What does this say about the intellect of the left?

Just for leftardz like you. . . I am going to continue to push the fights against abortion harder and harder every fucking day. The fact that you don't like it or that you are offended by it? That's just extra satisfaction for me.

YOU and your butthurt, your ignorance and your denials are a big part of my motivation to continue fighting abortion.

Think about that for a little while.

Hey "CHUZ LIFE," do you have any other interests other than abortion? It's so fucking weird how you only seem to ever talk about abortion stuff.

I have way too many other interests. It's funny really that you are so butthurt about it.

Like what? Early abortion vs late term abortion? Or...how about abortion in USA vs the UK? When you walk in your house, are there pro-life posters all over your walls?

What do you fucking care what my interests or motivations are?

Do you have a problem with my freedoms or something?

The irony ... is murder.

Abortion is murder
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Are there any other cases where you want everyone else to look the other way and mind their own business when children are being molested and killed?

Or just abortion?

Another guy who doesn't understand the difference between mindless cells and an actual person. When I wrote "some stranger's baby", I meant to say that their choosing not to have a baby is not your business.

It makes no difference to your life. No one can force you, or anyone you know to have a (legal) abortion. Whereas a guy keeping child sex slaves or who is murdering kids is doing so against the will of others. He actually COULD just slaughter your children, regardless of your opinion on the matter.

Pre-conscious fetuses don't have a will to violate. They don't have minds. It's not even remotely similar, and that's obvious to anyone who knows even a tiny bit of science.

Let me see here.

First of all, you're correct that someone else's decision not to have a baby is none of my business. However, you're NOT correct in your assumption that abortion is the decision to not have a baby. THAT is the decision to kill a baby. The decision to not have a baby is what you make BEFORE the pregnancy happens.

It's kinda like a woman deciding not to be married by saying no to the proposal, as opposed to deciding not to be married by hiring a hit man. See the difference?

Second of all, how are you defining "will to live"? The way you talk about it would apply to babies, and possibly even toddlers. Not to mention elderly people who are senile, people in comas . . .
(Are you starting to realize just how f•••'n stupid you sound yet?)

Not stupid. Evil. Sociopathic.

You mean like forcing someone to have a baby they don't want ... or even worse, can't afford?
We know what causes pregnancy.

You know. Science.

If you don't want or can't afford a baby, then don't get pregnant.

And guess who pays the most for that train of thought?

A) the kid

B) the AMERICAN TAXPAYER! ding ding ding!!

This is some good shit right here. Never wanna hear a "conservative" even utter the words "small government" again after this.
You must have missed the part about 20 weeks and what it takes to be a conscious human being.

Once the fetus is conscious, sure, by all means, no more abortion (except in rare circumstances, like disfigurement or death of the infant or mother). Her ship has kinda sailed by then. But before then? It's not a person. And if I was aborted as a pre-conscious fetus, I would never have existed in the first place, so ...
That's your opinion, nothing more.

No, it's actually science. It would be true whether I was here, there, or nowhere, whether I believed in God or the flying spaghetti monster. My opinions on science don't matter. It just is.

Sorry, but any time you're making an argument about "personhood", it's anything but science, or "just is".
We all know that life begins at conception (a fetus has unique DNA). And yet the left has embraced a sort of "out of sight, out of mind" mindset when it comes to the abortion issue. Since they can't actually see the baby, it must not be a baby.
"We know from experience that a woman who sees an ultrasound image of her child is highly likely to keep her baby,"
That is quite an indictment on the left's view on this issue. Just a simple photograph is enough to change them from pro-abortion to pro-life. That's it. Nothing more. No statistics and data. Not an emotional plea. Not even incentives. Just a simple photograph.

What 1 Charity Organization Is Doing to Save 1 Million Unborn Babies
When a woman presents to a doctor for an abortion, is an ultrasound examination sound medical practice? Is it necessary?

And where's all the indignation whenever an in vitro fertilization clinic purges its freezer space? Where's the hew and cry? After all, those zygotes meet your narrow interpretation of when life begins.

Also, if a woman is pregnant with twins, can she drive alone in the HOV lane?
Actually, the Catholic Church is opposed to the destruction of fertilized eggs.

Nice try.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.
Then why do we have laws against murder? After all, it's not your problem what happens to some girl at the hands of Ted Bundy. :eusa_doh:

You are equivocating abortion with murder? Wow. I don't think you have much room to talk about other people's intellect.
Nope --- not equivocating.

They are one and the same thing ... period. A person dies at the hands of another. One's legal - one's not. Now, THAT is what you call a dichotomy.
What does this say about the intellect of the left?

Who. The. F•••. Cares?

Mind your own f•••ing business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Not so much their intellect, as their moral and ethical character, or lack thereof. Really, what kind of evil filth does it take to think that it's nobody else's business when an innocent child is killed in cold blood?

Bottom line is, it's not your body. It's not. Your. Body. You have no say over how someone else treats their body, which includes its contents.

Which obviously excludes drugs and other debilitating substances that can endanger other people.

And heading back to the question of intellect, how educated are you when you think a fetus is a body part? There is no point after you say that that you're entitled to anything but scorn and derision for your intelligence. They cover this shit in high school biology. Where were you?
(Are you starting to realize just how f•••'n stupid you sound yet?)

Not stupid. Evil. Sociopathic.

You mean like forcing someone to have a baby they don't want ... or even worse, can't afford?
We know what causes pregnancy.

You know. Science.

If you don't want or can't afford a baby, then don't get pregnant.

And guess who pays the most for that train of thought?

A) the kid

B) the AMERICAN TAXPAYER! ding ding ding!!

This is some good shit right here. Never wanna hear a "conservative" even utter the words "small government" again after this.
Ah, once again we see the value set of the pro-abortionist.

"Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

Now you can move on to using victims of rape and incest as human shields.
What does this say about the intellect of the left?

Who. The. F•••. Cares?

Mind your own f•••ing business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Not so much their intellect, as their moral and ethical character, or lack thereof. Really, what kind of evil filth does it take to think that it's nobody else's business when an innocent child is killed in cold blood?

Bottom line is, it's not your body. It's not. Your. Body. You have no say over how someone else treats their body, which includes its contents.

Which obviously excludes drugs and other debilitating substances that can endanger other people.

And heading back to the question of intellect, how educated are you when you think a fetus is a body part? There is no point after you say that that you're entitled to anything but scorn and derision for your intelligence. They cover this shit in high school biology. Where were you?

It depends on the extent of the growth. As I've repeated ad nauseum, but as usual with ideologues, they ignore anything they can't strawman and attack.
(Are you starting to realize just how f•••'n stupid you sound yet?)

Not stupid. Evil. Sociopathic.

You mean like forcing someone to have a baby they don't want ... or even worse, can't afford?
We know what causes pregnancy.

You know. Science.

If you don't want or can't afford a baby, then don't get pregnant.

And guess who pays the most for that train of thought?

A) the kid

B) the AMERICAN TAXPAYER! ding ding ding!!

This is some good shit right here. Never wanna hear a "conservative" even utter the words "small government" again after this.
Ah, once again we see the value set of the pro-abortionist.

"Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

Now you can move on to using victims of rape and incest as human shields.

I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-"stay the fuck out of my life".

You could have 100 babies or 100 abortions. I couldn't care less. Just leave me alone. That's how I think about the issue. I don't understand pro-lifers, but the only real issue I have with them is that they are HELL-BENT on forcing their way of life on everyone else. Know who else does that? Islamists. So how can the far right say Islamists are bad when they do the same damn thing?
Not stupid. Evil. Sociopathic.

You mean like forcing someone to have a baby they don't want ... or even worse, can't afford?
We know what causes pregnancy.

You know. Science.

If you don't want or can't afford a baby, then don't get pregnant.

And guess who pays the most for that train of thought?

A) the kid

B) the AMERICAN TAXPAYER! ding ding ding!!

This is some good shit right here. Never wanna hear a "conservative" even utter the words "small government" again after this.
Ah, once again we see the value set of the pro-abortionist.

"Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

Now you can move on to using victims of rape and incest as human shields.

I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-"stay the fuck out of my life".

You could have 100 babies or 100 abortions. I couldn't care less. Just leave me alone. That's how I think about the issue. I don't understand pro-lifers, but the only real issue I have with them is that they are HELL-BENT on forcing their way of life on everyone else. Know who else does that? Islamists. So how can the far right say Islamists are bad when they do the same damn thing?
I was going to call this ludicrous ---- but I can't ---- I've got to call it what it is.

Just plain silly.
You could have 100 babies or 100 abortions. I couldn't care less.

Yes, you have made it very clear just how degenerate you are.

Just leave me alone. That's how I think about the issue. I don't understand pro-lifers, but the only real issue I have with them is that they are HELL-BENT on forcing their way of life on everyone else. Know who else does that? Islamists. So how can the far right say Islamists are bad when they do the same damn thing?

Stopping murder is "forcing their way of life on everyone else."

Oh? In what way?

Islamists: Everyone must live by the archaic rules of my stupid old book.

Fundie Christians: Everyone must live by the archaic rules of my stupid old book.

Only difference is, Islamists don't try to pretend to care about freedom at all. And they don't mind leaning on their more violent cousins, the Islamic terrorists, to do the dirty work that their true calling requires of them. So while fundamentalist Christians aren't as bad, they still say the same shit; my book, my rules, sister. Tough luck.

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