What Does the American Flag Mean to the World?

One thing is for sure.....

America can't carry the torch of freedom and liberty anywhere on this rock w/out being the example

Only within the context of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’.
And we have paid for that support every time a leftwing snowflake has a ranting meltdown.
Pretty much. Lots of American blood resulted from W Bush dragging his feet by trying to appease the left protesting Iraq, trying to relive the glory days of Vietnam protests.
Lots of American blood resulted from W Bush dragging his feet by trying to appease the left protesting Iraq, trying to relive the glory days of Vietnam protests.

Well, Bush 43 brought a whole bunch of that on himself when he decided to engage in nation building.

We should have leveled Iraq and Afghanistan then left. We have no obligation to rebuild the lands of our enemies.
Nah bullshit.
Supply the examples.
They backed Moubarak for example.
Go find an explanation.
The alternative was the Muslim brotherhood.
Nope wrong. There weren't close to power.
The US stood silent on both occasions one when the Egyptians elected the brotherhood democratically and also when the army executed the coup.
On what planet was the Muslim Brotherhood not close to power?

“The party won almost half the seats in the 2011–12 parliamentary elections, and its candidate, Mohamed Morsi, won the June 2012 presidential election.[10]
The US has been backing Mubraka for a long time before even al ikhwan were contenders for power. We backed so many dictators and ruined many countries. We even backed oussama bin laden and he went on to give us 9/11. One has to admit his mistakes.
White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Here's some more cut and paste, Loon; have someone read it to you since you obviously can't manage that without help:

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Federal laws against lynching never passed in large part because many officials in Washington, up to and including sitting presidents, were themselves sympathetic to white supremacy or reluctant to pick a fight with Southern lawmakers and voters.

"Which is to say: it has historically been politically inconvenient for government officials to confront violent white supremacy.

Anyone with a single neuron firing can see how mainstream white supremacy is today in the land of MAGA.

Bahamas Dorian survivor: 'Please, please somebody help us' - CNN

"This is in large part because it is impossible to find any period in American politics in which the notion that there should be a racial order with white people at the top, or the idea that the United States is and should remain a country for white people, has not enjoyed a robust mainstream constituency."
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.

“I’d Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat”: MAGA Morons Show Their Loyalty
So...I guess you're smart enough to explain how addressing sentencing reform affects the 94% of prison inmates who never received a jury trial?
Start a thread about it. Maybe someone will know. If someone simply pleads guilty to drug crimes it doesn't say much for their belief in their own innocence, does it.
If someone simply pleads guilty to drug crimes it doesn't say much for their belief in their own innocence, does it.
It says they can't afford adequate legal counsel and nothing more.
Plea bargain - Wikipedia
How does any of this dubious cut and paste apply to or contradict what I posted?
You must work very hard to remain so ignorant and in your bubble.
How does any of this dubious cut and paste apply to or contradict what I posted?
You must work very hard to remain so ignorant and in your bubble.
You must be the dumbest AND the saltiest cracker in the box, Cracker.
You claimed white supremacists on the streets of Charlottsville in 2017 didn't define an America that "has corrected and long since moved past the sin of slavery" when, in fact, capitalism and white supremacy continue to oppress and alienate people of color today in ways similar to the effects of chattel slavery and Jim Crow.

The Drug War, Mass Incarceration and Race (English/Spanish)
fyi: it's never too late to try college.

What the fuck? Could it possibly be they commit the crimes?

What the fuck? Could it possibly be they commit the crimes?
If it's true 94% of US prison inmates have never received a trial, how would we know if they committed a crime?

I was just reading about that yesterday, a few days ago? I think it was kavanaugh that was commenting on it, every one now a days takes plea bargains and dont dare take it to trial.

I was just reading about that yesterday, a few days ago? I think it was kavanaugh that was commenting on it, every one now a days takes plea bargains and dont dare take it to trial.
Unless a defendant has the resources to attract top-level legal representation, she faces a very simple choice between a plea deal or jury trial:

Plea bargains – the unfair difference between 10 years and life

Thinking about it some more Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh has mega bucks and they took a deal rather taking it to trial.

They were both guilty as a heck.

You have to be crazy to take it to trial
What does the flag mean to the world?

Truth, justice, and the American way.
White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Here's some more cut and paste, Loon; have someone read it to you since you obviously can't manage that without help:

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Federal laws against lynching never passed in large part because many officials in Washington, up to and including sitting presidents, were themselves sympathetic to white supremacy or reluctant to pick a fight with Southern lawmakers and voters.

"Which is to say: it has historically been politically inconvenient for government officials to confront violent white supremacy.

Anyone with a single neuron firing can see how mainstream white supremacy is today in the land of MAGA.

Bahamas Dorian survivor: 'Please, please somebody help us' - CNN

"This is in large part because it is impossible to find any period in American politics in which the notion that there should be a racial order with white people at the top, or the idea that the United States is and should remain a country for white people, has not enjoyed a robust mainstream constituency."
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.

“I’d Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat”: MAGA Morons Show Their Loyalty

They are saying how far left the Democrats went...
You must be the dumbest AND the saltiest cracker in the box, Cracker.
You claimed white supremacists on the streets of Charlottsville in 2017 didn't define an America that "has corrected and long since moved past the sin of slavery" when, in fact, capitalism and white supremacy continue to oppress and alienate people of color today in ways similar to the effects of chattel slavery and Jim Crow.

The Drug War, Mass Incarceration and Race (English/Spanish)
fyi: it's never too late to try college.

What the fuck? Could it possibly be they commit the crimes?

What the fuck? Could it possibly be they commit the crimes?
If it's true 94% of US prison inmates have never received a trial, how would we know if they committed a crime?

I was just reading about that yesterday, a few days ago? I think it was kavanaugh that was commenting on it, every one now a days takes plea bargains and dont dare take it to trial.

I was just reading about that yesterday, a few days ago? I think it was kavanaugh that was commenting on it, every one now a days takes plea bargains and dont dare take it to trial.
Unless a defendant has the resources to attract top-level legal representation, she faces a very simple choice between a plea deal or jury trial:

Plea bargains – the unfair difference between 10 years and life

Thinking about it some more Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh has mega bucks and they took a deal rather taking it to trial.

They were both guilty as a heck.

You have to be crazy to take it to trial
Thinking about it some more Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh has mega bucks and they took a deal rather taking it to trial.

They were both guilty as a heck.

You have to be crazy to take it to trial
Sometimes a trial will reveal new information about old charges that a defendant might not want made public:

Opinion | Mr. Clinton's Last Deal

"In a sad coda to his tumultuous presidency, Bill Clinton used his final full day in office yesterday to bring legal closure and a belated measure of candor to the scandal that will forever mar his record.

"Under what amounts to a plea-bargain deal with the independent counsel Robert Ray, Mr. Clinton admitted for the first time to 'testifying falsely'' when he denied an affair with Monica Lewinsky during a deposition in the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit.

"Most people will properly see that as an admission that he lied under oath, notwithstanding the semantic quibbling of Mr. Clinton's lawyer, David Kendall."

Personally, I've always believed Bill raped the nurse.
It says they can't afford adequate legal counsel and nothing more.
Bull! Lots of people with lots of money take plea deals all the time.
Bull! Lots of people with lots of money take plea deals all the time.
How many people?
How much money?
What percentage of those people go to prison for their "crimes?"

Prisons of Poverty: Uncovering the pre-incarceration incomes of the imprisoned
White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Here's some more cut and paste, Loon; have someone read it to you since you obviously can't manage that without help:

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Federal laws against lynching never passed in large part because many officials in Washington, up to and including sitting presidents, were themselves sympathetic to white supremacy or reluctant to pick a fight with Southern lawmakers and voters.

"Which is to say: it has historically been politically inconvenient for government officials to confront violent white supremacy.

Anyone with a single neuron firing can see how mainstream white supremacy is today in the land of MAGA.

Bahamas Dorian survivor: 'Please, please somebody help us' - CNN

"This is in large part because it is impossible to find any period in American politics in which the notion that there should be a racial order with white people at the top, or the idea that the United States is and should remain a country for white people, has not enjoyed a robust mainstream constituency."
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.

“I’d Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat”: MAGA Morons Show Their Loyalty

They are saying how far left the Democrats went...
They are saying how far left the Democrats went...
If so, they ain't seen nothin' yet

Imho, Democrats like Clinton and Obama didn't put Trump in office by moving too far to the left; they did so by telling a generation of their working class base: "if you don't like NAFTA, vote Republican."
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Of course it has. Over time explicitly racist groups like the Klan and Nazis have become more and more marginalized
and held is disrepute until today there are a tiny isolated minority.
You are an asshole. A cut and paste asshole who never justifies b.s. but just jumps from citation to citation in a cut and paste chain of unsubstantiated claims.
Here's some more cut and paste, Loon; have someone read it to you since you obviously can't manage that without help:

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Federal laws against lynching never passed in large part because many officials in Washington, up to and including sitting presidents, were themselves sympathetic to white supremacy or reluctant to pick a fight with Southern lawmakers and voters.

"Which is to say: it has historically been politically inconvenient for government officials to confront violent white supremacy.

Anyone with a single neuron firing can see how mainstream white supremacy is today in the land of MAGA.

Bahamas Dorian survivor: 'Please, please somebody help us' - CNN

"This is in large part because it is impossible to find any period in American politics in which the notion that there should be a racial order with white people at the top, or the idea that the United States is and should remain a country for white people, has not enjoyed a robust mainstream constituency."
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.

“I’d Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat”: MAGA Morons Show Their Loyalty

They are saying how far left the Democrats went...
They are saying how far left the Democrats went...
If so, they ain't seen nothin' yet

Imho, Democrats like Clinton and Obama didn't put Trump in office by moving too far to the left; they did so by telling a generation of their working class base: "if you don't like NAFTA, vote Republican."

Whatever, lose the midwest again with that attitude.

How many people?
How much money?
What percentage of those people go to prison for their "crimes?"
I have no idea and I'm certain you don't either. The point is being without much money (through drug traffickers usually have plenty) is not the only reason why people take plea deals. People with money do it too.
Here's some more cut and paste, Loon; have someone read it to you since you obviously can't manage that without help:

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Federal laws against lynching never passed in large part because many officials in Washington, up to and including sitting presidents, were themselves sympathetic to white supremacy or reluctant to pick a fight with Southern lawmakers and voters.

"Which is to say: it has historically been politically inconvenient for government officials to confront violent white supremacy.

Anyone with a single neuron firing can see how mainstream white supremacy is today in the land of MAGA.

Bahamas Dorian survivor: 'Please, please somebody help us' - CNN

"This is in large part because it is impossible to find any period in American politics in which the notion that there should be a racial order with white people at the top, or the idea that the United States is and should remain a country for white people, has not enjoyed a robust mainstream constituency."
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.
Congrats on being the goofiest poster on USMB.

“I’d Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat”: MAGA Morons Show Their Loyalty

They are saying how far left the Democrats went...
They are saying how far left the Democrats went...
If so, they ain't seen nothin' yet

Imho, Democrats like Clinton and Obama didn't put Trump in office by moving too far to the left; they did so by telling a generation of their working class base: "if you don't like NAFTA, vote Republican."

Whatever, lose the midwest again with that attitude.

Whatever, lose the midwest again with that attitude
Hillary could win the mid-west in 2020 if you don't wake up
Its a symbol of freedom throughout the world..Meanwhile Democrats in America....




I like the pictures , too bad that the' hong kongers' don't have some Guns to go with the American Flag eh ??
It`s likely that they would have been killed. The Chinese military vs. the Hong Kong Walmart militia? You can`t be serious.

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