"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
If it was about slavery, Lincoln would have freed all the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation. He didn't. He freed only the slaves in the states that seceded in order to punish them. He did not free the slaves in the northern slave states.

While many in the north and south hated slavery and spoke against it--it would have ended in the USA without a civil war just as it did in Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe purely due to social pressure addressing a great injustice--the real cause was the determination of the southern states to free themselves from economic oppression by the north. Yes pressure to abolish slavery was part of that but only a part.

Nikki can be forgiven for addressing the whole history and not just the part that the 'woke' PC crowd wants to be the entire issue.
Must be even more miserable knowing your party has no candidates other than racists.

No one 160 years later actually knows how things went down to start the Civil War.
The victors always control the history books.
But obviously before the civil war the south could not have been racist, since the wealthy whites had Blacks taking care of their children for them.
Slavery cost a lot, required not just money, but room, management, etc.
Most people did not have farms large enough to have any use for slaves.
Farms only need workers twice a year mainly, so it made much more sense to just hire migrants, like we do now from Mexico.

Slaves were less than 15% of the population in Mississippi back then.
One plantation owner would have hundreds of slaves.
So there simply were not enough Blacks for normal southerners to be able to afford them.
Nor would there have been any use for them.
You fucking coward they did a census in 1860. We have the numbers. Don't be a bitch about them.

PolitiFact - Viral post gets it wrong about extent of slavery in 1860
Anyone who claims slavery was the cause of the Civil war simply has never read history.
Northerners had a huge dislike for Blacks, while southerners shared their family life with them.
Anybody that thinks they can take slavery as a prime cause out of history, has never read history, nor do they understand modern society in America. Over all, not a good reveal for a national candidate.

I think you will find Nikki scrambling to come up with a better response, before she is asked the same question, again and again. The other Republican candidates will be far more careful, when they are asked again and again, also.
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I don’t deny your point. In fact, everyone is looking at it in hindsight. My sincere question from a motive standpoint, was the basis for breaking from the Union more of economic or culture that viewed Blacks as beneath them? The South was not evolving economically as the North was. Flip it…. If it was the South that had evolved to an economy no longer dependent on slave labor while the North still needed it, would the North have been amenable to abolishment of slavery?

Much like a crime, I am looking at the motive. I would guess that a lot of livelihoods in the South took a hit following the war so there was bitterness and anger hence the Jim Crow, lynching, and resisting civil rights for the next 100 years.

I am not justifying the South’s attitude towards slavery; just looking at the motive(s).
You're looking for a motive for why people would rob the product of labor from others and why they would resist an end to that practice? Really?
Anyone who claims slavery was the cause of the Civil war simply has never read history.
Northerners had a huge dislike for Blacks, while southerners shared their family life with them.
The psychological frailty of some people is astounding. 😄

You don't enslave people you like....
The northern industries needed the raw materials from the southern commodity producers. Why do you say they were competitors?
Because the southern states began to do direct trade with Europe circumventing the north.
That's not making the North the South's competitors. But no worries, I forgot with whom I was conversing. My bad.
And that's exactly the answer I want all of the Republican candidates to give.
There are points to being a Purebred Prog Socialist person. Paying any price and living in total diverse surroundings are two major parts that are not followed. The illegal immigration agenda is another. Progs do not want to pay the price in their surroundings and do not want them living near where they live either. It's the Republicans fault for everything that Progs bring on themselves. Progs talk these things then get violent when things do not go their way. Slavery ended in 1865. Without the civil war it would've ended not many years after. It's okay to not forget. It's not okay to put all and chain on people who did no wrong and had no relatives from that era. In fact, a good chunk of people that have relatives today came here the few decades of the 20th century.
Those who were strongly against slavery likely would also be against war, like the Amish or Quakers.
The proof slavery was not foremost on the mind of Civil war soldiers is that free Blacks in the South enlisted.
But by drawing on these scholars and focusing on sources written or published during the war, I estimate that 6,000 Blacks served as Confederate soldiers.
The foremost, in the minds of soldiers in any war, is not why it is being fought. It is more about the mission, or the battle, the conditions, and the hope of going home to see family again after their time is up, in the field. Your statement is superfluous to the question Nikki was asked.
It was integral to their economy, so it was their economy they were fighting over, not slavery itself.

South Carolina’s ordinance of secession – the 1860 proclamation by the state government outlining its reasons for seceding from the Union – mentions slavery in its opening sentence and points to the “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” as a reason for the state removing itself from the Union.

Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
Fine, if you want to torpedo Haley, guess who you get on the ballot? :abgg2q.jpg:
What's the distinction you're trying to make? A rhetorical one? If you can be honest enough to acknowledge that many of them dealt "in" slaves then it should be clear why they had little interest in dealing "with" slavery. Your original argument appeared to suggest the Founders put off dealing with slavery because it was too difficult an issue rather than because many of them were profiting off of it themselves.
It was both, but only one threatened the establishment of the union.

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