What Does Build Back Better Mean?

It wasn't the slogan they hated, it was Trump and anything he said.
If Trumps slogan was "The Sky is Blue", the Dementocraps would still shit their diapers and throw toddler tantrums.

I thought the Dementocraps were making us into the new China?!
I wouldn't mind Eastern Europe. LOL
Eastern Europe....East Germany, Serbia, Bosnia.

Not that many hated Trump till the Democrats and their lying media cohorts started calling him every name in the book including a cheat, a liar, a racist, a homophobe, and a dictator....total fabrications.
Every time you get stuck in a traffic jam due to never ending construction you need to realize that the repair of infrastructure is ongoing. After that you need to ask yourself why a six volume bill that almost nobody read and costs 3 trillion dollars is being pushed through congress by (only) democrats. What's in it? Why does it cost so much when infrastructure rebuilding in ongoing? Something is rotten in Washington and the doddering old fool in the W.H. is just a puppet for a ruthless socialist regime designed to bankrupt the United States.

Destroy the middle class while lying to them that they are being given a hand up.
this capitalist shithole is the best country in the world and proven by the millions of people trying to come here,,,

sorry but your trolls are just stupid,,
In defense of Moonglow, I'd say that even though he is stupid, and and even though he is nothing but a troll, from his perspective everything around his trailer park IS a shithole.
You mean a rusting infrastructure that rusted away during the 49 years Joe was in office doing nothing about it other than using his government office to make himself rich instead while the rest of the nation burned.

NOT ONE DIME of Joe's BBB will actually do anything to make lives better in America other than to advance democrat agendas for more political power for the DNC.
You're really are a stupid asshole. Fiscal Conservatism has been in effect for decades. Dumb people like you continue to attack Joe Biden, when Republican's talking points brainwash biddable fools like you. Keep on supporting the Republican Party Pols, they're the self serving jerks seeking to keep in power they abuse, and blame the Democrats.

Blaming the Democrats as tax and spend is absurd; cutting taxes and adding over Seven Trillion Dollars during Trump's time in office is a fact. Get your head out of your ass and think for yourself, if you can.
Biden keeps repeating this lie that his spending bill will stop catastrophic damage to the country.....but instead it is just doing the opposite.....it is designed to cause catastrophic damage to the country.

Anyone who believes anything mudwhistle's posts has been brainwashed, with the exception of those whose brain has been malfunctioning since their birth. mudwhistle's nom de plume is one of the most stupidest of pen names, and his post are never supported by facts, evidence or common sense.

His last post: "Biden keeps repeating this lie that his spending bill will stop catastrophic damage to the country.....but intead it is just doing the opposite.....it is designed to cause catastrophic damage to the country."

No one but another right wing kook or Republican Pol believes or supports this post made by his claim. The damage to our country has been done by trump and his band of insurrectionists. That is a fact and the evidence is on video and audio as well as the damage to our Capitol Building and our democracy.
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Anyone who believes anything mudwhistle posts has been brainwashed, with the exception of those whose brain has been malfunctioning since their birth. mudwhistle's nom de plume is one of the most stupidest of pen names, and his post are never supported by facts, evidence or common sense.
Well...you're ugly....so blow me.
Clearly you're basing everything off of pure emotion rather than facts or good old common-sense.
I thought I had your lying ass on ignore......well that can be rectified immediately.

States who depend on Federal money

1New MexicoBlue100.0$3.6634.79%-14%
4North DakotaRed69.4$3.7519.09%-3%
5West VirginiaRed67.1$2.9031.35%-5%
10South CarolinaRed49.4$2.3027.13%-7%

Mitch McConnel's state of Kentucky takes a lot out of the federal treasury.

California and New York pay into the federal treasury cause they're rich.
And where is your proof that is the Republican Voters in those states who are collecting those federal dollars?
I am in a Red state and the federal money is going to the Blue areas.
I never hear Republican Voters demanding more federal benefits and programs.
You're really are a stupid asshole.
That may be but it has nothing to do with nor does it change the fact that all of these alleged problems all occurred during the vast half-century that Select Joe was in government as one of its prime movers and shakers determining government's actions on these things! So I guess then Joe was primarily concerned with making deals just to enrich HIM much like most everyone else especially in the democrat party. So now we have Joe here who is going to fix all these things even though he's the one who caused them in the first place! And has done nothing to address them in 49 years as well as not kept a single campaign promise since getting back in power but yet you still believe him! :auiqs.jpg:

Republican's talking points brainwash biddable fools like you.
So you mean I'm brainwashed and all these vast problems didn't really occur on Joe's half-century of governance? You mean they happened in the 1780's? Or do you mean they never really happened at all and this 3.5-5 trillion boondoggle by the democrats is just another scam to rape the American taxpayer to build more political hay for their party!

Keep on supporting the Republican Party Pols,
When did I ever say I was supporting ANY poll, you dumb, rambling jackass?

they're the self serving jerks seeking to keep in power they abuse, and blame the Democrats.
Oh so you mean the Republicans are really in power doing all of this and the DNC and Joe Biden are just along for the ride. :cuckoo:

Blaming the Democrats as tax and spend is absurd;
Especially since 2008, all they've done is tax us and spend, starting in 2009 with Obummacare when we only had 9 trillion in debt.
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Yes Build Back Better is stupid…

Make America Great Again was successful, the beginning of a Revolution…

What does it take for Americans to recognize President Trump is the tip of the spear?

Are you so naive that you believe COVID-19 deaths reported from a Hospice is a true statistic?

Hunter Biden belongs on the board of directors of a drug rehabilitation center, yet somehow he’s brokering deals with CCP leadership? Burisma?

And the best fake statistic of all recorded time is Hoe Biden received 81 million votes, 😂 😆 😝!!!
Yes, bring out the big guns. Hunter Biden. Of course.....he ain't been to jail yet like so many of trump's ass holes, has he?
I'd say he thinks his green shit will bring back better. Of course it will bankrupt the country but he doesn't care. Bidung is a walking disaster.
Build Back Better is a slogan....plagiarized from the United Nations.
Build Back Better is essentially a Trojan Horse.

Build Back Better Simplified:
  • Bail out mismanaged Blue States
  • Pay workers to stay home causing shortages and encouraging dependency on government
  • Install massive tax hikes not just on the rich but reversing the Trump tax cuts
  • Destroy entire industries and put millions out of work

They're doing it in the UK.....and people there can see it for what it is.....shared suffering and misery.

We need to learn to grasp the absolute reality that our government is part of a world wide move to destroy economies and eventually kill off excess populations. Australia is feeling it right now. They're being locked down because they gave away so much of their freedom that government overreach became inevitable. Socialist governments are using their pandemic to clamp down on their populations.....that's why so many are so skeptical about the origins of the virus and the reaction by so-called liberal politicians to the virus.

Fundamental Destruction of America
Liberals are absolutely, positively INCAPABLE of building this country back better than it was under Trump pre covid.

They had 8 years under Barry and couldn't get it done. Fact.

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