"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.

How is it possible for someone to be so comically wrong about EVERYTHING? I have to say, you've perfected the art.

Slavery is at the heart of every successionist declaration...but USMB nutbags are sure it had nothing to do with slavery...hmmm whom to belive? :cuckoo:

Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
She's afraid of alienating the racist right.
So you fail whites love to imagine. Apparently none of you fail whites recognize it for the literal fantasy that it is.

And? You have no idea what Africa would look like without the impact of slavery.
I dont care what africa would look like

The important thing is how much better America would be without having had slavery
It was both, but only one threatened the establishment of the union.
Ok... and? I can accept the argument that the Founders practiced slavery out of selfish pragmatism and greed. It's the suggestion that we can't judge them immoral because of some nonsense about time that I take issue with.
You fucking coward they did a census in 1860. We have the numbers. Don't be a bitch about them.

PolitiFact - Viral post gets it wrong about extent of slavery in 1860

They do not explain where there get those numbers from, since the census data did not ask anyone if they had slaves or not.
But your link is contradicting itself, since it admits:
Using Census data to research his book, Glatthaar calculated that 4.9 percent of people in the slaveholding states owned slaves.
And the reality is that a lot of those people even would just have a single slave, more like handyman or apprentice.
The vast majority of slaves would have been owned by the 1% of large plantation owners.
I'll bet you wish the south won and wish your lawn negro were real.
It could have gone either way the northern businessman could have been satiated by granting them legal slavery for their businesses the war would never have happened. Fortunately there was enough of a collective conscience to stop that from happening.
I dont care what africa would look like

The important thing is how much better America would be without having had slavery
So you keep fantasizing at me. I enjoy good fan fic. What else exists in this fantasy world of yours, little boy?
Ok... and? I can accept the argument that the Founders practiced slavery out of selfish pragmatism and greed. It's the suggestion that we can't judge them immoral because of some nonsense about time that I take issue with.
Morality is subject to the ambient culture that it's nurtured in.
Ok... and? I can accept the argument that the Founders practiced slavery out of selfish pragmatism and greed. It's the suggestion that we can't judge them immoral because of some nonsense about time that I take issue with.

No, what the Founders believed is that the slave owners created farms and plantations with a more stable and productive income than the Blacks would have had in their natural tribes, so then the slaves were benefitting from slavery too.
That fact the Founders likely were wrong about this assumption, does not make them evil.
They do not explain where there get those numbers from, since the census data did not ask anyone if they had slaves or not.
But your link is contradicting itself, since it admits:
Using Census data to research his book, Glatthaar calculated that 4.9 percent of people in the slaveholding states owned slaves.
And the reality is that a lot of those people even would just have a single slave, more like handyman or apprentice.
The vast majority of slaves would have been owned by the 1% of large plantation owners.
They go on to point out that only the head of household would be considered a slave owner. If a husband, his wife and two kids answered the census that equate to one slave owner out of four people. You see how that can be misleading can't you? Or maybe you can't because you're that fucking stupid. :dunno:
States left the Union because of slavery but the civil war wasnt over slavery. It was about the economy.
Lincoln said so. That tyrant piece of shit even said he would back a slavery amendment to the constitution.
Come on people. Fuck.
actually---^^^ he is right

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