What Does it Teach Our Children When They Slowly Watch an Election Being Stolen Over a Matter of Days?

The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

have you seen this video? spread it if you have not.

the biden loving trolls of course will say that is not evidence.lol
Children look to their parents to tell them what is going on. Conservatives trying to lie their children into having all the same prejudices as they do is why a lot of adults just don't come home much anymore. Children never forgive you for giving them bad information.
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

have you seen this video? spread it if you have not.

the biden loving trolls of course will say that is not evidence.lol

I have seen so many videos of the DemonRats scum blatantly cheating and commiting fraud......it's a never ending situation of these thugs robbing this election..... I have seen so many counts of this....... that ...it makes me physically sick.
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

77,000 votes across three states in 2016. That's what separated Trump from Clinton. Not even a 1% margin of victory. And after all the shock, tears, and disappointment that Trump won, I heard NO ONE on the Democrat side saying that election was "rigged", or that the vote was "tampered" with, or that ballots shouldn't be counted. I didn't hear any Democrat attempt to undermine belief in the integrity of the 2016 election in the run up to it. Every legitimate vote is being counted as per the rules of the individual state. That's the lesson children should be taking out of this. This is how a democracy works. On the other hand, you have Trump and his supporters throwing temper tantrums and tossing around threats and lawsuits. Great lesson to teach kids. Yell loud enough, threaten enough, and sue if you don't like the results.

Like this:

Did she say the election was "rigged"?

Dunno, I couldn't stomach more than the first few seconds of The Hag - just like Slick WIllie.

Ever heard:


"Russian Meddling"

Sad really.

So...no. She didn't say the election was "rigged"?. Or that the early votes that Trump got because of Comey's "October surprise" shouldn't count?
No Democrat said anything of the sort in 2016. But like always, Trump is going to try to bully and sue his way to re-election.

Stay scared
To live in tyranny is not to live. So the system declines eventually swamping the ones who wanted in when it started. Half the people will never believe the media again.
I stopped in the 1970's when I was in college majoring in it..
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

have you seen this video? spread it if you have not.

the biden loving trolls of course will say that is not evidence.lol

I have seen so many videos of the DemonRats scum blatantly cheating and commiting fraud......it's a never ending situation of these thugs robbing this election..... I have seen so many counts of this....... that ...it makes me physically sick.

Try Midol...
It teaches them that the mean old white guy in the family (me) is right about everything he's been saying for years about government being nothing but a form of organized crime, that's what.
It teaches them that 1933 in The Wiemar Democratic Republic of Germany is possible and that The DemNazi party can steal an election and appoint an illegitimate Joe Adolph Biden as Fuhrer over America.

But, many Americans are praying for The Election and President Trump every day, and I believe God is going to work a Miracle and God is not done with America nor done working through President Trump.

It is God, not man who raises up rulers and kings, and it is God not man who lays The Nations Low to accomplish His Will.

No amount of fraud and cheating will ever frustrate, or block God's Will.

Only if God is ready to wash His hands of America and hand her over to Globalist Godless Barbarians would He step aside and let Evil wash over the world in the form of The UN's New 666 World Order.
What Does it Teach Our Children When They Slowly Watch an Election Being Stolen Over a Matter of Days?
Of course it's being done in Arizona where the Mexicans live and in Georgia where all the blacks live. We know who America's enemies are!
All these doomsday posts. Can't you figure it out? It doesn't matter. In a week nobody will care.
Oh blah, blah, mother fucking blah.

If you dont like it then take a hike and dont look back,, stupid goofball.

The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

That evidence is a better foundation for perceiving reality than hysteric conspiracy batshit?
Children look to their parents to tell them what is going on. Conservatives trying to lie their children into having all the same prejudices as they do is why a lot of adults just don't come home much anymore. Children never forgive you for giving them bad information.

BS, it's obvious you're a lousy parent...or one at all
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

That evidence is a better foundation for perceiving reality than hysteric conspiracy batshit?
Not a single Republican incumbent in the House lost their seat. Head of the Democratic re-election committee in the House(Cheri Bustos D-17) has openly stated she doesn't understand why the blue wave projections by their pollsters and media. Republican incumbents in the Senate that was supposed to flip were re-elected. But vote totals don't match for President Trump? What will the Democratic Party want to do in 2022? Put ballots in cereal boxes and Cracker Jack boxes? Fraud permeates this Presidential Election on a massive scale.
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

That evidence is a better foundation for perceiving reality than hysteric conspiracy batshit?
Not a single Republican incumbent in the House lost their seat. Head of the Democratic re-election committee in the House has openly stated she doesn't understand why the blue wave projections by their pollsters and media. Republican incumbents in the Senate that was supposed to flip were re-elected. But vote totals don't match for President Trump? What will the Democratic Party want to do in 2022? Put ballots in cereal boxes and Cracker Jack boxes? Fraud permeates this Presidential Election on a massive scale.

There's a reason why Trump is on television whining.....rather than presenting evidence of voter fraud in court.

The lack of evidence.

Its the same problem that afflicts your conspiracy.
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

That evidence is a better foundation for perceiving reality than hysteric conspiracy batshit?
Not a single Republican incumbent in the House lost their seat. Head of the Democratic re-election committee in the House has openly stated she doesn't understand why the blue wave projections by their pollsters and media. Republican incumbents in the Senate that was supposed to flip were re-elected. But vote totals don't match for President Trump? What will the Democratic Party want to do in 2022? Put ballots in cereal boxes and Cracker Jack boxes? Fraud permeates this Presidential Election on a massive scale.

There's a reason why Trump is on television whining.....rather than presenting evidence of voter fraud in court.

The lack of evidence.

Its the same problem that afflicts your conspiracy.
The votes should be counted by now. Why do they continue to stop counting? Evidence is all over the place. People voting in Atlanta Democratic precinct's but never signed the registration book. People voting in Philadelphia who were born in 1873. It will come out. How come Democrats needed to change the rules of the game before the election? To steal it of course.
It teaches them that 1933 in The Wiemar Democratic Republic of Germany is possible and that The DemNazi party can steal an election and appoint an illegitimate Joe Adolph Biden as Fuhrer over America.

But, many Americans are praying for The Election and President Trump every day, and I believe God is going to work a Miracle and God is not done with America nor done working through President Trump.

It is God, not man who raises up rulers and kings, and it is God not man who lays The Nations Low to accomplish His Will.

No amount of fraud and cheating will ever frustrate, or block God's Will.

Only if God is ready to wash His hands of America and hand her over to Globalist Godless Barbarians would He step aside and let Evil wash over the world in the form of The UN's New 666 World Order.
Or.....you don't speak for God. And the people select their own leaders through voting.
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

That evidence is a better foundation for perceiving reality than hysteric conspiracy batshit?
Not a single Republican incumbent in the House lost their seat. Head of the Democratic re-election committee in the House has openly stated she doesn't understand why the blue wave projections by their pollsters and media. Republican incumbents in the Senate that was supposed to flip were re-elected. But vote totals don't match for President Trump? What will the Democratic Party want to do in 2022? Put ballots in cereal boxes and Cracker Jack boxes? Fraud permeates this Presidential Election on a massive scale.

There's a reason why Trump is on television whining.....rather than presenting evidence of voter fraud in court.

The lack of evidence.

Its the same problem that afflicts your conspiracy.
The votes should be counted. Evidence is all over the place. People voting in Atlanta Democratic precinct's but never signed the registration book. People voting in Philadelphia who were born in 1873. It will come out. How come Democrats needed to change the rules of the game before the election? To steal it of course.

Trump strongly disagrees with you. He insists that the counting should stop now.

Aren't we teaching our children a wonderful lesson by ignoring the wanna-be despot and counting the votes instead?
The only reason one side of the political spectrum wanted to change the election laws in order to have millions of untraceable "junk mail ballots" ( they come in mail just like your Taco Bell coupons) is because they wanted to usurp democracy in large urban areas where Democratic Party machines have a long history of nefarious behavior. In 2016 Democrats thought Hillary had it in the bag. Trump won outright. They were not going to let that happen again so they came up with idea of flooding the mail with untraceable junk mail ballots. Please make sure your students read Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell so they can understand what the Washington D.C. swamp and their media Quislings are doing to our Republic. Election fraud on a scale that threatens our nation. Sorry and sad. Only bloodshed can come from this in the future. The great experiment that is the United States of America is about to come to an end because of urban Democrats.

That evidence is a better foundation for perceiving reality than hysteric conspiracy batshit?
Not a single Republican incumbent in the House lost their seat. Head of the Democratic re-election committee in the House has openly stated she doesn't understand why the blue wave projections by their pollsters and media. Republican incumbents in the Senate that was supposed to flip were re-elected. But vote totals don't match for President Trump? What will the Democratic Party want to do in 2022? Put ballots in cereal boxes and Cracker Jack boxes? Fraud permeates this Presidential Election on a massive scale.

There's a reason why Trump is on television whining.....rather than presenting evidence of voter fraud in court.

The lack of evidence.

Its the same problem that afflicts your conspiracy.
The votes should be counted. Evidence is all over the place. People voting in Atlanta Democratic precinct's but never signed the registration book. People voting in Philadelphia who were born in 1873. It will come out. How come Democrats needed to change the rules of the game before the election? To steal it of course.

Trump strongly disagrees with you. He insists that the counting should stop now.

Aren't we teaching our children a wonderful lesson by ignoring the wanna-be despot and counting the votes instead?
In order to monitor those area's where the voter fraud is taking place. Why did they stop counting on election night and when they started the next day Trump lead evaporated? You are a buffoon.

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