What does this say about the intellect of the left?

  • When it comes to money, they're laissez-faire.
  • When it comes to your bedroom, suddenly they care.
Doesn't quite work, since today's republicans are all about crony capitalism, but still ...
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Here's another tolerant, loving liberal. LOL. Hey John, are you glad or angry that your mother didn't abort you?

It was her call. If she did, I doubt I'd have any complaints.

And I'm not a "liberal" by its modern definition. In fact, someone in another thread just got done calling me a right-wing white supremacist!
Pre-conscious fetuses don't have a will to violate.

I'm going to take a wild guess that the aborted would have preferred to live. I've never met an abortionist that isn't happy that they weren't aborted.
We all know that life begins at conception (a fetus has unique DNA). And yet the left has embraced a sort of "out of sight, out of mind" mindset when it comes to the abortion issue. Since they can't actually see the baby, it must not be a baby.
"We know from experience that a woman who sees an ultrasound image of her child is highly likely to keep her baby,"
That is quite an indictment on the left's view on this issue. Just a simple photograph is enough to change them from pro-abortion to pro-life. That's it. Nothing more. No statistics and data. Not an emotional plea. Not even incentives. Just a simple photograph.

What 1 Charity Organization Is Doing to Save 1 Million Unborn Babies
When a woman presents to a doctor for an abortion, is an ultrasound examination sound medical practice? Is it necessary?

And where's all the indignation whenever an in vitro fertilization clinic purges its freezer space? Where's the hew and cry? After all, those zygotes meet your narrow interpretation of when life begins.

Also, if a woman is pregnant with twins, can she drive alone in the HOV lane?
The loving left is all about oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies.
Pre-conscious fetuses don't have a will to violate.

I'm going to take a wild guess that the aborted would have preferred to live. I've never met an abortionist that isn't happy that they weren't aborted.

Since they never actually existed, they never could have had an opinion in the first place.

But really, I'm a bit tired of this song and dance. I've danced it many times before. People are gonna believe whatever they want, regardless of the facts, so ... so be it. Just don't try and tell my sisters or friends what to do.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Here's another tolerant, loving liberal. LOL. Hey John, are you glad or angry that your mother didn't abort you?

It was her call. If she did, I doubt I'd have any complaints.

And I'm not a "liberal" by its modern definition. In fact, someone in another thread just got done calling me a right-wing white supremacist!

Sure thing bud. Just stay downwind of me, ok?
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Here's another tolerant, loving liberal. LOL. Hey John, are you glad or angry that your mother didn't abort you?

It was her call. If she did, I doubt I'd have any complaints.

And I'm not a "liberal" by its modern definition. In fact, someone in another thread just got done calling me a right-wing white supremacist!

Sure thing bud. Just stay downwind of me, ok?

What was the point of this comment?
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Here's another tolerant, loving liberal. LOL. Hey John, are you glad or angry that your mother didn't abort you?

It was her call. If she did, I doubt I'd have any complaints.

And I'm not a "liberal" by its modern definition. In fact, someone in another thread just got done calling me a right-wing white supremacist!

Sure thing bud. Just stay downwind of me, ok?

What was the point of this comment?

You're a faggot.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.
Then why do we have laws against murder? After all, it's not your problem what happens to some girl at the hands of Ted Bundy. :eusa_doh:

You are equivocating abortion with murder? Wow. I don't think you have much room to talk about other people's intellect.

You're NOT? I think you have no room to even use the word "intellect".
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Are there any other cases where you want everyone else to look the other way and mind their own business when children are being molested and killed?

Or just abortion?

Another guy who doesn't understand the difference between mindless cells and an actual person. When I wrote "some stranger's baby", I meant to say that their choosing not to have a baby is not your business.

It makes no difference to your life. No one can force you, or anyone you know to have a (legal) abortion. Whereas a guy keeping child sex slaves or who is murdering kids is doing so against the will of others. He actually COULD just slaughter your children, regardless of your opinion on the matter.

Pre-conscious fetuses don't have a will to violate. They don't have minds. It's not even remotely similar, and that's obvious to anyone who knows even a tiny bit of science.

Our fetal homicide laws define a human fetus as "a child in the womb in ANY stage of development."

Why should I disregard the significance of that definition and adopt your leftarded denials instead?
So the problem is now solved just show a picture and no more abortions. If the father leaves, show the picture, if hunger appears might want to show the picture again. The next question: will any picture do, who's to know?

So your position is that it's better to be dead than poor or fatherless?
Last edited:
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Here's another tolerant, loving liberal. LOL. Hey John, are you glad or angry that your mother didn't abort you?

It was her call. If she did, I doubt I'd have any complaints.

And I'm not a "liberal" by its modern definition. In fact, someone in another thread just got done calling me a right-wing white supremacist!

Sure thing bud. Just stay downwind of me, ok?

What was the point of this comment?

You're a faggot.

Yeah, I remember when that was an insult way back in 7th grade. Nice. Way to pull out the retro shit.
Here's another tolerant, loving liberal. LOL. Hey John, are you glad or angry that your mother didn't abort you?

It was her call. If she did, I doubt I'd have any complaints.

And I'm not a "liberal" by its modern definition. In fact, someone in another thread just got done calling me a right-wing white supremacist!

Sure thing bud. Just stay downwind of me, ok?

What was the point of this comment?

You're a faggot.

Yeah, I remember when that was an insult way back in 7th grade. Nice. Way to pull out the retro shit.

If you were aborted, you wouldn't remember that.
Because up to a certain point, the fetus is actually just a mindless cluster of cells, essentially part of the woman's body? Once it attains consciousness you could make the argument for murder, but that's somewhere around 20 weeks. Abortions at that stage are exceedingly rare.

Besides that, the circumstances are totally different. One is a woman deciding to remove a parasite from her body. The other is a guy randomly going around killing people who have nothing to do with him.

A fetus is "essentially part of a woman's body"? I think that answers the question about leftist intellect. Speaking of mindless clusters of cells . . .
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

Mind your own fucking business. It's not your problem what happens to some stranger's baby.

Are there any other cases where you want everyone else to look the other way and mind their own business when children are being molested and killed?

Or just abortion?

Another guy who doesn't understand the difference between mindless cells and an actual person. When I wrote "some stranger's baby", I meant to say that their choosing not to have a baby is not your business.

It makes no difference to your life. No one can force you, or anyone you know to have a (legal) abortion. Whereas a guy keeping child sex slaves or who is murdering kids is doing so against the will of others. He actually COULD just slaughter your children, regardless of your opinion on the matter.

Pre-conscious fetuses don't have a will to violate. They don't have minds. It's not even remotely similar, and that's obvious to anyone who knows even a tiny bit of science.

Our fetal homicide laws define a human fetus as "a child in the womb in ANY stage of development."

Why should I disregard the significance of that definition and adopt your leftarded denials instead?

I don't give a fuck what you do with your life. You could win the lottery, or jump in front of a train. It would make 0 difference to me either way.

Just don't tell me or mine what to do, and I'll do the same to you. The minute you idealogue ***** start trying to tell my female family and friends what to do, we start to have a fucking problem.

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