What exactly are you libs going to "get" by voting Hillary


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Other than social warrior bullshit? You ain't getting more jobs. Or more money. Or more safety.

What are you going to GET for it???
The satisfaction of saying you voted for a woman. That's all.
WHAT choice do they have? the party made sure they only have the Hitlery and that nobody commie lover, the 100 year old Bernie
The MSM will do it's job....that being to denigrate the R nominee at every turn (particularly if it is Trump), while doing all they can to make Cankles look presidential. (that will be tough to accomplish)..and of course refusing to report on all those skeletons in her very large closet.

Many Americans will be fooled.
Doesn't she just parrot what Bernie is saying now? You know, more free poo?

It beats the campaign slogan, "More of the same".
They won't get to vote for her. She will be indicted. The FBI is closing in.
They won't get to vote for her. She will be indicted. The FBI is closing in.
Indictments coming down any day now, any day.

Patriots vote for what they think is best for the USA not for what they`re going to "get". Don`t project your selfishness onto others. BTW, WTF do you goons expect to get from trump?
No one can answer it. I don't find this surprising in the least bit.
Speaking of, why don't you see any good Hillary threads? Is it because there isn't any good things to say? :dunno:
They are going to get four more years of obama because they believe the puppet masters of the media and think things are going great. Even though Hillary has to fix them. This all makes perfect sense to them because the Republicans are scary and evil.
Trump has a lot to offer, funny but his sell actually boils down to the same thing as Obama ran on; Hope. A hope that we can become the greatest nation in the world again, a hope that we can fix the various problems in all areas (education, VA, ISIS, immigration, the porous [aka poor ass] borders, trade agreements, police moral, the military's reputation, and the national reputation.) I'm not even sure why folks are surprised by Trump's rise.

If you listen to his speeches and watch his rallies, not just the tidbits, the man speaks "real" - he's not a politician, he's a real person, he's a "little person" vs the "elite" air that most politicians give off - and I've mentioned this before on here when I said that Obama speaks down to the people. I should stop watching his rallies honestly, he's winning me over with them when I'm trying to remain unbiased until the "main event" when he'll debate Clinton (or, not likely, Sander's.) Not a "Trumpet" yet, but I'm sliding.
What they'll get is the continuation of the oligarch ruling class - more wars, more body bags, more debt and so on. Hell, you might as well have nominated Jaime Dimon.
Other than social warrior bullshit? You ain't getting more jobs. Or more money. Or more safety.

What are you going to GET for it???

Better quality Supreme Court justices for one.

A president who doesn't insist protesters are ISIS or demand the US military commit war crimes for another.
Other than social warrior bullshit? You ain't getting more jobs. Or more money. Or more safety.

What are you going to GET for it???

Better quality Supreme Court justices for one.

A president who doesn't insist protesters are ISIS or demand the US military commit war crimes for another.

Ok I'll give ya SCOTUS appointees. That's a big one.

The other?? Jibberish. Isn't our current Commander in Chief committing war crimes by bombing places we aren't at war with and landing boots on the ground for combat actions in places we aren't at war with??

Hey....did you notice that when Obama ordered the Bin Laden operation the following are 100% true:
- We landed boots on the ground in a place we aren't at war with and aren't welcomed
- He had an unarmed brown minority shot dead that could've been taken alive?? Taser or tackle him or shoot in the knee

Why do you libs tolerate such actions from him?
Because libs will get the satisfaction of yet ANOTHER president sucking the cock of that Islam barbarism that makes these American-hating liberal pigs get all warm & wet downstairs. Liberals are soooo consumed with guilty, morally preening self-hatred I don't believe it's a coincidence that every guilty white liberal on this planet has a muslim penis in their piety-spewing mouths and another muslim penis wedged in their well-trafficked butt cheeks.
Because libs will get the satisfaction of yet ANOTHER president sucking the cock of that Islam barbarism that makes these American-hating liberal pigs get all warm & wet downstairs. Liberals are soooo consumed with guilty, morally preening self-hatred I don't believe it's a coincidence that every guilty white liberal on this planet has a muslim penis in their piety-spewing mouths and another muslim penis wedged in their well-trafficked butt cheeks.

I think this post is about as good as they come; and if I thought otherwise, I definitely wouldn't say so to William Munny.

As a rule, I believe that vulgarity and profanity detract from the message, but sometimes its just necessary---for proper emphasis. And if your're gonna use the genre for emphasis...you may as well go all out...and if you go all out...I don't think you can do better than "muslim penis in their piety spewing mouths"...to describe a Liberal.

I only disagree with one thing. Most "morally preening self-hatred" Liberals are not feeling Guilty...they are feeling Jealous. A few inherited etc. and feel guilty, but most are lazy-assed jealous pieces of shit...it ruins their day to see someone who is doing better than them...but they wouldn't dare get off their asses and do something about it themselves.

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