What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

Why don't you quote some of his racist comments? Good luck!
Writing about Black Lives Matter, "What if the people getting shot by the cops did things to deserve it? There are, after all, in this world, some people who are naturally aggressive and violent."

Some people are naturally aggressive and violent.

And some people are naturally stupid. Edtheliar as case in point.
a number of journalists remain, such as Katie McHugh, who support the core tenets of the racist Alt-Right. McHugh, a journalist with Breitbart since 2014, doesn’t shy away from her racist beliefs. As a 2015 Raw Story piece revealed, McHugh’s Twitter page is full of racist rants such as calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and stating, “Indian tribes never bothered to build any kind of civilization. They killed each other and chased bison. Yawn~” McHugh also follows a number of white nationalists on Twitter including RamZPaul, an Alt-Right YouTube sensation, English anti-Muslim activist Stephen Lennon and Andrew Auernheimer, a swastika-tattooed neo-Nazi hacker.

Is Breitbart.com Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?


You use the fucking KLAN?

Dude, the SPLC is the most dispicable bunch of racists on the planet.
I see. It's not that there's a lack of evidence, it's just that you have some warped argument against every piece of evidence, mainly because you agree with him. So to the extent Steve Bannon is a racist bigot, you are too. That's fine. That's all you had to say.

What's the point of this thread again?
a number of journalists remain, such as Katie McHugh, who support the core tenets of the racist Alt-Right. McHugh, a journalist with Breitbart since 2014, doesn’t shy away from her racist beliefs. As a 2015 Raw Story piece revealed, McHugh’s Twitter page is full of racist rants such as calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and stating, “Indian tribes never bothered to build any kind of civilization. They killed each other and chased bison. Yawn~” McHugh also follows a number of white nationalists on Twitter including RamZPaul, an Alt-Right YouTube sensation, English anti-Muslim activist Stephen Lennon and Andrew Auernheimer, a swastika-tattooed neo-Nazi hacker.

Is Breitbart.com Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?


You use the fucking KLAN?

Dude, the SPLC is the most dispicable bunch of racists on the planet.
I see. It's not that there's a lack of evidence, it's just that you have some warped argument against every piece of evidence, mainly because you agree with him. So to the extent Steve Bannon is a racist bigot, you are too. That's fine. That's all you had to say.

What's the point of this thread again?

a number of journalists remain, such as Katie McHugh, who support the core tenets of the racist Alt-Right. McHugh, a journalist with Breitbart since 2014, doesn’t shy away from her racist beliefs. As a 2015 Raw Story piece revealed, McHugh’s Twitter page is full of racist rants such as calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and stating, “Indian tribes never bothered to build any kind of civilization. They killed each other and chased bison. Yawn~” McHugh also follows a number of white nationalists on Twitter including RamZPaul, an Alt-Right YouTube sensation, English anti-Muslim activist Stephen Lennon and Andrew Auernheimer, a swastika-tattooed neo-Nazi hacker.

Is Breitbart.com Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?


You use the fucking KLAN?

Dude, the SPLC is the most dispicable bunch of racists on the planet.
I see. It's not that there's a lack of evidence, it's just that you have some warped argument against every piece of evidence, mainly because you agree with him. So to the extent Steve Bannon is a racist bigot, you are too. That's fine. That's all you had to say.

What's the point of this thread again?

There's plenty of evidence. You just can't see the racist forest for the racist trees.

Let me ask you. What would be evidence to you ? A notorized photo of Steve in a Klan outfit ? Even then you'd be "that's just a joke ".
I see. It's not that there's a lack of evidence, it's just that you have some warped argument against every piece of evidence, mainly because you agree with him. So to the extent Steve Bannon is a racist bigot, you are too. That's fine. That's all you had to say.

What's the point of this thread again?

The Ku Klux Klan is not evidence. The Klan did not provide ANYTHING that Bannon said, they spewed their racist hate against some phantom "alt-right" a racist dog whistle for the hatred the left has for white people.

As if yet, none of you little Goebbels has offered ANYTHING "racist" or "anti-Semitic" from Bannon.

This his just more of your alt-left fake news. Slander and libel from the demagogue - sociopath party.
  • Jake Tapper on Twitter -- That is court testimony made under oath. Not casual conversation.
  • Ben Shapiro, a former employee of Bannon's:
    • Under Bannon’s Leadership, Breitbart Openly Embraced The White Supremacist Alt-Right. Andrew Breitbart despised racism. Truly despised it. He used to brag regularly about helping to integrate his fraternity at Tulane University. He insisted that racial stories be treated with special care to avoid even the whiff of racism. With Bannon embracing Trump, all that changed. Now Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with [Milo] Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers.
  • Breitbart explicitly sought to distinguish itself from "old school" racists. Great. That doesn't establish that they aren't racists, and leaves unaddressed the notion that they are a different kind of racist, a "new school" racist, much like David Duke, who, like Alt-Righters, is presumably smarter than your typical skinhead racist.

    What I find disingenuous about the Breitbart essay is that the "old school" racists I know of, the one's from Deep South, aren't skinheads. They are well to do, "preppy" types. The older ones were the judges, police chiefs, attorneys, shop owners, etc., all very "mainstream," so long as that means WASPs who live in nice neighborhoods and belong to nice clubs that don't admit blacks, Latinos, Jews, Asians, Arabs, Native Americans, and if they know about it, gays. Wives and mistresses may enter on selected shopping days and when accompanied by a member.
  • Here's evidence Steve Bannon joined a Facebook group that posts racist rants and Obama death threats
  • Nancy Pelosi is right: Steve Bannon is a white supremacist, and he's crafting federal policies now
  • Most tellingly, white supremacist groups approve of the guy. Now they know "their own" when they see it, why don't you recognize it too? Racists and the objects of their derision are equally capable of seeing a person for whom them are, especially the smart ones. Perhaps you are a member of the "old school" crowd -- racist or not -- that Breitbart had in mind?
Let me ask you. What would be evidence to you ? A notorized photo of Steve in a Klan outfit ? Even then you'd be "that's just a joke ".
How about him on video or audio saying that a specific minority is inferior?

Which, of course, is the actual definition of the term "racist".

I don't care for the guy for other reasons, but for all the use of such an important term, you really haven't followed through, have you?

It's like the PC zealots have a very specific and common Tourrette's tick: RACIST, RACIST

It really is a shame, how you folks have so diluted and trivialized such an important word.

There's plenty of evidence. You just can't see the racist forest for the racist trees.

Let me ask you. What would be evidence to you ? A notorized photo of Steve in a Klan outfit ? Even then you'd be "that's just a joke ".

How about something HE actually wrote, Herr Goebbels?

So shit on his website doesn't count because he didn't write it?

"I'm not a racist, I'm just their publisher !"
  • Jake Tapper on Twitter -- That is court testimony made under oath. Not casual conversation.
  • Ben Shapiro, a former employee of Bannon's:
    • Under Bannon’s Leadership, Breitbart Openly Embraced The White Supremacist Alt-Right. Andrew Breitbart despised racism. Truly despised it. He used to brag regularly about helping to integrate his fraternity at Tulane University. He insisted that racial stories be treated with special care to avoid even the whiff of racism. With Bannon embracing Trump, all that changed. Now Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with [Milo] Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers.
  • Breitbart explicitly sought to distinguish itself from "old school" racists. Great. That doesn't establish that they aren't racists, and leaves unaddressed the notion that they are a different kind of racist, a "new school" racist, much like David Duke, who, like Alt-Righters, is presumably smarter than your typical skinhead racist.

    What I find disingenuous about the Breitbart essay is that the "old school" racists I know of, the one's from Deep South, aren't skinheads. They are well to do, "preppy" types. The older ones were the judges, police chiefs, attorneys, shop owners, etc., all very "mainstream," so long as that means WASPs who live in nice neighborhoods and belong to nice clubs that don't admit blacks, Latinos, Jews, Asians, Arabs, Native Americans, and if they know about it, gays. Wives and mistresses may enter on selected shopping days and when accompanied by a member.
  • Here's evidence Steve Bannon joined a Facebook group that posts racist rants and Obama death threats
  • Nancy Pelosi is right: Steve Bannon is a white supremacist, and he's crafting federal policies now
  • Most tellingly, white supremacist groups approve of the guy. Now they know "their own" when they see it, why don't you recognize it too? Racists and the objects of their derision are equally capable of seeing a person for whom them are, especially the smart ones. Perhaps you are a member of the "old school" crowd -- racist or not -- that Breitbart had in mind?

Interesting that your own links refute the claims you cut and pasted (from KOS or another Soros Hate Site)

Alt-righters describe establishment conservatives who care more about the free market than preserving western culture, and who are happy to endanger the latter with mass immigration where it serves the purposes of big business, as “cuckservatives.”

Halting, or drastically slowing, immigration is a major priority for the alt-right. While eschewing bigotry on a personal level, the movement is frightened by the prospect of demographic displacement represented by immigration.

The alt-right do not hold a utopian view of the human condition: just as they are inclined to prioritise the interests of their tribe, they recognise that other groups – Mexicans, African-Americans or Muslims – are likely to do the same. As communities become comprised of different peoples, the culture and politics of those communities become an expression of their constituent peoples.}

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

So, not racist, not bigots, just hated by you of the Old Marxism.

So shit on his website doesn't count because he didn't write it?

"I'm not a racist, I'm just their publisher !"

First off, there was nothing "racist" among the HuffingGlue memes. Not a thing.

Secondly, none of it was from Bannon. You're just a monkey flinging poo, hoping some will stick. A typical Marxist, heart filled with hate, head filled with shit.
It's the fact he's white and he works with Trump, so he must be racist. Just like all black Democrats are racist. Makes no difference.
a number of journalists remain, such as Katie McHugh, who support the core tenets of the racist Alt-Right. McHugh, a journalist with Breitbart since 2014, doesn’t shy away from her racist beliefs. As a 2015 Raw Story piece revealed, McHugh’s Twitter page is full of racist rants such as calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and stating, “Indian tribes never bothered to build any kind of civilization. They killed each other and chased bison. Yawn~” McHugh also follows a number of white nationalists on Twitter including RamZPaul, an Alt-Right YouTube sensation, English anti-Muslim activist Stephen Lennon and Andrew Auernheimer, a swastika-tattooed neo-Nazi hacker.

Is Breitbart.com Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?


You use the fucking KLAN?

Dude, the SPLC is the most dispicable bunch of racists on the planet.
I see. It's not that there's a lack of evidence, it's just that you have some warped argument against every piece of evidence, mainly because you agree with him. So to the extent Steve Bannon is a racist bigot, you are too. That's fine. That's all you had to say.

What's the point of this thread again?

There's plenty of evidence. You just can't see the racist forest for the racist trees.

Let me ask you. What would be evidence to you ? A notorized photo of Steve in a Klan outfit ? Even then you'd be "that's just a joke ".

Don't know why you're yelling at me, I totally get that Bannon is an avowed white supremacist.
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There's plenty. Considering the backward trumpanzees outnumber the rational people on this board 10-1, you just have to read awhile to get through the blathering and see what intelligent people have to say.
I see. It's not that there's a lack of evidence, it's just that you have some warped argument against every piece of evidence, mainly because you agree with him. So to the extent Steve Bannon is a racist bigot, you are too. That's fine. That's all you had to say.

What's the point of this thread again?

The Ku Klux Klan is not evidence. The Klan did not provide ANYTHING that Bannon said, they spewed their racist hate against some phantom "alt-right" a racist dog whistle for the hatred the left has for white people.

As if yet, none of you little Goebbels has offered ANYTHING "racist" or "anti-Semitic" from Bannon.

This his just more of your alt-left fake news. Slander and libel from the demagogue - sociopath party.

LMAO @ calling us "little Goebbels." Yeah, I get what you're doing. Throw at them what they throw at you, just to take the sting out of it. It's like all you alt-right Trumpanzees get into a conference room together every morning to get on the same page.
LMAO @ calling us "little Goebbels." Yeah, I get what you're doing. Throw at them what they throw at you, just to take the sting out of it. It's like all you alt-right Trumpanzees get into a conference room together every morning to get on the same page.

You are a demagogue. You hurl slander and libel at the enemies of the filthy political party you serve. You are entirely uninterested in facts, you merely seek to harm the enemies of the Soros party. In reality you're worse than Goebbels, and more into the Pol Pot level of demagoguery. You hurl any and every epithet, without a hint of supporting evidence, then demand others "prove you wrong" when they correctly point out that you're a filthy fucking liar.

But it's all kewl, you serve your party and have not a shred or hint of integrity.

Party above all/

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