What Does It Mean When A Right Winger Says "The President Doesn't Love America?"

Is it more code for something else?

Here's a clip of, yet another, RW whacko getting caught out there in the weeds making radical statements they can't seem to back up or make sense out of.

Soledad O'Brien To Tea Party's Amy Kremer: Questioning Obama's Love Of America Is 'Code Word For Something Else' (VIDEO)

They don't even know what they're saying it seems, the just say it.

Either that, or they know EXACTLY what they are saying, but don't have the balls to state it out right.

So what is really meant by statements such as "our President doesn't love America" exactly?


Why is it that apparent supporters of Obama seem to think there is nothing more interesting about him than his race? Obama has long been criticized by the right for his apologies for past American actions which offend many on the right and leads them to believe he doesn't love America. Bill Clinton met much of the same kind of criticism from the right for his support for Kyoto and the ICC as did Kerry for his perceived stance during his campaign against the US taking military action without the support of the international community.

It is profoundly racist to imagine the Republicans dislike Obama because of his race when the early polls showed Colin Powell would have been the run away favorite for the Republican nomination in 2000 if he had chosen to run and that Condi Rice would have been the early favorite for the Republican nomination in 2008 if she had chosen to run. If Reagan and the two Bushes had not elevated Powell and Rice to higher positions than any black person had ever held before and if the Republican Party had not embraced them so warmly, the US would not have been prepared to elect Barack Obama in 2008.
Is it more code for something else?

Here's a clip of, yet another, RW whacko getting caught out there in the weeds making radical statements they can't seem to back up or make sense out of.

Soledad O'Brien To Tea Party's Amy Kremer: Questioning Obama's Love Of America Is 'Code Word For Something Else' (VIDEO)

They don't even know what they're saying it seems, the just say it.

Either that, or they know EXACTLY what they are saying, but don't have the balls to state it out right.

So what is really meant by statements such as "our President doesn't love America" exactly?


If you love something, you don't want to change everything about it. Even the campaign ad with Clinton ends with him saying that Obama wants to rebuild America from the ground up. You can't rebuild something till you tear it down. Obama has talked about fundamentally changing America. He doesn't like it or he wouldn't want to rebuild it into something else.
OP: It means they're brainwashed racist loudmouth ugly 'Merican Pub dupe idiots...NEXT!
Is it more code for something else?

Here's a clip of, yet another, RW whacko getting caught out there in the weeds making radical statements they can't seem to back up or make sense out of.

Soledad O'Brien To Tea Party's Amy Kremer: Questioning Obama's Love Of America Is 'Code Word For Something Else' (VIDEO)

They don't even know what they're saying it seems, the just say it.

Either that, or they know EXACTLY what they are saying, but don't have the balls to state it out right.

So what is really meant by statements such as "our President doesn't love America" exactly?


If you love something, you don't want to change everything about it. Even the campaign ad with Clinton ends with him saying that Obama wants to rebuild America from the ground up. You can't rebuild something till you tear it down. Obama has talked about fundamentally changing America. He doesn't like it or he wouldn't want to rebuild it into something else.
Why am I reminded of a certain Tri-Corner Hat-wearing group that were screaming something about "We want to take our country BACK!"

Things that make me go, Hmmmmm......!!!
Is it more code for something else?

Here's a clip of, yet another, RW whacko getting caught out there in the weeds making radical statements they can't seem to back up or make sense out of.

Soledad O'Brien To Tea Party's Amy Kremer: Questioning Obama's Love Of America Is 'Code Word For Something Else' (VIDEO)

They don't even know what they're saying it seems, the just say it.

Either that, or they know EXACTLY what they are saying, but don't have the balls to state it out right.

So what is really meant by statements such as "our President doesn't love America" exactly?


here is what it means

Soledad O'Brian-omg

I hope all those people who voted for Obama and now disapprove of him like being accused of being a racist and now speaking in CODE

good gawd
Is it more code for something else?

Here's a clip of, yet another, RW whacko getting caught out there in the weeds making radical statements they can't seem to back up or make sense out of.

Soledad O'Brien To Tea Party's Amy Kremer: Questioning Obama's Love Of America Is 'Code Word For Something Else' (VIDEO)

They don't even know what they're saying it seems, the just say it.

Either that, or they know EXACTLY what they are saying, but don't have the balls to state it out right.

So what is really meant by statements such as "our President doesn't love America" exactly?


here is what it means


Soledad O'Brian-omg

I hope all those people who voted for Obama and now disapprove of him like being accused of being a racist and now speaking in CODE

good gawd
What does it mean Stephanie?

Notice not a one of you have been able to answer as yet. Why is this?
Looks to me like the Prez doesn't like the way the country operates.

You know. That Social Justice bs he spews.

God knows if your a go getter and make something of your life you just gotta share it with the freeloader down the street.

Social Justice 101.
All obama's problems are because he's a half cracker? Is that what i'm hearing this mawning?

Nope. Could be from listening the Rev Wright for 20yrs.

You know God Damn America and all that other bs he spewed for 20yrs??

Oh wait. I forgot. Barrynever heard any of that. Never mind..
Still no answer on what it means...just more hardRW talking points.

I wish you people would surprise me.
The question in the op....
What it means is the speaker doesn't share the same vision as the president.

   /haɪˈpɜrbəli/ Show Spelled[hahy-pur-buh-lee] Show IPA
noun Rhetoric .
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”
the above from ;
Hyperbole | Define Hyperbole at Dictionary.com

other current examples of hyperbole;

Obama team: Romney committed a felony or lied to voters - POLITICO.com

Obama Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Progressive, Commie

this one is especially interesting because of the source and which side they appear to support;

The racist nature of the Republican Party's most effective lies - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

But basically it is the season where one candidate tells his group of moron supporters what hyperbole to spread while the other candidate is is telling his group of moron supporters what hyperbole he wishes them to spread.

called the reoccurring flying circus, or the american 4 year plague, your choice.

its not real though, its just a really big show
Still no answer on what it means...just more hardRW talking points.

I wish you people would surprise me.

You people? Surprise you how? By giving you a post so that you can argue your manufactured outrage to try to shine the light of racism onto someone else, when clearly the racist spotlight is and always has been shining solely upon you.
Come on Marc. Have you already forgotten the new lib-speak meme?

No matter WHAT any conservative or Republican says, there is no interpretation required.

Everything is either overt racism of coded racism.

Snap out of it.
Is it more code for something else?

Here's a clip of, yet another, RW whacko getting caught out there in the weeds making radical statements they can't seem to back up or make sense out of.

Soledad O'Brien To Tea Party's Amy Kremer: Questioning Obama's Love Of America Is 'Code Word For Something Else' (VIDEO)

They don't even know what they're saying it seems, the just say it.

Either that, or they know EXACTLY what they are saying, but don't have the balls to state it out right.

So what is really meant by statements such as "our President doesn't love America" exactly?


It means he's a ****** and ******* don't love America.

Bill Clinton sure loves America

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