What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?

McConnell at least he believes he is standing on principle but he is from the swamp so he is out of touch with his own nation...we can't stomach sending billions of dollars abroad right now...why he doesn't get that is because he is of the swamp....
But good ol ice cream Nancy held up the bill for months to keep the president from getting the credit....so take this biased thread and shove it.....

You do know its 2 different bills don't you, and we have been giving money to foreign countries for decades.

The republicans made the vote the same time, them thinking if would confuse republicans and it did.

Sure, we NEED to send money to Pakistan for Gender studies. Not.

You are still confused about the two different bills. Not to worry though - It'll all be okay :itsok:

Here is some light reading for you. Actually even if you read it you wouldn't understand it.
Here is Nancy's bill.........

That is what San Fran Nan is trying shove down our throats.


Title XIV—COVID–19 Consumer Protection Act

There are 21 Titles all relatiing to what they want to fund.
You lose
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McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.

The American Family will stay in distress as long as the specter of Biden-Harrisism is casting a shadow on it.

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
McConnell blocks Senate Democrats' move to pass $2,000 coronavirus checks (msn.com)
I'm actually shocked!
Trump must have a picture of McTurtle having sex with a donkey, er, I mean AOC.

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
he wants concessions for big business, he want to pay off his donor class and the lobbyist who seek to throw wheelbarrow's full of dough his way.
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.

Lie, but that's normal for you
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?

Q. Are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?

Q. Are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?

^^^^^^ Idiot Gram. Tell Nancy to send up a clean bill.
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?

Q. Are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?
Apparently, you are ignorant of the fact Nazi just admitted she held up a relief bill until after the election because she thought it might help Trump win.

She is scum who gave America the middle finger for 8 months, and you said nothing. Now, Mitch has held up a bill for 24 hours and you are shitting your depends.
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?

Q. Are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?

^^^^^^ Idiot Gram. Tell Nancy to send up a clean bill.

Idiot-grams are not framed in a question. BTW, your comment, "Tell Nancy to send up a clean bill" is not an idiot-gram, it is a damn lie.
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?

Q. Are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?
Apparently, you are ignorant of the fact Nazi just admitted she held up a relief bill until after the election because she thought it might help Trump win.

She is scum who gave America the middle finger for 8 months, and you said nothing. Now, Mitch has held up a bill for 24 hours and you are shitting your depends.

I stand by my question, are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?

Q. Are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?
Apparently, you are ignorant of the fact Nazi just admitted she held up a relief bill until after the election because she thought it might help Trump win.

She is scum who gave America the middle finger for 8 months, and you said nothing. Now, Mitch has held up a bill for 24 hours and you are shitting your depends.

I stand by my question, are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?
You can stand by whatever you want, Puddinhead.

I have enjoyed watching your thread blow up in your face since the first reply. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
“What does McConnell want to prove by keeping American Families in stress?”

That working Americans who have become unemployed the consequence of the pandemic have only themselves to blame and are not entitled to help from their government.
That's what Nazi Pelousy has been telling them for 8 months, right?

Q. Are you as stupid as all of your posts strongly suggest?

^^^^^^ Idiot Gram. Tell Nancy to send up a clean bill.

Idiot-grams are not framed in a question. BTW, your comment, "Tell Nancy to send up a clean bill" is not an idiot-gram, it is a damn lie.

Nope, unlike you I actually support what I say. I posted the bill itself son. Tell Nancy to carve out the Covid relief from the rest of the bill and fight over that later.
McConnell at least he believes he is standing on principle but he is from the swamp so he is out of touch with his own nation...we can't stomach sending billions of dollars abroad right now...why he doesn't get that is because he is of the swamp....
But good ol ice cream Nancy held up the bill for months to keep the president from getting the credit....so take this biased thread and shove it.....
You are a partisan hack. Most americans are in need of help right now, Mitch and the GOP denied them that extra help that's all we need to know.

You're a partisan hack, tell your people to send a clean bill up

You Trumpettes gotta lotta damn nerve calling others "partisan hacks" ;-)

You have a couple of problems here kid, I am not a Rumpist, I just detest people like you who lie about everything.

Oh you’re a Rumpist alrighty - And you worship a serial liar ;-)

McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
McConnell's motivation is understandable, when one considers his true employers.

By 2021. the billionaires and millionaires will own 70% of the nation's wealth. Without the help of Congress and the billionaire-friendly policies given them by their Republican stooges, the billionaire class would be forced to earn their wealth.

Once the GOP has put those with less that a million bucks below the poverty level, they will start picking off the millionaires. Then, the billionaires either, devour each other, or Climate Change will have taken the planet past the point of survival for all but the most adaptive species.

Greed, the human trait most admired by the RWNJs.


McConnell has one and only one consideration, and that is for him to keep the Senate under his control. He can oppose Trump now that he no longer has a conflict of interest with The President, since his wife will lose her job in his administration next month. He doesn't give a single thought to the damage he has done to American Families, millions of our Citizens need Food Banks to feed themselves and their children, and can't pay their rent or mortgage and risk being evicted and thus homeless.
Simple. He has a relief bill just passed under current administration with at least $600 for everybody and more in many cases, not to mention unemployment, that should hit the people within a week or two under current administration. He may look at it as providing more is a problem for the 117th Congress and the new Biden administration. Do the majority of the people want it? Probably, but the Senate is the deliberate body not the representative body. Right or wrong, yay or neigh, he is doing his job and he just got re-elected, so not worried about the memory of the public. How's that logic?

Yup and weren't the lefty loons on this board just screaming about Trump and the debt?? LOL

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