"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

RIGHT. But I know you people don't want to talk about it because being racist helps you ignore that Slavery was a leading cause of Civil War. Epic fail.

Slavery was the symbolic tipping point, but not at all a real cause.
It was a show of force where the north was telling the south what to do.
The poor thing had to come clean.

Hours after declining to do so, Nikki Haley said on Thursday morning that she believed slavery was, indeed, the cause of the Civil War. She suggested that the person who had asked her the question the night before was a “Democratic plant.”

“Well, two things on this track. I mean, of course, the Civil War was about slavery. We know that, that’s the easy part of it,” the former South Carolina governor told The Pulse of NH — News Talk Radio Network.

First she steps in it...now she’s tracking it through the house.
Sorry, it was about slavery.
Sorry but you are a fucking uneducated confused moron that doesn't know jackshit about history.

Even Lincoln himself said that the goddamn war was not about slavery.

The hundred of thousands of brave patriotic Confederate soldiers didn't fight to protect a few rich landowners for having slaves. They fought to defend their homeland against the invading Union assholes.

The hundred of thousands of asshole Union dickheads didn't fight to free the slaves of a few rich landowners. Some of them even had slaves of their own or benefited from slavery. They fought because they believe Lincoln's horseshit about "preserving the goddamn Union, no matter how oppressive it was".
We would be a better country
So you fail whites love to imagine. Apparently none of you fail whites recognize it for the literal fantasy that it is.
Its current black Americans who would be the big losers because they would be in africa instead of here
And? You have no idea what Africa would look like without the impact of slavery.
First she steps in it...now she’s tracking it through the house.
Once again quality of candidates. She didn't bother to do the reading. If she did she would know that the war started over trade imbalances. Slavery was seen by the north as something they could not compete with. They weren't at all concerned for the actual slaves.
Must be even more miserable knowing your party has no candidates other than racists.

The north is and always has been far more racist than the south.
The south used Blacks as wet nurses, nannies, cooks, etc., so there was lots of personal contact.
The north had hardly even ever seen a Black person, so were afraid of them and hated them.
The northern industries needed the raw materials from the southern commodity producers. Why do you say they were competitors?
Because the southern states began to do direct trade with Europe circumventing the north.
It probably won't hurt her with Independent voters, either, as she's still probably the best alternative to Trump. I would say she just blew the black vote, though. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I thought she was a better politician than that. True, it was a setup by a Democrat, but that is no excuse for candidate stupidity, falling victim so easily, with an answer that did not even mention it. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Poor Nikki, showing she really doesn't think fast on her feet, after all.
If she blew the black vote it would be because they are ignorant of real history.
It probably won't hurt her with Independent voters, either, as she's still probably the best alternative to Trump. I would say she just blew the black vote, though. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I thought she was a better politician than that. True, it was a setup by a Democrat, but that is no excuse for candidate stupidity, falling victim so easily, with an answer that did not even mention it. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Poor Nikki, showing she really doesn't think fast on her feet, after all.

Anyone who claims slavery was the cause of the Civil war simply has never read history.
Northerners had a huge dislike for Blacks, while southerners shared their family life with them.
Anyone who claims slavery was the cause of the Civil war simply has never read history.
Northerners had a huge dislike for Blacks, while southerners shared their family life with them.
What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America? A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

In short the north wanted slaves too.

You have the benefit of hindsight. After slavery that same region gave us Jim Crow and the lynching of thousands of black people and the fleeing of thousands more northward. And then they fought against integration and civil rights. So given all that history, you tell me what their deplorable fucking culture was about.
I don’t deny your point. In fact, everyone is looking at it in hindsight. My sincere question from a motive standpoint, was the basis for breaking from the Union more of economic or culture that viewed Blacks as beneath them? The South was not evolving economically as the North was. Flip it…. If it was the South that had evolved to an economy no longer dependent on slave labor while the North still needed it, would the North have been amenable to abolishment of slavery?

Much like a crime, I am looking at the motive. I would guess that a lot of livelihoods in the South took a hit following the war so there was bitterness and anger hence the Jim Crow, lynching, and resisting civil rights for the next 100 years.

I am not justifying the South’s attitude towards slavery; just looking at the motive(s).
I would not go that far.

Those who were strongly against slavery likely would also be against war, like the Amish or Quakers.
The proof slavery was not foremost on the mind of Civil war soldiers is that free Blacks in the South enlisted.
But by drawing on these scholars and focusing on sources written or published during the war, I estimate that 6,000 Blacks served as Confederate soldiers.
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RIGHT. But I know you people don't want to talk about it because being racist helps you ignore that Slavery was a leading cause of Civil War. Epic fail.

Are you claiming that people would pay for slaves and their upkeep just because they enjoyed having slaves so much?

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