What else are Republicans getting away with?



Republicans have done their best to blame Obama for Ebola. But who or what has been the greater threat? The GOP or Ebola?

Republicans have blocked millions of Americans from getting health care. Their only recourse is going to the Emergency room. People go to their doctor when they start to get sick because they don't want to get really sick. They go to the Emergency Room when they get really sick. Many times, that is simply too late.

Do people remember C. Everett Koop? Richard H. Carmona? Regina M. Benjamin? Of course they do. These are previous Surgeon Generals. Historically, they are the link between the public and government during a health crisis. So where is the Surgeon General? Anyone? We have to have a Surgeon General, right?

Apparently Republicans don't think they do since they have blocked us from having one. In fact, there is a petition:
Tell the Senate to stand up to the NRA. CREDO Action
urging Republicans to let us have a Surgeon General with over 72,000 people having signed it so far.

“The federal official that should be leading the charge to educate the American people and medical establishment to keep us all safe is NRA-blocked surgeon general nominee Dr. Vivek Murthy,” the petition reads. “It is more important than ever that we have a level-headed surgeon general in place who can calmly communicate with the American people.”

Those are two huge whoppers the GOP has and is getting away with. Anything else?
Ebola is yours and Obama's there Mr Beaner.

Riddle me this- The CDC said the nurse should have never got on the plane even thought they authorized her to do so. Yet, people with the same symptoms can get on a plane and fly to JFK. WTF?

The gub has sidelined the plane, looking for passengers etc..... Yet? We do nothing about planes and people coming here from Liberia etc, saying that it would impact social response.


It's all about political correctness. Can't stop a bunch of Trayvon Martin or fatso from Furgeson type thugs (aka dirt nappers) from coming to the US

Good times no?


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