What Does It Take?

South Carolina just indicted one. Takes evidence of a crime. Thats all.

You want cops jailed.....sooooooo badly, dont you hahaha!?!?!
Well yeah....if the cop could have looked into the future to discover the rifle was a BB gun.
That thing was a pretty good copy of an ACR,i'm not going to blame the cop for this one.
Just like all things like this,hind sight is twenty twenty.

All the cop had to do was not make a target of himself and wait for back-up to surround him. The fact is he never posed a threat, and it could not have been more obvious that he was not actively engaged in doing anyone harm. Could have been, but they had time to surround him without the slightest doubt. Look, if cops are so scared of being shot or killed, they should not be cops. There are plenty of real men out there to do the job. When they join the force, they make a big sacrifice for all American citizens to protect them and to serve them. You cannot do that by always fearing for your life like they do. Millions of Americans have made the same sacrifice when they joined the military, and they are not pussies and perpetually worried about their life and limb. Can you imagine if our soldiers had this attitude the police do?

So much wrong here....

And you couldn't name one. :laugh:
Well yeah....if the cop could have looked into the future to discover the rifle was a BB gun.
That thing was a pretty good copy of an ACR,i'm not going to blame the cop for this one.
Just like all things like this,hind sight is twenty twenty.

All the cop had to do was not make a target of himself and wait for back-up to surround him. The fact is he never posed a threat, and it could not have been more obvious that he was not actively engaged in doing anyone harm. Could have been, but they had time to surround him without the slightest doubt. Look, if cops are so scared of being shot or killed, they should not be cops. There are plenty of real men out there to do the job. When they join the force, they make a big sacrifice for all American citizens to protect them and to serve them. You cannot do that by always fearing for your life like they do. Millions of Americans have made the same sacrifice when they joined the military, and they are not pussies and perpetually worried about their life and limb. Can you imagine if our soldiers had this attitude the police do?

So much wrong here....

And you couldn't name one. :laugh:

It's not that...trust me. It's your complete disconnect with reality that tells me it would be a waste of time.
Well yeah....if the cop could have looked into the future to discover the rifle was a BB gun.
That thing was a pretty good copy of an ACR,i'm not going to blame the cop for this one.
Just like all things like this,hind sight is twenty twenty.

All the cop had to do was not make a target of himself and wait for back-up to surround him. The fact is he never posed a threat, and it could not have been more obvious that he was not actively engaged in doing anyone harm. Could have been, but they had time to surround him without the slightest doubt. Look, if cops are so scared of being shot or killed, they should not be cops. There are plenty of real men out there to do the job. When they join the force, they make a big sacrifice for all American citizens to protect them and to serve them. You cannot do that by always fearing for your life like they do. Millions of Americans have made the same sacrifice when they joined the military, and they are not pussies and perpetually worried about their life and limb. Can you imagine if our soldiers had this attitude the police do?

So much wrong here....

And you couldn't name one. :laugh:

It's not that...trust me. It's your complete disconnect with reality that tells me it would be a waste of time.

Reality is too hard for you so you pretend it is not there.
Were the cops yelling at the guy to put down the rifle,or did they just start shooting?

Look at the video I seem to see the toy gun on the floor when the guy got shot.
He was shot by the cop out of frame without warning. He dropped the gun which was not pointing at anything. and crawled to the next aisle. When he saw the other cop he did what anyone would do. Tried to go the other way at which time the first one shot him again amd finished him off.
Not sure what the gun being out of the box has to do with anything. Other than he was dumb enough to pick it up and walk around the store with it.
And the shootee was acting pretty strange. Whats up with him standing in the corner for so long?
Just something weird about this. Could the guy have been extremely high on something? It would explain his bizarre behavior.

As far as the shooting goes,it's kind of hard to pass judgement at this point.
If the cop thought that gun was real I cant really blame him for shooting the guy.

OMG - Blaming the victim! Ohio is an open carry state. There is nothing abnormal or stupid about carrying a weapon in stores. Crawford was NOT acting pretty strange, he was on the phone with the mother of his children discussing getting this BB gun for them. He had no clue the lying asshole who called 911 & the police were hunting him down to shoot him in the back as ballistics show. The cops were extremely careless & also caused the mother of the 2 kids on the video near that corner to die of a heart attack.

Tax payers must now support a bunch more kids because this 911 caller & police killed their parents. This 911 caller & police must be held accountable. At the very least they should pay the families & support those kids. They should be punished. Crawford was not threatening anyone. After the police surrounded Crawford, they should have cleared the area, clearly communicated with him & waited for a response, before they killed him & the mother near him.
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Police should not shoot people for openly carrying semi-automatic weapons in public.

Why didn't they give John Crawford a chance to put down this BB gun???
Big difference in these two scenarios.
And you might want to place the blame on the dumbass who called 911,he's the one who said the guy was brandishing the weapon and pointing it at people. So how do you expect the police to act when given such a report?
You also have to keep in mind that brandishing a weapon even in an open carry state is against the law.
And another thing,it was kind of odd how he picked up the BB gun.
It didnt look like he was shopping for a BB gun,he just walked by and picked it up.
No looking at prices,no trying to find one in a box that would contain info and warranty card. Didnt purchase BBs that we know of.
Something weird about the whole thing.

And the report from police said they told him multiple times to put down the weapon.
And another thing,it was kind of odd how he picked up the BB gun.
It didnt look like he was shopping for a BB gun,he just walked by and picked it up.
No looking at prices,no trying to find one in a box that would contain info and warranty card. Didnt purchase BBs that we know of.
Something weird about the whole thing.

It would be hard for him to do those things while talking on the phone.
And the report from police said they told him multiple times to put down the weapon.

Further evidence that the police always lie. It shows clearly in the video that there was no more than 1 second between the warning and shot hitting him. Crawford was unaware of anything looking at a shelf until that second came.
And another thing,it was kind of odd how he picked up the BB gun.
It didnt look like he was shopping for a BB gun,he just walked by and picked it up.
No looking at prices,no trying to find one in a box that would contain info and warranty card. Didnt purchase BBs that we know of.
Something weird about the whole thing.

It would be hard for him to do those things while talking on the phone.

Thats your response? :poop:

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