What does it look like BEFORE a white kids shoots up a School....

CC, No. I am not mad at you for seeing anything. I am angry that you are such a low-life scumbag who wants to turn a young child's pathology to a decidedly racist advantage. I think you are a sick and low-life scumbag, in case that was not already clear.

Its racist that I said he was white? Interesting. Would you like a clean Kotex?
You need to answer what the relevance is in his being white.

Because he is. Should I say he's Asian for your benefit?
You need to explain the relevance in that.

Is him being white not relevent? You need to explain why
CC, No. I am not mad at you for seeing anything. I am angry that you are such a low-life scumbag who wants to turn a young child's pathology to a decidedly racist advantage. I think you are a sick and low-life scumbag, in case that was not already clear.

Its racist that I said he was white? Interesting. Would you like a clean Kotex?
You need to answer what the relevance is in his being white.

Because he is. Should I say he's Asian for your benefit?
You need to explain the relevance in that.

Is him being white not relevent? You need to explain why
You need to explain why the child's being white is relevant, not why it's not.

You are a scumbag low-life and you can't. A sleaze to be sure.
It is pretty disgusting to use an obviously seriously disturbed child to push a racist agenda. Yes, that happens to white kids too. CC, I am not sure if you can sink any lower.

You can make excuses all you want for the little school shooter but this kid knew exactly what was going on and didnt give a shit. Play that "Mental illness" diagnoses from your monitor shit on someone interested in excuses

Ahh, but it's the progressives who have taken parents ability to discipline their kids away. You reap what you sow.

Sure! More Excuses will help this kid!

I'm not making excuses. I am stating a fact. The children today are screwed up because the progressives have made it nearly impossible to reasonably discipline children. Then you fools are shocked when little monsters like this one are the result.

Wake up dummy.
If you use what someone might do as an excuse to why you are failing to parent then you're just making excuses and doing your own child a disservice. That's no one else fault but your own.
If you use what someone might do as an excuse to why you are failing to parent then you're just making excuses and doing your own child a disservice. That's no one else fault but your own.

That is one of the most moronic responses I think I have ever heard. The facts are if you discipline a child you get to go to jail in many States of this country. You quite simply are not allowed to spank them, and for some that is all they respond to. Add to that the "child centered" philosophy that progressive loons have foisted off on society and it is a wonder that there aren't more spoiled brats out there.
By golly, just last week when my child needed a spanking I felt nothing stopping me. How could this be?

Oh, because making sure my child isn't a burden and respects me holds more weight with me. This lady should take that into consideration or continue to raise a piece of shit. Her choice...I made mine.
I've seen kids that acted like that when I was a kid. Their parents would either spank the crap out of the right then and there or drag them out of the store and do it outside.

The only sickness is our PC society that molly coddles our children now, doesn't allow for any punishment at all, and has a whole agency (CPS) that doesn't feel the need to obey the constitution to back the whole play up.
CPS doesn't forbid punishment or spanking. If you've had a tussle with them, you did more than that.
you are wrong, I witnessed it. Called a cop and reported the mother to the cop and then the lady was detained with her child until a rep came. Don't spread lies, it's not becoming.

Over a spanking? You sir are part of the problem then.
i didn't call the cops, I witnessed someone that did that at a Walmart.

And yes, over a spanking.
I can't think of a single school shooting that wasn't a white kid. Was he implying it's usually black kids? I'm still lost how he's insulted anyone, except the kid and the mother in the video. But that's just me; carry on. It might come to me later.

Black, Hispanic, Native American, ...
I've seen kids that acted like that when I was a kid. Their parents would either spank the crap out of the right then and there or drag them out of the store and do it outside.

The only sickness is our PC society that molly coddles our children now, doesn't allow for any punishment at all, and has a whole agency (CPS) that doesn't feel the need to obey the constitution to back the whole play up.
CPS doesn't forbid punishment or spanking. If you've had a tussle with them, you did more than that.
you are wrong, I witnessed it. Called a cop and reported the mother to the cop and then the lady was detained with her child until a rep came. Don't spread lies, it's not becoming.

Over a spanking? You sir are part of the problem then.
i didn't call the cops, I witnessed someone that did that at a Walmart.

And yes, over a spanking.

I fins that hard to believe. You saw the whole thing, waited for police and wasn't involved all over a spanking. Not sure where you are but it wasn't a black area. Black kids don't get away with that shit and parents let parents parent.
""><a href=

If you know a child like this with a piece of shit mother and Granny do the right thing and put a foot in his ass or call the year 2020 to warn the school district of this threat.

See something, say something

Whatever happened to parents using a good belt on the kids rear end to stop that kind of bullshit?

Fuck, have all parents become total wankers?
It is pretty disgusting to use an obviously seriously disturbed child to push a racist agenda. Yes, that happens to white kids too. CC, I am not sure if you can sink any lower.
Spoiled brat does not equate to seriously disturbed. Sorry, that kid is borderline autistic at the most, and should have had his ass whooped red.
I fins that hard to believe. You saw the whole thing, waited for police and wasn't involved all over a spanking. Not sure where you are but it wasn't a black area. Black kids don't get away with that shit and parents let parents parent.
While I agree that MOST black kids dont get away with it because the black community is still more Christian than most white communities, I have seen spoiled black kids too and well disciplined white kids.

IT is the parents that make the choice and though there is a cultural aspect to it, it is not based on race.
It is pretty disgusting to use an obviously seriously disturbed child to push a racist agenda. Yes, that happens to white kids too. CC, I am not sure if you can sink any lower.

You can make excuses all you want for the little school shooter but this kid knew exactly what was going on and didnt give a shit. Play that "Mental illness" diagnoses from your monitor shit on someone interested in excuses
You are one sick fuck! I don't give a rat's ass if the language I never use gets me booted from this site.

The kid is seriously disturbed!

What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Yes he is...and I hope he never has access to guns. Can the NRA say the same?
Yes, if a psychiatrist signs off saying the kid is mentally unstable and poses a threat to the safety of others I think the NRA would agree to not letting this little fuck ever own a gun.
CC is right that no one can diagnose this kid from an 8 minute tantrum. However, CC can't either. Most of the kids I've seen with true mental health issues would be a lot more intense and explosive than he was, but what do I know? Not much.
What I can't figure out is why Meathead is calling CC a racist for this post. What did I miss?
I disagree. If that kid was autistic, he would have thrown himself on the floor and started hurting himself from all the autistics I have ever seen. when I got Aspergers counseling, some of the autistic kids really creeped me out, the little bastards.

This kid only needs some persistent and consistent parental discipline. The mom has utterly failed this kid and probably just drugs him into lethargy.
It is pretty disgusting to use an obviously seriously disturbed child to push a racist agenda. Yes, that happens to white kids too. CC, I am not sure if you can sink any lower.

Wonder if he feels the same about the black kid gangbangers who spend loads of time shooting up Chicago, Detroit and other major cities.
CC is talking about something different, something most likely to be done by whites, and that is the lone wolf serial killer or mass murderer.

You are talking about organized violence that requires some social integration.
""><a href=

If you know a child like this with a piece of shit mother and Granny do the right thing and put a foot in his ass or call the year 2020 to warn the school district of this threat.

See something, say something

What does skin color have to do with it?

The fact that white kids are known to not be disciplined and to shoot up public places like schools. When I searched black under your name Roshawn there were 197 results so cut the cute shit

The crazy guy who shot up the navy yard was black. Nut shooters aren't a result of skin color culture.
What about my name? Roshawn is a typical black racist, anti-white, conspicuously un-white contrivance of the post affirmative action welfare society.

The predominant cases are that it is a white male who does serial killings or mass murder.

Sorry, but it is just the facts.
There are many of us from the 50s through 70s who were punished with corporal punishment. It didn't make anyone less of an adult. In fact it made us change how we disciplined our kids. A good smack on the ass never hurt one child in the world.

Lessee, I got whooped with a limb from a hickory tree, a weeping willow and a pine branch and broom stick, a wire cable and a big rodeo buckle end of a belt.

I survived and was far the better for it.

Todays white middle class Americans are fucking wusses compared tot he Great Generation that fought a two front world war and the Great depression..
If you use what someone might do as an excuse to why you are failing to parent then you're just making excuses and doing your own child a disservice. That's no one else fault but your own.

That is one of the most moronic responses I think I have ever heard. The facts are if you discipline a child you get to go to jail in many States of this country. You quite simply are not allowed to spank them, and for some that is all they respond to. Add to that the "child centered" philosophy that progressive loons have foisted off on society and it is a wonder that there aren't more spoiled brats out there.

Westwall, a dont think a good parent is going to not do what they must do to bring up their children well, even if they risk jail. They just need to be more clever about it. Corporal discipline needs to be used sparingly after other things have been done first, like revoking privileges, taking back due allowances restrictions to the room WITHOUT electronic devices and even then if all that does not get the desired repentance, then they should be spanked a specific number of strokes explained to the child prior to the spanking and they should be administered in a calm way.

If it is illegal then the child must understand what happens to them if they report the infraction and the family is broken up.

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