What Does "Top Talent" Think about Working in States that Ban Abortion?

Well that will be a very easy accounting. You lower talent people love to self identify.
I know that I love to point myself out as an equal to any left leaner.

They attend college for 4 or 6 or 8 years, and at the end of it they still can’t decide if evil exists. Or they stupidly mis-identify it. And they can be known by simple tests.

I can know them to be fools if they say that guns are evil, or that a fetus is not a baby. It’s easy to tell who has the brains and enough wherewithal to live through tough times. And easy times simply breed those who will perish in tough times.
Yes they were

Gov Abbott is giving the reason to reconsider

What kind of jobs are in Texas?

Are they good jobs that require an eduction? Good jobs that raise the standard of living? Good jobs that create a solid tax base that supports the needs of the community?

Employers are not going to do business in an area that doesn't have a population that is properly educated to do the jobs the business needs done.

Employers are going to go where they can get good, reliable, educated and skilled workers.

If they can't find people to do the jobs, they can't survive in our capitalist economy.

What are the people of those areas going to do? They won't have proper health care services because they don't have enough people properly trained to do those jobs. Take a look at rural areas now. They don't have health care services or the services are highly restricted. Most have to drive hours to an area that has a doctor.

Where are they going to get teachers, engineers, accounting and all the workers they need?

I drove through a lot of ghost towns in red states. It looks like there will be more ghost towns in those states.
Corporate citizens have every right to engage in political discourse and debate, to advocate for and against political issues, and to discontinue corporate activities in states whose lawmakers enact measures corporate citizens oppose.

Republican lawmakers have only themselves to blame.
Of course they have that right.

But if a corporation believes that a move to or from Texas will negatively impact their bottom line, they're not going anywhere...
What kind of jobs are in Texas?

Are they good jobs that require an eduction? Good jobs that raise the standard of living? Good jobs that create a solid tax base that supports the needs of the community?

Employers are not going to do business in an area that doesn't have a population that is properly educated to do the jobs the business needs done.

Employers are going to go where they can get good, reliable, educated and skilled workers.

If they can't find people to do the jobs, they can't survive in our capitalist economy.

What are the people of those areas going to do? They won't have proper health care services because they don't have enough people properly trained to do those jobs. Take a look at rural areas now. They don't have health care services or the services are highly restricted. Most have to drive hours to an area that has a doctor.

Where are they going to get teachers, engineers, accounting and all the workers they need?

I drove through a lot of ghost towns in red states. It looks like there will be more ghost towns in those states.
Ever hear of Hewlett-Packard, Space-X?
Ever hear of Hewlett-Packard, Space-X?
Space X I’ll give you, but that also has to do with geography given launching rockets benefits most from being on the east coast.

HP ain’t exactly blowing anyone’s hair back as a cutting edge company. I’m surprised they still exist.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.
Not a lot of normal folks want to live in Gilead
I am only going with 'what is', and not what I think will happen, doc.

You GO with that Bro - But prepare :lol:
Woah talk about apples and oranges and stuff as totally subjective as what constitutes "art".

If you support the death penalty then you de-facto support collateral killing of innocent people in the process. That's a given because innocent people have ended up on death row and have been executed.

Silly Coyote/ doesn’t everyone know that at this juncture ? We’re ALL Coyotes?

People seem to think that low taxes and business friendly financial infrastructure are all that is needed to attract good jobs but that isn’t really the case. Not in jobs that require skilled educated labor. People are looking at what is there where they they are moving, the culture, the schools, etc. The younger educated generation is far more supportive of diversity, lgbtq and women’s rights. When states attempted to institute laws against gay rights, business was affected.
People worried about what others think enough to alter their lives or careers are sick puppies to begin with. There is help out there.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.
But the only poll that really matters is the one that shows population growth...and Texas has enjoyed a growing population expansion. People are moving to Texas in droves. Real estate contractors have been focusing on building residential housing in Texas and other "conservative states".

So... this poll is just that...a poll... people say one thing but do another.
I don't think it's that simple...for example WV COULD be a good state for buisness- business friendly tax structure, financial incentives but we lack good schools, good infrastructure, an educated workforce in place (and the means to attract an educated workforce) - our educated people are leaving the state. Businesses look for either a skilled work force in place or the infrastructure to attract them. Our state has tried "build it and they'll come" but it hasn't worked too well, we simply lack to much. There are so many factors that come together to make a site attractive to businesses and they're going to be different for different types of business. At least, IMO.
WV doesn't have enough flat ground to build anything. Geography is WV's biggest hurdle.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.
Every once in while, a dumber-than-fuck marxist drone stumbles onto a point.... and by God, you've stumbled onto here...


This is by design fucknuts.....capiche?

Awesome job stumbling onto that.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.
People really give a rip what "top talent" thinks about issue like this?

Damn Leftist are so stupid.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.
Yawwwwwwwn oh look! It's a poll!

I have been to Mississippi, W Virginia, Louisiana, Kentucky……all Red Shit Holes

Actually I was in South Chicago in April.

I had no problem.

My only complaints about the Chicago area are,

A lot of traffic caused by construction.

Their toll pay system doesn't record out of state license plates as having registered with their pay by plate system so I ended up getting a notice of not paid on the toll and a fine even though I had signed up with the system. I called to find out what the problem was. They said yes, I was correctly signed up but their system doesn't record out of state plates as paid. I said "that's quite a racket you've got going there." They fixed the problem and I didn't pay the fines.

Other than that, the roads were normal, I didn't see ghost towns, I didn't see any horrible poverty I saw in places like Missouri, South Dakota and Oklahoma. I wasn't afraid in the hotels. No one tried to break into my hotel room. The air didn't make me sick.

It was nothing like the red states I went through.
Actually I was in South Chicago in April.

I had no problem.

My only complaints about the Chicago area are,

A lot of traffic caused by construction.

Their toll pay system doesn't record out of state license plates as having registered with their pay by plate system so I ended up getting a notice of not paid on the toll and a fine even though I had signed up with the system. I called to find out what the problem was. They said yes, I was correctly signed up but their system doesn't record out of state plates as paid. I said "that's quite a racket you've got going there." They fixed the problem and I didn't pay the fines.

Other than that, the roads were normal, I didn't see ghost towns, I didn't see any horrible poverty I saw in places like Missouri, South Dakota and Oklahoma. I wasn't afraid in the hotels. No one tried to break into my hotel room. The air didn't make me sick.

It was nothing like the red states I went through.
That does not mean Chicago is not a premier Democratic shithole. They set records every week for shootings.

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