What Else Are Democrats Lying To Us About? Obamacare For Illegals, Wealth Redistribution?


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Jul 21, 2009

Controversial MIT professor Jonathan Gruber, in the headlines for repeated videotaped admissions of lying to the “stupid” American people in writing the ACA law, has been tied to the hotly controversial issue of amnesty for illegal immigrants. An amnesty that would get around the prohibitions of the ACA that deny Obamacare to illegal immigrants by simply and directly removing the status of “undocumented” from “undocumented immigrants” - thereby making them eligible for Obamacare.

Now, Fox News co-host Greg Gutfeld has dug up this recent clip of HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell calling for “extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants” and adding that “DREAMers are not able to be covered in the marketplace. And this is an issue that I think is more than a health care issue — it is an immigration issue…And I think everyone probably knows that this administration feels incredibly strongly about the fact that we need to fix that. We need to reform the system and make the changes that we need that will lead to benefits in everything from health care to economics to so many things — a very important step that we need to take as a nation.”

And who just happens to be well out there providing the data on illegal immigrants and Obamacare? If you guessed MIT’s Jonathan Gruber, you would be right.

In other words? President Obama is getting around his promise to Congress that September of 2009 that “the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally” by simply bestowing amnesty on “those who are here illegally.” Once legal, they will be qualified for Obamacare.

And Jonathan Gruber, who confesses that the Obama administration deliberately sold its program by lying about it, has now been tied to supplying data on health care for those illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants who would instantly become beneficiaries of the very same ACA once granted amnesty -- exactly as Obama HHS Secretary Burwell said was the goal.

- See more at: Who Lied Jonathan Gruber Linked to Getting Obamacare to Illegal Aliens
I hope this was the reasons the people got FED up with this party and administration of LIARS and took away all their POWER. Now the people needs to contact their Representatives and demand they DEFUND Obama and ALL Federal Government agencies under his Regime for the next TWO YEARS
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The Obamacare and immigration debates collided Tuesday as Health and Human Services chief Sylvia Burwell called for extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants.

Burwell was speaking on a public Google hangout with prominent Latina bloggers to promote Saturday’s opening of the Obamacare enrollment period when she shifted to her thoughts on immigration reform.

“DREAMers are not able to be covered in the marketplace. And this is an issue that I think is more than a health care issue — it is an immigration issue,” Burwell said in response to a question about whether families with mixed immigration statuses can get coverage.

“And I think everyone probably knows that this administration feels incredibly strongly about the fact that we need to fix that. We need to reform the system and make the changes that we need that will lead to benefits in everything from health care to economics to so many things — a very important step that we need to take as a nation.”

Only legal immigrants are eligible for Obamacare benefits, but liberal and pro-immigration groups have asked that Obamacare benefits be extended to illegal immigrants as well. Several groups have also advocated for the Obama administration to mandate Obamacare exchange eligibility for DREAMers, a term used to describe illegal immigrants who are granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status.

Burwell also addressed a recent Los Angeles Times report that found legal immigrants are avoiding Obamacare exchanges out of fear that any family members who are in the country illegally will be found out and punished thanks to their participation in the government program.

In March, President Obama went on the Spanish-language TV network Univision to promise Latinos that any information gleaned during the Obamacare enrollment process would not be turned over to immigration officials. During the first open enrollment, outreach workers were encouraged to carry a letter from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement echoing that promise, but it seemed to only make most people more nervous.

The fear is not completely unfounded. Even legal residents have had coverage terminated by the federal government this fall after an Obamacare glitch repeatedly refused to accept their legal status.

“Everyone should come on [to the Obamacare exchanges],” Burwell said, “And folks should not be scared, because this is not information…no questions will be asked, this is not an immigration issue.”

Read more at HHS Chief Obamacare should be available to DREAMers Red Alert Politics
This is the conspiracy; Bring in millions of immigrants, give them legal status, and enroll them in Obamacare. And at the same time register them to vote. If they vote for Obama's Democratic Party, so be it, because they owe them so so much now.

BTW, these people are most likely already enrolled and waiting to use their benefits. This is the big rush when it comes to Obama's executive order on amnesty.
They anticipate as many as 30 million new illegal immigrants to register for this. The order has already gone out for that many possibly over the next 10 years. Green cards will be issued as they come into the United States.

The focus is on healthy applicants, around age 21, who won't be needing treatment, to fill out the rolls so that the ACA won't lose money.

But of course the Democrats feel we're too stupid to accept this. Are we? I think the left is really smart and will accept anything. It's the stupid people on the right who think this is wrong. This country has become the savior of the world's poor. And it's because we are rich. And the only reasons we're rich is because we took it from the poor all over the world.

That's amnesty in a nut-shell.
Here's another fraud they feel we're too stupid to understand:

November 14, 2014
Obama to throw away $3 billion to the 'Green Climate Fund'
By Rick Moran

He may as well pile up $3 billion in cash on the White House lawn and set a match to it.


The administration will pledge $3 billion to help poor countries adapt to the effects of global warming, a White House official said Friday — the second high-profile announcement on climate change to come this week during President Barack Obama’s trip abroad.

The promised money for a multibillion-dollar Green Climate Fund will lend momentum to Obama’s hopes for reaching an international climate change agreement next year.

“It is in our national interest to help vulnerable countries to build resilience to climate change,” the White House official said. “More resilient communities are less likely to descend into instability or conflict in the aftermath of extreme climate events, needing more costly interventions to restore stability and rebuild. Building resilience also helps safeguard our investments in many areas, including food security, health, education and economic growth.”

The upcoming announcement will be timed to coincide with this weekend’s G20 summit in Australia. It comes just days before a Nov. 20 Green Climate Fund pledging conference in Berlin.

But the pledge will face major opposition from the Republicans who will control Congress’ purse strings starting in January.

“I think it would be hard to get that authorized right now,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who is expected to chair the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that oversees foreign operations. “I think it will be very difficult, given what’s going on in the world right now, to put that ahead of the fires that are burning all over the world.”

Sen. John Barrasso, chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, also cast doubt on Congress’ appetite for that kind of spending on Obama’s climate goals. “The best thing you can do in the developing world is to help people with a growing economy, and anything that the president does that makes energy more expensive in those areas hurts the economy and hurts that people that live there,” he said in an interview.

The big question, of course, is who would get the cash and how would it be spent? Apparently, major industrialized countries are not chipping in enough cash for th Fund to work, so the Fund managers are looking to the private sector to ante up. As you can imagine, there isn't much interest in throwing money away on projects that don't promise much of a return.

As of now, the Green Climate Fund is in a limbo of sorts. They expected governments to contribute about $100 billion a year, but current donations amount to only a small fraction of that.

It's just one more UN climate boondoggle that will waste taxpayer money on corrupt and incompetent bureaucracies - if the Republican s are dumb enough to approve it.

Read more: Blog Obama to throw away 3 billion to the Green Climate Fund
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Here's another fraud they feel we're too stupid to understand:

November 14, 2014
Obama to throw away $3 billion to the 'Green Climate Fund'
By Rick Moran

He may as well pile up $3 billion in cash on the White House lawn and set a match to it.


The administration will pledge $3 billion to help poor countries adapt to the effects of global warming, a White House official said Friday — the second high-profile announcement on climate change to come this week during President Barack Obama’s trip abroad.

The promised money for a multibillion-dollar Green Climate Fund will lend momentum to Obama’s hopes for reaching an international climate change agreement next year.

“It is in our national interest to help vulnerable countries to build resilience to climate change,” the White House official said. “More resilient communities are less likely to descend into instability or conflict in the aftermath of extreme climate events, needing more costly interventions to restore stability and rebuild. Building resilience also helps safeguard our investments in many areas, including food security, health, education and economic growth.”

The upcoming announcement will be timed to coincide with this weekend’s G20 summit in Australia. It comes just days before a Nov. 20 Green Climate Fund pledging conference in Berlin.

But the pledge will face major opposition from the Republicans who will control Congress’ purse strings starting in January.

“I think it would be hard to get that authorized right now,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who is expected to chair the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that oversees foreign operations. “I think it will be very difficult, given what’s going on in the world right now, to put that ahead of the fires that are burning all over the world.”

Sen. John Barrasso, chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, also cast doubt on Congress’ appetite for that kind of spending on Obama’s climate goals. “The best thing you can do in the developing world is to help people with a growing economy, and anything that the president does that makes energy more expensive in those areas hurts the economy and hurts that people that live there,” he said in an interview.

The big question, of course, is who would get the cash and how would it be spent? Apparently, major industrialized countries are not chipping in enough cash for th Fund to work, so the Fund managers are looking to the private sector to ante up. As you can imagine, there isn't much interest in throwing money away on projects that don't promise much of a return.

As of now, the Green Climate Fund is in a limbo of sorts. They expected governments to contribute about $100 billion a year, but current donations amount to only a small fraction of that.

It's just one more UN climate boondoggle that will waste taxpayer money on corrupt and incompetent bureaucracies - if the Republican s are dumb enough to approve it.

Read more: Blog Obama to throw away 3 billion to the Green Climate Fund
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Surely they know better...
I would say every piece of legislation they pushed through while they were a majority should be suspect and inspected.
We got some serious climate change here in Wisconsin for November. There's record snow up north and record cold across the state. Now that's what I call climate change... the climate, has changed... it's colder with more snow than normal.

Can I get some global warming here please?
I also honestly believe every payment made under these bills should be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Did they ever find out where the billions lost under Hillary's state dept. went?
This is all about redistribution of wealth. Basically, taking our money and giving it to others.


Carmen Gonzalez, who immigrated from Mexico in 1991, says that the cost to send money home has dropped from $12 to $5.

Some experts say more money could flow to countries like Mexico if Congress approves an immigration overhaul granting a path to citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, because studies have shown that legalization can lead to increased wages. Others argue that with legalization, many immigrants will invest more heavily in the United States, sending less of their income back to relatives.

The total remittance transfers sent across the globe from the United States in recent years are almost $50 billion annually, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, or roughly the equivalent of the government’s foreign aid budget. (Estimates by the World Bank suggest that the figure is significantly higher, close to $100 billion per year, according to Dilip Ratha, an economist who leads the World Bank’s remittances program.)

“Remittances may well be the best single way to foment development,” said Nancy Birdsall, the president of the Center for Global Development, a nonprofit research group in Washington. “It turns out that even a modest reduction in the cost of making remittance transfers adds up to a substantial amount compared to official aid.”

Do we really want to go down this road.
How many ways has this administration lied to the people.
Obama does it all the time and the Dems either don't give a shit
or they do but Obama is advancing their agenda so they are fine with the lies.
Personally I think it goes much deeper. Pockets are being lined as well as political coffers, all in an indirect fashion. Just my suspicions.
This is all about redistribution of wealth. Basically, taking our money and giving it to others.


Carmen Gonzalez, who immigrated from Mexico in 1991, says that the cost to send money home has dropped from $12 to $5.

Some experts say more money could flow to countries like Mexico if Congress approves an immigration overhaul granting a path to citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, because studies have shown that legalization can lead to increased wages. Others argue that with legalization, many immigrants will invest more heavily in the United States, sending less of their income back to relatives.

The total remittance transfers sent across the globe from the United States in recent years are almost $50 billion annually, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, or roughly the equivalent of the government’s foreign aid budget. (Estimates by the World Bank suggest that the figure is significantly higher, close to $100 billion per year, according to Dilip Ratha, an economist who leads the World Bank’s remittances program.)

“Remittances may well be the best single way to foment development,” said Nancy Birdsall, the president of the Center for Global Development, a nonprofit research group in Washington. “It turns out that even a modest reduction in the cost of making remittance transfers adds up to a substantial amount compared to official aid.”

The PJ Tatler Grubered Again Fifth Video of Liberal Mastermind Surfaces
Personally I think it goes much deeper. Pockets are being lined as well as political coffers, all in an indirect fashion. Just my suspicions.
This is all about redistribution of wealth. Basically, taking our money and giving it to others.


Carmen Gonzalez, who immigrated from Mexico in 1991, says that the cost to send money home has dropped from $12 to $5.

Some experts say more money could flow to countries like Mexico if Congress approves an immigration overhaul granting a path to citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, because studies have shown that legalization can lead to increased wages. Others argue that with legalization, many immigrants will invest more heavily in the United States, sending less of their income back to relatives.

The total remittance transfers sent across the globe from the United States in recent years are almost $50 billion annually, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, or roughly the equivalent of the government’s foreign aid budget. (Estimates by the World Bank suggest that the figure is significantly higher, close to $100 billion per year, according to Dilip Ratha, an economist who leads the World Bank’s remittances program.)

“Remittances may well be the best single way to foment development,” said Nancy Birdsall, the president of the Center for Global Development, a nonprofit research group in Washington. “It turns out that even a modest reduction in the cost of making remittance transfers adds up to a substantial amount compared to official aid.”


all the while they are SELLING us out to a bunch of Foreign counties and communist China.
Think about the couple of solar companies that went bankrupt, having never even started any production. One was a battery company...
there isn't ENOUGH jobs for us legal citizens. wake up people




On Friday, Vice President Joe Biden formally announced a new asylum program that will allow juveniles in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador to apply for refugee status from their home countries. And even some who do not meet the requirements may be admitted to the United States and be granted temporary work permits.
Those seeking asylum from those three countries—where most of the illegal immigrant juveniles who flooded across the U.S.-Mexico border originated—must be under 21 years of age and have parents who legally live in the United States, according to the Associated Press. Biden made the announcement before President Barack Obama reportedly will grant executive amnesty to five million illegal immigrants, including the parents of juveniles who have legal status in the United States.

ALL of it here:
Feds to Grant Central American Juveniles Asylum Temp. Work Permits
The Republicans are hardly innocent of lying.

Gas has been praised, the deficit was reduced through sequestration and the lack of bills passing. Ebola, I won't go into. Theywere caught with their pants down. Unemployment, well, if you know economics, you would realize that those numbers do not show the true picture. And his lies about obamacare, well, they are just that. He is lying. I am not listening to anymore. And we are talking about the actual Dems involved -not just the media and what they are saying.

Are Republican legislators saints? Of course not. Though I have never seen them stoop to the levels of deceit this admin and its cohorts have. One of their problems in the past has been offering too much info at times, in my opinion. I would take that any day over this.
The Republicans are hardly innocent of lying.

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