What does this say about the intellect of the left?

We all know that life begins at conception (a fetus has unique DNA). And yet the left has embraced a sort of "out of sight, out of mind" mindset when it comes to the abortion issue. Since they can't actually see the baby, it must not be a baby.
"We know from experience that a woman who sees an ultrasound image of her child is highly likely to keep her baby,"
That is quite an indictment on the left's view on this issue. Just a simple photograph is enough to change them from pro-abortion to pro-life. That's it. Nothing more. No statistics and data. Not an emotional plea. Not even incentives. Just a simple photograph.

What 1 Charity Organization Is Doing to Save 1 Million Unborn Babies
Republicans question the "intellect" of the left?

Well, we don't need to question the "heart" of the "let him die" right. Too much of their Nazism has affected the party. They pretend to luv the fetus, but don't give a transgendered flying sh!t about the baby.
Could you please provide a quote where anyone, left or right said "let them die?"
(Are you starting to realize just how f•••'n stupid you sound yet?)

Not stupid. Evil. Sociopathic.

You mean like forcing someone to have a baby they don't want ... or even worse, can't afford?
We know what causes pregnancy.

You know. Science.

If you don't want or can't afford a baby, then don't get pregnant.

And guess who pays the most for that train of thought?

A) the kid

B) the AMERICAN TAXPAYER! ding ding ding!!

This is some good shit right here. Never wanna hear a "conservative" even utter the words "small government" again after this.

Oh, look, yet another concept you don't understand. Color me surprised.
What does this say about the intellect of the left?

Who. The. F•••. Cares?

Mind your own f•••ing business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Not so much their intellect, as their moral and ethical character, or lack thereof. Really, what kind of evil filth does it take to think that it's nobody else's business when an innocent child is killed in cold blood?

Bottom line is, it's not your body. It's not. Your. Body. You have no say over how someone else treats their body, which includes its contents.

Which obviously excludes drugs and other debilitating substances that can endanger other people.

And heading back to the question of intellect, how educated are you when you think a fetus is a body part? There is no point after you say that that you're entitled to anything but scorn and derision for your intelligence. They cover this shit in high school biology. Where were you?

It depends on the extent of the growth. As I've repeated ad nauseum, but as usual with ideologues, they ignore anything they can't strawman and attack.

No, nothing "depends on the extent of the growth". While I agree that you've repeated this to the point of making me vomit, there's no amount of repetition that will make this biologically, factually correct.

As usual with idealogues, they think shouting a lie makes it true.

There is no strawman here. The science of biology and embryology does not become any less solid simply because you didn't bother to learn it. And if you don't want people "attacking" you for your ignorance, perhaps you should stop saying things that display it.
Not stupid. Evil. Sociopathic.

You mean like forcing someone to have a baby they don't want ... or even worse, can't afford?
We know what causes pregnancy.

You know. Science.

If you don't want or can't afford a baby, then don't get pregnant.

And guess who pays the most for that train of thought?

A) the kid

B) the AMERICAN TAXPAYER! ding ding ding!!

This is some good shit right here. Never wanna hear a "conservative" even utter the words "small government" again after this.
Ah, once again we see the value set of the pro-abortionist.

"Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

Now you can move on to using victims of rape and incest as human shields.

I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-"stay the fuck out of my life".

You could have 100 babies or 100 abortions. I couldn't care less. Just leave me alone. That's how I think about the issue. I don't understand pro-lifers, but the only real issue I have with them is that they are HELL-BENT on forcing their way of life on everyone else. Know who else does that? Islamists. So how can the far right say Islamists are bad when they do the same damn thing?

You're a lying sack. If you really wanted to "just be left alone", you wouldn't be dashing into a message board thread on abortion to spew your bullshit about it. What you want is to make your statements, and then force everyone who disagrees with you to shut up and not respond.

I'd be sorry that you feel that laws protecting others are "forcing someone's beliefs on you", except that I really don't give a tin shit about the feelings of people who amorally believe they have a right to do whatever they want as they want, without regard to others.
Oh? In what way?

Islamists: Everyone must live by the archaic rules of my stupid old book.

Fundie Christians: Everyone must live by the archaic rules of my stupid old book.

Only difference is, Islamists don't try to pretend to care about freedom at all. And they don't mind leaning on their more violent cousins, the Islamic terrorists, to do the dirty work that their true calling requires of them. So while fundamentalist Christians aren't as bad, they still say the same shit; my book, my rules, sister. Tough luck.

Weren't you the one blathering about strawmen a couple of posts ago? And yet here you are, viciously tearing apart an argument THAT NO ONE IS MAKING, so that you can avoid having to address the ones actually being made.

Amoral, stupid, and hypocritical. You're a triple-threat guy!
Because up to a certain point, the fetus is actually just a mindless cluster of cells, essentially part of the woman's body? Once it attains consciousness you could make the argument for murder, but that's somewhere around 20 weeks. Abortions at that stage are exceedingly rare.

Besides that, the circumstances are totally different. One is a woman deciding to remove a parasite from her body. The other is a guy randomly going around killing people who have nothing to do with him.
I guess you should be happy that your mom made the choice to deliver you her little parasite.

I don't think society is all that happy that his mom deliver her little parasite to become society's parasite, though.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.
Then why do we have laws against murder? After all, it's not your problem what happens to some girl at the hands of Ted Bundy. :eusa_doh:

You are equivocating abortion with murder? Wow. I don't think you have much room to talk about other people's intellect.
not to step in the middle of a perfectly stupid argument, but abortion has been considered murder by the right for quite some time. your saying it's not the same apparently has the same effect on them as their saying it IS the same has on you.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.
Then why do we have laws against murder? After all, it's not your problem what happens to some girl at the hands of Ted Bundy. :eusa_doh:

You are equivocating abortion with murder? Wow. I don't think you have much room to talk about other people's intellect.
not to step in the middle of a perfectly stupid argument, but abortion has been considered murder by the right for quite some time. your saying it's not the same apparently has the same effect on them as their saying it IS the same has on you.

I wish it were worth the time to start a new thread and try to have a meaningful conversation on the phrase "abortion is murder" but with pro abort leftardz? It ain't worth it.
This is some good shit right here. Never wanna hear a "conservative" even utter the words "small government" again after this.
Well you're operating under the idiotic assumption that government should provide for children. :eusa_doh:
None of that makes a lick of difference. Any tiny scrap of "progress" you make will just be undone by the next generation that is far more liberal than either of us. So ... you pretty much wasted your life on this.

Except they aren't, partly because they've listened to repulsive sociopaths like you, and partly because they, unlike you, are familiar with the new technology that has reduced your arguments to garbage.

But you just keep telling yourself how you've won for all time, and your philosophies are carved in stone. Makes it that much easier to demolish.

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