What Does "Top Talent" Think about Working in States that Ban Abortion?

What kind of jobs are in Texas?

Are they good jobs that require an eduction? Good jobs that raise the standard of living? Good jobs that create a solid tax base that supports the needs of the community?

Employers are not going to do business in an area that doesn't have a population that is properly educated to do the jobs the business needs done.

Employers are going to go where they can get good, reliable, educated and skilled workers.

If they can't find people to do the jobs, they can't survive in our capitalist economy.

What are the people of those areas going to do? They won't have proper health care services because they don't have enough people properly trained to do those jobs. Take a look at rural areas now. They don't have health care services or the services are highly restricted. Most have to drive hours to an area that has a doctor.

Where are they going to get teachers, engineers, accounting and all the workers they need?

I drove through a lot of ghost towns in red states. It looks like there will be more ghost towns in those states.

Do you know how many degrees at all levels are required by oil and gas companies? From 4 year degrees to PhDs across all areas of science?

By the way, Texas has a higher "real pay", when household income is compared to the cost of living, than either California or New York.

Actually I was in South Chicago in April.

I had no problem.

My only complaints about the Chicago area are,

A lot of traffic caused by construction.

Their toll pay system doesn't record out of state license plates as having registered with their pay by plate system so I ended up getting a notice of not paid on the toll and a fine even though I had signed up with the system. I called to find out what the problem was. They said yes, I was correctly signed up but their system doesn't record out of state plates as paid. I said "that's quite a racket you've got going there." They fixed the problem and I didn't pay the fines.

Other than that, the roads were normal, I didn't see ghost towns, I didn't see any horrible poverty I saw in places like Missouri, South Dakota and Oklahoma. I wasn't afraid in the hotels. No one tried to break into my hotel room. The air didn't make me sick.

It was nothing like the red states I went through.
More ignorant, elitist, entitled, bullshit. You weren't in "South Chicago". You may have been south of the latitudinal center of Chicago or you may have been south of Chicago but you weren't here:


Once again, you live your lily-white, protected, privileged, entitled life and think you know about the bad stuff in the world, bad stuff caused because leftists like you have no idea the damage and harm caused by the policies of those racists like Joe Biden and others that you support.
Not even in the top ten for murder rate
They are not the highest rate only because of the size and population of the city. Chicago has large swaths of very rich and middle class neighborhoods where crime is lower. If you live in West Garfield Park where the murder rate is 157 per 100K people, or several other communities in Chicago, it doesn't matter to you that the rate for the entire city, skewed by the peace and safety of Rahm Emanuel's Lincoln Park neighborhood (where the murder rate is 0), is only 18.2 per 100K.

In any case, Chicago has more murders than any other city in the United States.

You demonstrate exactly why our nation is getting so bad and why so many uninformed leftists are voting for the likes of Biden/Harris.

You seriously say that Texas is third-world because you hit a pothole? Tulsa is third-world because you stayed in a cheap motel in a bad part of town and someone rattled your door knob? You live a life of first-world luxury and call it third-world.

Here's third world in Oakland, California - a blue state:

Here's third world in Seattle - another blue state:

Here's third-world in Kabul, Afghanistan:

You're just another privileged, elitist, leftist.

When have you ever seen, let alone experienced, third world?

Why don’t you name any red state American city over 200,000 population and I’ll find you pictures that are as bad or worse. GO!
So you are essentially saying it is ok to kill some innocent people because at least the ones that are really guilty won’t get out and do it again???
No; it is you that is saying it's OK to murder innocent people.

No one on the right wants innocent people to get the death penalty. Our Founders created a system designed to reduce the risk of that as much as humanly possible but, in the end, we're human and sometimes we get it wrong. That's a terrible thing but try and we try to get better at it as we go.

You and your kind, on the other hand, specifically target the innocent for death. If you cared so much about the innocent as you pretend to, you'd be arguing against abortion.
And this one is unconstitutional as well. Give us a precedent where a new state law enables vigilantes to enforce it for profit.

Take your time ;)

There is none.


There is a precedent from the supreme court saying the opposite.

The case in Massachusetts was settled in 1982.

No; it is you that is saying it's OK to murder innocent people.

No one on the right wants innocent people to get the death penalty. Our Founders created a system designed to reduce the risk of that as much as humanly possible but, in the end, we're human and sometimes we get it wrong. That's a terrible thing but try and we try to get better at it as we go.

You and your kind, on the other hand, specifically target the innocent for death. If you cared so much about the innocent as you pretend to, you'd be arguing against abortion.
Reducing means nothing when you can eliminate it. This a choice you made: it is ok to kill innocent people as long as you approve of the system.

As for me, my arguments don’t revolve around “innocence” as the standard for valuing life. It’s yours that do.
Why don’t you name any red state American city over 200,000 population and I’ll find you pictures that are as bad or worse. GO!
You very well might. It doesn't matter. She said she felt like she was in a third-world country in Texas because she hit a pot hole and in Oklahoma because someone rattled the door knob on her cheap-ass motel in a bad part of town. She is, as I said, a privileged, lily-white, entitled, elitist, leftist who has never seen or experienced third-world so I posted some pictures.

If you, also, want to educate her on what third-world is, feel free to post some from Republican run cities. I'd love to see them.
Reducing means nothing when you can eliminate it. This a choice you made: it is ok to kill innocent people as long as you approve of the system.

As for me, my arguments don’t revolve around “innocence” as the standard for valuing life. It’s yours that do.
That's fine. I'm all for eliminating the death penalty if it means eliminating the death penalty for ALL innocents in the US, Stop abortions and the death penalty. I can accept that compromise,
Not a lie. In real numbers, Chicago wins it with 524 murders in 2020, ahead of NYC's second place with 304. It isn't even close.

Murders per 100,000 population is the way we calculate these things my friend. Chicago #28

Do you know how many degrees at all levels are required by oil and gas companies? From 4 year degrees to PhDs across all areas of science?

By the way, Texas has a higher "real pay", when household income is compared to the cost of living, than either California or New York.

Texas also has these enviable stats:
39 in healthcare quality and 45 in healthcare access.
37 in public safety, 39 in opportunity

Texas also has the 9th highest teen pregnancy rate and is the 5th worst state for child wellbeing.

That's fine. I'm all for eliminating the death penalty if it means eliminating the death penalty for ALL innocents in the US, Stop abortions and the death penalty. I can accept that compromise,
I've known a few women who have admitted to me that they had abortions and, in every case, it was followed by serious tears of guilt and shame.

Women who abort commit suicide at a much higher rate than women who have not Teens who kill their babies kill themselves at an even higher rate than adult women. Women who give birth to a live child, on the other hand, commit suicide at a much lower rate. It turns out that not trying to reject their natural maternal instinct yields the happiest life for women - or at least the least suicidal life.

If what you say is true, which I don't believe it is. Women don't go around telling people they had abortions.

But studies have been done on the issue of how women feel after they have an abortion.

The majority of women feel relief after they had an abortion.

The result is that 95% said immediately after the abortion that it was the right decision. That number increased to 99% five years after an abortion.


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