1860, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 2.621% of what it could buy back then.
The current price of a paper of sewing needles is about $4.
So that means that $15 then for needles would be like charging $572 for a paper of needles now.
That would be an increase of over 100 times greater.
The north clearly was trying to economically extort the south.

You continue justifiy Slavery.

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