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What does Israel and US have to do with

Hamas dragging those they suspect of collaboration behind their motorcycles tied by the feet

Hamas executes 30 suspected collaborators: report | i24news - See beyond
Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine requires hiring/coercing hundreds of informers.
End the occupation and you end Hamas resistance, including arbitrary executions.

Ending Military occupations involve peace treaties first George. But the greedy Arabs want ROR as well as complete sovereignty over E. Jerusalem, neither of which will EVER happen. EVER.

So, no, ending the 'occupation' would not bring peace. Maybe a temporary cease fire, but not permanent peace.
Why isn't ISIS attacking Israel or Al Qaeda?? Good question, you do not bite the hand that feeds you.

Israel always so scared of the terrorists, none of them are attacking Israel, WHY?
Give it a rest, Penelope. Regardless of what you are, it is quite obvious that you have availed yourself of the information from the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't you think most of the viewers have heard the same old, same from Jew haters like you? As everyone can see, Penelope, even though she crawls over to the Middle East forum, has no problems with the tens and tens of thousands her friends have killed in the other Middle East countries, which tells us an awful lot about Penelope.

By the way, folks, it looks like Penelope even lapped up the fake Talmud quotes from the hate sites. Penelope must think she is a David Duke Talmudic scholar.

I certainly wish Penelope would go out on the streets of America and ask the ordinary American citizens their opinion of what is happening and who they are cheering for. It is certainly not for Penelope's savage friends who are busy murdering people for their religious beliefs.

Name calling again. Hey if you can dish it out you should be able to take it. No I read the Talmud. I have read lots of Jewish writings, surprised. I needed to know where Christianity came from, its not from Judaism. I see nothing holy in the "holy land" just blood and graves.

No I will give it a rest when I feel like it. As long as Israel wants America to fight I will not give it a rest, that also goes for the Zionist in our government. I was boycott Israel before this bloodshed fiasco, and well I think there are many more now that are going to be pro Palestine. Your true colors really showed.

I see nothing holy what your friends are doing to innocent others. Almost 200,000 killed in the last three years, thousands and thousands wounded, and over 2 million refugees. Of course you don't have time to consider that because you can't drag the Jews in so all these people who died at the hands of your friends are nothing to you. Meanwhile, Penelope, your true colors have been showing the moment you crawled out of the woodwork when you started to post stuff from the same NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites that so many of your kind have dug up before. Now can you tell us, since you are a Talmud scholar, just what Yeshiva did you attend to learn the Talmud. Maybe the same Yeshiva that a Muslim woman from a southern state in India attended since she was such a learned Talmud scholar just like you.

Go ahead and boycott, Israel, Penelope, and don't forget that should you ever need a medical innocation or a cure for something which came out of Israel, you have to turn it down because you don't want to be a hypocrite.

We should of sent the Ebola pts there then if your so smart.
Name calling again. Hey if you can dish it out you should be able to take it. No I read the Talmud. I have read lots of Jewish writings, surprised. I needed to know where Christianity came from, its not from Judaism. I see nothing holy in the "holy land" just blood and graves.

No I will give it a rest when I feel like it. As long as Israel wants America to fight I will not give it a rest, that also goes for the Zionist in our government. I was boycott Israel before this bloodshed fiasco, and well I think there are many more now that are going to be pro Palestine. Your true colors really showed.

I see nothing holy what your friends are doing to innocent others. Almost 200,000 killed in the last three years, thousands and thousands wounded, and over 2 million refugees. Of course you don't have time to consider that because you can't drag the Jews in so all these people who died at the hands of your friends are nothing to you. Meanwhile, Penelope, your true colors have been showing the moment you crawled out of the woodwork when you started to post stuff from the same NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites that so many of your kind have dug up before. Now can you tell us, since you are a Talmud scholar, just what Yeshiva did you attend to learn the Talmud. Maybe the same Yeshiva that a Muslim woman from a southern state in India attended since she was such a learned Talmud scholar just like you.

Go ahead and boycott, Israel, Penelope, and don't forget that should you ever need a medical innocation or a cure for something which came out of Israel, you have to turn it down because you don't want to be a hypocrite.

We should of sent the Ebola pts there then if your so smart.

hi Penelope----good morming---Now you are talking to not just one but TWO mature jewish
women who are very familiar with people like you------you are nothing new. BTW I do
appreciate the fact that you stated you were born in the USA------and----seem to now live
in France? ok----------It is clear that English was either not spoken in your home---or you
attended very little schooling in the USA---or you are just not very bright. You write as if
you are a very dull kid of about 11 years old. I am very impressed with your statement

"We should of sent the Ebola pts there then if your so smart."

It reminds me of my youth----I grew up in what had once been a Nazi enclave in the USA---
the core population was descendants of farming people who were there since before the
revolutionary war and generally of English, Scottish, German, extraction.
Culturally they were a bit "backwoods" but the post war baby boom galvanized
housing projects----lots of little houses. I grew up in a little house-----right there
amongst ---very provincial middle America. ----I was an avid reader as a little kid and
the town was saturated with Nazi propaganda pamphlets-----mostly post world war II--
but some real antiques. See? I know you. Your ebola statement DRIPS of the
kind of resentment the townspeople had towards jews-----because the jews in town were
not backwoods and were kinda-------it seems "in their faces" I do not remember a doctor or
dentist in town who was not a jew-------and even the one single JUDGE was a jew. Looking
back I realize it was that sort of thing that made people come up with statements like
your ebola statement. As a very little kid----like maybe 10---I read a comment in
"letter to the editor"-------in the local paper regarding a local controversy over ----
SEWERS. For no reason at all------a Penelope of 1960 wrote "LET THE JEWS
I had no idea what instigated that idiotic remark -----so I asked my mom-----she just
said "oh .....some people are like that" Well, Penelope----you are "LIKE THAT"---
nothing new. (btw---you never read the Talmud---stop making a fool of yourself----
did you also read "Harrison's Textbook of Medicine"?? How about Hollinghead
"HUMAN ANATOMY"?? What you have read is islamo Nazi propaganda------I recognize it---
I have known it for more than 50 years)
If you'll read the articles you'll understand. He is a Zionist. Wants more fighting. That is a quote from him

""Roosevelt and Churchill grasped what too many analysts in government, academia, media and think tanks do not: To prevail against America's 21st century enemies, kinetic warfare is necessary but insufficient. An ideological war, a war of ideas, also must be waged. And on that front, we have not yet begun to fight."

Actually if is him and people like him that put Israel first and foremost that are using religion and their right to be in Israel. He creats propaganda against Iran because Israel wants the US and us people to think Iran is out to get Israel.

But, Penelope, you seem to forget that your own people want to take over the world for Islam. Perhaps you can get your friendly Iranian leaders to say that they didn't mean it when they stated they want Israel to disappear from the map, or something to that effect.

Say, Penelope, why not tell us who was in the various Middle East countries before your Muslim ancestors forced so many of them to convert to Islam and killed plenty who refused. Now those who were lucky enough to survive your ancestors' onslaught can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace. Meanwhile all you can do is keep blabbering away on a Middle East forum about Israel while your own brethren are still busy murdering innocent people.

Would that make you feel better if I were an Muslim or Persian, sorry I'm just a white USA born French female. I have no reason to be on Muslim or Persian side of things. There is nothing for me in it, except I don't care for what Zionist is doing to America and
I have little use for Israel and their hate speech. They did it to the Germans and now the Muslims, as far as I'm concerned they are what is wrong with the whole ME.

They just slaughtered Palestinians kids and your proud of it, it was like a bloodbath. I have no respect for the government and most of the people of Israel at all. Some of your Rabbis are so gross and say the most disgusting things, and the Babylon Talmud is disgusting, worst than the OT. How is that. I also have little use for any of the US congressman who kiss the ass of Israel. I will have to pick the lesser of two evils when its time to vote.
If your ballot contains congressional candidates from established third parties running for house or senate seats, consider voting for a third party candidate instead of "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat. It's likely half of all eligible voters in November's mid-term will not bother casting a ballot precisely because they feel their vote makes little difference since the richest one percent of US voters already own both major political parties; that could change very easily if tens of millions of eligible voters decide to FLUSH the US Congress in a single news cycle. The Internet makes it doable.
But, Penelope, you seem to forget that your own people want to take over the world for Islam. Perhaps you can get your friendly Iranian leaders to say that they didn't mean it when they stated they want Israel to disappear from the map, or something to that effect.

Say, Penelope, why not tell us who was in the various Middle East countries before your Muslim ancestors forced so many of them to convert to Islam and killed plenty who refused. Now those who were lucky enough to survive your ancestors' onslaught can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace. Meanwhile all you can do is keep blabbering away on a Middle East forum about Israel while your own brethren are still busy murdering innocent people.

Would that make you feel better if I were an Muslim or Persian, sorry I'm just a white USA born French female. I have no reason to be on Muslim or Persian side of things. There is nothing for me in it, except I don't care for what Zionist is doing to America and
I have little use for Israel and their hate speech. They did it to the Germans and now the Muslims, as far as I'm concerned they are what is wrong with the whole ME.

They just slaughtered Palestinians kids and your proud of it, it was like a bloodbath. I have no respect for the government and most of the people of Israel at all. Some of your Rabbis are so gross and say the most disgusting things, and the Babylon Talmud is disgusting, worst than the OT. How is that. I also have little use for any of the US congressman who kiss the ass of Israel. I will have to pick the lesser of two evils when its time to vote.
If your ballot contains congressional candidates from established third parties running for house or senate seats, consider voting for a third party candidate instead of "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat. It's likely half of all eligible voters in November's mid-term will not bother casting a ballot precisely because they feel their vote makes little difference since the richest one percent of US voters already own both major political parties; that could change very easily if tens of millions of eligible voters decide to FLUSH the US Congress in a single news cycle. The Internet makes it doable.

You remember the Bush and Gore fiasco. Well Bush had to get in, as every neocons , I should say the main ones were Republican: menbers of Pnac (some of the planners behind 911)

Bush administration included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer and Kristol.

to name a few.
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But, Penelope, you seem to forget that your own people want to take over the world for Islam. Perhaps you can get your friendly Iranian leaders to say that they didn't mean it when they stated they want Israel to disappear from the map, or something to that effect.

Say, Penelope, why not tell us who was in the various Middle East countries before your Muslim ancestors forced so many of them to convert to Islam and killed plenty who refused. Now those who were lucky enough to survive your ancestors' onslaught can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace. Meanwhile all you can do is keep blabbering away on a Middle East forum about Israel while your own brethren are still busy murdering innocent people.

Would that make you feel better if I were an Muslim or Persian, sorry I'm just a white USA born French female. I have no reason to be on Muslim or Persian side of things. There is nothing for me in it, except I don't care for what Zionist is doing to America and
I have little use for Israel and their hate speech. They did it to the Germans and now the Muslims, as far as I'm concerned they are what is wrong with the whole ME.

They just slaughtered Palestinians kids and your proud of it, it was like a bloodbath. I have no respect for the government and most of the people of Israel at all. Some of your Rabbis are so gross and say the most disgusting things, and the Babylon Talmud is disgusting, worst than the OT. How is that. I also have little use for any of the US congressman who kiss the ass of Israel. I will have to pick the lesser of two evils when its time to vote.
If your ballot contains congressional candidates from established third parties running for house or senate seats, consider voting for a third party candidate instead of "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat. It's likely half of all eligible voters in November's mid-term will not bother casting a ballot precisely because they feel their vote makes little difference since the richest one percent of US voters already own both major political parties; that could change very easily if tens of millions of eligible voters decide to FLUSH the US Congress in a single news cycle. The Internet makes it doable.

I don't think your Saudi and Pakistani friends would like that as it would take control of the US government away from them. Then the ISLAMONAZI's in the US would be clamouring for seats on planes out of the country, do you have a bag packed ready like the muslims in Europe have in case there is another Islamic terrorist attack.
Would that make you feel better if I were an Muslim or Persian, sorry I'm just a white USA born French female. I have no reason to be on Muslim or Persian side of things. There is nothing for me in it, except I don't care for what Zionist is doing to America and
I have little use for Israel and their hate speech. They did it to the Germans and now the Muslims, as far as I'm concerned they are what is wrong with the whole ME.

They just slaughtered Palestinians kids and your proud of it, it was like a bloodbath. I have no respect for the government and most of the people of Israel at all. Some of your Rabbis are so gross and say the most disgusting things, and the Babylon Talmud is disgusting, worst than the OT. How is that. I also have little use for any of the US congressman who kiss the ass of Israel. I will have to pick the lesser of two evils when its time to vote.
If your ballot contains congressional candidates from established third parties running for house or senate seats, consider voting for a third party candidate instead of "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat. It's likely half of all eligible voters in November's mid-term will not bother casting a ballot precisely because they feel their vote makes little difference since the richest one percent of US voters already own both major political parties; that could change very easily if tens of millions of eligible voters decide to FLUSH the US Congress in a single news cycle. The Internet makes it doable.

You remember the Bush and Gore fiasco. Well Bush had to get in, as every neocons , I should say the main ones were Republican: menbers of Pnac (some of the planners behind 911)

Bush administration included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer and Kristol.

to name a few.

Which conspiracy website did this emerge from
If your ballot contains congressional candidates from established third parties running for house or senate seats, consider voting for a third party candidate instead of "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat. It's likely half of all eligible voters in November's mid-term will not bother casting a ballot precisely because they feel their vote makes little difference since the richest one percent of US voters already own both major political parties; that could change very easily if tens of millions of eligible voters decide to FLUSH the US Congress in a single news cycle. The Internet makes it doable.

You remember the Bush and Gore fiasco. Well Bush had to get in, as every neocons , I should say the main ones were Republican: menbers of Pnac (some of the planners behind 911)

Bush administration included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer and Kristol.

to name a few.

Which conspiracy website did this emerge from

Way to obvious to be a conspiracy except by the people who pulled it off.
You remember the Bush and Gore fiasco. Well Bush had to get in, as every neocons , I should say the main ones were Republican: menbers of Pnac (some of the planners behind 911)

Bush administration included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer and Kristol.

to name a few.

Which conspiracy website did this emerge from

Way to obvious to be a conspiracy except by the people who pulled it off.

You really have to look at Penelope as a comedy show. It is quite obvious that she has gotten all her facts from the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. As far as the planners behind 9/11, Penelope should read the following book. In it, her new terrorist friends will explain how they planned and carried out 9/11. It's a shame we couldn't throw Penelope into the jail cell of one of them now. They certainly would give her "what for" for trying to give credit to others for the atrocity committed upon the American people that they are so proud. After all, they got the New Yorkers down on their knees. However, New Yorkers are resilient enough to be standing up tall now and going about their lives. Good thing Penelope's new friends weren't able to commit what they planned to do on the New York subways. The Intelligence Agencies were on top of that..

Sally Penelope is nothing new-------centuries ago her people insisted that jews caused
earthquakes Cholera is endemic in the middle east-----the last time it popped up
in the Iraq/southern Syrian area----guess who MADE IT HAPPEN
Sally Penelope is nothing new-------centuries ago her people insisted that jews caused
earthquakes Cholera is endemic in the middle east-----the last time it popped up
in the Iraq/southern Syrian area----guess who MADE IT HAPPEN

And her kind are certainly not new to these forums down through the years, pulling up the same stuff over and over from the hate sites.
Sally Penelope is nothing new-------centuries ago her people insisted that jews caused
earthquakes Cholera is endemic in the middle east-----the last time it popped up
in the Iraq/southern Syrian area----guess who MADE IT HAPPEN

And her kind are certainly not new to these forums down through the years, pulling up the same stuff over and over from the hate sites.

When are you both going to get it I'm American, and us Americans are not blind. I should get some more to come to this site as it seems to be overrun with Jews.

Now why are these terrorists groups not attacking Israel?? can you give an answer? no I didn't think so.
Sally Penelope is nothing new-------centuries ago her people insisted that jews caused
earthquakes Cholera is endemic in the middle east-----the last time it popped up
in the Iraq/southern Syrian area----guess who MADE IT HAPPEN

And her kind are certainly not new to these forums down through the years, pulling up the same stuff over and over from the hate sites.

When are you both going to get it I'm American, and us Americans are not blind. I should get some more to come to this site as it seems to be overrun with Jews.

Now why are these terrorists groups not attacking Israel?? can you give an answer? no I didn't think so.

Gosh, most Americans would say "we Americans" unless they had to take an ESL course and get a little mixed up. Then, again, the girlfriends of skinheads are not exceptionally smart. This happens to be the Middle East forum, and you certainly are not interested in what is happening in all the rest of the Middle East except for what is happening in israel. Get out on the streets of America and ask the American citizens what they think of your friends running amok in the other Middle East countries. They certainly are not going to blame Israel.

As for the terrorist groups attacking Israel, I don't think Hamas is playing a friendly game of checkers with the Israelis. By the way, there was an article about ISIS in Gaza a while back. Can you tell us if your new friends have infiltrated there in greater numbers?
And her kind are certainly not new to these forums down through the years, pulling up the same stuff over and over from the hate sites.

When are you both going to get it I'm American, and us Americans are not blind. I should get some more to come to this site as it seems to be overrun with Jews.

Now why are these terrorists groups not attacking Israel?? can you give an answer? no I didn't think so.

Gosh, most Americans would say "we Americans" unless they had to take an ESL course and get a little mixed up. Then, again, the girlfriends of skinheads are not exceptionally smart. This happens to be the Middle East forum, and you certainly are not interested in what is happening in all the rest of the Middle East except for what is happening in israel. Get out on the streets of America and ask the American citizens what they think of your friends running amok in the other Middle East countries. They certainly are not going to blame Israel.

As for the terrorist groups attacking Israel, I don't think Hamas is playing a friendly game of checkers with the Israelis. By the way, there was an article about ISIS in Gaza a while back. Can you tell us if your new friends have infiltrated there in greater numbers?

I do not want to double back----but did not lady Penelope claim to be "French"?----as I recall---although
I have to admit I may not have attended to the presented data with intensity-----Penelope claimed,
"I was born in the USA and now am in France." In view of her limited ability in the English language,
I assumed that she does most of her talking and writing in FRENCH--------???? Speaking of
language----it seems Penelope is not at all aware of the fact that her use of language also
reflects her racist and islamo Nazi tendencies. "this board is overrun..." It is that
"Da JOOOOs control....." thing all over again.

I have,, over the years,, given some thought as to how the back alley idiots of the USA and
various under developed parts of Europe and Asia developed the impression of
"da joooos control.." I think it has something to do with LITERACY----and also
with the Talmud-----which is so extensive in its many many volumes that it frightens
the illiterate-------but not Penelope-----SHE READ IT.....all of it. Sheeeesh---even I
have not read ALL OF IT.
And her kind are certainly not new to these forums down through the years, pulling up the same stuff over and over from the hate sites.

When are you both going to get it I'm American, and us Americans are not blind. I should get some more to come to this site as it seems to be overrun with Jews.

Now why are these terrorists groups not attacking Israel?? can you give an answer? no I didn't think so.

Gosh, most Americans would say "we Americans" unless they had to take an ESL course and get a little mixed up. Then, again, the girlfriends of skinheads are not exceptionally smart. This happens to be the Middle East forum, and you certainly are not interested in what is happening in all the rest of the Middle East except for what is happening in israel. Get out on the streets of America and ask the American citizens what they think of your friends running amok in the other Middle East countries. They certainly are not going to blame Israel.

As for the terrorist groups attacking Israel, I don't think Hamas is playing a friendly game of checkers with the Israelis. By the way, there was an article about ISIS in Gaza a while back. Can you tell us if your new friends have infiltrated there in greater numbers?

ISIS is after the Egyptian Goddess. IS-RA-El. So obvious.
When are you both going to get it I'm American, and us Americans are not blind. I should get some more to come to this site as it seems to be overrun with Jews.

ISIS is after the Egyptian Goddess. IS-RA-El. So obvious.

Penelope dear, be calm-----your statements suggest that you are afflicted with
a "dieintergration of cognition" Just call you family physician and repeat the
two statements to him--------he will know what to do.
When are you both going to get it I'm American, and us Americans are not blind. I should get some more to come to this site as it seems to be overrun with Jews.

ISIS is after the Egyptian Goddess. IS-RA-El. So obvious.

Penelope dear, be calm-----your statements suggest that you are afflicted with
a "dieintergration of cognition" Just call you family physician and repeat the
two statements to him--------he will know what to do.

I'm a nurse no need.

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