What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?


This guy is a good example of a Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck follower.

His well thought out, intellectual retort is an example of the type of thinking they produce.
I have trouble understanding how minds like Pale's work.
And I think I am glad I don't understand.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

Fox is high because they pander to stupid folks who can't think of anything better to do when they get home than watch TV. The rest of us, are too busy to wacth any of those "entertainment shows" we get home and do soemhting constrcutive, then we watch real news and go to bed. Only losers with nothing to do spend their nights watching fox and the likes.

Novemeber is going to be a Democrat landslide, the repugs of today are finished and they will finally understand that in November! I like the dems new approach. No more bullshit repug lies!!!!
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They're hatemongers.

They're media whores working for the elite.

They are whores that will work for anyone that will give them a buck.

They are also actors, they don't actually believe what they say, they simply do it for a paycheck.

Are you ever going to grow up??? You sound like a 10th grade bully. Certainly not an adult. I'm beginning to think you are some punk kid.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, all three of them are immensely annoying.

It must suck being forced to tune in to their shows everyday. I truly feel sorry for you. How do you survive? The pressure of having that gun pointed at your head for 8 hours a day must be brutal.

Hope you find a way out soon.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's the point? JEALOUS?????

All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's the point? JEALOUS?????


I don't think they are really JEALOUS as much as hey are pissed off that these 3 uneducated, unmotivated, de-militarized, non-working silver-tongued devils have figured out how to want for nothing and at the same time gain such a mezmerizing grip on so much of our population. These guys are out of control and there's nothing, short of shredding the first amendment rights, they can do about it.

They see LIMBECKITY as the antichrist and just as we don't understand how some people can believe EVERYTHING Obama says or support EVERYTHING Obama does, they too struggle with the fact that so many Americans are tuned into LIMBECKITY everyday for their daily dose of truth.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

Surely you jest.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, all three of them are immensely annoying.

To you yes. To their audiences no. And their audiences dwarf that of leftist talk radio and cable TV. And seeing as the New York Times has published their study showing the Tea Party has a higher average intelligence than the rest of the population.....I'd say maybe you should join them and watch these men also. You could learn something.

I'm tempted to say something about those "audiences," but I guess I'll leave it to everyone's imagination what I'm thinking.

As for the Tea Party, I thought they were trying to portray themselves as grass roots, everybody welcome, and not right-wingers. Maybe you didn't know that.
I don't care for Hannity much. I don't know why. I agree with him often, he just sets my fur on edge.

I used to love Beck on the radio. I also love how he managed to defeat his worst enemy, a guy named Glen Beck. His autobiographical sketches were great.

Limbaugh is artless and fun. I really don't see why you don't like it. You must be too burned into ideology to understand what makes him good. Rush really is the triumph of the nerd.

Yep. You get it. Especially with Limbaugh. The lefties just don't get Limbaugh. They don't understand that 90% of what he says is said soley to piss off the left wing, as he KNOWS they are secretly listening and copying transcripts of all his words. And Limbaughs audience, the higher intelligent Tea Party, gets that also. Half the fun of listening to Limbaugh is imagining a whiny liberaly hearing the same things and pissing their pants in anger. Libs just aren't smart enough to figure out his brilliance in that way.

So in other words, Limbaugh's sole purpose is NOT to inform, but to enflame. Just as I thought. Thanks for clarifying.
Uneducated? Unmotivated? Demilitarized? Nonworking?

WTF? Are you high?

No....just repeating the description that the OP used. I'm not against LIMBECKITY at all. I'm using sarcasm to make my point.

These guys know a hell of alot more than they are given credit for...especially since it seems to be so important to the OP that they didn't go to college.

Unmotivated??? HARDLY, they have TONS of motivation. If anybody out there thinks it's easy to run a talk show for 3 hours, they are sadly mistaken. I worked in radio for over 20 years. I know what goes into preparing for a show or preparing to broadcast a sports event as the play by play announcer. There are HOURS of prep for one 3 hour show.

De-militarized....I laughed when I used this term. It made me think of Robin Williams in "Good Morning, Viet Nam". Look, just because these guys haven't served in the military doesn't disqualify them from having opinions and stating them.

And I think we've already covered 'non-working'. I'd like to see some of these softies around here make it through Hannity's week without complaining.

Nope...not high...just amused at their disdain for 3 of America's shining examples of living the American Dream
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And they're all rich as shit.

I have a cousin that dropped out of college and was making 6 figures as a import/exporter.

I don't see what college has to do with success. There are plenty of out of work people with degrees. Having a degree does not mean you have something to offer that people are willing to pay for.

American Universities are just money factories anyway. They take your money...give you a syllabus and tell you to teach yourself. If you hang around long enough you get a piece of paper suitable for framing that you can hang on your wall.

All of that is true. I'm happy to see that you have lucid moments occasionally.
I don't care for Hannity much. I don't know why. I agree with him often, he just sets my fur on edge.

I used to love Beck on the radio. I also love how he managed to defeat his worst enemy, a guy named Glen Beck. His autobiographical sketches were great.

Limbaugh is artless and fun. I really don't see why you don't like it. You must be too burned into ideology to understand what makes him good. Rush really is the triumph of the nerd.

Yep. You get it. Especially with Limbaugh. The lefties just don't get Limbaugh. They don't understand that 90% of what he says is said soley to piss off the left wing, as he KNOWS they are secretly listening and copying transcripts of all his words. And Limbaughs audience, the higher intelligent Tea Party, gets that also. Half the fun of listening to Limbaugh is imagining a whiny liberaly hearing the same things and pissing their pants in anger. Libs just aren't smart enough to figure out his brilliance in that way.

So in other words, Limbaugh's sole purpose is NOT to inform, but to enflame. Just as I thought. Thanks for clarifying.

well, I would say that it depends on who you or what you think he's trying to enflame.

If you think he's enflaming the left, then it seems to be working. And since when is that a crime? The beauty of it is this, if that is what you think his sole purpose is, then stop listening...you don't have to listen...no matter HOW tempting it is. What do you gain from it? Other than an ulcer?

The man is scoffing at you! And he's paid VERY well for it. I'd scoff at you too for that kind of dough...oh wait...I'm scoffing right now for free!
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

Surely you jest.

Do you have any idea how much time goes into show prep?
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Are you ever going to grow up??? You sound like a 10th grade bully. Certainly not an adult. I'm beginning to think you are some punk kid.

This is Pale Rider about 3 years ago....


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