What Does God Really Want From Marriage

Today at church the message was about what God wants in his relationship to mankind. The preacher said that as God walked in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve in the garden he envisioned God walking hand in hand not only with Adam but with Eve too. I caught something in Cecilies preparing to ask this and what she was looking for and although I got the feeling she isn't claiming to be a bible preaching, church going person she does believe in God and would like to know what he has in mind for her life. What is his plan for marriage if one is to stay in it throughout the various trials? I am certain that the perfect will of God for every marriage is to be in a relationship with God who can speak to you by His Holy Spirit on what his specific plan and purpose for your life & your spouses. You are like two halves of a wheel and together that wheel does what it was created to do - I think one of the greatest purposes of being married is dying to yourself and your own ways in preference of your spouse. It is through the trials, various issues, battles that the marriage is strengthened so long as the communication lines are clear and free of resentments, past hurts, disappointments not addressed and allowed to be carried on year after year. Remember Jesus has had a relationship with his disciples. Not a church per se as in a building but a relationship that is either growing and becoming better or the reverse.... but relationships do not stand still. The truth is Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with Jesus Christ wherever you happen to be 24 / 7 and so to me it seems like Cecilies current situation may be for a healing in the spiritual part of the relationship she has with God herself. Sometimes it isn't the other person who needs to change so much as we need to adapt and find a creative solution to the problem. I believe it was in Gods mind to have opposites attract from the beginning of time. Two halves - each different - coming together to complete one another but in the process it can be also be a temptation to say this is impossible and I cannot see doing it their way.

The bible says the just shall live by faith. That means God is your provider, your source for everything. If he is head over your household he is your covering for everything else and can even change Joe's heart to do what is in the best interest of his family. The one thing I believe ever reader ( who is a believer in God ) here should do is pray Gods will be done in Cecilies & Joes marriage and that they be blessed by Him each day as they work towards finding out the will of God & what he desires of THEIR marriage.
As I am praying for Cecelie I have been getting this picture in my spirit about her marriage. It is like a valuable oil painting - portrait that is a painting.. that is becoming more and more valuable as time goes on and yet because they are feeling more like starving artists they are willing to part with it perhaps without recognizing the value. Satan is such a liar.

I'm getting like Michaelangelo? Sometimes people fail to see the potential between them ( combined ) to defeat things twice as fast, to create more wealth, to build quicker, survive a winter better, etc. because they are looking at an unrealistic picture out there. The internet is lying, the tv is lying, the people at church are probably lying...the couple from hollywood on the cover of good housekeeping magazine is lying too....... no one is happy all the time. there are times you cannot stand the persons shortcomings but focusing on our example - the ultimate DY 'er ( deny yourself ) Jesus Christ you can do all things and overlook it. I like to say when you are not 100% CERTAIN you are doing the right thing? STOP. Do not do anything. Wait on God and he will show you.
I'm fascinated by the way the American 'Christians' are so hung up on Genesis and totally ignore everything Jesus said. Sancta simplicitas!
As I am an atheist feel free to write off everything I am about to say. But here goes.

I think, if there is a god and he truly cares about people, he couldn't care less about the institution of marriage. I think he would be more interested in the good of the people.

This notion that god would care about purely human rules of propriety seems a bit odd to me. He may care about what is best for the people and in general marriage is a positive thing. But this idea that he sits in heaven with a score card turns the very idea of god into something small and meaningless.

This is one of my primary reasons for abandoning faith. The god I was taught about as a child and into my young adult hood, is not one I would want to follow.

I know that is a sideline to the discussion, and I apologize for that. It's just my 2 cents.
First off, my disclaimers. This is NOT a thread about homosexual relationships. If you want to proselytize either for or against, go start your own thread.

This is also NOT a thread about whether or not you believe in God or think people who do are idiots. If you came in here wanting to post about how there is no God and so no one should care what He wants from marriage, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself now.

As to the reason I AM starting this thread . . .

As many of you are aware, I have decided to end my marriage of 18 years. Despite having asked virtually no one's opinion or input on this decision, I have nevertheless received a deluge of same, nonetheless. While most has simply been of the "I'm sorry for your pain and I wish you the best" variety - for which I am profoundly grateful - many people have felt the need to project their feelings about their own relationships or their parents' divorces or what-have-you onto me, and many others have felt compelled to tell me how I'm going against God's will and committing a sin. It is this last that I wish to discuss.

While I am sure many of you consider my abrupt and abrasive manner and salty speech to be at odds with your personal views of what Christians should be like, I am in fact quite concerned about what God expects from me and what His will for my life is. I gave a great deal of consideration to this before I decided to end my marriage, and I continue to consider it throughout this confusing time.

It has always seemed to me that human beings love to have set rules and routines and procedures to follow for everything, to the point where we create them even where they're not necessary or even counter-productive. Anyone who's ever dealt with a bureaucracy can testify to this. I have often thought that a large part of every organized religion blurs from trying to understand God's will and purpose to trying to turn Christianity into a bureaucracy. (No, this is not a rant against organized religion. It still beats disorganized religion, in my opinion.)

What I hear so little of today, in the morass of "God works in mysterious ways" mysticism that passes for theology, is WHY God gives us rules to live our lives by. The truth is that there is not a single rule of behavior handed down in the Bible that doesn't actually have a purpose for existing, a goal it's trying to achieve, and a consequence it is trying to prevent.

So what is God's purpose in the institution of marriage? And how is it served - if, indeed, it IS served - by the rigid ideology and dogma so many Christians attach to it of "preserve the marriage at all costs"? I'm not saying that the quick and easy "You don't make my toes curl anymore, so I'm outta here" attitude toward marriage that seems so prevalent these days is ideal for Christians or anyone else, but does God really value the institution itself above everything else, simply for its own sake? Or does it, like all other institutions, exist for a purpose that it must serve in order to have value? If so, what is that purpose?

I'm going to try to ignore your preaching as well as your history of snotty and rude one liners instead of actual posts - yes, really - and address only the bare bones of your post.

A marriage of 18 years should not be considered a failure and THAT is what I hear in your words. I know this because I recently left a (very abusive) marriage of 25 years and I recognize some of the fancy footwork borne of the sorrow and anger and hurt.

For some of those years, your marriage was a "success". You should never let go of that. And, never let it become less than it is. Whether you want this divorce or not, you are, right now, schlogging through a graveyard of dreams. I wish I could invite you to read my blog but, for obvious reasons, that's not a good idea.

Like most who post here, I doubt you are as angry and defensive in real life as you are here. This board encourages and rewards the worst in it's posters which is why I don't post here very much.

Or does it, like all other institutions, exist for a purpose that it must serve in order to have value? If so, what is that purpose?

Sort of a strange theological tautology? Actually, I think you're right.

I don't believe in a god but even if I did, its simply fact that "marriage" is a civil, legal contract with the purpose of protecting property ownership. Adding a religious aspect to it came much later. All of it is

For your purposes or for the purpose of anyone who does believe in a god, what your god wants from marriage is whatever you want or need for him/her to want.

Divorce is hard. Its hard to walk away from everything you have labored to build and its hard not to use a machete on your own ego, your own wants and needs. All of us have certain things in common - like the deep seated need to connect to another human being on a very intimate level. You need to believe that you have not lost that. Its still out there someplace.

Until you're able to stand alone, on your own two feet, keep your support system (church?) close by, listen to your own little voice because she will never lie to you, and just try to be kind to yourself.
Since God does exist and created Adam and Eve to compliment each other, I feel God had it all figured out. And what exactly makes you think God is Roman Catholic?

In your opinion god exists. Catholics think he is....shrug. Me? Well, he doesn't exist..

Prove God doesn't exist.

Prove he/she does not exist.

THAT is the whole point. Neither can be proven. That's why its called "faith" instead of "fact". If you choose to believe, you have no choice but to put your intelligence, your logic, everything your brain tells you - all of it, you must put it on hold and CHOOSE to believe in something you will never ever know is true.

If that's what you want, then just do it.
IMHO, being an atheist takes far more faith than being a Christian. If you come across a finely prepared meal on a table, it would take a huge leap of faith to believe nothing put it there.
I'm fascinated by the way the American 'Christians' are so hung up on Genesis and totally ignore everything Jesus said. Sancta simplicitas!

Im fascinated by the way people can say absolutely nothing of value and think they've said something profound.
Since God does exist and created Adam and Eve to compliment each other, I feel God had it all figured out. And what exactly makes you think God is Roman Catholic?

In your opinion god exists. Catholics think he is....shrug. Me? Well, he doesn't exist..

I don't know why this is difficult for some people, but an opinion on something doesnt change facts.

If it's my opinion that my neighbors dog is a cat, that doesn't make the dog a cat or mean it's going to meow any time soon.

If it's my opinion that Mitt Romney won the election in November, that doesn't change the fact that Obama won and it doesn't make Romney the President now.

If it's my opinion that Michael Moore isn't overweight, he doesn't suddenly become 200lbs lighter

If it's my opinion that feces are a delicious source of protien and should be eaten every day for breakfeast, that doesn't make it true either.

In fact, if I suggested any of those things as facts simply because it was my opinion they were, you'd look at me as either stupid or completely insane. And you know what? You'd be completely correct.

Either God exists or He doesn't. He doesn't exist for one person if they believe and not for another person if they don't. It's stupid or insane to suggest that they can both be facts. Either one is a lie, or the other is.

The same goes for the Gospel. Either Christ is who He claimed to be and rose from the grave, or He isn't and didn't. They both aren't true.

I know there are some of you who will go to extreme lengths to lie to yourselves. But you know it's a lie. Avoiding the Truth isn't going to change the fact that it's true. Stop being afraid to face reality. The Truth isn't scary when you actually face it. It may not always be pleasant, but it isn't scary. Lying to yourself because you are afraid and dont want to change isn't going to bring you happiness. It's just going to make you look like you are insane or stupid.
In your opinion god exists. Catholics think he is....shrug. Me? Well, he doesn't exist..

Prove God doesn't exist.

Prove he/she does not exist.

THAT is the whole point. Neither can be proven. That's why its called "faith" instead of "fact". If you choose to believe, you have no choice but to put your intelligence, your logic, everything your brain tells you - all of it, you must put it on hold and CHOOSE to believe in something you will never ever know is true.

If that's what you want, then just do it.

That's a lie. Everyone who lives can know for themselves that God is real. They just have to humble themselves and sincerely seek Him. They will find Him. He reveals Himself to those who seek Him. He always has and He always will. But until you stop lying yourself and stop telling yourself you can't know, you won't ever know. Why would you? It's not different than any other thing we learn. If we tell ourselves we can't learn what 1+1 is, we will never learn that either precisely because we have closed our minds off to the possibility.
In your opinion god exists. Catholics think he is....shrug. Me? Well, he doesn't exist..

Prove God doesn't exist.

I have proof gods don't exist.

Prove I don't.

It seems to me that the only way for someone to know there are no gods is if you are everywhere in and out of the universe simultaneously at all times. Ironically, one could argue that the act of doing just that would make you a god. Is there another way to know?

On the other hand, all one has to do to know there is a God is to have an experience with Him. See, Hear, Touch, etc. for example.

I know for myself that there is a God because I have personal experience with Him. I sought to know Him and I've had experiences with Him. I've seen miracles. Heck, I've felt miracles. It's difficult to deny the Hand of Divine Providence when you see, hear, and feel his power and influence. The pure love and Glory the Holy Spirit brings is humbling.

I want to love, because I've felt His love. I acknowledge His power because I've seen and felt it first hand.

I can promise you that I am nothing special. I am just one of countless people who have experienced God. Who am I to deny what I've experienced? Everyone who reads this can have their own experience. In fact, I encourage you to go out and seek the Lord for yourself. Don't take anyones word for it. The Lord can and will speak for Himself through His Spirit and countless other ways.

Do you love the truth? Do you want to gain greater knowledge than you currently have? I know I do. That means you need to keep searching for more and learning more. You have to learn for yourself. That means not just accepting something because someone wrote it, but getting your own experience and revelation.

There are amazing things out there. You just have to be humble and teachable to learn more of them. If you assume you know everything and even worse, that you can't know something, you never will. Pride will keep you from it.

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