What does he mean when he says this ? It looks like he is going to cancel your vote,

Pearl clutch much?

The U. S. Constitution always wins.

Go worship your King Charles and his whore.
In all fairness he's saying vote this time and all the things you want will be fixed and you (Christians) will not have to vote to fix what you want anymore.

It's pure fiction but we need to be accurate and honest
Talk about cancelling votes.....here's liberal mainstream conditioning the voters that PA may take days to count. Naw, nothing to see here.


This is an unvelievable level of evil.
I doubt that it will concern his cult members but decent people will be concerned.
Amerixa is on the edhe.
So it sounds like he’s talking about a group of people who don’t normally vote..

I think he means that if they vote him in this time, he will fix the problems and after that they won’t have to vote any more if they don’t want to, because he will have straightened out the problems.

You all take little segments like that and actively look for a hook to twist it into something that wasn’t said or even insinuated.

I doubt that it will concern his cult members but decent people will be concerned.
Of course, because he didn’t say what you think he said..
In all fairness he's saying vote this time and all the things you want will be fixed and you (Christians) will not have to vote to fix what you want anymore.

It's pure fiction but we need to be accurate and honest
Or it means he will install himself Presidente for Life.
So it sounds like he’s talking about a group of people who don’t normally vote..

I think he means that if they vote him in this time, he will fix the problems and after that they won’t have to vote any more if they don’t want to, because he will have straightened out the problems.

You all take little segments like that and actively look for a hook to twist it into something that wasn’t said or even insinuated.

Of course, because he didn’t say what you think he said..
Why would people not vote. ? Its a hard fought right.
What would "The Guardian" do without Soros (tx exempt) Media Matters to nit pick and analyze every single word ever spoken by Trump? We know Media Matters has no intention of analyzing speech by democrats because they tell us that they monitor only right wing speech.

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