What does the religious right want from the Hobby Lobby mess?

This was never about religious beliefs.


Its about control and forcing others to your wacko religious beliefs.

The people who want this anti-Constitutional ruling hate children and would kick a starving child out of the way in the street. Just read the posts here for evidence of that deep seated hatred of real live human children. Its the libs, the progressives who want to care for the children who are here while all the haters have to say is, "she should have kept her legs closed" and men aren't responsible for pregnancies.

Go back to your welfare check, and malt liquor you minority psycho.
Hmmm Luddly
perhaps they are jealous that God allows secular govt to be abused to push
"Right to Health Care" agenda but doesn't allow Christians to abuse govt to push
"Right to Life" agenda for the same reasons.

After all, Christians are held to a higher standard, and must obey both
Scriptural Law and Secular Law and Civil Authority.

While "Prochoice" activists can use govt for "whatever partisan agenda" they want
because they have not committed to the same Constitutional standards as Christians are held.

Read This One Document To Understand What The Christian Right Hopes To Gain From Hobby Lobby | ThinkProgress

Even they know that contraception does not cause abortion so what are they really up to?

Read the rest at the link.


Funny how that works,sad at the same time.

Dear CW: Some of these struggles are to humble us.
When we ask and petition for corrections from a position of humility, not anger,
that is when God answers our prayers for justice.

He is using all these things to bring us to a position
where we will agree to set aside our emotions and issues dividing us,
and agree to receive Wisdom and Grace in unison.

I believe that time is come quickly upon us. All these things shall be used for good,
for the benefit and rebuilding of our nation, and the Kingdom of God on earth.

We shall all receive and rejoice, when we first forgive and set aside these conflicts.
The Wisdom of God will bring solutions and Justice that we all agree fulfill our laws.

Please take courage, and take heart.
The best is yet to come, and will outweigh the injustice and
struggles of the past it took us all to get there.
If Liberal women want us Conservatives "Out of their Box", then we want completely out. That includes paying for medications that allow them use their "box". They can pay for their own medications.

You won't pay for their contraceptives. The insurance companies will. Try again.
They want to get the camel's nose in the tent. That is, set the stage for further claims of "The courts say I can discriminate against you because of my religion."


We just don't want to pay for your Birth Control. You want to play? You pay.

It really is that simple.

C'mon guys. This isn't a fact based argument. It isn't tax payers paying for contraceptives! It's insurance companies paying for them. Get that through your skulls!
This was never about religious beliefs.


Its about control and forcing others to your wacko religious beliefs.

Hmmm part two, Luddly!

All this time I defended fellow prochoice activists,
based on equal freedom under the Constitution,
my Prolife friends argued with me that the prochoice agenda was
NOT about "freedom of choice" (secular equivalent of "religious liberties")

but "about control" and "forcing others" to accept their political agenda.
I didn't believe them, until I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears!

Pushing the ACA that RESTRICTS choices and PENALIZES options for health care that "don't meet government regulations"
seems to PROVE this isn't about "prochoice"
but about political "control" and "forcing agenda on others."

I hope you see why ACA supporters
are coming across the same way as you criticize:
not about CHOICE, but all about forcing controls onto others.

Can you at least see it is two-sided? That
BOTH sides feel and fear the other side is "abusing govt" to push political agenda?

If one side is wrong to use govt this way, the other side is equally wrong.
If one side is justified in using govt to defend their beliefs, the other side is justified also.

How are the two sides and beliefs not equal to each other?
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If Liberal women want us Conservatives "Out of their Box", then we want completely out. That includes paying for medications that allow them use their "box". They can pay for their own medications.

You won't pay for their contraceptives. The insurance companies will. Try again.

Because money is magic and contraceptives are free.Can I ask you a question, if contraceptives are free, why does anyone have to pay for them?
This was never about religious beliefs.


Its about control and forcing others to your wacko religious beliefs.

The people who want this anti-Constitutional ruling hate children and would kick a starving child out of the way in the street. Just read the posts here for evidence of that deep seated hatred of real live human children. Its the libs, the progressives who want to care for the children who are here while all the haters have to say is, "she should have kept her legs closed" and men aren't responsible for pregnancies.

For you, it is about for control, I am so glad you finally admitted that.

For the people who oppose you, it is about freedom.

When I was younger,I was a registered Dem,voted for Carter,considered myself very liberal,and still do,it took me a few years and some real life experiences that led me to that very realization ,todays liberals,are the anti freedom party,its the biggest lie to come down the pick in years,until "you can keep your plan if you like it"
They want to get the camel's nose in the tent. That is, set the stage for further claims of "The courts say I can discriminate against you because of my religion."


We just don't want to pay for your Birth Control. You want to play? You pay.

It really is that simple.

C'mon guys. This isn't a fact based argument. It isn't tax payers paying for contraceptives! It's insurance companies paying for them. Get that through your skulls!

OK and what about mandating taxpayers to pay insurance companies.
How is THAT not in violation of Constitutional beliefs in civil liberties, free market business,
and in limited govt not signing citizens names' to business contracts without our consent?
They want to get the camel's nose in the tent. That is, set the stage for further claims of "The courts say I can discriminate against you because of my religion."


We just don't want to pay for your Birth Control. You want to play? You pay.

It really is that simple.

C'mon guys. This isn't a fact based argument. It isn't tax payers paying for contraceptives! It's insurance companies paying for them. Get that through your skulls!

And where do the Insurance Companies get their money??? From the companies that are being forced by Obamacare to buy Insurance from them.

Try getting that FACT through your skull...

I'll bet you are one of those that when you hear the term "Government Paid Program" think that you aren't paying for it.
This was never about religious beliefs.


Its about control and forcing others to your wacko religious beliefs.

The people who want this anti-Constitutional ruling hate children and would kick a starving child out of the way in the street. Just read the posts here for evidence of that deep seated hatred of real live human children. Its the libs, the progressives who want to care for the children who are here while all the haters have to say is, "she should have kept her legs closed" and men aren't responsible for pregnancies.

For you, it is about for control, I am so glad you finally admitted that.

For the people who oppose you, it is about freedom.

When I was younger,I was a registered Dem,voted for Carter,considered myself very liberal,and still do,it took me a few years and some real life experiences that led me to that very realization ,todays liberals,are the anti freedom party,its the biggest lie to come down the pick in years,until "you can keep your plan if you like it"

Democrat support of ACA also proves that "prochoice" is a lie.
The Party deserved to be sued for political fraud, and conspiracy to violate civil rights.
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They want to get the camel's nose in the tent. That is, set the stage for further claims of "The courts say I can discriminate against you because of my religion."


We just don't want to pay for your Birth Control. You want to play? You pay.

It really is that simple.

When does a liberal pay their own way?

I am told I am one of the few who believes in that practice.
I have been investing my own resources in trying to restore historic communities destroyed by Democrat politics. I believe the Party is responsible for restitution, so my actions and intent were to set an example of taking financial and social responsibility to correct the wrongs done by political abuses, at the expense of taxpayers' money and national history.
I wanted my Democrat district of Freedmen's Town to serve as an example, a model campus, for restitution to taxpayers for corporate abuse and government waste.

Unfortunately I do not have the resources to pay the costs of fixing the problems that ACA has imposed on the public. If the lawsuits aren't resolved before the enrollment deadline, I will ask fellow Democrats to join me in supporting a fund to pay the costs of compliance for all the people who would otherwise be compelled to violate their religious beliefs and Constitutional rights to meet the requirements that I believe are unconstitutional. And I say and support this as a Democrat. Hopefully others will join me, and quit playing political games with Constitutional rights.
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They want to get the camel's nose in the tent. That is, set the stage for further claims of "The courts say I can discriminate against you because of my religion."


We just don't want to pay for your Birth Control. You want to play? You pay.

It really is that simple.

C'mon guys. This isn't a fact based argument. It isn't tax payers paying for contraceptives! It's insurance companies paying for them. Get that through your skulls!

You certainly do sound simple.
They want to get the camel's nose in the tent. That is, set the stage for further claims of "The courts say I can discriminate against you because of my religion."


We just don't want to pay for your Birth Control. You want to play? You pay.

It really is that simple.

C'mon guys. This isn't a fact based argument. It isn't tax payers paying for contraceptives! It's insurance companies paying for them. Get that through your skulls!

And where do you think the insurance companies get the money to pay for contracetives? Could it be the people that buy the insurance?
If Liberal women want us Conservatives "Out of their Box", then we want completely out. That includes paying for medications that allow them use their "box". They can pay for their own medications.

You won't pay for their contraceptives. The insurance companies will. Try again.

Because money is magic and contraceptives are free.Can I ask you a question, if contraceptives are free, why does anyone have to pay for them?


Women who use contraceptives have had to pay for them before the ACA. After the passing of ACA, the women who use contraceptives pay the insurance companies through which the contraceptives are paid for. Why is this a problem? You aren't paying for them.

We just don't want to pay for your Birth Control. You want to play? You pay.

It really is that simple.

C'mon guys. This isn't a fact based argument. It isn't tax payers paying for contraceptives! It's insurance companies paying for them. Get that through your skulls!

And where do you think the insurance companies get the money to pay for contracetives? Could it be the people that buy the insurance?

Yes! Its the people who buy the insurance who pay for its services! So, does your plan include contraceptives? No? Then you don't pay for them! For woken who want contraceptives, they can buy plans which do. Its pretty simple.
If women are paying for their own insurance they can pay for contraceptive coverage. If they want HL to pay they get whatever HL is willing to pay for.
If women are paying for their own insurance they can pay for contraceptive coverage. If they want HL to pay they get whatever HL is willing to pay for.

That may be true, if the Supreme Court goes that way. And I would say its likely that they do.
The insurance HL provides pays for 16 different kinds of contraceptives. Use one of those or buy your own.

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