What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?

For the Record: Moscow Mitch is EVIL. He lives by this creed: I got mine, fuck the rest of you

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.

The GOP internals for the Georgia Run-Offs must be really favorable if he's doing this so close to an election that would decide if he keeps his post.

I predict (based on this act by the turtle) that the GOP will sweep the run-offs.

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
Simple. He has a relief bill just passed under current administration with at least $600 for everybody and more in many cases, not to mention unemployment, that should hit the people within a week or two under current administration. He may look at it as providing more is a problem for the 117th Congress and the new Biden administration. Do the majority of the people want it? Probably, but the Senate is the deliberate body not the representative body. Right or wrong, yay or neigh, he is doing his job and he just got re-elected, so not worried about the memory of the public. How's that logic?

Yup and weren't the lefty loons on this board just screaming about Trump and the debt?? LOL
Not sure about "lefty loons" or "screaming". Could be, some people actually need the dough. If they really need the money, I can't blame them for wishing somebody above their station would just up and give them the money. If I were Mitch, I might wait for President Biden's request once in office which is only 21 days away, and not having to care about what the "Mad King" wants (or says he wants) on the way out. Just as back when I took Econ, before any of the young people were born, the vast majority of the debt is owed domestic, to Americans, so that part of the public debt is also to the public credit, it was argued, even way back then. Now the economy is several times larger, but the debt is several times larger and getting bigger at a staggering rate, as I cannot actually relate to those type numbers. I am more concerned about lack of regulation to protect the economy from the panicky bitches and idiots nervously looking to see the right place to jump off at the right time.
Progs are only going to make things worse. We deserve a depression and reality.
Nah. Dad and Grand dad, told me about it, as they lived through it. Luckily some people do not get what they think they deserve.

It's funny.

When Clinton first became president and raised taxes on those who make over 100 thousand a year, mitch mcconnell and the rest of the republicans said the increase would take the reagan/bush recession into a depression. They said the increase would destroy the economy.

The exact opposite happened.

When Obama became president and raised taxes on the rich, mitch mcconnell and all of the republicans said it would destroy our economy even more than what the bush boy did and send us into a depression.

The exact opposite happened.
Everyone had their taxes increased by Slick, not just those over 100K
Everything that republicans do anymore is 100% aimed at starting "the boogaloo"


McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
Simple. He has a relief bill just passed under current administration with at least $600 for everybody and more in many cases, not to mention unemployment, that should hit the people within a week or two under current administration. He may look at it as providing more is a problem for the 117th Congress and the new Biden administration. Do the majority of the people want it? Probably, but the Senate is the deliberate body not the representative body. Right or wrong, yay or neigh, he is doing his job and he just got re-elected, so not worried about the memory of the public. How's that logic?

Yup and weren't the lefty loons on this board just screaming about Trump and the debt?? LOL
Not sure about "lefty loons" or "screaming". Could be, some people actually need the dough. If they really need the money, I can't blame them for wishing somebody above their station would just up and give them the money. If I were Mitch, I might wait for President Biden's request once in office which is only 21 days away, and not having to care about what the "Mad King" wants (or says he wants) on the way out. Just as back when I took Econ, before any of the young people were born, the vast majority of the debt is owed domestic, to Americans, so that part of the public debt is also to the public credit, it was argued, even way back then. Now the economy is several times larger, but the debt is several times larger and getting bigger at a staggering rate, as I cannot actually relate to those type numbers. I am more concerned about lack of regulation to protect the economy from the panicky bitches and idiots nervously looking to see the right place to jump off at the right time.
Progs are only going to make things worse. We deserve a depression and reality.
Nah. Dad and Grand dad, told me about it, as they lived through it. Luckily some people do not get what they think they deserve.

It's funny.

When Clinton first became president and raised taxes on those who make over 100 thousand a year, mitch mcconnell and the rest of the republicans said the increase would take the reagan/bush recession into a depression. They said the increase would destroy the economy.

The exact opposite happened.

When Obama became president and raised taxes on the rich, mitch mcconnell and all of the republicans said it would destroy our economy even more than what the bush boy did and send us into a depression.

The exact opposite happened.
Everyone had their taxes increased by Slick, not just those over 100K
Yes, but I made good money, suspect you did too, the economy did well, balanced budget was forced on Bill, but worked out cool. So would you rather have a rolling economy where everybody makes money or a nice tax break mostly for the wealthier, cuts in regulation and a economy that crashes for almost everybody?
I say to Trump: You’re right on this issue. $600 is not enough. Now do the right thing, get your ass on the phone with Moscow Mitch and do something for the American people.

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.

Because people making 340,000 a year aren't hurting at all and that's who would benefit from this bill.
Mitch cares just as much about coal miners in southern Kentucky as farmers in northern Kentucky.

if only he cared like that about the rest of America!
It's amazing to see the patience that some people have with other people's suffering.

Mitch and his fellow Senate Republican goons seem to have an endless tolerance for American suffering

stop playing games, and get this done!

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
Where was this concern over the past 6 months when Pelosi refused clean covid relief bills?

So disingenuous
did you know?

Mitch says he once voted for LBJ against Goldwater (because Barry opposed the Civil Rights Act), but also says that he regrets his vote

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
I can see McConnell's situation. The anti-US Democrat Party is giving huge sums of money to foreign nations. Considering the ongoing job losses, small business losses and suffering of our people, ALL the money should go here, not to places like Venezuela, Jordan, Israel, et cetera.

That is exActly where McConnell sent the money.

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
Where was this concern over the past 6 months when Pelosi refused clean covid relief bills?

So disingenuous

McConnell was blocking them then.

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.


Nancy's $23,000 refrigerator and $14/pint ice cream said "FUCK YOU!!! I need to destroy Trump and I don't care about Americans!"

She admitted it.

Take your meds, Bro. They look like this

How do you n ow how much speaker Pelosi's fridge cost, much less her ice cream?
President Biden will have a hard job, he has to confront the fact every single day that Mitch McConnell controls what gets a vote on the floor of the Senate

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
Where was this concern over the past 6 months when Pelosi refused clean covid relief bills?

So disingenuous

You are a damn liar, or an idiot - both seem to be in effect every time you post.

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