What Does God Really Want From Marriage

Let's get back to the questions I'm trying to address.

Maybe the place to start discussing God's purpose in marriage is with God's purpose for people in general. What is He trying to accomplish with us and our lives, and how does marriage fit into that? I can be certain that the "You changed your hairstyle, so I don't love you any more" sort of attitude some people have doesn't serve that overall purpose, but does "You married him, and you're stuck with him no matter what" serve it? If so, how?

Did I answer your question in any way? ................:cool:

Well, you've started to address the topic, but I'm looking to get a lot deeper into the things I just asked about.

If there were quick, easy answers to these questions, people wouldn't keep asking them throughout the centuries. :)
Just out of curiosity, do you know what Jesus has to say on the subject?

If not, I can provide you with the scriputures on the matter.

Yes, I do. Do YOU know WHY He said it?

Let's start with what Jesus had to say on the subject of marriage.

Matthew 19:3 The Pharisees also came to him, tempting him, and saying to him, "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
4 And he answered and said to them, "Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?
5 And said, "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they two shall become one flesh?"
6 Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder."
7 They said to him, "Why did Moses then command to giving a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?
8 HE said to them, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so."
9 "And I say to you, whoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committs adultery, and whoever marries her which is put away does commit adultery."
10 His disciples say to him, "If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry."
11 But he said to them, "All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given."
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were born from their mother's womb and eunuchs of men, and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

So what do you take away from this teaching?

That you not only don't know the answer to my question, you didn't even know it could be asked.
I apologize if I seem like I'm being vague on this topic I introduced. The truth is that I have a million and one thoughts on the subject, and I'm trying to not spit them all out at once and put everyone into philosophical overload. I will have a lot of free time this weekend while I'm out of town, and I will have my laptop with me, so I'm hoping to really explore these questions in some depth with thoughtful people who 1) believe in God, and 2) believe that knowing His will is both possible and important.

All others, PLEASE go find something else to talk about. Really.

Who's 'all others'?

People who aren't thoughtful, don't believe in God, and/or don't consider knowing His will to be possible and important.

You're fine. :)
I probably shouldn't have asked this BEFORE going off to start my long V-Day shift at work. :) Try not to go too far off the rails in my absence, and I WILL be back.
Let's get back to the questions I'm trying to address.

Maybe the place to start discussing God's purpose in marriage is with God's purpose for people in general. What is He trying to accomplish with us and our lives, and how does marriage fit into that? I can be certain that the "You changed your hairstyle, so I don't love you any more" sort of attitude some people have doesn't serve that overall purpose, but does "You married him, and you're stuck with him no matter what" serve it? If so, how?

Did I answer your question in any way? ................:cool:

Well, you've started to address the topic, but I'm looking to get a lot deeper into the things I just asked about.

If there were quick, easy answers to these questions, people wouldn't keep asking them throughout the centuries. :)

That's true, it could take decades to find out. Religion is easy but studying religion isn't.

I can get in depth on the weekends, but I just want to mention if you care, the Islamic Prophet Muhammad told Muslims that marriage is one half of their faith, so it is something great.
The purpose of marriage is to prepare us for Eternal Life. It is helps us become more like Christ and the Father. It creates a lawful intimate relationship with a partner for the purpose of exaltation and to ensure that more of the Lord's children can enter the world. It's the one institution in existance where we are literally encouraged to participate with God in the act of creating new life.

It's not good for man to be alone. I assume that includes woman as well. It's in the marriage relationship that we learn to love and respect others, even if we are hurt and dont believe the other deserves that love or respect. It reveals to us our flaws and teaches us to love our partner despite his or her flaws.

When I was first married, I learned quickly that I had to be humble and suck up my pride in alot of instances. It was very difficult and sometimes painful. I hard to learn to forgive. Because I realized if I couldn't do these things, I could easily lose my wife or drive her away from me. Ive had to learn to be patient, and God knows my wife has had to learn patience as well. (She is dealing with my after all).

I've had to become more Christlike because of my marriage, then I ever did as a single man. Alot of that had to do with the fact that I didn't realize how off the mark I was. I saw myself through new lenses. Makes me ashamed that I waited so long in marrying her.

There are blessings that come from Marriage. I think Ephesians talks about the marriage relationship in clear terms in what God expects from each spouse. He expects the husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, willing to lay down their life for their wives. He expects wives to honor their husbands. I think He does this because those are the things we have the hardest time expressing to one another. Men have a difficult time expressing to their wives that they love them in a way the wife needs. And wives have a difficult time expressing respect for their husbands in a way that their husbands need. In fact, it's the lack of love/honor that causes so many of the fights in so many relationships. I don't think that's a coincidence.

God has created marriage to last forever. It was first instituted between Adam and Eve prior to the Fall and before Death came into the world. Marriage is not meant to end at death as it existed before death did. What God joins together, let no man put asunder.

Marriage and divorce are not light things. I dont think God wants us to do either lightly. Especially when children are involved. They should be done after much prayer and possibly even fasting.

If you want to learn more about what God expects, read the scriptures and ask the Lord to reveal His will concerning marriage. I have no doubt He will give you what you ask for liberally.
I read your thread about your impending divorce last week but I did not respond. I decided to think about what you had said and pray for God to give you wisdom in seeing what you should do. Now that you have written this thread and asked for my opinion, I'll give it to you. Don't do it. Why? The scriptures say, God hates divorce. Is this going to be easy for you? No. Because you have already set it in mind ( somewhat it appears ) that there is no future with this man. What if, Cecilie, your husband were to discover some patent for a highly profitable item and he suddenly becomes a millionaire. Wasn't the premise of your decision based on your having valued certain things differently? He was not as motivated in this uncertain economy as you - you had perceived this and based your decision somewhat on a changeable fact. Facts change but truth does not.

The truth is you are in a covenant, not a contract. What is Gods will concerning a covenant? It cannot be broken for one. It doesn't have an expiration date. It doesn't change one iota due to sickness, poverty, even infidelity ( truth be known that was because of the hardness of their hearts Moses included that loop hole) and in that covenant you have all provision. Outside of it are variable curses for breaking it. Which is why the Jews didn't break their covenants with God. They knew better. For better or worse, what you are in is a covenant. Not a contract. I'd like to write more but I have to go so I will end here for now. I am continuing to pray for you Cecilie and especially for wisdom because I know that what you are going through is not easy. Before I go let me say that your child (I believe you said was 4 yrs old) is a gift from God. The child is given to both of you to raise, nurture, protect, bring into their destiny by example ( sacrifice ) and that will require both of you being there. - Jeremiah

there is nothing prohibiting divorce in the bible.

and each religion provides for its own means of ending a marriage.

no one should be unhappy. there is nothing requiring misery.
I apologize if I seem like I'm being vague on this topic I introduced. The truth is that I have a million and one thoughts on the subject, and I'm trying to not spit them all out at once and put everyone into philosophical overload. I will have a lot of free time this weekend while I'm out of town, and I will have my laptop with me, so I'm hoping to really explore these questions in some depth with thoughtful people who 1) believe in God, and 2) believe that knowing His will is both possible and important.

All others, PLEASE go find something else to talk about. Really.

That sounds good. I will look forward to that. Yes, I believe in God with all my heart. No question in my mind about the existence, authority, power of God, Cecilie. Second I believe it is not only possible to know his will but the only way to live your life is according to his will. To ignore the will of God for your life is to disregard what is best for you and everyone involved. God has a purpose and a plan for your life and it is better than any plan you will come up with on your own.

Yes, I know what Jesus had to say about divorce. He said that because of the hardness of their hearts that Moses had allowed divorce due to infidelity but I don't believe we are talking about infidelity here. We are talking about something that is much more difficult and that is staying in something that makes no sense other than to obey God and say to hell with the consequences. I can tell you that marriage is a picture of the relationship we are to have with Him. If you read the Song of Solomon you will see this is all about our relationship to Christ. In the Song of Solomon there are a few verses which depict clearly the woman taking the relationship for granted. There is a sense of familiarity. He'll be there whenever.....but that is not how it is and how clearly she learns this when she cannot find him!

Sometimes there is something that needs to be addressed and God will use a time of separation to reveal what that something is. I've heard of people divorcing and remarrying the same person before in situations such as that. I don't believe God has put every couple together. In that case you may find the other person wants to leave and the bible says we should let that person leave because they have a free will and it isn't the will of God for a christian to be unequally yoked to an unbeliever.. on the other hand if the unbeliever wants to stay married the christian spouse has the command ( according to scripture) to stay with the unbeliever because through the marriage the believer sanctifies ( eternal salvation included ) the unbeliever.. so there's that also.

- Jeremiah
What Does God Really Want From Marriage?

More children to pay tithes. God needs money.

If you aren't going to be serious about an honest question, why bother?

You mean god does not want those tithes, offerings and seed money?

Seems pretty serious to me many billion per year.

pretty serious to the churches too since about 75% of religious programming is geared to raising money.
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Yes, I do. Do YOU know WHY He said it?

Let's start with what Jesus had to say on the subject of marriage.

Matthew 19:3 The Pharisees also came to him, tempting him, and saying to him, "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
4 And he answered and said to them, "Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?
5 And said, "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they two shall become one flesh?"
6 Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder."
7 They said to him, "Why did Moses then command to giving a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?
8 HE said to them, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so."
9 "And I say to you, whoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committs adultery, and whoever marries her which is put away does commit adultery."
10 His disciples say to him, "If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry."
11 But he said to them, "All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given."
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were born from their mother's womb and eunuchs of men, and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

So what do you take away from this teaching?

That you not only don't know the answer to my question, you didn't even know it could be asked.

So you want to know WHY Jesus said the things he did?

First of all, Jesus was being tempted once again by the Pharisees. If he took a liberal stance on marriage and made it insignificant, then they would accuse him of destroying the institution God had set in place. However, if he took a rigid stance on marriage and not allowed divorce, they would have accused him of not obeying the Mosaic mandate to be allowed to divorce. The question would be akin to, "Yes or no, have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

Instead, Jesus digs at the root of the issue, which is the heart. The reason God allowed divorce was because of the hardness of the hearts of men and women. He never intended this to happen, however. God had intended marriage for the obvious reasons. It provided an intimate social construct with the means of reproduction. It was by in large the fabric that society hinged upon, which was the family unit. After all, we all crave social interaction and we all crave intimacy and by in large all have a drive to reproduce. Marriage offers a safer environment to conduct these pursuits, assuming both parties have sworn to be loyal to each other.

Now getting back to your issue. I know nothing of your circumstances and it really is none of my business. For all I know you are simply baiting me here like the Pharisees of Jesus' day. However, if not and you are really seeking answers, I would defer to the one with the answers. The real issue here is your relationship with your God. Again, if you work on your heart you have a better chance of salvaging a relationship.

This reminds me of a story I once heard. A woman had converted to Christianity and her husband was against all organized religion and finally forbade her to go to church. This lasted for months until she chose to go to church anyway even though she knew it was against his wishes. So when she got home she found the door dead bolted and could not get into the house, so she took a nap on the porch till morning. In the morning the husband looked out onto the porch and opened the door. The woman awoke and walked right past him and into the kitchen and prepared his favorite breakfast for him. Stunned the man eventually broke down into tears and to make a long story short later converted himself.

Now this does not always work in failed relationships but sometimes it does. The message though is to work on your own heart via your relationship with your God. Even if the other party refuses to change, you have changed. That is all you can do. As a Christian, we should always endevour to seek Jesus in everything we do, because he has all the answers and is what ails our often wicked and hardened hearts. As the good book says, seek the Lord with all your might and everything else will fall into place eventually. However, turn from him and do your own bidding your own way and don't expect to much in the end.
What Does God Really Want From Marriage?

More children to pay tithes. God needs money.

If you aren't going to be serious about an honest question, why bother?

You mean god does not want those tithes, offerings and seed money?

Seems pretty serious to me many billion per year.

pretty serious to the churches too since about 75% of religious programming is geared to raising money.

There is no question that some only do it for the money. You would have to be blind not to see that, however, you seem pretty judgemental about everyone who claims to be a Christian.

I've encountered both types of people in my life, and as the years go by it seems easier and easier to spot the takers from the givers. In fact, when it comes to helping the poor the overwhelming majority comes from organized religion.
Let's start with what Jesus had to say on the subject of marriage.

Matthew 19:3 The Pharisees also came to him, tempting him, and saying to him, "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
4 And he answered and said to them, "Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?
5 And said, "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they two shall become one flesh?"
6 Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder."
7 They said to him, "Why did Moses then command to giving a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?
8 HE said to them, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so."
9 "And I say to you, whoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committs adultery, and whoever marries her which is put away does commit adultery."
10 His disciples say to him, "If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry."
11 But he said to them, "All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given."
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were born from their mother's womb and eunuchs of men, and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

So what do you take away from this teaching?

That you not only don't know the answer to my question, you didn't even know it could be asked.

So you want to know WHY Jesus said the things he did?

First of all, Jesus was being tempted once again by the Pharisees. If he took a liberal stance on marriage and made it insignificant, then they would accuse him of destroying the institution God had set in place. However, if he took a rigid stance on marriage and not allowed divorce, they would have accused him of not obeying the Mosaic mandate to be allowed to divorce. The question would be akin to, "Yes or no, have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

Instead, Jesus digs at the root of the issue, which is the heart. The reason God allowed divorce was because of the hardness of the hearts of men and women. He never intended this to happen, however. God had intended marriage for the obvious reasons. It provided an intimate social construct with the means of reproduction. It was by in large the fabric that society hinged upon, which was the family unit. After all, we all crave social interaction and we all crave intimacy and by in large all have a drive to reproduce. Marriage offers a safer environment to conduct these pursuits, assuming both parties have sworn to be loyal to each other.

Now getting back to your issue. I know nothing of your circumstances and it really is none of my business. For all I know you are simply baiting me here like the Pharisees of Jesus' day. However, if not and you are really seeking answers, I would defer to the one with the answers. The real issue here is your relationship with your God. Again, if you work on your heart you have a better chance of salvaging a relationship.

This reminds me of a story I once heard. A woman had converted to Christianity and her husband was against all organized religion and finally forbade her to go to church. This lasted for months until she chose to go to church anyway even though she knew it was against his wishes. So when she got home she found the door dead bolted and could not get into the house, so she took a nap on the porch till morning. In the morning the husband looked out onto the porch and opened the door. The woman awoke and walked right past him and into the kitchen and prepared his favorite breakfast for him. Stunned the man eventually broke down into tears and to make a long story short later converted himself.

Now this does not always work in failed relationships but sometimes it does. The message though is to work on your own heart via your relationship with your God. Even if the other party refuses to change, you have changed. That is all you can do. As a Christian, we should always endevour to seek Jesus in everything we do, because he has all the answers and is what ails our often wicked and hardened hearts. As the good book says, seek the Lord with all your might and everything else will fall into place eventually. However, turn from him and do your own bidding your own way and don't expect to much in the end.

Excellent reply. The woman who slept on the porch was Polly Wigglesworth and the husband whose conversion it led to was her husband Smith Wigglesworth. Wigglesworth became one of the greatest evangelists in the world in his own time. I have volumes of his work on my shelves. He was a plumber by trade and then when he gave himself fully to Christ went into full time ministry. - Jeremiah
What does God want from marriage? A son, doubtless - but He seems to have managed without the legal bit.
First off, my disclaimers. This is NOT a thread about homosexual relationships. If you want to proselytize either for or against, go start your own thread.

This is also NOT a thread about whether or not you believe in God or think people who do are idiots. If you came in here wanting to post about how there is no God and so no one should care what He wants from marriage, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself now.

As to the reason I AM starting this thread . . .

As many of you are aware, I have decided to end my marriage of 18 years. Despite having asked virtually no one's opinion or input on this decision, I have nevertheless received a deluge of same, nonetheless. While most has simply been of the "I'm sorry for your pain and I wish you the best" variety - for which I am profoundly grateful - many people have felt the need to project their feelings about their own relationships or their parents' divorces or what-have-you onto me, and many others have felt compelled to tell me how I'm going against God's will and committing a sin. It is this last that I wish to discuss.

While I am sure many of you consider my abrupt and abrasive manner and salty speech to be at odds with your personal views of what Christians should be like, I am in fact quite concerned about what God expects from me and what His will for my life is. I gave a great deal of consideration to this before I decided to end my marriage, and I continue to consider it throughout this confusing time.

It has always seemed to me that human beings love to have set rules and routines and procedures to follow for everything, to the point where we create them even where they're not necessary or even counter-productive. Anyone who's ever dealt with a bureaucracy can testify to this. I have often thought that a large part of every organized religion blurs from trying to understand God's will and purpose to trying to turn Christianity into a bureaucracy. (No, this is not a rant against organized religion. It still beats disorganized religion, in my opinion.)

What I hear so little of today, in the morass of "God works in mysterious ways" mysticism that passes for theology, is WHY God gives us rules to live our lives by. The truth is that there is not a single rule of behavior handed down in the Bible that doesn't actually have a purpose for existing, a goal it's trying to achieve, and a consequence it is trying to prevent.

So what is God's purpose in the institution of marriage? And how is it served - if, indeed, it IS served - by the rigid ideology and dogma so many Christians attach to it of "preserve the marriage at all costs"? I'm not saying that the quick and easy "You don't make my toes curl anymore, so I'm outta here" attitude toward marriage that seems so prevalent these days is ideal for Christians or anyone else, but does God really value the institution itself above everything else, simply for its own sake? Or does it, like all other institutions, exist for a purpose that it must serve in order to have value? If so, what is that purpose?

IF a god did exist, how does he decide what a marriage is? His only son and his priests in the Catholic Church are not even allowed to marry, so they shouldn't even have a say on what is going on.

I see this thread as somebody who is questioning their decision and trying to justify it by trying to skirt the tenets of god. In other words, trying to make sense of something that has gone wrong while still trying to marry that with what Christian teachings are saying. IOW, more religious "making the rules up as I go along to meet my own agenda".

Having gotten to know you over the past few years I'm surprised your marraige lasted 18 minutes let alone 18 years. Your ex has just gotten the biggest "Get Out Of Jail Free" card of his life.

Since God does exist and created Adam and Eve to compliment each other, I feel God had it all figured out. And what exactly makes you think God is Roman Catholic?
There have been cases of divorce which I believe the Lord was fully behind. When Kathryn Kuhlman divorced the man she had married and returned to her ministry, that was the will of God and she said so repeatedly throughout her life. Her healing ministry was very great afterwards and Benny Hinn came into his own ministry after having attended one of her meetings.

Then there is Maria Woodworth-Etter whose husband mistreated her terribly, took church money for his own intentions, many years of suffering in her case which led to her divorcing him and her ministry began to go worldwide afterwards - that in the 1800's!

There was a couple I knew where the man had been in an affair for many years. The wife was a christian and didn't want a divorce no matter what. It led to his moving out and continuing in the affair. The woman still said she'd forgive him and not hold the affair against him, they had been married 20 years and she was a former beauty queen having won a title for the State we live in. I became personally involved with it as she attended my church and we set aside every other weekend to fast and pray for her marriage to be saved. That was from Fri sundown to Sunday sun up and her boys went to be with their father during that weekend.

We prayed every prayer that could be prayed over the marriage while fasting and still no results. To make matters worse God even showed us he was answering our prayers! We had prayed that God would show the husband a vision of hell during a dream and that it would be enough to turn him out of the illicit affair and return to his family. The woman he was with was not at all attractive and we were sure he was under a spell of some sort! She was involved in witchcraft herself and had quite a reputation at the office she worked in.

Anyhow, doesn't he bring the boys home one weekend and the very first thing the boys both said was Dad had a dream about hell!!! I'm thinking, alright. Wait a minute here. God is answering our prayers. We are getting answers like rain falling from the sky and still this guy is not showing any signs of returning to this marriage! Guess what?

They did get the divorce, she met a terrific guy less than a year later and today they are both married. I believe as hard as it is to understand that it was the will of God for that marriage to end. In fact, I don't believe God ever put those two people together! Are there couples out there like that? Yes. I'm certain of it.
I have no idea what God's plan is for marriage. I suppose it's to provide a stable environment to raise children.

I have seen many divorces, in my own family and among friends. When there are young children involved, divorces are not just messy but usually extract a heavy toll on the kids. IMHO, if you have kids, you should only consider divorce if you feel the kids would be better off. Otherwise, it's better to continue the marriage at least until the kids are much older.

So many couples with kids that decide to divorce don't understand what a hard road they have chosen for themselves and their family. If God frowns on divorcing couples, he must certainly hate divorces in families with kids.
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