What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

Bannon worked at the Pentagon and served as an officer in our Navy. Subsequently, he made a fortune in the private sector. Bannon seems like someone we should aspire to be like.

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I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?
He's Republican for some that is all they need to make the claim of racist.
The editors are Jews. Brietbart was a Jew. Co founder is a Jew.

Then you have Milo. 'Nuff said :) not exactly who you would suspect would be working for a white supremicist.

Have you ever seen his Brietbart London editor? Black Muslim. Bannon personally hired him.

Strangest organization to be called racist and bigotted let alone anti Semetic.


But it's all the loons have left. And look how well all the name calling worked out for them in the last election.

It's all about the money and survival. Weren't there Jews that worked with the Third Reich?

Trump is the 2017 version of Hitler, he has his collaborators, and the Jews are the middle class, but it's not about ethnic cleansing, it's about money. Nothing that Trump will do will help the middle class, but it will support them enough to keep them holding on by their fingernails.
Why don't you make an argument that he isn't? Good luck!
So we should assume that everyone is a racist until it can be proven otherwise?

You just laid out the new rule that liberals made. Yes, they believe that everyone who is born white is a racist from birth. If you want to stop getting called a racist, there are steps you must take. Support BLM. Support giving reparations for what people who are no longer alive did to others who are no longer alive. Support nanny government. Support affirmative action and all other things that give preference to minorities. Support open borders. Support paying more in taxes for more welfare programs. Bash all cops, border guards and Republicans on a daily basis. If you take these steps, you will begin to atone for the unfair advantage of being born white. Until then, you are a racist.
I like being racist.

And there we have it.
It never seems to strike any of these sweet innocents as strange that they always come to the defense of
really hateful people. What possible reason could a thinking person have for standing with Steve Bannon?
What is his contribution to society that prompts you freaks to hold his water?

Why do you hate Bannon? Because you "heard" some things they did not set right with you if they are true? And because in your feeble brain they are just as like to be true as not be true, facts be damned, you opt to choose what best suits your sensibilities? Of course, I am assuming that you are not just some brain dead Leftist who believes whatever the leftist media tells him. I am affording you the benefit of the doubt because I do not know you. As such, I am going to assume merely that you are an unspectacular idiot.

Fact is, asking a leftist why they hate somebody is like asking a toddler to explain how to construct a thermonuclear device - blank stare and nothing of any substance revealed. Pathetic. Bannon served as a Navy officer. He is a veteran and he protected YOUR retarded seed. He later worked in the Pentagon. Not too shabby, eh? Then he went into the private sector and made a fortune. All in all, Bannon has a damn impressive resume'.

I will go farther and assert that, based upon what I know of the man, he has a strong spine and good moral character. He stands head and shoulders above the Obamas, Clintons, and Gores. "Racist"? Hardly. If I were a Muslim I would take off my shoe and throw it at you. Then I would retrieve my shoe and beat you like I was Rick James.

So cuddle up with your leftist fairy tale, Snoogums, if that is what you need to emotionally subsidize your day. But take my words with you into your dreams - You Suck as a thinking and feeling human being.

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I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

Oh don't forget they call him an Islamaphobe as well as a racist. Freaking idiots.

Here's part of a statement by Raheem Kassam who he hired to run Brietbart London.

Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’

by John Hayward17 Nov 2016256

In the course of hosting Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam stood up for departed Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon, who has been under sustained attack from the Left since becoming first Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and now chief White House strategist.
Kassam recalled how he was a 27-year-old with his own website when he met Bannon in late 2013.

From the article.

“No, Stephen K. Bannon is not an anti-Semite. Stephen K. Bannon is not a white nationalist. Stephen K. Bannon is not far right, or an extremist, or someone whose influence should be feared in the White House.

“Stephen K. Bannon is a family man. He’s a father. Stephen K. Bannon treats his staff like family. Stephen K. Bannon is a phenomenal business man, a history buff, a successful filmmaker, and more than anything, Stephen K.

Bannon is a true patriot.

“Stephen K. Bannon is the man who flew to London to hire me, this brown guy called Raheem Kassam from a Muslim family to run his London operation, and he’s now put him in the seat on his radio show.

“Swallow that, liberals. Swallow that, CNN. Swallow that, New York Times.
“And that’s all I have to say on the matter,” Kassam concluded."

Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’ - Breitbart
Bannon worked at the Pentagon and served as an officer in our Navy. Subsequently, he made a fortune in the private sector. Bannon seems like someone we should aspire to be like.

No thanks.

'progressives vilify conservative women because they’re not "a bunch of dykes' - Steve Bannon.

One sick fuck
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

Oh don't forget they call him an Islamaphobe as well as a racist. Freaking idiots.

Here's part of a statement by Raheem Kassam who he hired to run Brietbart London.

Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’

by John Hayward17 Nov 2016256

In the course of hosting Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam stood up for departed Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon, who has been under sustained attack from the Left since becoming first Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and now chief White House strategist.
Kassam recalled how he was a 27-year-old with his own website when he met Bannon in late 2013.

From the article.

“No, Stephen K. Bannon is not an anti-Semite. Stephen K. Bannon is not a white nationalist. Stephen K. Bannon is not far right, or an extremist, or someone whose influence should be feared in the White House.

“Stephen K. Bannon is a family man. He’s a father. Stephen K. Bannon treats his staff like family. Stephen K. Bannon is a phenomenal business man, a history buff, a successful filmmaker, and more than anything, Stephen K.

Bannon is a true patriot.

“Stephen K. Bannon is the man who flew to London to hire me, this brown guy called Raheem Kassam from a Muslim family to run his London operation, and he’s now put him in the seat on his radio show.

“Swallow that, liberals. Swallow that, CNN. Swallow that, New York Times.
“And that’s all I have to say on the matter,” Kassam concluded."

Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’ - Breitbart

Touting the company line.
a number of journalists remain, such as Katie McHugh, who support the core tenets of the racist Alt-Right. McHugh, a journalist with Breitbart since 2014, doesn’t shy away from her racist beliefs. As a 2015 Raw Story piece revealed, McHugh’s Twitter page is full of racist rants such as calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and stating, “Indian tribes never bothered to build any kind of civilization. They killed each other and chased bison. Yawn~” McHugh also follows a number of white nationalists on Twitter including RamZPaul, an Alt-Right YouTube sensation, English anti-Muslim activist Stephen Lennon and Andrew Auernheimer, a swastika-tattooed neo-Nazi hacker.

Is Breitbart.com Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

The left doesn't like him. That's all it takes for the corrupt media to slander a person.
Why don't you make an argument that he isn't? Good luck!

Man, that makes the point so much better than I could.

Ask a lib to support their vile lies, and you get told, prove the lies aren't true.

And we all know that no evidence would really be considered.

And by keeping the conversation on the "topic" of is the right racist? CONSTANTLY, they create the illusion to those who are not directly involved that their must be something to the argument.

It is a series of Logical Fallacies.

It has worked very well for a long time.

THe only cost is that you have to be a completely vile person.

Which is not a problem for all but a handful of liberals today.
a number of journalists remain, such as Katie McHugh, who support the core tenets of the racist Alt-Right. McHugh, a journalist with Breitbart since 2014, doesn’t shy away from her racist beliefs. As a 2015 Raw Story piece revealed, McHugh’s Twitter page is full of racist rants such as calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and stating, “Indian tribes never bothered to build any kind of civilization. They killed each other and chased bison. Yawn~” McHugh also follows a number of white nationalists on Twitter including RamZPaul, an Alt-Right YouTube sensation, English anti-Muslim activist Stephen Lennon and Andrew Auernheimer, a swastika-tattooed neo-Nazi hacker.

Is Breitbart.com Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?

Yes, well Islam is a race, no question about that... :eusa_whistle:

Standard Disclaimer: You don't HAVE to be a fucking retard to be a democrat, oh wait, yes you do..

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