What does the Right stand for?

The right would support civil unions. The Gays don't want them.
"The Gays"? Do you know what each and every member of "The Gays" wants? And even if that premise were true - which I suspect it is not - you admit that the right supports laws which favor discrimination.

The right has never opposed taxation, they prefer as little tax as needed to run as small a Government as can be created to run the Country.
This was asked before, so I simply repeat the question: What does "the right" propose be eliminated? And assuming government can be shrunk to the size it can be drowned in a bathtub (google "Starve the Beast" if you don't get the reference) what does "the right" propose those who lose their jobs do?

I would eliminate Medicare, Social Security, All social programs at the Federal level, All Education programs at the Federal level. All Housing programs. I would cut Congressional Staff and support personnel to no more than 4 per member of Congress with a top salary of 90k. I would eliminate the ability of Congress to fly anywhere they want without first justifying the trip with a specific power of their branch of Government and a specific need for them to do the trip. I would limit Congress to a total of 200 days in session a year. With additional time approved only by a majority vote and authorized by the Executive. Such an action being required to be posted for the PEOPLE to see the justification. I would require all travel during the 90 days preceding an election be justified in writing ahead of time and be public knowledge for the people to see why the member of Congress is using Government funds to move during an election cycle.

I would go line by line through the Federal Budget and eliminate any program not directly authorized by the LISTED powers of the Constitution.

I would require that all special programs added to bills that benefit one or more Congressmen or Senators be public knowledge and be means tested to verify they were with in the guidelines of the taxing powers of the Congress as specified in the Constitution. Money can not be spent except for the welfare of the Country and taxes can not be collected except for the use and payment of programs and powers directly authorized by the Constitution for the welfare of all the Country.

I would submit an amendment to the US Constitution requiring that all BILLS in both houses MUST have attached to them the specific section and power granted to Congress by the Constitution that authorizes the bill's consideration for passage. I would push for a rules change in the House and the Senate that required all bills up for vote be published in a manner that the General public has 72 hours to read them before any vote can be taken.

No help for the old or infirm. No education. I'm suspecting no care for the nations infrastructure.

So your answer is to turn us into Afghanistan? That would be called, "insane".
I wonder if a government worker ditto head can explain to anyone here when a government by the "right" has ever been in power in the last century?


Good luck.

We have had conservative administrations and the Republcans have controlled the Senate and the House (all at the same time, on occassion) but we've never had a far right government thanks to the fact that the majority of American voters are moderate, pragmatic and reject extremism.

Two wars? Spying on American citizens? Torture? The greatest redistribution wealth from the middle class to the top 3% in the history of the world? Stripping of regulations for clean air and clean water?

We have had a "far right" government for eight of the last nine years. Wake up! What the hell is wrong with you?
I wonder if a government worker ditto head can explain to anyone here when a government by the "right" has ever been in power in the last century?


Good luck.

We have had conservative administrations and the Republcans have controlled the Senate and the House (all at the same time, on occassion) but we've never had a far right government thanks to the fact that the majority of American voters are moderate, pragmatic and reject extremism.

Two wars? Spying on American citizens? Torture? The greatest redistribution wealth from the middle class to the top 3% in the history of the world? Stripping of regulations for clean air and clean water?

We have had a "far right" government for eight of the last nine years. Wake up! What the hell is wrong with you?

You are a butt-reaming idiot
1) Spying on citizens was not done. Perhaps you should look at the history of intercepting possible enemy communications throughout our entire history.
2) No government sponsored torture, period. Even though you may consider things like sleep deprivation torture, does not make it s.
3) The government never redistributed wealth to the wealthy. Perhaps you should look at the tax rates and which income ranges actually pay the taxes, you ignorant buffoon.
4) No regulations on pollution have been stripped.
5) We did not have any 'far right' government for 8 of the past 9 years. Except in your delusional world where anything right of left wing is 'far right'

You need professional help for your habitual lying and living outside of reality
The right has never opposed taxation, they prefer as little tax as needed to run as small a Government as can be created to run the Country.
This was asked before, so I simply repeat the question: What does "the right" propose be eliminated? And assuming government can be shrunk to the size it can be drowned in a bathtub (google "Starve the Beast" if you don't get the reference) what does "the right" propose those who lose their jobs do?

Let's just do a quick starter list

Administration for Native Americans
Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
African Development Foundation
Agency for International Development
Agricultural Marketing Service
Alabama Home Page
Alabama State, County, and City Websites
Alaska Home Page
Alaska State, County, and City Websites
American Samoa Home Page
Appalachian Regional Commission
Arctic Research Commission
Arizona Home Page
Arizona State, County, and City Websites
Arkansas Home Page
Arkansas State, County, and City Websites
Arms Control and International Security
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
Bonneville Power Administration
Botanic Garden
Broadcasting Board of Governors (Voice of America, Radio|TV Marti and more)
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Want me to go into the C's and beyond?

And we have not even touched all the pork, entitlements, corporate and personal welfare, etc

As for jobs.. your job and your employment and your earning and your well being are your responsibility... when the government stops doing things and some people wish to benefit from a service that is canceled, it is amazing how someone will start a business to make profit, and it is funny how businesses need to hire people to do jobs... and if it is not something that is wanted or worthwhile as a business, guess there was not much need for the government to be doing it ANYWAY, now was there?

The problem with you is your were born in the wrong century. You need to travel back in time and spent a year living as a serf or a slave or a subject on the manor of a Nobleman. There you would be free to do your job or not, when the food on your table and your very life were your responsibility.
Fuck up and speak of insurrection and the Lord would have you killed. Break your leg and be unable to provide the Lord with his due - and make him disappoint his King - he'd as likely break your other leg and send your wife and kids into the fields to make up for your failures.
Go ahead and post the names of the C's to Z's - that proves nothing. Yes we have a huge bureaucracy, and much should be done to trim the federal budget, but the problem is not liberal largess, or conservative largess, it is systemic. It can't be fixed by term limits, nor by public financing of campaigns; it can't be fixed by electing third party candidates or by pointing fingers at one party or the other.
There is one and only one solution to the problem and that is a balanced budget amendment to the US Contitution and a referendum by the people on how limited dollars are spent.

Time travel is not possible and my ancestors lived thru being poor for every generation before me. So blow it out your ass...

What my posting the list proves is the amount of government bullshit that has been put in by all of the previous administrations.. how we can strip BILLIONS from government that is not needed and that the government has NO BUSINESS doing... It cannot be fixed by third party candidates... Green party, indy, or whatever else... it has to be fixed within and with strong leaders who will indeed take their sworn duty to the constitution as seriously as us soldiers have... who will stand behind their word... and that is not going to happen with tax and spend, government entitlement junkie, leftists... and it is not going to happen with spineless wishy-washy moderates who only make decisions on what deals they can have that benefits them

You asked what 'the right' proposed to be eliminated.. you got a starter list.. and then you go trying to twist it back around again.. nice try sparky, that shit don't fly
We have had conservative administrations and the Republcans have controlled the Senate and the House (all at the same time, on occassion) but we've never had a far right government thanks to the fact that the majority of American voters are moderate, pragmatic and reject extremism.

Two wars? Spying on American citizens? Torture? The greatest redistribution wealth from the middle class to the top 3% in the history of the world? Stripping of regulations for clean air and clean water?

We have had a "far right" government for eight of the last nine years. Wake up! What the hell is wrong with you?

You are a butt-reaming idiot
1) Spying on citizens was not done. Perhaps you should look at the history of intercepting possible enemy communications throughout our entire history.
2) No government sponsored torture, period. Even though you may consider things like sleep deprivation torture, does not make it s.
3) The government never redistributed wealth to the wealthy. Perhaps you should look at the tax rates and which income ranges actually pay the taxes, you ignorant buffoon.
4) No regulations on pollution have been stripped.
5) We did not have any 'far right' government for 8 of the past 9 years. Except in your delusional world where anything right of left wing is 'far right'

You need professional help for your habitual lying and living outside of reality

You have got to be kidding. Even "Popular Mechanics" says we were spied on by the Bush Administration. Even "Popular Mechanics".

The U.S. Government Spies On Its Own Citizens - Popular Mechanics

Conservative Chicago radio host, Mancow, talked so much smack about water-board not being tortured, he decided to get water-boarded himself to PROVE it's only just "getting wet" with "slight discomfort". 10 seconds later, he announced "IT'S TORTURE".


I'd like to see you water-boarded so you could say, "It's not torture". Like that would ever happen. Hey, if you ever do, make a video and put it on Youtube. I love a good laugh.

In the 50's and 60's, the tax rate for the top 3% was between 75 to 90%. Of course, they still did pretty good. Course, that that time, the average CEO made 20 to 30 times the salary of the lowest paid person at his firm. Now, it's like 200 to 300 times.

And Warren Buffet, the third richest man in the world complains that he pays a much lower tax rate than his secretary.


You dumb*ss.

As far as clean air and clean water, Rolling Stone put it best: Bush's final FU.

Bush's Final F.U. : Rolling Stone

Now, I could have posted from more prestigious papers, but RS said it best. Bush made sure he did all his "dastardly deed" more than 60 days before he left office so Obama couldn't reinstate the regulations.

I believe I know what they oppose:
No to Federal regulations;
No to gun controls;
No to taxes;
No to abortion;
No to gay/lesbian marriage;
No to single payer universal health care
No to stem cell research;
No to deficit spending;
No to campaign finance restrictions
No to sex education at any age;
No to welfare;
No to Medicare;
No to Social Security;
No to the Democratic Party;
No to the Republican Party.

If this is an accuate description of the new right, what do they support? And, what would our society look like if they prevailed?

Republicans take money from lobbyists to get rid of important regulations that prevent corruption and prevent corporations that are "too big to fail" from being irresponsible.

Republicans rally against REGULATIONS. But which regulations? Not all are bad and not all are good. They never talk specifics.

No to all gun control? Is there a line? Again, Republicans are vague so they can use this as a wedge issue. But we probably all agree on responsible gun regulations.

No one likes taxes but everyone understands they are necessary. Republicans are for cutting rich people's taxes. They pay the most, so the GOP caters to them and them only. Just look at Bush's tax breaks to the rich. What did you get, $400? The rich got MILLIONS!!! And the debt went up, so technically, you owe more, so your taxes went up. You just haven't got the bill yet.

No to the right to choose? Then the GOP loses most of the female vote.

The GOP are against equal rights if they are against gay marriage.

The GOP were against reigning in the oil companies and now they defend the healthcare CEO's.

No to stem cell? They lose most people here too.

No deficit spending? Since when? They don't mind spending on defense or war.

Medicare and Social Security are very popular too.

So the right is wrong.
It takes a moron to ask for a list, then said moron proceeds to argue with said list. :lol:
The premise of this website is for debate...hence its called a forum. Get with it.

☭proletarian☭;1830011 said:
WTF are you babbling about, Willow?

Thusfar, Bern and Plymco have argued classical liberalism/libertarianism. interestingly, socialism, social democracy, and communism have the exact same goals. The difference is in the details and how to achieve those goals.

For instance, a libertarian or classical liberal would generally oppose a program by which an injured worker can receive compensation during recovery. A libertarian would support the Union in demanding that the company provide such compensation as a condition of the terms of employment. If the company is too small to provide that, a social democrat or a socialist would generally support using tax dollars to provide such workers' comp (althought there's always room to argue ho much for how long).

Thus, it's important not only to state your objectives but what methods you believe are best for achieving them.

☭proletarian☭;1830016 said:
as written (with only land-owning rights being able to vote and blacks being less than human with no possibility of getting rids of slavery for a time) or with the modifications the liberals have made, like women's suffrage and abolition?'

You see, you've answered nothing. All you've done is refer to what amounts to a holy text, which implies that you're unable to actually articulate any real principles.
A bunch of document worshipers...the lot of them.

☭proletarian☭;1830104 said:
PR... he never said the word 'deeply' in your video
These people are incapable of telling the truth...FOXNews and/or RW Radio talk hosts like Lush Rimbaugh told them what to think and say. That's where your hear nonsensical BS like "birth certificate" and "deeply flawed" spewed around the clock.

If the original constitution was flawless why did the founding fathers set up a system in which the people could alter it?
Never said it was "flawless." However, I don't agree it's "DEEPLY FLAWED" either. I think the closer we stick to it, the better off we'll be. Liberals don't.

Racism and sexism are deeply flawed ideas.

Both were in the original constitution and that is undeniable
RWers are also incapable of thought.

Then tell us what you stand FOR.

Not what you are against , what you are for.

I can tell you what i'm for, but i may not be representative of "The new right"

1) Small government with only the powers granted in the constitution
2) Fiscally responsible government
3) Low Taxes (that means lower than what they are now by at least 25%)
4) Personal Liberty (that means if I want an abortion I can get one and If I dont wanna wear a helmet on my bicycle thats ok too)
5) NO DEFECIT SPENDING. No more debt, stop adding and start paying it down.
6) Spending freezes to acheive debt reduction. Sorry world no more aid money, sorry countries with US bases we are closing them and coming home.

I'm sure i have more.

See here is my issue?? What does small government mean?? No police department?? No public education?? No military?? No FBI or CIA?? No 911 service?? No pubic transportation?? What does small government mean?? I think it is that you all just don't want to pay for your share in taxes.. I don't think you have a clue what you actually want.. No road service?? No public utilities?? No port authority?? No parks?? I could go on and on.. What does small government mean??

Fiscal responsible government?? So where was this during the Bush administration?? Who didn't bother to pay for the Iraq war?? Who passed a perscription drug plan with no way to pay for it?? You demand these things when a democrat is in office but not when a republican is in office.. Bottom line is that Bush dug this hole and we are going to have to spend to get out of it.. That is the reality.. You want fiscal responsibility?? Vote democrat..

Low taxes?? So?? What is our government supposed to operate on?? Peanuts?? Like I said you don't want to pay for it.. Do you want a strong government and military?? Well you got to pay for it.. You repubs need to understand that in order for our government to operate at peak efficiency, it needs to be properly funded.. As do our schools, and anything else.. If you don't want to pay for it then move to another country or make one of your own..

Personal liberty?? So the right to be an idiot?? Will you pay the hospital bills for all these idiots not wearing a helmet?? These laws are there to protect people from themselves and save some hospital costs.. But if you want to kill yourself.. Might I suggest a riding your bike off a cliff or something?? A helmet won't matter in that situation..

No deficit spending?? Again talk to Bush.. Because of Bush, any spending Obama did was deficit spending.. Seriously?? What was Obama suppose to do?? Nothing?? Just let the economy tank and continue to tank?? You morons are condemning Obama for a Bush issue.. But lets work on a solution?? When Obama took office, any spending he did, no matter how small was deficit spending.. What was he supposed to do about the economy?? What is he suppose to do about healthcare?? Again, spending even just a penny was deficit spending.. And you morons crying about less taxes makes even harder to for the government to do anything but deficit spending.. When we were attacked on 9/11, Bush should have dropped his bid for tax cuts.. We needed that money for the war.. Well?? The rich got their tax cuts and he fought a war entirely on deficit spending.. Until you morons demand fiscal responsibility from your candidates, you have no right to demand it from a liberal..

Spending freeze?? How bout no more republicans in the white house?? Clinton gave Bush a surplus.. How bout your pay your fair share in taxes?? How bout you stop wanting shit for free and understanding that the government to operate needs money!!

The OP is entirely correct!!

But to add to his post..

No small government when Bush was in office..
No fiscal responsibility when Bush was in office..
No low taxes for everyone when Bush is in office.. Just the rich
No personal liberty while Bush was in office.. Ran on the gay marriage ticket.
Did nothing but deficit spending while Bush was in office..
No spending freeze while Bush is in office.. Someone has to torture innocent people and fight terrorism..
Best post of the thread.

I wonder if a government worker ditto head can explain to anyone here when a government by the "right" has ever been in power in the last century?


Good luck.

We have had conservative administrations and the Republcans have controlled the Senate and the House (all at the same time, on occassion) but we've never had a far right government thanks to the fact that the majority of American voters are moderate, pragmatic and reject extremism.

Two wars? Spying on American citizens? Torture? The greatest redistribution wealth from the middle class to the top 3% in the history of the world? Stripping of regulations for clean air and clean water?

We have had a "far right" government for eight of the last nine years. Wake up! What the hell is wrong with you?
2nd Best post of the thread.
Two wars? Spying on American citizens? Torture? The greatest redistribution wealth from the middle class to the top 3% in the history of the world? Stripping of regulations for clean air and clean water?

We have had a "far right" government for eight of the last nine years. Wake up! What the hell is wrong with you?

You are a butt-reaming idiot
1) Spying on citizens was not done. Perhaps you should look at the history of intercepting possible enemy communications throughout our entire history.
2) No government sponsored torture, period. Even though you may consider things like sleep deprivation torture, does not make it s.
3) The government never redistributed wealth to the wealthy. Perhaps you should look at the tax rates and which income ranges actually pay the taxes, you ignorant buffoon.
4) No regulations on pollution have been stripped.
5) We did not have any 'far right' government for 8 of the past 9 years. Except in your delusional world where anything right of left wing is 'far right'

You need professional help for your habitual lying and living outside of reality

You have got to be kidding. Even "Popular Mechanics" says we were spied on by the Bush Administration. Even "Popular Mechanics".

The U.S. Government Spies On Its Own Citizens - Popular Mechanics

Conservative Chicago radio host, Mancow, talked so much smack about water-board not being tortured, he decided to get water-boarded himself to PROVE it's only just "getting wet" with "slight discomfort". 10 seconds later, he announced "IT'S TORTURE".


I'd like to see you water-boarded so you could say, "It's not torture". Like that would ever happen. Hey, if you ever do, make a video and put it on Youtube. I love a good laugh.

In the 50's and 60's, the tax rate for the top 3% was between 75 to 90%. Of course, they still did pretty good. Course, that that time, the average CEO made 20 to 30 times the salary of the lowest paid person at his firm. Now, it's like 200 to 300 times.

And Warren Buffet, the third richest man in the world complains that he pays a much lower tax rate than his secretary.


You dumb*ss.

As far as clean air and clean water, Rolling Stone put it best: Bush's final FU.

Bush's Final F.U. : Rolling Stone

Now, I could have posted from more prestigious papers, but RS said it best. Bush made sure he did all his "dastardly deed" more than 60 days before he left office so Obama couldn't reinstate the regulations.


1) Again... reference history of the interception of ENEMY communications, including communications to enemy from a US source.... it is not 'spying on citizens'... but typical left wing fear tactics that were ONLY based on the administration and BDS.. and please cite one case that an American citizen was brought up on 'normal' civilian charges for any use of intercepting suspected enemy communications
2) The typical waterboarding BS.. I forgot that interrogations are supposed to be all balloons and cake and happy thoughts... yes it is traumatic.... but it is not torture...
3) Income tax rates
Tax Brackets (Federal Income Tax Rates) 2000 through 2009 and 2010
Try to understand the rhetoric being spewed to you... you see.. if a person makes 1MIL and donates 950K to a charity because they wish to and deduct that from their income for taxation... ones like you will state that they are paying a lesser rate than someone making 80K... which is trickery at it's best... and as for loopholes and other things, it is EXACTLY WHY I SUPPORT A FLAT TAX ON EVERY DOLLAR EARNED WITH THE ELIMINATION OF LOOPHOLES.... but the motherfucking fact remains, you stupid motherfucker, that the rich pay higher rates and the rich pay the VAST majority of income taxes in this country... and there is a vast amount of people who pay no income tax at all, and we know exactly what demographic they fall into and which politicians with handouts and entitlements that they vote for
4) And leave it to a winger to cite a winger site, and try to associate the endangered species act and mining with clean air or pollution... nice try, you ignorant fuck... next time try and get a non-winger site to try and collaborate your tales
Obama just approved a 4.3 million dollar bonus for an AIG exec. Yup, the right is greedy. 600 million in health care lobbying this year, let me guess, it must have went to the greedy right.


This thread is junk.

The Democrats have owned a massive majority in the House and Senate for almost 70 years, 70% in the Senate, and 78% in the House since WWII. The bulk of your government workers are all Democrats with the exception of our military. The right has never been in power in this nation. The right is a mythical excuse for the failings of the left who need isolated characters to approve the agenda that has trashed our nation, and hurt the American people. Hell, the GOP got rid of slavery, and had a minute percentage disapprove of the Civil Rights Act. The Democrats on the other hand disapproved heavily of the abolition of slavery, and had a significant percentage of the House and Senate actually DISAPPROVE of the Civil Rights Act.

Keep the anti-"right" propaganda coming. You folks are Sasquatch hunters........
I wonder if a government worker ditto head can explain to anyone here when a government by the "right" has ever been in power in the last century?


Good luck.

We have had conservative administrations and the Republcans have controlled the Senate and the House (all at the same time, on occassion) but we've never had a far right government thanks to the fact that the majority of American voters are moderate, pragmatic and reject extremism.

Two wars? Spying on American citizens? Torture? The greatest redistribution wealth from the middle class to the top 3% in the history of the world? Stripping of regulations for clean air and clean water?

We have had a "far right" government for eight of the last nine years. Wake up! What the hell is wrong with you?

And how is this administration doing things differently? Hell our senate just passed a bill that FORCES every american citizen to buy a product from a private company or face stiff fines/jail time. What product and what company? Why health insurance plans from private companies....those products/companies.

I'm surprised you left wing "Anti-corporate/anti capitialism/anti governmnet helping big business" people support this health care "reform"....kinda makes you guys hypocrites you know.
What does the Right stand for?

When a Lady enters the room.

When a venerable senior citizen enters the room.

To give a seat to a pregnant lady.

To give a seat to an elderly person.

When the Judge enters the Courtroom

When the President enters any room.

When the band strikes up the National Anthem.

When the orchestra strikes up Handel's "Messiah."


For the Pledge of Allegiance.

This list is probably not exhaustive.
What does the Right stand for?

When a Lady enters the room.

When a venerable senior citizen enters the room.

To give a seat to a pregnant lady.

To give a seat to an elderly person.

When the Judge enters the Courtroom

When the President enters any room.

When the band strikes up the National Anthem.

When the orchestra strikes up Handel's "Messiah."


For the Pledge of Allegiance.

This list is probably not exhaustive.

What does the Right stand for?

When a Lady enters the room.

When a venerable senior citizen enters the room.

To give a seat to a pregnant lady.

To give a seat to an elderly person.

When the Judge enters the Courtroom

When the President enters any room.

When the band strikes up the National Anthem.

When the orchestra strikes up Handel's "Messiah."


For the Pledge of Allegiance.

This list is probably not exhaustive.

No it's not. But the fact that you're a concrete 'thinker' is resolved, this thread is for the higher thinkers. Have a good night.
What does the Right stand for?

When a Lady enters the room.

When a venerable senior citizen enters the room.

To give a seat to a pregnant lady.

To give a seat to an elderly person.

When the Judge enters the Courtroom

When the President enters any room.

When the band strikes up the National Anthem.

When the orchestra strikes up Handel's "Messiah."


For the Pledge of Allegiance.

This list is probably not exhaustive.

No it's not. But the fact that you're a concrete 'thinker' is resolved, this thread is for the higher thinkers. Have a good night.

A comment like that coming from an utter imbecile like you is too rich for words.


You wouldn't have a point even if you had a brain.

And I am gratified to see that you entirely missed the point -- as usual! Kinda restores one's faith, it does!

What does the Right stand for?

When a Lady enters the room.

When a venerable senior citizen enters the room.

To give a seat to a pregnant lady.

To give a seat to an elderly person.

When the Judge enters the Courtroom

When the President enters any room.

When the band strikes up the National Anthem.

When the orchestra strikes up Handel's "Messiah."


For the Pledge of Allegiance.

This list is probably not exhaustive.

What do they stand for? When another man enters a public restroom, they stand up so they can go peep in his stall to see if he too is a closet fag.

And they don't stand when the president enters the room. They wait till he speaks and then they call him a liar on national tv. Classless.
An intelligent american does not get tricked into following a bogus choice of right or left. If you have any sense you believe in right or wrong. The current political system plays americans for fools. What ALL republicans now serving in congress stand for is whatever thier domestic and international corporate campaign contributors demand...the american public voter be damned. Unfortunately the democrats are little better...thoroughly corrupt and without backbone. They take less money but don't have the guts to make this a better nation when they have the chance to. They are less corrupt but make up for it in weakness. They all talk alot and only a tiny handful stand on any principle.

i can agree with much of this.....

Forum List
