What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

Bannon worked at the Pentagon and served as an officer in our Navy. Subsequently, he made a fortune in the private sector. Bannon seems like someone we should aspire to be like.

No thanks.

'progressives vilify conservative women because they’re not "a bunch of dykes' - Steve Bannon.

One sick fuck

The more you post, the less I like you and the more I see you are truly lost. You hate people who tell the truth.
Don't be a dick!
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.

"I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black which absolves me from any and all predjuidce."
One would have to assume that Bannon is not a racist after viewing the posts. Odd that we hear it so often on CNN and MSNBC.
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.

"I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black which absolves me from any and all predjuidce."

That's fucking a bullshit argument and you damn well know it.

Calling Bannon a racist is as fucked up as left wing loons calling Milo a white Supremacist.

On the bright side Milo just grabs the attention of whatever Media outlet labels him that by pointing out that as the OP was being written and rushed to press that he was a white nationalist he was getting drilled up the ass by his big black boyfriend in a hotel room.


Bottom line is it is the whacked out left making the charges. Prove them or shut the fuck up. Or better yet keep name calling.

It worked out so well for Democrats in the last election.
And here's my fave Milo and how he handled Glamour magazine. Bannon obviously cannot fight back this way considering his position.


"On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 12:40 PM, MILO <[email protected]> wrote:
Some kind of racist that just got railed for 18 hours in a hotel room by his black boyfriend. You fucking morons."


A short time later…

MILO: How I Forced GLAMOUR Magazine To Admit I’m Not A ‘White Supremacist’

MILO: How I Forced GLAMOUR Magazine To Admit I'm Not A 'White Supremacist' - Breitbart
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.

"I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black which absolves me from any and all predjuidce."

That's fucking a bullshit argument and you damn well know it.

Calling Bannon a racist is as fucked up as left wing loons calling Milo a white Supremacist.

On the bright side Milo just grabs the attention of whatever Media outlet labels him that by pointing out that as the OP was being written and rushed to press that he was a white nationalist he was getting drilled up the ass by his big black boyfriend in a hotel room.


Bottom line is it is the whacked out left making the charges. Prove them or shut the fuck up. Or better yet keep name calling.

It worked out so well for Democrats in the last election.

Yeah, whike you crying about it being fucked up is convincing. It still doesn't answer what is racist? You can't describe what racism looks like so asking for proof is silly since you don't even know.
My Mouth Is Shut, So You Can Read Steve Bannon's Words; He Runs America Now | The Huffington Post

Steve Bannon is one scary SOB. And now he is running the country (government) that he wants to destroy. He writes the EOs and his puppet, the Comrade signs them. Was Lenin a racist?


Stop being a drama queen. He's not running the country.

Everyone knows Bannon is writng the EOs. Trump didn't even know what he was signing. Trump is Reagan without the senility excuse.
My Mouth Is Shut, So You Can Read Steve Bannon's Words; He Runs America Now | The Huffington Post

Steve Bannon is one scary SOB. And now he is running the country (government) that he wants to destroy. He writes the EOs and his puppet, the Comrade signs them. Was Lenin a racist?


Stop being a drama queen. He's not running the country.

Everyone knows Bannon is writng the EOs. Trump didn't even know what he was signing. Trump is Reagan without the senility excuse.

Try fucking decaff buddy. You're in overdrive still trying to prove that Trump is too stupid to tie his own shoelaces and you come off looking like a moron.
If Bannon is "avowed", wouldn't there be something showing him "avowing" it?

Have you never read Breitbart?
Yes, it has been a purveyor of fake news since before the term was popular. Ahead of its time, so to speak.

I'm just asking for proof that he's a racist. Real proof of him saying that minorities are inferior.

You even took it a step further by claiming he's an "avowed" racist. That should be easy to prove.

So, prove it.

You're basically asking me to point to an instance of him saying "I am racist" somewhere.

Those dyed-in-the-wool Daniel Carver racists aren't the troublesome racists anymore. You know that. Bannon proposed the Muslim ban from specific countries, and he's also behind the push to build a wall on our southern border.

Ever wonder why he's not banning extremist Christians or pushing for a NORTHERN border wall? He's very outspoken and firm in his beliefs, which happen to be racist beliefs.
Well, I'd sure love to see an example or two.

I take the word "racist" seriously. It means something very important, and it's a very serious charge.

Unfortunately, this important word has now been diluted and trivialized by over-use, so I now require more than a simple accusation.

That's because overt racism is socially inappropriate in a greater number of circles. Promoting things that have demonstrably racist effects, like voter ID, abolishment of AA, charter schools (which steal funds from public schools in inner cities especially), abolishing hate crime legislation, etc, does not NECESSARILY make one racist. But when you run a magazine that promotes all of the above AND you, yourself, promote every single indicator of racism (and you believe Obama was born in Kenya) it's fair to call you a racist.
Wow. You essentially stated political positions that you disagree with are indicators of racism. Of course you think that he is a racist, disagreeing with you naturally makes one a racist.
  • Thanks
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Why don't you quote some of his racist comments? Good luck!
Writing about Black Lives Matter, "What if the people getting shot by the cops did things to deserve it? There are, after all, in this world, some people who are naturally aggressive and violent."

How is that, exactly, a racist statement? If I were to extrapolate your intent to make this a racist statement it would seem to me that you think criticism of any group identifying itself with a race is racist.
It's part of the smear campaign the left has been engaging in since Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS. No one in his administration or circle of friends (or anyone who has said a kind word about him) is exempt. They will go after anyone they deem friendly to Trump.

They never tell us what the term "racism" means in their books.
Trump and other politicians have to support the "Jewish state", a state with "Jews-only" migration and citizenship laws that does not register a marriage between Jews and non-Jews.

This support of an exclusive ethnocentric "Jewish state", created on the ethnically cleansed land, is never called "racism" by the lying media.

The activity of BLM and La Raza (The race) is never called racism by the "fighters against racism".

It seems that the word "racism" is today applied to label the perceived enemies of Globalists, and the white Christians happen to be these enemies.
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

Well when you're racist , you don't find much to be racist .

What would it take to rise to "racism " in your book?
Racism: The belief that another race is inferior.

I just asked for proof that Bannon is a racist, and calling me a racist is the best you can provide. Very impressive.

If you knew my ethnicity, and that of my family, and that of my extended family, you would be embarrassed. Or, maybe you wouldn't.

Trump supporters should be thanking you and people like you for your help in getting him elected. You are clueless. Grow up.
Last edited:
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

Well when you're racist , you don't find much to be racist .

What would it take to rise to "racism " in your book?

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
For people like this, "racism" is "any excuse I can use to call someone a racist, regardless of how little sense it actually makes".
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.
Screaming "racist" has worked extremely well for them for a long time, and they can't get themselves to see that they've jumped the shark with it.

Now, a terribly important word has been reduced to a fucking punchline.

But they don't care, because they were never trying to heal anything in the first place.
Wow, six pages and not one racist quote from Steve Bannon.

The best you have is an ex-wife making claims about him. We all know ex-wives never lie, right?

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