What Does Trump Mean By ‘Make America Great Again’?

Unfair trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT....Trump killed the TPP which would have been the final nail on the coffin of the middle class. He has stopped the land grabbing of the BLM and has reversed some of the off-limits land that they acquired that Barrypuppet signed off on.

Yep, Trump is keeping his promises to make America a friendly place to bring back manufacturing jobs while putting things in place to reverse policies that has made America a bad place to do so and this all goes back to the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "Sustainable Development" plan.....so much that you have no clue about. Trump is a thorn in the side of the globalist POS that started the dismantling of the middle class in the late 1960's when it reached it's apex. I could school you but I doubt that you have the ability to learn.......it's simply easier to be pissed that leftardism has been replaced by national pride....it has to gall the fuck out of those of your ilk.
Oh please school me. First of all it's robotics and automation that are killing the manufacturing jobs for the people. Outsourcing to other countries with lower tax incentives is still happening, Trump didn't stop that.
Advanced manufacturing is booming, it just isn’t producing many jobs
As for cutting the TPP it was us "Leftards" that protested against it first.
But it's not just Mr Trump who opposed the deal. Critics on the left also said it had cost US jobs and said the TPP would pave the way for companies to sue governments that change policy on, say, health and education to favour state-provided services. And it was also seen as intensifying competition between countries' labour forces.
What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

If america and other countries did not follow some form of "Sustainable Development" back in 72 (not the 60's) America wouldn't exist right now. Would you like to make a bet that Trump destroys even more of the middle class?

As far as I can tell every Trump supporter is now giving a different time period. Sounds like you are all just talking out of your ass.

Nope, I simply know more than you.
I highly doubt that. you are a Trump supporter. I've yet to see any that had any brains. You must feel you know more than all the other Trump supporters who gave different time periods about what time period was "great" for America. I guess you just decided to gloss over that.
You seem to have very little knowledge about the trade gap between China and the U.S
The trade gap in which China is killing the US and will continue for a long time. What makes you think I have little knowledge about it.

nor do you have any clue about the formation of the Club of Rome and their mandates to take down the middle class nor do you know anything about Maurice Strong. I suggest that you use "Google" search and look up their quotes and what they believe that the world should look like.
How about you just post the quote without quote-mining it. Unless you have a name it's a real bitch to look up a quote that you are probably pondering.

I will agree with you on one thing...the robotic age is upon us and artificial intelligence is definitely a threat to mankind because you don't REALLY believe that the powers that be are going to subsidize a bunch of unemployable ne'er-do-wells that contribute nothing, do you? You really believe that the financial powers are going to simply allow people that can't find work to sit around and pro-create another generation of what they refer to as "worthless eaters"??? Guess again.......you have no idea what they have in store for those that they believe have no purpose. You better hope that Trump and the "white hats" prevail because if not? Humanity is FUBAR'd.........
Are you suggesting that the Financial Powers to Be are going to round up every "worthless eater" and either kill them or put them away in your already overcrowded jails? I thought you said you were smart.

"I highly doubt that. you are a Trump supporter. I've yet to see any that had any brains. You must feel you know more than all the other Trump supporters who gave different time periods about what time period was "great" for America. I guess you just decided to gloss over that"

I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic that is USA.INC that has been owned by the IMF since 1950. I got out from under the UCC and became an American nationalist insteads of remaining as a de-facto employee of USA.INC....so yeah, I know more than you because I have made it my mission to learn the nature of the cage. Do I root for Trump in hopes that he and the white hats can return us to being a Republic with inalienable and allodial rights like we had before the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 1933? Damn straight I do....he is the closest thing we have had to a real leader since JFK.

First of all. When someone claims to be so smart they should at least learn how to properly use the quote functions. Do you perhaps need a tutorial? Secondly, you have not learned the nature of any cage. Do you even know what was going on in Kennedy's time? You do know the US was bombing and terrorizing Cuba even before the failed Bay Of Pigs. You do know that in Kennedy's time America came very close to a Nuclear War? Under Kennedy's leadership Domincan Republic's democratically elected leader Rafael Trujillo was assassinated by the CIA. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of what Kennedy did but like every other US President, he was shit on a stick.

"The trade gap in which China is killing the US and will continue for a long time. What makes you think I have little knowledge about it"

Oh, I don't know.....just a guess....perhaps it's because you believe that the trend is not reversible?
It is reversible but not in any way that America can achieve let alone by billionaire Trump.

"Are you suggesting that the Financial Powers to Be are going to round up every "worthless eater" and either kill them or put them away in your already overcrowded jails? I thought you said you were smart"

Nope, they are using a soft-kill depopulation plan that has weakened the human genome. Through the chemical cocktails in our food, water and air? They have managed to weaken male sperm potency by over 50 percent. Atrazine (which is sprayed on over 50 percent of all corn crops) has been proven to cause gender confusion and causes the deformation of male genitalia in amphibians. (Reference the studies of Tyrone Hayes, University of Cal- Berkley professor whose work has been validated and verified by other studies on other species).

Vaccines is another way of depopulation, genetically modified foods that has been proven to sterilize rats after three generations of feeding them nothing but GMOs. The aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano particulates into the ionosphere that lands in our food and water. Speaking of water? Fluoridation is another way of damaging the body while causing a lowering of the ability to think....it also causes one to be more docile thus easier to control and manipulate. Frequencies from cell-towers that are counter-productive to our body's natural frequencies. We walk through a land mine of dangerous toxins and damaging frequencies every single day. I call it the "death by a thousand cuts"......it's not any one thing that kills but instead the accumulative effect. You can choose to ignore reality or wake up....it's no sweat off of my ass either way. You seem to be stuck in the left versus right paradigm that believes "leftardism" is the wave of the future. What you don't know is that morons like you have played the useful idiot role and have done the very bidding of the very ones you claim to be fighting against.......ya gotta learn the nature of the cage before you can escape it....
You are joking. So you are saying the US Financial Powers to be have gotten together with the Pharmaceutical giants and chemists and are now developing GMO's to sterilize certain "worthless eaters" . This belongs in the conspiracy thread now. Please go on and tell me more about how smart you are. I bet you shake your cane at passerby's from your front porch too.

"First of all. When someone claims to be so smart they should at least learn how to properly use the quote functions. Do you perhaps need a tutorial? Secondly, you have not learned the nature of any cage. Do you even know what was going on in Kennedy's time? You do know the US was bombing and terrorizing Cuba even before the failed Bay Of Pigs. You do know that in Kennedy's time America came very close to a Nuclear War? Under Kennedy's leadership Domincan Republic's democratically elected leader Rafael Trujillo was assassinated by the CIA. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of what Kennedy did but like every other US President, he was shit on a stick."

I know that the CIA would go to any lengths to remove Castro, not because of his relation with the USSR insomuch that he wasn't playing ball with the multi-national corporations that coveted the resources of Cuba that they had access to before Castro took over. The CIA has been a rogue agency and the strong arm of the owners of USA.INC...which is why Kennedy wanted to destroy it and scatter it to the four winds. Rogue elements of all the alphabet agencies work outside the scope of what we believe to be a democratic republic but the CIA is the worst. It's referred to as "The Company" for a reason. Hell, we are seeing that being played out now. Remember the Church Committee hearings of the mid-70's? Not a fucking thing has changed since they were outed for the criminal organization that they most certainly are.

"You are joking. So you are saying the US Financial Powers to be have gotten together with the Pharmaceutical giants and chemists and are now developing GMO's to sterilize certain "worthless eaters" . This belongs in the conspiracy thread now. Please go on and tell me more about how smart you are. I bet you shake your cane at passerby's from your front porch too."

Don't believe me.....look up the research as it pertains to genetically modified foods and the lab results of rats that were fed nothing but GMOs, Look up the work of Tyrone Hayes that was asked by Syngenta to give a report on the affects of Atrazine on amphibians and all the shit he got for revealing it. I don't ask anyone to blindly believe anything I post here and take it on face value...do your own research and attack it from every angle possible and do the proper vetting of the sources and what they have to gain. BTW, I am 54 and in great shape...as you can see from my avatar. My mission is only to wake people up that have any critical thinking skills left. Those that will not simply do so at their own peril.
The first picture is accurate.
You’re delusional?
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.
Being an American Indian I don’t see where there is white privilege in this country, in fact I see quit the opposite.
Affirmative action/political correctness has destroyed the Indian nations.
You call yourself an Indian. Are you from India? Or are you a first Nations person? The first white explorers called the indigenous people Indians because they thought they landed in India. Several hundred years later and the American people still haven't corrected that. If you are first Nations then you are not white and if you don't see white privilege then you are blind.
Native American is the white man’s term, the politically correct term. Fuck political correctness and affirmative-action. And no I don’t see white privilege in this country I see minorities getting a pass because the color of their skin. Hell my daughters can get free everything if they chose because they are Indian.
Every name is a white man's term. The native population had their own language and their own word for themselves. Of course there were hundreds of dialects across North America and the term "Indian" is stupid because you are not from India. The only reason Americans don't use the proper term is because Americans are the laziest and most stubborn people on the planet when it comes to change. Hello America, the rest of the world is on the metric system also. You know what else is a stupid term by Americans. African American. It assumes the person is American. It just sounds like you still like living second fiddle to the white man. Every other group of indigenous people around the world have renamed themselves except those in America. They are afraid of change.

As for proving white privilege exists it cannot be explained in one or 2 sentences but here is a great body of work explaining the details. Read it and get back to me on anything you don't agree with.

https://www.cpt.org/files/Undoing Racism - Understanding White Privilege - Kendall.pdf
You’re delusional?
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.
Being an American Indian I don’t see where there is white privilege in this country, in fact I see quit the opposite.
Affirmative action/political correctness has destroyed the Indian nations.
You call yourself an Indian. Are you from India? Or are you a first Nations person? The first white explorers called the indigenous people Indians because they thought they landed in India. Several hundred years later and the American people still haven't corrected that. If you are first Nations then you are not white and if you don't see white privilege then you are blind.
Native American is the white man’s term, the politically correct term. Fuck political correctness and affirmative-action. And no I don’t see white privilege in this country I see minorities getting a pass because the color of their skin. Hell my daughters can get free everything if they chose because they are Indian.
Every name is a white man's term. The native population had their own language and their own word for themselves. Of course there were hundreds of dialects across North America and the term "Indian" is stupid because you are not from India. The only reason Americans don't use the proper term is because Americans are the laziest and most stubborn people on the planet when it comes to change. Hello America, the rest of the world is on the metric system also. You know what else is a stupid term by Americans. African American. It assumes the person is American. It just sounds like you still like living second fiddle to the white man. Every other group of indigenous people around the world have renamed themselves except those in America. They are afraid of change.

As for proving white privilege exists it cannot be explained in one or 2 sentences but here is a great body of work explaining the details. Read it and get back to me on anything you don't agree with.

https://www.cpt.org/files/Undoing Racism - Understanding White Privilege - Kendall.pdf
I prefer Oglala Sioux or American Indian i fucking hate the term Native American...
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.
Being an American Indian I don’t see where there is white privilege in this country, in fact I see quit the opposite.
Affirmative action/political correctness has destroyed the Indian nations.
You call yourself an Indian. Are you from India? Or are you a first Nations person? The first white explorers called the indigenous people Indians because they thought they landed in India. Several hundred years later and the American people still haven't corrected that. If you are first Nations then you are not white and if you don't see white privilege then you are blind.
Native American is the white man’s term, the politically correct term. Fuck political correctness and affirmative-action. And no I don’t see white privilege in this country I see minorities getting a pass because the color of their skin. Hell my daughters can get free everything if they chose because they are Indian.
Every name is a white man's term. The native population had their own language and their own word for themselves. Of course there were hundreds of dialects across North America and the term "Indian" is stupid because you are not from India. The only reason Americans don't use the proper term is because Americans are the laziest and most stubborn people on the planet when it comes to change. Hello America, the rest of the world is on the metric system also. You know what else is a stupid term by Americans. African American. It assumes the person is American. It just sounds like you still like living second fiddle to the white man. Every other group of indigenous people around the world have renamed themselves except those in America. They are afraid of change.

As for proving white privilege exists it cannot be explained in one or 2 sentences but here is a great body of work explaining the details. Read it and get back to me on anything you don't agree with.

https://www.cpt.org/files/Undoing Racism - Understanding White Privilege - Kendall.pdf
I prefer Oglala Sioux or American Indian i fucking hate the term Native American...
I never used the term Native American. Many tribes were nomadic crossing over from Canada to the US and back and forth for many generations. The term "American" should not be used for the native population.
Did you sleep through the election?

no. but she's not delusional like you.

everyone knows Make America great again meant "make America white again".

which is why the bigot brigade loves him

Is that what he meant? I guess I just missed all the speeches where he was talking about getting rid of all the brown people, huh?

It is what he meant and you didn't miss anything. You want to lie in this forum knowing that no matter what proof gets shown to you that you will deny it. He came out racist when he said Mexicans are rapists and murderers. But you'll have an excuse as to why what he said was not racist.

What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.

Several issues with your quotes and what you're saying that they mean.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best." This statement is referring SPECIFICALLY to illegal immigrants from Mexico. Yes, all of the people to which he's referring are Mexican, but NO, he is not referring to all Mexicans. He is referring specifically to the ones coming over the border illegally. Was it a douchey oversimplification? Absolutely. Illegal immigrants commit rape and murder at disproportionate rates, but the vast majority of illegal immigrants don't rape or murder anyone. That said, he still wasn't calling all Mexicans rapists. He was calling the majority of illegal immigrant Mexicans rapists. The mere fact that he says Mexico isn't "sending their best" obviously implies that there are better Mexicans than the illegal immigrants to which he's referring.

I'm not sure why you've added in the second quote, it doesn't support your point. "...and I'm not just saying Mexicans..." is a deliberate shift away from an ethnic identifier and a clarification that he's talking about, specifically, illegal immigrants.

I'm not saying that what he said wasn't an exaggeration, and I'm not saying that he wasn't a dickhead for generalizing to that degree, but to say that he called all Mexicans rapists is simply an inaccurate reading of the statements, and a blatantly obvious one.
Being an American Indian I don’t see where there is white privilege in this country, in fact I see quit the opposite.
Affirmative action/political correctness has destroyed the Indian nations.
You call yourself an Indian. Are you from India? Or are you a first Nations person? The first white explorers called the indigenous people Indians because they thought they landed in India. Several hundred years later and the American people still haven't corrected that. If you are first Nations then you are not white and if you don't see white privilege then you are blind.
Native American is the white man’s term, the politically correct term. Fuck political correctness and affirmative-action. And no I don’t see white privilege in this country I see minorities getting a pass because the color of their skin. Hell my daughters can get free everything if they chose because they are Indian.
Every name is a white man's term. The native population had their own language and their own word for themselves. Of course there were hundreds of dialects across North America and the term "Indian" is stupid because you are not from India. The only reason Americans don't use the proper term is because Americans are the laziest and most stubborn people on the planet when it comes to change. Hello America, the rest of the world is on the metric system also. You know what else is a stupid term by Americans. African American. It assumes the person is American. It just sounds like you still like living second fiddle to the white man. Every other group of indigenous people around the world have renamed themselves except those in America. They are afraid of change.

As for proving white privilege exists it cannot be explained in one or 2 sentences but here is a great body of work explaining the details. Read it and get back to me on anything you don't agree with.

https://www.cpt.org/files/Undoing Racism - Understanding White Privilege - Kendall.pdf
I prefer Oglala Sioux or American Indian i fucking hate the term Native American...
I never used the term Native American. Many tribes were nomadic crossing over from Canada to the US and back and forth for many generations. The term "American" should not be used for the native population.

America's the name of the continent, not the country. Canada is on that continent, qualifying native Canadians as native Americans.

When I was a child, I thought that, because I'm Hawaiian, and Hawaii is now a part of the USA, that I was a Native American. That is, until I learned that the distinction, Native American, doesn't mean native to a country, but rather native to the continent of North America. It makes more sense to say that someone is native to a landmass than to say that they're native to a country that their ancestors predated on said landmass, you know?
Is that what he meant? I guess I just missed all the speeches where he was talking about getting rid of all the brown people, huh?

It is what he meant and you didn't miss anything. You want to lie in this forum knowing that no matter what proof gets shown to you that you will deny it. He came out racist when he said Mexicans are rapists and murderers. But you'll have an excuse as to why what he said was not racist.

What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.
You deliberate misconstrue what he said, jackass. That's typical for a typical Trump hating fanatic. Honesty doesn't support your claims, so you lie.

you should probably take a valium and stop spitting all over your computer screen.

you have never said a true word on this board.

you have never stated a fact on this board.

you lie about what trump and your ilk do and say all the time and misrepresent and lie about what everyone normal says.

your refusal to acknowledge that bannon and Donald and his "lovely people who happen to be Nazis" are dangerous to our country makes you treasonous.

LMFAO! First off, when he said there were lovely people on both sides, he was obviously working from the assumption that there were people at the rally who weren't Nazi's. Until I saw the actual footage, I didn't believe it was a white supremacist rally either, seeing as how the mainstream left has taken to calling everybody who disagrees with social justice dogma a racist. Even as stupid and as evil as you hysterical RESIST'ers make Trump out to be, NOBODY would be stupid enough to openly and knowingly express support for white supremacists. It would be absolute political suicide. And I don't just mean that the left would consider it a metaphorically capital offense, but the vast majority of the right would turn on Trump if he went white power fascist. As much as it might currently suit you to espouse the belief that the Nazi's are around every corner, the actual truth of the matter is that fascism and racism are damn near universally despised in our culture, and the actual white supremacists make up a tiny, tiny fraction of our population.

More importantly, though, you need to look up the definition of treason. It has nothing to do with being obligated to join in with your hysteria just because you declare someone dangerous. I'm equally amused and dumbfounded that anyone would be so arrogant as to state that not sharing their personal fear makes one an enemy of the nation. Just. . . wow. "Self righteous" doesn't even come close to covering it.
Donald Trump’s now ubiquitous slogan, “Make America Great Again!”, is often chanted at rallies, but rarely scrutinized in public discourse. What era in America’s past is Mr. Trump referring to when he says “Again”?

Would Mr. Trump prefer America return to the days of slavery, Jim Crow and labor exploitation in unsafe factories, mines, foundries and plantations? How about the late 19th century when “Robber Barons” monopolized one industry after another? Is he longing for the days when women were second-class citizens and couldn’t vote, until securing this right less than 100 years ago, only to still be paid lower wages than their male colleagues for performing the same jobs and faced with consumer and educational discrimination?

Or is Trump referring to a time when the US was less of a giant empire than it is today?

Or, more optimistically, in the nineteen sixties and early seventies when America had its highest real wages and a large trade surplus? Has anyone heard him say he wanted to return America to that prominence that peaked in the nineteen sixties?

He surely doesn’t want to raise wages for workers. On the campaign trail last year he said wages were too high and has not championed raising the frozen federal minimum wage (at $7.25 an hour) since.

He has spoken often about revising trade agreements to reduce our trade deficit, but he’s not going to take on the opposition of the emigrating giant global corporations to reduce our trade deficit.

Maybe he wants to go back to the America before there was Medicare and Medicaid, before dangerous cars had to be recalled, before food had to be labelled, before unions existed to collectively bargain with large companies in the auto, steel and oil industries?

Does he miss the days when there were segregated restaurants, hotels, trains and buses? What about when people could smoke in your space on airplanes, in college lecture halls, hospital waiting rooms, cafes, offices and just about all public spaces, no matter the presence of children and asthmatics? Or when people with disabilities faced physical exclusion and career discrimination?

More benignly, perhaps Mr. Trump is longing for the days when there was less soil erosion, fewer toxic chemicals in the environment and more family farms. Or when there was far less obesity and diabetes and less aggressive marketing to children of fast food full of fat, sugar and salt. If so, he sure is not going to Make America Great with the corporatists he’s appointed to run the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Agriculture.

Does he want to Make America Great Again by returning to the days when there were fewer people in prisons per capita, fewer non-violent drug offenders serving long sentences, including juveniles, fewer if any private corporate prisons? If so, he is going to have problems with his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. What about when casino gambling was highly restricted and only legal in Nevada? It’s unlikely Mr. Trump would have wanted to prohibit gambling in his Atlantic City Casinos before they failed or went bankrupt. With his flurry of statements and Tweets endorsing sexual harasser and accused pedophile, defeated Senate candidate Roy Moore, Trump, given his boastful aggression toward women, certainly does not want to return to an America when such widely publicized misbehavior would have kept men from even running for office.

More: What Does Trump Mean By 'Make America Great Again'?

I have no idea what he means. I doubt he knows what he means, either. Do you? What hasn't anyone confronted him on what he means? What time period in the past does he want to take us back to?
Clearly, he doesn't mean anything good by saying that.

If he meant it, he would insist people gave loyalty pledges to the country and the constitution and not to him personally.
It is what he meant and you didn't miss anything. You want to lie in this forum knowing that no matter what proof gets shown to you that you will deny it. He came out racist when he said Mexicans are rapists and murderers. But you'll have an excuse as to why what he said was not racist.

What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.
You deliberate misconstrue what he said, jackass. That's typical for a typical Trump hating fanatic. Honesty doesn't support your claims, so you lie.

you should probably take a valium and stop spitting all over your computer screen.

you have never said a true word on this board.

you have never stated a fact on this board.

you lie about what trump and your ilk do and say all the time and misrepresent and lie about what everyone normal says.

your refusal to acknowledge that bannon and Donald and his "lovely people who happen to be Nazis" are dangerous to our country makes you treasonous.

LMFAO! First off, when he said there were lovely people on both sides, he was obviously working from the assumption that there were people at the rally who weren't Nazi's. Until I saw the actual footage, I didn't believe it was a white supremacist rally either, seeing as how the mainstream left has taken to calling everybody who disagrees with social justice dogma a racist. Even as stupid and as evil as you hysterical RESIST'ers make Trump out to be, NOBODY would be stupid enough to openly and knowingly express support for white supremacists. It would be absolute political suicide. And I don't just mean that the left would consider it a metaphorically capital offense, but the vast majority of the right would turn on Trump if he went white power fascist. As much as it might currently suit you to espouse the belief that the Nazi's are around every corner, the actual truth of the matter is that fascism and racism are damn near universally despised in our culture, and the actual white supremacists make up a tiny, tiny fraction of our population.

More importantly, though, you need to look up the definition of treason. It has nothing to do with being obligated to join in with your hysteria just because you declare someone dangerous. I'm equally amused and dumbfounded that anyone would be so arrogant as to state that not sharing their personal fear makes one an enemy of the nation. Just. . . wow. "Self righteous" doesn't even come close to covering it.
I k ow what treason is morin. It is working against the interests of the country.

Which is what your pathetic Russian tool does every single day
no. but she's not delusional like you.

everyone knows Make America great again meant "make America white again".

which is why the bigot brigade loves him

Is that what he meant? I guess I just missed all the speeches where he was talking about getting rid of all the brown people, huh?

It is what he meant and you didn't miss anything. You want to lie in this forum knowing that no matter what proof gets shown to you that you will deny it. He came out racist when he said Mexicans are rapists and murderers. But you'll have an excuse as to why what he said was not racist.

What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.

Several issues with your quotes and what you're saying that they mean.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best." This statement is referring SPECIFICALLY to illegal immigrants from Mexico. Yes, all of the people to which he's referring are Mexican, but NO, he is not referring to all Mexicans. He is referring specifically to the ones coming over the border illegally. Was it a douchey oversimplification? Absolutely. Illegal immigrants commit rape and murder at disproportionate rates, but the vast majority of illegal immigrants don't rape or murder anyone. That said, he still wasn't calling all Mexicans rapists. He was calling the majority of illegal immigrant Mexicans rapists. The mere fact that he says Mexico isn't "sending their best" obviously implies that there are better Mexicans than the illegal immigrants to which he's referring.

I'm not sure why you've added in the second quote, it doesn't support your point. "...and I'm not just saying Mexicans..." is a deliberate shift away from an ethnic identifier and a clarification that he's talking about, specifically, illegal immigrants.

I'm not saying that what he said wasn't an exaggeration, and I'm not saying that he wasn't a dickhead for generalizing to that degree, but to say that he called all Mexicans rapists is simply an inaccurate reading of the statements, and a blatantly obvious one.

If he was talking about Mexican immigrants he should have said Mexican immigrants. Even then, that comment would have been racist.
It is what he meant and you didn't miss anything. You want to lie in this forum knowing that no matter what proof gets shown to you that you will deny it. He came out racist when he said Mexicans are rapists and murderers. But you'll have an excuse as to why what he said was not racist.

What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.
You deliberate misconstrue what he said, jackass. That's typical for a typical Trump hating fanatic. Honesty doesn't support your claims, so you lie.

you should probably take a valium and stop spitting all over your computer screen.

you have never said a true word on this board.

you have never stated a fact on this board.

you lie about what trump and your ilk do and say all the time and misrepresent and lie about what everyone normal says.

your refusal to acknowledge that bannon and Donald and his "lovely people who happen to be Nazis" are dangerous to our country makes you treasonous.

LMFAO! First off, when he said there were lovely people on both sides, he was obviously working from the assumption that there were people at the rally who weren't Nazi's. Until I saw the actual footage, I didn't believe it was a white supremacist rally either, seeing as how the mainstream left has taken to calling everybody who disagrees with social justice dogma a racist. Even as stupid and as evil as you hysterical RESIST'ers make Trump out to be, NOBODY would be stupid enough to openly and knowingly express support for white supremacists. It would be absolute political suicide. And I don't just mean that the left would consider it a metaphorically capital offense, but the vast majority of the right would turn on Trump if he went white power fascist. As much as it might currently suit you to espouse the belief that the Nazi's are around every corner, the actual truth of the matter is that fascism and racism are damn near universally despised in our culture, and the actual white supremacists make up a tiny, tiny fraction of our population.

More importantly, though, you need to look up the definition of treason. It has nothing to do with being obligated to join in with your hysteria just because you declare someone dangerous. I'm equally amused and dumbfounded that anyone would be so arrogant as to state that not sharing their personal fear makes one an enemy of the nation. Just. . . wow. "Self righteous" doesn't even come close to covering it.

It is apparent what the march was. It was organized and publicized by white supremacist groups. When Trump said there were good people on both sides he meant there were good people on the side of white supremacists and good people who opposed them. Plain and simple.

And do not lie about the right.
What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.
You deliberate misconstrue what he said, jackass. That's typical for a typical Trump hating fanatic. Honesty doesn't support your claims, so you lie.

you should probably take a valium and stop spitting all over your computer screen.

you have never said a true word on this board.

you have never stated a fact on this board.

you lie about what trump and your ilk do and say all the time and misrepresent and lie about what everyone normal says.

your refusal to acknowledge that bannon and Donald and his "lovely people who happen to be Nazis" are dangerous to our country makes you treasonous.

LMFAO! First off, when he said there were lovely people on both sides, he was obviously working from the assumption that there were people at the rally who weren't Nazi's. Until I saw the actual footage, I didn't believe it was a white supremacist rally either, seeing as how the mainstream left has taken to calling everybody who disagrees with social justice dogma a racist. Even as stupid and as evil as you hysterical RESIST'ers make Trump out to be, NOBODY would be stupid enough to openly and knowingly express support for white supremacists. It would be absolute political suicide. And I don't just mean that the left would consider it a metaphorically capital offense, but the vast majority of the right would turn on Trump if he went white power fascist. As much as it might currently suit you to espouse the belief that the Nazi's are around every corner, the actual truth of the matter is that fascism and racism are damn near universally despised in our culture, and the actual white supremacists make up a tiny, tiny fraction of our population.

More importantly, though, you need to look up the definition of treason. It has nothing to do with being obligated to join in with your hysteria just because you declare someone dangerous. I'm equally amused and dumbfounded that anyone would be so arrogant as to state that not sharing their personal fear makes one an enemy of the nation. Just. . . wow. "Self righteous" doesn't even come close to covering it.
I k ow what treason is morin. It is working against the interests of the country.

Which is what your pathetic Russian tool does every single day

President Trump put twenty percent of America's uranium in the hands of Russia in exchange for a cool 145 million dollars? Do tell?
What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.
You deliberate misconstrue what he said, jackass. That's typical for a typical Trump hating fanatic. Honesty doesn't support your claims, so you lie.

you should probably take a valium and stop spitting all over your computer screen.

you have never said a true word on this board.

you have never stated a fact on this board.

you lie about what trump and your ilk do and say all the time and misrepresent and lie about what everyone normal says.

your refusal to acknowledge that bannon and Donald and his "lovely people who happen to be Nazis" are dangerous to our country makes you treasonous.

LMFAO! First off, when he said there were lovely people on both sides, he was obviously working from the assumption that there were people at the rally who weren't Nazi's. Until I saw the actual footage, I didn't believe it was a white supremacist rally either, seeing as how the mainstream left has taken to calling everybody who disagrees with social justice dogma a racist. Even as stupid and as evil as you hysterical RESIST'ers make Trump out to be, NOBODY would be stupid enough to openly and knowingly express support for white supremacists. It would be absolute political suicide. And I don't just mean that the left would consider it a metaphorically capital offense, but the vast majority of the right would turn on Trump if he went white power fascist. As much as it might currently suit you to espouse the belief that the Nazi's are around every corner, the actual truth of the matter is that fascism and racism are damn near universally despised in our culture, and the actual white supremacists make up a tiny, tiny fraction of our population.

More importantly, though, you need to look up the definition of treason. It has nothing to do with being obligated to join in with your hysteria just because you declare someone dangerous. I'm equally amused and dumbfounded that anyone would be so arrogant as to state that not sharing their personal fear makes one an enemy of the nation. Just. . . wow. "Self righteous" doesn't even come close to covering it.

It is apparent what the march was. It was organized and publicized by white supremacist groups. When Trump said there were good people on both sides he meant there were good people on the side of white supremacists and good people who opposed them. Plain and simple.

And do not lie about the right.
He meant there were good people fighting for the right to keep the statues and the Confederate flag. Nothing to do with White Supremacists.
What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.
You deliberate misconstrue what he said, jackass. That's typical for a typical Trump hating fanatic. Honesty doesn't support your claims, so you lie.

you should probably take a valium and stop spitting all over your computer screen.

you have never said a true word on this board.

you have never stated a fact on this board.

you lie about what trump and your ilk do and say all the time and misrepresent and lie about what everyone normal says.

your refusal to acknowledge that bannon and Donald and his "lovely people who happen to be Nazis" are dangerous to our country makes you treasonous.

LMFAO! First off, when he said there were lovely people on both sides, he was obviously working from the assumption that there were people at the rally who weren't Nazi's. Until I saw the actual footage, I didn't believe it was a white supremacist rally either, seeing as how the mainstream left has taken to calling everybody who disagrees with social justice dogma a racist. Even as stupid and as evil as you hysterical RESIST'ers make Trump out to be, NOBODY would be stupid enough to openly and knowingly express support for white supremacists. It would be absolute political suicide. And I don't just mean that the left would consider it a metaphorically capital offense, but the vast majority of the right would turn on Trump if he went white power fascist. As much as it might currently suit you to espouse the belief that the Nazi's are around every corner, the actual truth of the matter is that fascism and racism are damn near universally despised in our culture, and the actual white supremacists make up a tiny, tiny fraction of our population.

More importantly, though, you need to look up the definition of treason. It has nothing to do with being obligated to join in with your hysteria just because you declare someone dangerous. I'm equally amused and dumbfounded that anyone would be so arrogant as to state that not sharing their personal fear makes one an enemy of the nation. Just. . . wow. "Self righteous" doesn't even come close to covering it.

It is apparent what the march was. It was organized and publicized by white supremacist groups. When Trump said there were good people on both sides he meant there were good people on the side of white supremacists and good people who opposed them. Plain and simple.

And do not lie about the right.

It is apparent now what that march was, yes. Prior to that march, honestly, who the fuck had heard of those groups? I hadn't, and I'm a political junkie.

Nobody's lying about the right. If you actually believe that we're all white supremacist supporters, you're straight up retarded, and you should start actually paying attention to what people say in stead of declaring them racists and then ignoring their arguments outright.
Is that what he meant? I guess I just missed all the speeches where he was talking about getting rid of all the brown people, huh?

It is what he meant and you didn't miss anything. You want to lie in this forum knowing that no matter what proof gets shown to you that you will deny it. He came out racist when he said Mexicans are rapists and murderers. But you'll have an excuse as to why what he said was not racist.

What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.

Several issues with your quotes and what you're saying that they mean.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best." This statement is referring SPECIFICALLY to illegal immigrants from Mexico. Yes, all of the people to which he's referring are Mexican, but NO, he is not referring to all Mexicans. He is referring specifically to the ones coming over the border illegally. Was it a douchey oversimplification? Absolutely. Illegal immigrants commit rape and murder at disproportionate rates, but the vast majority of illegal immigrants don't rape or murder anyone. That said, he still wasn't calling all Mexicans rapists. He was calling the majority of illegal immigrant Mexicans rapists. The mere fact that he says Mexico isn't "sending their best" obviously implies that there are better Mexicans than the illegal immigrants to which he's referring.

I'm not sure why you've added in the second quote, it doesn't support your point. "...and I'm not just saying Mexicans..." is a deliberate shift away from an ethnic identifier and a clarification that he's talking about, specifically, illegal immigrants.

I'm not saying that what he said wasn't an exaggeration, and I'm not saying that he wasn't a dickhead for generalizing to that degree, but to say that he called all Mexicans rapists is simply an inaccurate reading of the statements, and a blatantly obvious one.

If he was talking about Mexican immigrants he should have said Mexican immigrants. Even then, that comment would have been racist.

He didn't actually use the term, "Mexican immigrants" in that sentence because, in the greater context of what he was saying, it was obvious that that's who he was talking about. When he's in the middle of rant about illegal immigrants, and then he says, "When Mexico sends its people," who do you THINK he's talking about?

And yeah, still a dickhead thing to say in that he massively over-generalized, but he STILL didn't say that ALL MEXICANS ARE RAPISTS, which is a distinction worth making. Accuracy, God damn it.
What proof?

And he said illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, not "Mexicans". If your point is so obvious and backed by proof, why do you have to alter the quote to make it fit your narrative?

Also, why the need to accuse people you disagree with of lying? Are you really so arrogant that you believe that nobody could honestly view things differently than you do?
The proof is his actual quotes. Rapists and murderers come from all types of people but twice he singled out Mexicans.

Here's the first quote: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"

Notice how he didn't say they are sending some rapists, he said they are rapists.

Here is the second quote : "You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans - I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country."

Now this would be akin to say some other leader stating. Americans are killers and rapists and other people are. Why single out one group of people. Because he knows his audience are racist. The immigration problem has been talked about for many years before Trump yet never in such a racist way. The only ones who don't see it are the racists themselves.
You deliberate misconstrue what he said, jackass. That's typical for a typical Trump hating fanatic. Honesty doesn't support your claims, so you lie.

you should probably take a valium and stop spitting all over your computer screen.

you have never said a true word on this board.

you have never stated a fact on this board.

you lie about what trump and your ilk do and say all the time and misrepresent and lie about what everyone normal says.

your refusal to acknowledge that bannon and Donald and his "lovely people who happen to be Nazis" are dangerous to our country makes you treasonous.

LMFAO! First off, when he said there were lovely people on both sides, he was obviously working from the assumption that there were people at the rally who weren't Nazi's. Until I saw the actual footage, I didn't believe it was a white supremacist rally either, seeing as how the mainstream left has taken to calling everybody who disagrees with social justice dogma a racist. Even as stupid and as evil as you hysterical RESIST'ers make Trump out to be, NOBODY would be stupid enough to openly and knowingly express support for white supremacists. It would be absolute political suicide. And I don't just mean that the left would consider it a metaphorically capital offense, but the vast majority of the right would turn on Trump if he went white power fascist. As much as it might currently suit you to espouse the belief that the Nazi's are around every corner, the actual truth of the matter is that fascism and racism are damn near universally despised in our culture, and the actual white supremacists make up a tiny, tiny fraction of our population.

More importantly, though, you need to look up the definition of treason. It has nothing to do with being obligated to join in with your hysteria just because you declare someone dangerous. I'm equally amused and dumbfounded that anyone would be so arrogant as to state that not sharing their personal fear makes one an enemy of the nation. Just. . . wow. "Self righteous" doesn't even come close to covering it.
I k ow what treason is morin. It is working against the interests of the country.

Which is what your pathetic Russian tool does every single day

Treason is a specific crime with a specific definition, it's not just "working against the interests of the country," particularly not working against YOUR OPINION of the interests of the country, you fucking egomaniac.

Not only that, but by the definition you just put forward, Bripat was not being treasonous. The only thing you accused him of is not acknowledging that your paranoia is correct. A lack of acknowledgement is not the same as working against something. People who spoke out against WWII because they refused to acknowledge the threat that the axis powers presented were not working against the country, they were simply giving their foolish opinions. It's one thing to spout your opinion like it's a legal definition, but for fuck's sake, at least try and be accurate about your OWN words.

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