"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

If you think black africans were welcome here except as slaves you are woefully ignorant about history
Except that isn't history. The world where slaves were never brought here but white America still prospered socially and economically just as it did when they were is obvious fantasy and make believe for people who share my level of common sense.
Except that isn't history. The world where slaves were never brought here but white America still prospered socially and economically just as it did when they were is obvious fantasy and make believe for people who share my level of common sense.
Its a fact that without slavery few if any blacks could have settled in America before 1965

And its a fact that without black people in America we would not have the bitter race problems that plague the country today
Its a fact that without slavery few if any blacks could have settled in America before 1965
Nope. That's not a fact. 😄

Try again you dumb Bingo. I'm curious to find out how many tries it takes you.
And its a fact that without black people in America we would not have the bitter race problems that plague the country today
You know what, it's not fair to count this as failure number one since you didn't know I'd be counting hysterically before hand. :lmao:
Sorry Roscoe, but it is a fact

Wrong Bingo. This is failure number one. Honestly I think you're going to put up some real numbers. I have absolute faith in your abject stupidity.
If you dont understand that then you are a very ignorant lib
For bonus points (depending on how your perspective) would you care to attempt to explain your rationale for believing the above statement is a fact?


Wrong Bingo. This is failure number one. Honestly I think you're going to put up some real numbers. I have absolute faith in your abject stupidity.

For bonus points (depending on how your perspective) would you care to attempt to explain your rationale for believing the above statement is a fact?

You obviously have spent little time studying history
History is the study of what did happen, not what would happen in your fail white fantasies. How dumb are you that you don't know that? 😄
Like the man said, those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it

This is race baiting that only works with ignorant black people like you
Which is why I feel no fear from you fail whites who can't discern fantasy from history or fact from opinion. :dunno:

Baiting you in to arguing fantasy was fact was fairly easy.
You are in deep denial

Blacks living in America are in the debt of white slave holders

You are ignoring April 12,1861. Confederate Forces started the war. Yes, if Lincoln said if could end the war by NOT freeing the Slaves he would.

He did not. Instead he signed The Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, which you failed to acknowledge.

You are arguing only one half the events that started the Civil War. Slavery was front and center as leading cause of the Civil War. Whatever Lincoln on Slavery is secondary to the argument. You are doing what MAGA MAGGOTS, ignoring and rewrite history to suit your narrative. Simply put, YOU.....ARE.....WRONG.
The South was pissed that the majority of taxes collected by the US government were going to fund industry, railroads and infrastructure in the North.
And yet they made no mention of such a thing in the secession documents. There was a lot of talk about preserving slavery in those documents, but not a word about tariffs.

In those days, almost all federal revenue came from import tariffs. New York City alone, through tariffs, brought in 63% of all federal government revenues, much of which flowed back to the south. Boston was a distant second. In third place, you finally get a southern port at New Orleans.

That is, it was the North subsidizing the South.

The North had more representatives in Congress and with that power they could rape and plunder at will.
The south was butthurt not because the North was going to ban slavery, but because the North wasn't spending enough Northern money propping up slavery. The South demanded that the North spend large amounts of Northern cash to catch and return runaway slaves, and they complained about that in the secession documents.

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty. Now that ship has sailed.
Slavery-supporters are bad humans. That makes you a bad human.
Its a fact that without slavery few if any blacks could have settled in America before 1965

And its a fact that without black people in America we would not have the bitter race problems that plague the country today

No. It just would have been the Irish that were persecuted.
MAGA just cannot admit it, Slavery was the cause of the Civil War. They paid the price maintaining Slavery. My second Great Grandfather has his small town newspaper burned down twice, once by Confederate Government of Arkansas for not supporting that Government and again by Union Forces after the war.

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