What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

I'll ask the OP the same thing I ask all people who want evidence of racism.

....What exactly is evidence that someone is a racist? Lmao...good luck.

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Lmao...got him!

How so?

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.

"I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black which absolves me from any and all predjuidce."

You are a moron.
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.

"I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black which absolves me from any and all predjuidce."

That's fucking a bullshit argument and you damn well know it.

Calling Bannon a racist is as fucked up as left wing loons calling Milo a white Supremacist.

On the bright side Milo just grabs the attention of whatever Media outlet labels him that by pointing out that as the OP was being written and rushed to press that he was a white nationalist he was getting drilled up the ass by his big black boyfriend in a hotel room.


Bottom line is it is the whacked out left making the charges. Prove them or shut the fuck up. Or better yet keep name calling.

It worked out so well for Democrats in the last election.

Yeah, whike you crying about it being fucked up is convincing. It still doesn't answer what is racist? You can't describe what racism looks like so asking for proof is silly since you don't even know.

I posted the dictionary definition for you.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that the dictionary definition doesn't help you know the meaning of a word?
Doesn't it seem odd to you that the dictionary definition doesn't help you know the meaning of a word?
We're 160+ posts into this thread with no examples..
Do you think any of them have even tried to find some thing to support their claims?
No, of course not. They're just parroting.

They've become so accustomed to scaring people with the "R" word that they have allowed their fundamental communication skills to deteriorate to this.

And they REFUSE to recognize how their nasty behaviors created part of the momentum that put Trump in the White House.
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

Well when you're racist , you don't find much to be racist .

What would it take to rise to "racism " in your book?
Ah, so now you are implying that those that do not see Steve Brannon as racist are also racist. nice!
Doesn't it seem odd to you that the dictionary definition doesn't help you know the meaning of a word?
We're 160+ posts into this thread with no examples.

Because you ignore the examples !

It's like a domestic terrorist who spends all day on pro isis webpages and reads pro isis propaganda and hangs out wh known terrorists . If I can't quote him saying "I hate America " , then there's no proof he's a terrorists ?
Doesn't it seem odd to you that the dictionary definition doesn't help you know the meaning of a word?
We're 160+ posts into this thread with no examples.

Because you ignore the examples !

It's like a domestic terrorist who spends all day on pro isis webpages and reads pro isis propaganda and hangs out wh known terrorists . If I can't quote him saying "I hate America " , then there's no proof he's a terrorists ?
Great. Show me the examples. As I said before, when I saw the thread, I assumed I'd see some.

Go ahead.
My Mouth Is Shut, So You Can Read Steve Bannon's Words; He Runs America Now | The Huffington Post

Steve Bannon is one scary SOB. And now he is running the country (government) that he wants to destroy. He writes the EOs and his puppet, the Comrade signs them. Was Lenin a racist?


Stop being a drama queen. He's not running the country.

Everyone knows Bannon is writng the EOs. Trump didn't even know what he was signing. Trump is Reagan without the senility excuse.

Try fucking decaff buddy. You're in overdrive still trying to prove that Trump is too stupid to tie his own shoelaces and you come off looking like a moron.

No shoelaces,..Bannon requires him to wear loafers. Oh, he took his belt also.

Pressures of the Job I guess.
Doesn't it seem odd to you that the dictionary definition doesn't help you know the meaning of a word?
We're 160+ posts into this thread with no examples.

Because you ignore the examples !

It's like a domestic terrorist who spends all day on pro isis webpages and reads pro isis propaganda and hangs out wh known terrorists . If I can't quote him saying "I hate America " , then there's no proof he's a terrorists ?

Ignoring the RW haters is a great idea...
Doesn't it seem odd to you that the dictionary definition doesn't help you know the meaning of a word?
We're 160+ posts into this thread with no examples.

Because you ignore the examples !

It's like a domestic terrorist who spends all day on pro isis webpages and reads pro isis propaganda and hangs out wh known terrorists . If I can't quote him saying "I hate America " , then there's no proof he's a terrorists ?

Ignoring the RW haters is a great idea...
So you don't have examples either?
The editors are Jews. Brietbart was a Jew. Co founder is a Jew.

Then you have Milo. 'Nuff said :) not exactly who you would suspect would be working for a white supremicist.

Have you ever seen his Brietbart London editor? Black Muslim. Bannon personally hired him.

Strangest organization to be called racist and bigotted let alone anti Semetic.


But it's all the loons have left. And look how well all the name calling worked out for them in the last election.

It's all about the money and survival. Weren't there Jews that worked with the Third Reich?

Trump is the 2017 version of Hitler, he has his collaborators, and the Jews are the middle class, but it's not about ethnic cleansing, it's about money. Nothing that Trump will do will help the middle class, but it will support them enough to keep them holding on by their fingernails.
Godwin's! Automatic fail.
Bannon worked at the Pentagon and served as an officer in our Navy. Subsequently, he made a fortune in the private sector. Bannon seems like someone we should aspire to be like.

No thanks.

'progressives vilify conservative women because they’re not "a bunch of dykes' - Steve Bannon.

One sick fuck
Have you HEARD the way liberals describe conservative women?
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

How do you not know anything about this by now?

Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

The White Nationalist Origins Of The Term 'Alt-Right' — And The Debate Around It

Listen To Steve Bannon Defending The Racist Alt-Right One Week Before Joining Trump Campaign | Right Wing Watch
Last edited:
I'll ask the OP the same thing I ask all people who want evidence of racism.

....What exactly is evidence that someone is a racist? Lmao...good luck.

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Lmao...got him!

How so?

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.

"I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black which absolves me from any and all predjuidce."

That's fucking a bullshit argument and you damn well know it.

Calling Bannon a racist is as fucked up as left wing loons calling Milo a white Supremacist.

On the bright side Milo just grabs the attention of whatever Media outlet labels him that by pointing out that as the OP was being written and rushed to press that he was a white nationalist he was getting drilled up the ass by his big black boyfriend in a hotel room.


Bottom line is it is the whacked out left making the charges. Prove them or shut the fuck up. Or better yet keep name calling.

It worked out so well for Democrats in the last election.

Yeah, whike you crying about it being fucked up is convincing. It still doesn't answer what is racist? You can't describe what racism looks like so asking for proof is silly since you don't even know.

I posted the dictionary definition for you.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that the dictionary definition doesn't help you know the meaning of a word?

I know the meaning...but I asked you what was proof of racism? Not what is the definition of it. I know words are hard and all but you dont have to be cocky and stupid.
The editors are Jews. Brietbart was a Jew. Co founder is a Jew.

Then you have Milo. 'Nuff said :) not exactly who you would suspect would be working for a white supremicist.

Have you ever seen his Brietbart London editor? Black Muslim. Bannon personally hired him.

Strangest organization to be called racist and bigotted let alone anti Semetic.


But it's all the loons have left. And look how well all the name calling worked out for them in the last election.

And lemme guess, you're one of these assholes who denigrates liberals for playing "identity politics"? And you think the fact that Breitbart was a jew and some on the staff are jewish disqualifies Bannon from being a racist or anti-semite?

As for Bannon, his ex wife swore under penalties of perjury that he said he didn't want their daughters going to school with Jews.

Yes, Steve Bannon Asked Why a School Had So Many Hanukkah Books

Want more evidence that Bannon and Breitbart are white-nationalist mouthpieces? Check out their own article that compares and contrasts their own "alt right" philosophy with neo-Nazism:

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

There are many things that separate the alternative right from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared), but one thing stands out above all else: intelligence. Skinheads, by and large, are low-information, low-IQ thugs driven by the thrill of violence and tribal hatred. The alternative right are a much smarter group of people — which perhaps suggests why the Left hates them so much. They’re dangerously bright.

Hear that guys? They're not Neo-Nazis! They're SMART neo-Nazis!

It's his ex wife for crying out loud. You better read my other posts where I completely lay out who he is happily surrounded by and devoted to.

"Some Jews" truly are you fucking kidding me? Orthodox. Bannon sets up Brietbart Israel. OMG how anti Semetic can he get?

Trump's son in law and daughter? Oh yeah. They're Orthodox but they must love to work with someone so anti Semetic and racist.

Oh and the racist Islamaphobe shit. Pffffffffft. Just because he hired a black Muslim to RUN Brietbart London....

Well that just seals the deal that he must be a racist.

You loons on the left are so fucked up now that anyone who disagrees with you is a deplorable racist and irredeemable.

By all means continue your bigotted bullshit because 2018 isn't that far off and you have a lot at stake.

So keep name calling. It worked so well in the last election after all.

It seems to me that a person's actions are far more important than things they may say. When asking for evidence that someone is a racist, things like "He used the Police Force to keep black people out of diners" is a LOT more convincing than, "This guy over here says he heard him say something once when he hit his thumb with a hammer'.
Why don't you make an argument that he isn't? Good luck!
That's not how things work dumbass. The man asked a fair question. If you don't have anything useful to add just stfu.
The fact that he had to so blatantly deflect is telling.

There's been plenty of examples posted. The fact that you haven't addressed them, and offer support to someone who has not addressed them either, is telling.

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