What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

LMAO @ calling us "little Goebbels." Yeah, I get what you're doing. Throw at them what they throw at you, just to take the sting out of it. It's like all you alt-right Trumpanzees get into a conference room together every morning to get on the same page.

You are a demagogue. You hurl slander and libel at the enemies of the filthy political party you serve. You are entirely uninterested in facts, you merely seek to harm the enemies of the Soros party. In reality you're worse than Goebbels, and more into the Pol Pot level of demagoguery. You hurl any and every epithet, without a hint of supporting evidence, then demand others "prove you wrong" when they correctly point out that you're a filthy fucking liar.

But it's all kewl, you serve your party and have not a shred or hint of integrity.

Party above all/

Please demonstrate where I "hurled slander and libel."

You know those are legal terms, right? And one of them is more prudent for spoken-word defamation.

Do you ROUTINELY not know what you're talking about or is today an off-day? Nevermind, I already know the answer to that. :asshole:
Don't know why you're yelling at me, I totally get that Bannon is an avowed white supremacist.
You "totally get" this based on etchings in your anus? You sure the fuck have offered NOTHING to support your claims here, Herr Goebbels.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.
Don't know why you're yelling at me, I totally get that Bannon is an avowed white supremacist.
You "totally get" this based on etchings in your anus? You sure the fuck have offered NOTHING to support your claims here, Herr Goebbels.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.
Don't know why you're yelling at me, I totally get that Bannon is an avowed white supremacist.
You "totally get" this based on etchings in your anus? You sure the fuck have offered NOTHING to support your claims here, Herr Goebbels.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.
Well, I'd sure love to see an example or two.

I take the word "racist" seriously. It means something very important, and it's a very serious charge.

Unfortunately, this important word has now been diluted and trivialized by over-use, so I now require more than a simple accusation.

Please demonstrate where I "hurled slander and libel."

You know those are legal terms, right? And one of them is more prudent for spoken-word defamation.

Do you ROUTINELY not know what you're talking about or is today an off-day? Nevermind, I already know the answer to that. :asshole:

A message board is not formally published. Though you write your defamatory lies, it may be slander rather than libel. No matter, you are a demagogue who mindlessly defames the enemies of your master's party.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.

So Islam is a RACE, Herr Goebbels? Kind of how Nazism was a race?


Fucking Sorosazis, dumb as piles of dogshit...
Don't know why you're yelling at me, I totally get that Bannon is an avowed white supremacist.
You "totally get" this based on etchings in your anus? You sure the fuck have offered NOTHING to support your claims here, Herr Goebbels.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.
You "totally get" this based on etchings in your anus? You sure the fuck have offered NOTHING to support your claims here, Herr Goebbels.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.
Well, I'd sure love to see an example or two.

I take the word "racist" seriously. It means something very important, and it's a very serious charge.

Unfortunately, this important word has now been diluted and trivialized by over-use, so I now require more than a simple accusation.

That's because overt racism is socially inappropriate in a greater number of circles. Promoting things that have demonstrably racist effects, like voter ID, abolishment of AA, charter schools (which steal funds from public schools in inner cities especially), abolishing hate crime legislation, etc, does not NECESSARILY make one racist. But when you run a magazine that promotes all of the above AND you, yourself, promote every single indicator of racism (and you believe Obama was born in Kenya) it's fair to call you a racist.
That's because overt racism is socially inappropriate in a greater number of circles. Promoting things that have demonstrably racist effects, like voter ID, abolishment of AA, charter schools (which steal funds from public schools in inner cities especially), abolishing hate crime legislation, etc, does not NECESSARILY make one racist. But when you run a magazine that promotes all of the above AND you, yourself, promote every single indicator of racism (and you believe Obama was born in Kenya) it's fair to call you a racist.

You've already demonstrated that you are so ignorant that you don't even know what "racism" is.

The opposition to the Soros plan of authoritarian socialism is hardly "racist," Herr Goebbels.
Don't know why you're yelling at me, I totally get that Bannon is an avowed white supremacist.
You "totally get" this based on etchings in your anus? You sure the fuck have offered NOTHING to support your claims here, Herr Goebbels.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.

1. Because Christian extremists are not killing us.

2. Because Third World peasants are not flooding across the Northern Border.

3. NOthing about the beliefs you cited are racist, for the reasons I just gave. You are full of it.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.
Well, I'd sure love to see an example or two.

I take the word "racist" seriously. It means something very important, and it's a very serious charge.

Unfortunately, this important word has now been diluted and trivialized by over-use, so I now require more than a simple accusation.

That's because overt racism is socially inappropriate in a greater number of circles. Promoting things that have demonstrably racist effects, like voter ID, abolishment of AA, charter schools (which steal funds from public schools in inner cities especially), abolishing hate crime legislation, etc, does not NECESSARILY make one racist. But when you run a magazine that promotes all of the above AND you, yourself, promote every single indicator of racism (and you believe Obama was born in Kenya) it's fair to call you a racist.
Thanks for the calm and civil response. I guess it depends on the perspective. But saying that Obama was born in Kenya simply isn't racist. It's not an attack on a race. Is it racial? Yeah, okay, but that's not the same thing. The other issues are pretty much boilerplate Republican stands, and still don't claim that a minority is inferior.

Here's my fear, in a nutshell, no pun intended: The word is so badly over-used now that it has become diluted, damn near a punchline. There's a lot of real racism out there, you bet. But when the word is thrown around as casually as tossing a Frisbee™, the bad guys win, because it loses its power. When it's used, I just wish it would be confined to something clear, tangible, provable.

Pet peeve.
You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere. No he's not. He's asking for proof he's racist. Put some human right's interest into providing evidence. Until then it's wishful thinking.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. I get it. The truth is "free-flowing".

Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border. Muslim is not a race. Perhaps they had reason. Ask socialized Europe, they'll tell you all about it. As for the fence, so what? That only implies racism if convenient for the narrative, and you're using it. Even then it wouldn't be racism, it would be bigotry at best.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? I know I know! What's geography & don't fix it if it aint broke for $1000.00?

He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs. Guess well have to take your word on that.
Why don't you quote some of his racist comments? Good luck!
Writing about Black Lives Matter, "What if the people getting shot by the cops did things to deserve it? There are, after all, in this world, some people who are naturally aggressive and violent."

He nailed that. Now answer the question. What has he said that is racist?
Why don't you quote some of his racist comments? Good luck!
Writing about Black Lives Matter, "What if the people getting shot by the cops did things to deserve it? There are, after all, in this world, some people who are naturally aggressive and violent."

Some people are naturally aggressive and violent.

It's like the Trump quote where he said Mexico is sending rapists and murderers over and people as dumb as Ed thinks that means all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Now he says BLM has aggressive and violent and the moron says wow, he said all blacks are aggressive and violent and no whites are.

It's pure stupidity
Why don't you quote some of his racist comments? Good luck!
Writing about Black Lives Matter, "What if the people getting shot by the cops did things to deserve it? There are, after all, in this world, some people who are naturally aggressive and violent."

Some people are naturally aggressive and violent.

And some people are naturally stupid. Edtheliar as case in point.

You just said all whites are naturally stupid, right? LOL, that's Ed's reading comprehension. Though its cool, bro, you said it about a white
No thanks.

'progressives vilify conservative women because they’re not "a bunch of dykes' - Steve Bannon.

One sick fuck

''progressives vilify conservative women because they’re not "a bunch of dykes'' - Steve Bannon.
A true statement if there ever was one, and you say HE is sick, you must be dead then. because this is something you do on a daily basis. Just post that you didn't post sexist, vile things about Sarah Palin, and lie like every thing you post.
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

Oh don't forget they call him an Islamaphobe as well as a racist. Freaking idiots.

Here's part of a statement by Raheem Kassam who he hired to run Brietbart London.

Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’

by John Hayward17 Nov 2016256

In the course of hosting Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam stood up for departed Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon, who has been under sustained attack from the Left since becoming first Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and now chief White House strategist.
Kassam recalled how he was a 27-year-old with his own website when he met Bannon in late 2013.

From the article.

“No, Stephen K. Bannon is not an anti-Semite. Stephen K. Bannon is not a white nationalist. Stephen K. Bannon is not far right, or an extremist, or someone whose influence should be feared in the White House.

“Stephen K. Bannon is a family man. He’s a father. Stephen K. Bannon treats his staff like family. Stephen K. Bannon is a phenomenal business man, a history buff, a successful filmmaker, and more than anything, Stephen K.

Bannon is a true patriot.

“Stephen K. Bannon is the man who flew to London to hire me, this brown guy called Raheem Kassam from a Muslim family to run his London operation, and he’s now put him in the seat on his radio show.

“Swallow that, liberals. Swallow that, CNN. Swallow that, New York Times.
“And that’s all I have to say on the matter,” Kassam concluded."

Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’ - Breitbart

Touting the company line.

Yeah but it is true you are pushing the daily shit lie for the never the truth corps.
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

Well when you're racist , you don't find much to be racist .

What would it take to rise to "racism " in your book?

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