What Does "Top Talent" Think about Working in States that Ban Abortion?

It looks like a little less than half of the people polled think that Texas has done the right thing in protecting the lives of the unborn when it comes right down to it. When you factor in peer pressure and selected demographics in the poll, the anti-abortion faction might be in the majority. I wonder how people would react to a poll about late term abortion aka partial birth abortion where full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out.
Most people don't support late term abortions without significant restrictions and, just to be factual - late term abortions are very rare and usually due to the health/life of the mother or severe birth defects.
Which is why they are fleeing New York, California, Illinois, Washington state, Oregon........the crazy in these states is driving people to Texas...you guys can pretend all you want, but rational people are fleeing your nightmare dystopias....
They’re fleeing a high cost of living.

High cost of living stems from high demand and high wealth.

Texas killed hundreds of people last winter because their government let them freeze to death. If that’s not a dystopia, I don’t know what is.
They’re fleeing a high cost of living.

High cost of living stems from high demand and high wealth.

Texas killed hundreds of people last winter because their government let them freeze to death. If that’s not a dystopia, I don’t know what is.

Their power grid went down because of their solar and wind fantasy...they are fixing that......

Meanwhile, dipshits like you cling to the solar and wind fantasy...
It looks like a little less than half of the people polled think that Texas has done the right thing in protecting the lives of the unborn when it comes right down to it. When you factor in peer pressure and selected demographics in the poll, the anti-abortion faction might be in the majority. I wonder how people would react to a poll about late term abortion aka partial birth abortion where full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out.
Well here's the deal. I have yet to meet anyone that is pro-abortion. Its a traumatizing experience. If a woman chooses to go through it its no ones business but her own.
Texas is a business friendly state with great incentives. Build it and they will come.
Put all your eggs into COVID if you want but, even Fauci is dialing back the COVID variant.
I don't think it's that simple...for example WV COULD be a good state for buisness- business friendly tax structure, financial incentives but we lack good schools, good infrastructure, an educated workforce in place (and the means to attract an educated workforce) - our educated people are leaving the state. Businesses look for either a skilled work force in place or the infrastructure to attract them. Our state has tried "build it and they'll come" but it hasn't worked too well, we simply lack to much. There are so many factors that come together to make a site attractive to businesses and they're going to be different for different types of business. At least, IMO.
Their power grid went down because of their solar and wind fantasy...they are fixing that......

Meanwhile, dipshits like you cling to the solar and wind fantasy...
Their wind was very productive in most of the state and the only reason some wind was down was because they didn’t have the right windmills. . It was their gas lines and generators that was the biggest reason theu all froze to death.

But the insane government of Texas lied to you in order to push a bullshit political agenda.

And that’s the kind of governance people try to avoid.
It looks like a little less than half of the people polled think that Texas has done the right thing in protecting the lives of the unborn when it comes right down to it. When you factor in peer pressure and selected demographics in the poll, the anti-abortion faction might be in the majority. I wonder how people would react to a poll about late term abortion aka partial birth abortion where full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out.
Eighteen hundred people, hand picked throughout the nation--that doesn't sound like a truly representative sample of the 330 million people in the US.
Their power grid went down because of their solar and wind fantasy...they are fixing that......

Meanwhile, dipshits like you cling to the solar and wind fantasy...
Why do you keep reiterating that lie? It was quickly debunked. The power grid went down because of Texas' disphit laws preventing adequate regulation of utilities.
I don't think it's that simple...for example WV COULD be a good state for buisness- business friendly tax structure, financial incentives but we lack good schools, good infrastructure, an educated workforce in place (and the means to attract an educated workforce) - our educated people are leaving the state. Businesses look for either a skilled work force in place or the infrastructure to attract them. Our state has tried "build it and they'll come" but it hasn't worked too well, we simply lack to much. There are so many factors that come together to make a site attractive to businesses and they're going to be different for different types of business. At least, IMO.
Diverse industry and access to shipping might have a bit to do with it as well.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.

Who cares? Besides you

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